How to reuse RIBo material from Oracc

You are very welcome to reuse material from any RIBo Oracc subproject, as long as you abide by our project's licensing terms. Here we give some practical tips on how to do this most effectively online, but our suggestions are not meant to be prescriptive or exhaustive.

Licensing | Copying and pasting | Linking | Listing texts | Images and downloads

RIBo's licensing

The RIBo default license is the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license, described here. If you abide by this license you do not need to ask permission for reusing RIBo material. If you want to reuse RIBo material under different licensing terms, please email Jamie dot Novotny at lmu dot de and F dot Weiershaeuser at lmu dot de to make an enquiry.

You should be able to find details of copyright or licensing in the footer of the relevant page. Each project should also have a prominent link to its licensing terms, written in clear language. If you have any questions or problems about the copyright or license of an individual object, please contact the project director or send an email to Jamie dot Novotny at lmu dot de and F dot Weiershaeuser at lmu dot de.

Copying and pasting

The easiest way to reuse text from a RIBo portal site is just to cut and paste it into your own site, remembering to attribute it to the relevant RIBo (sub)project and (if appropriate) individual author. If you cannot find the project-specific guidance on how to give the attribution, please email Jamie dot Novotny at lmu dot de and F dot Weiershaeuser at lmu dot de for help.


RIBo uses a system of stable URIs, or Uniform Resource Identifiers [], for its pages, and elements of its pages. This means that if you link to a RIBo page, or part of a RIBo page, you can be confident that the link will not break.

Linking to a RIBo corpus

URIs are not always the same as the URL you see in the browser bar when you visit a RIBo corpus page. Use the instructions on citing Oracc URLs online in order to link to RIBo's corpus pages most effectively.

Linking to a RIBo portal

Linking to Oracc's portal pages is very straightforward: you can just copy the URL you see in your browser. You can link to any heading or subheading too, as they all have <a> tags attached to them automatically.

Listing texts

One of the most exciting features of RIBo URIs is that you can make your own lists of cuneiform texts from across the RIBo corpora—that is, you can make your own ad hoc RIBo corpus.

For instance, you can create a list of transliterations for a reading class, or collect together translations of texts that share a particular word or feature. Instructions are given on the citing RIBo URLs page.

Images and downloads

You are welcome to re-use images and downloads that have been created by RIBo subprojects, as long as you follow the appropriate licensing terms.

We recommend that you keep links to the originals on RIBo as well as, or instead of, hosting copies on your own site. That way you can be sure that your users have access to the most up-to-date versions.

Jamie Novotny

Jamie Novotny, 'How to reuse RIBo material from Oracc', The Royal Inscriptions of Babylonia online (RIBo) Project, The RIBo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2024 []

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© RIBo, 2015-. RIBo is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-17.
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