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A text inscribed on clay tablet fragments form Ashur is the best
preserved version of Aššur-dān's annals. Text no. 2 (see below)
represent a borken variant version of this inscription. Main topic of
the inscrtiption is the king regaining territory lost during the
earlier decades. The building section is dedicated to the works on the
"New Palace" at Batil.
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(1) Ist A 00019 (Ass 04312a + Ass 04489a + Ass 04585)
(2) Ist A 00039 (Ass 19086)
(3) VAT 09562 (Ass 10182)
1905 Andrae, MDOG 26 pp. 58 and 60 (ex. 1, provenance)
1922 Schroeder, KAH 2 no. 78 (ex. 3, copy)
1926 Weidner, AfO 3 pp. 151-61 (exs. 1-3, copy, edition)
1926 Luckenbill, ARAB 1 §337 (ex. 3, translation)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 p. 1 (exs. 1-3, study)
1976 Grayson, ARI 2 XCVIII 1 (exs. 1-3, translation)
1986 Miglus, MDOG 118 p. 216 (ex. 2, provenance)
1986 Pedersén, Archives 2 pp. 21 and 28 no. 30 and critical note
(ex. 1, provenance)
1991 Grayson, RIMA 2 pp. 131-135 A.0.98.1 (edition)
A clay tablet fragment from Ashur bears a broken text with a
version of the annals that differs from that on text no. 1.
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Source: VAT 08890 (Ass 04565k)
1968-69 Weidner, AfO 22 pp. 76-77 (copy)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 p. 1 (study)
1976 Grayson, ARI 2 XCVIII 1 (translation)
1986 Pedersén, Archives 2 p. 24 no. 93 (provenance)
1991 Grayson, RIMA 2 pp. 136-137 A.0.98.2 (edition)
Several clay cones from Ashur are inscribed with this text,
recording the works carried by Aššur-dān II on the Craftman's GAte at Ashur
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(1) VA Ass 02053 (Ass 10524)
(2) VA 05633 (Ass 10561)
(3) Ist A 03515 (Ass 10331 + Ass 10331c + Ass 10345)
(4) VA Ass 02054 (Ass 11518)
(5) Ass 10583
(6) VA Ass 02055 (Ass 10583)
(7) Ist A 03493 (Ass 10178)
(8) Ist A 03636 (Ass 19698)
(9) Ist A 03471 (Ass 09467)
(10) VA Ass 02057 (Ass 11327)
(11) VA Ass 02056 (Ass 11049)
(12) Ist A 03496 (Ass 10219 + Ass 10306)
1906 Andrae, MDOG 32 pp. 15, 18-19, and 24 (exs. 1-3, 5, 7, 12, provenance)
1913 Andrae, Festungswerke pp. 10 and 36 (exs. 1, 3-5, 9, provenance), 166 (ex. 1, copy, edition), and pl. XCV (exs. 1, 3-5, 9, 12, photo)
1926 Luckenbill, ARAB 1 §§349 and 351-53 (ex. 1, translation)
1926-27 Luckenbill, AJSL 43 p. 222 (ex. 1, study)
1967 Borger, HKL 1 p. 7 (ex. 12, study)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 pp. 1-2 (exs. 1-5, 7, 9, 12, study)
1976 Grayson, ARI 2 XCVIII 2 (exs. 1-5, 7, 9, 12, translation)
1982 Rost, FuB 22 nos. 29-34 (exs. 1-2, 4-6, 10-11, copy, study)
1984 Donbaz and Grayson, RICCA nos. 121-24 (exs. 3, 7, 9, 12, study)
1991 Grayson, RIMA 2 pp. 137-138 A.0.98.3 (edition)
Two fragments of clay cones which adorned the courtyard of the
Aššur Temple at Ashur are inscribed with a dedication to the god.
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(1) Ist A 03381 (Ass 03127)
(2) Ist A 03442 (Ass 06276 + Ass 06311)
(3) VA Ass 02105
(4) VA Ass 02107
1905 Andrae, MDOG 26 p. 25 (ex. 1, provenance)
1911 Messerschmidt, KAH 1 no. 20 (ex. 1, copy)
1926 Luckenbill, ARAB 1 §§349 and 354 (ex. 1, translation)
1973 Schramm, EAK 2 p. 2 (ex. 1, study)
1976 Grayson, ARI 2 XCVIII 3 (ex. 1, translation)
1984 Donbaz and Grayson, RICCA nos. 125 (ex. 1, study) and 280 (ex. 2, copy)
1991 Grayson, RIMA 2 pp. 139 A.0.98.4 (edition)
This short text is preserved on three clay bricks from the city wall at Ashur, near to the Craftsman's Gate. As such, they provide proof that Aššur-dān reconstructed that gate, as he records in text no. 3 []. A clay cone, also from Ashur, is inscribed with the exact same text, but with one minor orthographic variant in the first line.
[Poppy Tushingham]
Access the composite text [] of Aššur-dān II 05.
(1) VA Ass 04299b (Ass 10346)
(2) Ass 10347
(3) VA Ass 04299a (Ass 10348)
(4) Ist A 03475 (Ass 09891)
1906 Andrae, MDOG 32 pp. 19-20 (exs. 1-3, provenance, edition)
1913 Andrae, Festungswerke p. 30 (exs. 1-3, provenance, edition)
1922 Schroeder, KAH 2 no. 82 (exs. 1-3, copy)
1926 Luckenbill, ARAB 1 §§349-50 (exs. 1-3, translation)
1926 Weidner, AfO 3 p. 151 n. 1 (ex. 4, study)
1976 Grayson, ARI 2 XCVIII 4 (exs. 1-4, translation)
1984 Donbaz and Grayson, RICCA no. 126 (ex. 4, copy, edition)
1984 Marzahn and Rost, Ziegeln 1 nos. 268-69 (exs. 1, 3,
1991 Grayson, RIMA 2, pp. 140 A.0.98.5 (edition)
This two-line inscription is written on a clay cone found at Kilīzu (modern
Qasr Shemamok). The current whereabouts of object are not known, but it may be in the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze (Florence).
[Poppy Tushingham]
Access the composite text [] of Aššur-dān II 06.
Furlani, Rendiconti 6/9 pp. 685–690
1933 Furlani, Rendiconti della R. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche Ser. 6 Vol. 9 pp. 685-90 (photo, copy, edition)
1976 Grayson, ARI 2 XCVIII 5 (translation)
1991 Grayson, RIMA 2, pp. 140-1 A.0.98.6 (edition)
A small fragment of a clay cone from Ashur preserves the beginnings of two lines of an inscription. While it could be a duplicate of text no. 4 [], the lengths of the lines do not match and, therefore, it is uncertain if the text should be attributed to Aššur-dān II.
[Poppy Tushingham]
Access the composite text [] of Aššur-dān II 1001.
Source: Ist A 03439 (Ass 05998)
1984 Donbaz and Grayson, RICCA no. 127 (copy, edition)
1991 Grayson, RIMA 2, pp. 141 A.0.98.1001 (edition)