Kaššû-nādin-aḫḫē, who may have been the son of the dynasty's founder Simbar-Šipak, sat on the throne after the death of the usurper Ea-mukīn-zēri and ruled Babylonia for three years (1007-1005 BC); he is the third and last ruler of this Sealand Dynasty. Although his family affiliation is mentioned in one chronographic source (the Dynastic Chronicle), his relation to the first ruler of the dynasty is not entirely certain since the name of Kaššû-nādin-aḫḫē rather is either a hypocoristic writing of the name Simbar-Šipak or the name of a different man altogether.
According to a kudurru (boundary stone) of the ninth-century king Nabû-apla-iddina [/ribo/babylon6/EarlyFirstMillenniumRulers/Nabu-apla-iddina/index.html], food offerings for the sun-god at Sippar had been discontinued during Kaššû-nādin-aḫḫē's reign because of famine; the offerings were reinstated in the time of his immediate successor, Eulmaš-šākin-šumi [ /ribo/babylon4/Rulers/Eulmash-shakin-shumi/index.html ]. The Dynastic Chronicle seems to indicate that Kaššû-nādin-aḫḫē was buried in his palace after his death; this is in stark contract to his predecessor, who was buried in the swamp of Bīt-Ḫašmar.
For further information on the inscriptions of Kaššû-nādin-aḫḫē, click here or the "Inscriptions" link to the left.
Browse Kaššû-nādin-aḫḫē Online Corpus [/ribo/babylon3/pager/]
Jamie Novotny
Jamie Novotny, 'Kaššû-nādin-aḫḫē (1007-1005 BC)', RIBo, Babylon 3: The Inscriptions of the Second Dynasty of the Sealand, The RIBo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2024 [/ribo/babylon3/Rulers/Kashu-nadin-ahhe/]