Keywords Used by the RIBo "Babylon 3" Corpus

The catalogue of the RIBo "Babylon 3" Corpus uses a standardized set of keywords to describe the designation, popular name, object type, material support, and provenance of each inscription. They are listed here to help you search RIBo effectively.

Note: Catalogue searches are not case sensitive.

Designation (designation:)

This is the RIBo-assigned designation of the composite text. At present, one can search the corpus using the following criteria:

Sample search: designation:simbar-šipak_2.

Genre (genre:)

The only genre search option for this project is "royal_inscription"; note that the search displays all of the texts in the corpus.

Popular Name (popular:)

Few terms are included in the "Popular" modern designation of the compositions. In all instances on this sub-project, the "popular name" is the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia (Babylonian Periods) designation (format: RIMB 2 B.3.N.N). For the search to work, you must enter the full RIMB 2 designation. For example, to display Eulmaš-šakin-šumi 1 you can search for "popular:B.3.1.1".

Collection (collection:)

Middle and Neo-Babylonian royal inscriptions are housed in numerous museum collections around the world. The official texts of the Second Dynasty of the Sealand are found in the following collections:

Sample collection searches: collection:british_museum, collection:usa, collection:london. Any word(s) in the above list will return search results.

Exemplars (Museum, Registration, and Excavation Numbers; exemplars:)

The catalogue of this RIBo sub-project combines museum, registration, and excavation numbers into a single catalogue entry to avoid cluttered "detail" information in the Item View of composite texts that are known from more than one exemplar. Therefore, when searching our corpus by one of these numbers, you should prefix your search with "exemplars:", rather than with "museum_no:" or "excavation_no:". The following exemplar options will yield search results:

Note: If you do not know the exact number, you can simply search by the museum, registration, or excavation number prefix; e.g., "exemplars:bm".

Ruler (ruler:)

One can search the corpus by using one of the following ruler options:

Language (language:)

The only language search option for this project is "akkadian"; note that the search displays all of the texts in the corpus.

Period (period:)

The only period search options for this project are "Middle Babylonian" and "Neo-Babylonian."

Object Type (object_type:)

One can search the corpus by using one of the following object options:

Material Support (material:)

The only valid support search options are "clay" and "metal."

Provenance (provenience:)

Currently, there are five provenance search options. These are:

Glossary Abbreviations

Parts of Speech

The following abbreviations for parts of speech are used in the glossaries:

AJAdjective (including stative forms)
AV Adverb
DETDeterminative pronoun
DPDemonstrative pronoun
IPIndependent/anaphoric prounoun
MAModal adverb
MODModal, negative, or conditional
NNoun (including Akkadian stative forms)
PPPossessive pronoun
QPInterrogative pronoun
RELRelative pronoun
RPReflexive/reciprocal pronoun
SBJSubordinating conjunction
XPIndefinite pronoun

Types of Proper Noun

The following abbreviations for proper nouns are used in the glossaries:

ANAgricultural (locus) name
CNCelestial name
DNDivine name
ENEthnos name
FNField name
GNGeographical name
MNMonth name
ONObject name
PNPersonal name
RNRoyal name
SNSettlement name
TNTemple name
WNWatercourse name
YNYear name

Jamie Novotny

Jamie Novotny, 'Keywords Used by the RIBo "Babylon 3" Corpus', RIBo, Babylon 3: The Inscriptions of the Second Dynasty of the Sealand, The RIBo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2016 [/ribo/babylon3/UsingtheBabylon3Corpus/Keywords/]

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© RIBo, 2015-2016. RIBo is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-14.
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