A two-line, proprietary Akkadian inscription of Mār-bīti-apla-uṣur is known from seven bronze arrow heads that are said to have come from Luristan; line one is written on one face, while line two is written on the other face. Some of the pieces are now in the Louvre (Paris); these were donated by M. Foroughi.
Access the composite text [/ribo/babylon5/Q006288/] of Mār-bīti-apla-uṣur 01.
(1) Foroughi - | (2) Foroughi - |
(3) Foroughi - | (4) Foroughi - |
(5) AO 25216 | (6) AO 25276 |
(7) AO 26247 |
Jamie Novotny
Jamie Novotny, 'Inscriptions', RIBo, Babylon 5: The Inscriptions of the Elamite Dynasty, The RIBo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2024 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ribo/babylon5/Rulers/Mar-biti-apla-usur/Inscriptions/]