This page contains links to download RIAo files. This is the public repository for RIAo and all of the data here is distributed under the CC0 or Public Domain license.
For a list of files for download, click here [/riao/downloads/].
Periodically, a catalogue of texts will be uploaded to this page, thereby making metadata of composite texts publicly available. The catalogue will be downloadable in three formats: FileMaker Pro (FMP), Microsoft Excel (XLSX), and Comma Separated Values (CSV). Tie catalogue is also available in JSON format; the catalogue.json
and cat.geojson
files can be downloaded from the JSON links below.
For further information on Oracc Open Data, click here [].
Click on the link below to download the most recent RIAo JSON export. [Note that the JSON files housed on the downloads [/riao/downloads/] page might not be the most up-to-date version of the RIAo dataset.]
A TEI version of the RIAo corpus can be downloaded from the downloads page. Click on the link below to access the RIAo downloads page. The file name of each TEI ZIP file contains the date that the dataset was generated. For example, file was created on August 23rd, 2019.
TEI versions of individual texts can be accessed via the
link in the left-hand Outline Pane of the Text Item
Mode of the RIAo pager.
Alternatively, the TEI pages can be accessed directly by entering the TEI output URL. For example:
For further information on Canonical ATF (C-ATF) format, click here [].
Click on the link below to download the most recent RIAo C-ATF transliterations. [Note that the C-ATF file housed on the downloads [/riao/downloads/] page might not be the most up-to-date version of the RIAo dataset.]
Jamie Novotny
Jamie Novotny, 'RIAo Downloads', The Royal Inscriptions of Assyria online (RIAo) Project, The RIAo Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2019 []