Nabû-šumu-libūr (1033-1026 BC)

The last ruler of the Second Dynasty of Isin [/ribo/babylon2/], Nabû-šumu-libūr, reportedly reigned for eight years (cf. Babylonian King List A [/ribo/KingLists/KingListA/index.html]). At present, only two sources dating to his reign -- a duck weight from Nimrud with a royal inscription and a legal text that records the acquisition of a plot of land by the governor of Nippur in his first regnal year -- are known. Neither these sources nor a (heavily damaged) passage in the later Religious Chronicle [] (mentioning portents during his reign) give his genealogy, and, therefore, it is not possible to determine if and how he was related to his predecessor Marduk-zēr?-x. According to Babylonian King List A [/ribo/KingLists/KingListA/index.html], his reign marked the end of the second Isin Dynasty; he was succeeded by the first ruler of the Second Dynasty of the Sealand [/ribo/babylon3/], Simbar-Šipak [/ribo/babylon3/Rulers/Simbar-Shipak/index.html].

For further information on the inscriptions of Nabû-šumu-libūr, click here or on the "Inscriptions" link to the left.

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Selected Bibliography:

Brinkman, J.A., A Political History of Post-Kassite Babylonia. 1158-722 B.C. (Analecta Orientalia 43), Roma: Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1968 (esp. pp. 45, 147-148 and 339-340 no. 11).

Brinkman, J.A., 'Nabû-šumu-libūr,' in: D.O. Edzard (ed.), Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie 9, Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 1998, p. 34

Frame, G., Rulers of Babylonia. From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC) (The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Babylonian Periods 2), Toronto et al.: University of Toronto Press, 1995 (esp. pp. 66-67).

Alexa Bartelmus

Alexa Bartelmus, 'Nabû-šumu-libūr (1033-1026 BC)', RIBo, Babylon 2: The Inscriptions of the Second Dynasty of Isin, The RIBo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2025 []

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