Aššur-bel-kala 02
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
ii | Lacuna | |
i 1'1' | [...].MEŠ ḫa-[...] | (i 1') (Too broken for translation) |
i 2'2' | [DUMU da-šur]-SAG-i-⸢ši⸣ [MAN KIŠ MAN dan-ni MAN KUR da-šur] | (i 2') [Son of Aššur]-rēša-iš[i (I), king of the world, strong king, king of Assyria], subduer of [the insubmissive ...]; |
i 3'3' | [mu]-⸢šék⸣-niš [la ma-gi-ri ...] | |
i 4'4' | [DUMU] mu-tàk-kil-dnusku [MAN KIŠ MAN dan-ni MAN KUR da-šur-ma] | (i 4') [Son of] Mutakkil-Nusku, [(who was) also king of the world, strong king, king of Assyria], his priestly progeny [...] the king of kings, the lord of lords, [...], the eternal royal seed, [...]. |
i 5'5' | ||
i 6'6' | ||
i 7'7' | NUMUN da-ru-ú ša ⸢LUGAL?⸣-[ti? ...] | |
i 8'8' | i-na šur-ru MAN-ti-ia [i-na maḫ-re-e BALA-ia ša i-na GIŠ.GU].⸢ZA?⸣ [MAN-te ra-bi-iš ú-ši-bu] | (i 8') In my accession year [(and) in my first regnal year, after I sat on the thro]ne of [(my) royal majesty in a grandiose manner], with the exalted strength [of (the god) Aššur, my lord, who goes before me, with the ... of the god Ninurta], who goes at my right hand, with the martial spirit of the god Ad[ad, who goes at my left hand], I [mustered] my chariots and troops. Difficult roads [...] which for the passage of [my] chariots and troops were not suitable, routes which were impassable, whose barriers even the [winged] birds of the sky could not pass, the barriers through which no king or ruler who came before me had marched [...] I took that road. Mounts Ḫini[... and] Yātkun, [their rugged] paths [and] difficult [passes], the terraces of their mountains — with bronze picks, I hacked out a good way for the passage of my chariotry. I marched right through those mountains. I crossed over the [...]ubda (and) Samanuna Rivers. [I entered the land Urarṭu (Uruaṭri)]. |
i 9'9' | i-na e-mu-qe ṣi-ra-a-⸢te⸣ [ša da-šur EN-ia a-lik pa-ni-ia i-na? ... ša dnin-urta] | |
i 10'10' | a-lik im-ni-ia i-na lìb-be qar-di ša d⸢IŠKUR⸣ [a-lik šu-me-li-ia?] | |
i 11'11' | GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ù ERIM.ḪI.A.MEŠ-ia ⸢ad⸣-[ke ger]-⸢ri⸣.MEŠ pa-áš-qu-te [...] | |
i 12'12' | ⸢ša⸣ a-na me-tiq GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ ù ERIM.[ḪI.A.MEŠ la-a ša]-ak-[nu] ⸢pìr⸣-ke la-a e-ti-[qu] | |
i 13'13' | pe-re-ek-šu-un MUŠEN.MEŠ AN-e [mut-tap-ri-šu-te] la-a e-ti-qu pe-⸢rík⸣-[šu-un] | |
i 14'14' | ša LUGAL ia-um-ma NUN-ú [a-lik] ⸢pa-ni⸣-ia ⸢la⸣-a il-li-ku a-x-[...] | |
i 15'15' | ger-ra šu-a-tu aṣ-bat KUR.ḫi-ni-[... KUR].ia-a-at-ku-un ITI.MEŠ-[šu-nu mar-ṣu-te né-re-be-te] | |
i 16'16' | pa-áš-qa-te si-mi-la-at KUR-šu-nu [i]-na ak-kúl-lat ZABAR lu ⸢aḫ⸣-[si] | |
i 17'17' | a-na me-tiq GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ-ia ú-ṭí-ib ⸢ḫur?⸣-[ša]-ni.MEŠ ša-⸢tu⸣-[nu] a-na pér-ke ab-bal-kit | |
i 18'18' | ⸢ÍD⸣.x-x-ub-da ÍD.sa-ma-nu-na lu-ú e-⸢bir⸣ a-na qé-⸢reb⸣ [KUR.ú-ru-aṭ-ri e-ru-ub] | |
i 19'19' | (i 19') The cities Quqiaba, Amuraška, Dunaša[...], Eridun, Ištayaun, Ikkia, [...], Susuku, Šallagidu, Tarraba, Zurzura, [...], Ligunu, Iškutnu, Elida, Ištamnia, Ara[...], Arinun, Sasalḫia, Ḫaruru, [...]siuru, Panirasu, Pani[..., Ḫi]rištu, Ulmiš, Nabala, [...], Ḫippu, Ḫararia, Aparunu, [...], Ziqunu, Ḫardia, Elaquš, [...]alu, Yabliunu, [...i]ltu, GEŠTINna, BARgun, [...], Yabliunu, [...], all of the cities of [...] their booty, possessions [...] their cities [I burned with fire ...] I covered [with ...] cities, villages, [...], on the bank of the Ḫariya River, [...] | |
i 20'20' | ||
i 21'21' | URU.su-su-ku URU.šal-la-gi-du URU.tar-ra-ba URU.zur-zu-ra [...] | |
i 22'22' | URU.li-gu-nu URU.iš-ku-ut-nu URU.e-li-da URU.iš-ta-am-ni-a URU.a-ra-[...] | |
i 23'23' | ||
i 24'24' | ||
i 25'25' | ||
i 26'26' | ||
i 27'27' | ||
i 28'28' | ||
i 29'29' | ||
i 30'30' | [URU....] x URU.ia-ab-li-ú-nu URU.x-[...] | |
i 31'31' | [...]-ku ⸢ki⸣ nap-ḫar URU.MEŠ-ni ša x [...] | |
i 32'32' | [...] x šal-la-su-nu bu-ša-⸢šu⸣-[nu ...] | |
i 33'33' | [...] URU.MEŠ-ni-šu-nu i-na ⸢IZI⸣ [áš-ru-up ...] | |
i 34'34' | [...]-x-zi ú-tam-me-⸢er?⸣ [...] | |
i 35'35' | [...] URU.MEŠ-ni kap-ra-a-⸢ni⸣ [...] | |
i 36'36' | [...] GÚ ⸢ÍD⸣.ḫa-ri-ia [...] | |
Lacuna | ||
Column ii | ||
iiii | Lacuna | |
ii 1'1' | [...]-⸢ḫi?-i?⸣ [x] x-sa-ni-šu [...] | (ii 1') [...] ... progeny [... Aš]šur-etellu, the son of the king, the son of Sa[...] them. [I cut off] their heads [...]. |
ii 2'2' | [...] šum?-šu-[x] KI NUMUN?.MEŠ a-⸢na?⸣ [...] | |
ii 3'3' | ||
ii 4'4' | [...] ⸢šu?⸣-nu-te SAG.DU.MEŠ-te-šu-⸢nu⸣ [...] | |
ii 5'5' | [(...)] ša-nu-te-ia a-na KUR.má-⸢ri⸣ [...] | (ii 5') [(...) I marched] to the land Mar[i] for a second time [...]. The kings of the people of the city Qatnu, the king(s) [of ...] the family whose fathers [...], his [...] and his wives [...] at the edge of the plain [...] together with his brothers [...] |
ii 6'6' | [(...)] LUGAL.MEŠ URU.qat-na-a-ia.MEŠ ⸢LUGAL?⸣ [...] | |
ii 7'7' | [...]-⸢bil?⸣ ki-im-te ša ab-ba-⸢ú?⸣ [...] | |
ii 8'8' | [...] x-šu ù DAM?.MEŠ-šu la x [...] | |
ii 9'9' | ||
ii 10'10' | [...] a-di ŠEŠ.MEŠ-šu x [...] | |
ii 11'11' | [...] x x x [...] | |
Lacuna | ||
Column iii | ||
iiiiii | Lacuna | |
iii 1'1' | ib x [...] | (iii 1') ... [...] which [...] to [...] were placed [...]. With the exalted strength [of (the god) Aššur, my lord, ... I fought] with them [...] extensive [...] of the land [...] troops [...] I conquered him. I carried off his booty, [possessions, ...] extensive [booty. I …] the corpses of [his] warriors, [filled] the hollows and ravines [of the mountains] with their blood, [...] the heads of the troops, the weapons [...], him, I flayed in the house of ... [... (and) impaled his corpse] on a stake. [I made] a colossal statue of my royal majesty (and) wrote thereon (a description of) the victories of my royal majesty [...]. |
iii 2'2' | ša x [...] | |
iii 3'3' | a-na e-nu-[...] | |
iii 4'4' | ||
iii 5'5' | ||
iii 6'6' | it-te-šu-nu ⸢lu⸣ [am-da-ḫi-iṣ ...] | |
iii 7'7' | ma-ʾa-at-ta ša ⸢KUR⸣.[...] ⸢ERIM⸣.ḪI.A.MEŠ ⸢lu⸣ [... URU....] | |
iii 8'8' | ak-šu-su šal-la-su [bu-ša-šu ... ḫu-ub-ta] ⸢ma⸣-a-da lu áš-⸢lu⸣-[ul] | |
iii 9'9' | šal-ma-at qu-ra-⸢di⸣-[šu ...] | |
iii 10'10' | ||
iii 11'11' | SAG.DU.MEŠ ERIM.MEŠ GIŠ.TUKUL.⸢MEŠ⸣ [...] x li li ri du x [...] | |
iii 12'12' | šu-a-tu i-na É a-sa-[... lu] a-ku-uṣ i-na ⸢ga⸣-[ši-ši? ... ú-za-qi-ip?] | |
iii 13'13' | ||
iii 14'14' | i-na qer-bi-šu al-⸢ṭu⸣-[ur ...] | |
iii 15'15' | (iii 15') [I marched] to the land Ḫimme for a second time (and) I conquered [...] of the land BARgun. [I carried off gold], silver, (and) his booty (and) [possessions]. I entered [...]. I [traversed] Mount Ḫirua (and) marched [to the city] Uruniaš of the land [Ḫimme], which is situated in the heart of the mountains, [rugged mountains that] were impassable [for] my [chariots]. I [surrounded] that city [(and) conquered it]. I brought forth [its booty and possessions without] number (and) [burned with fire] that city. [I made a statue of my royal majesty (and) wrote thereon] (a description of) the victories of my royal majesty. [...]. | |
iii 16'16' | ša KUR.BAR-gu-un ak-⸢šud?⸣ [KÙ.GI?] ⸢KÙ⸣.BABBAR šal-la-su ⸢bu⸣-[ša-šu lu áš-lu-ul a-na ...] | |
iii 17'17' | e-ru-ub KUR.ḫi-ru-a ⸢ab⸣-[bal-kit URU].⸢ú⸣-ru-ni-áš ša ⸢KUR⸣.[ḫi-im-me] | |
iii 18'18' | ša i-na na-gab KUR-e ⸢na⸣-[du ... a-na me-tiq GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ]-⸢ia⸣ la na-ṭu-ú | |
iii 19'19' | al-lik URU šu-a-tu ⸢al⸣-[mi ak-šud šal-la-su bu-ša-šu a-na la mi]-na | |
iii 20'20' | ú-še-ṣi-a URU šu-[a-tu i-na IZI áš-ru-up ṣa-lam MAN-ti-ia DÙ-uš] | |
iii 21'21' | ||
iii 22'22' | i-na 4-te ša-at-te ⸢ša i-na⸣ [GIŠ.GU.ZA LUGAL-te ú-ši-bu ...] | (iii 22') In the fourth year after [I sat on the throne of (my) royal majesty], I made [a statue of my royal majesty] in gold (and) erected (it) [in Ešarra, the house of my succor, before (the god) Aššur, my lord]. When [the ..., which] a ruler who came before [me had built, became dilapidated, I built (it) in i[ts eternity ...]. |
iii 23'23' | ||
iii 24'24' | ú-še-zi-iz i-na [...] | |
iii 25'25' | ||
iii 26'26' | a-na si-ḫír-ti-⸢šu⸣ [...] | |
iii 27'27' | KASKAL.MEŠ-at KUR.a-⸢ri⸣-[me ma-da-a-te za-i-ru-ut aš-šur ša i-na KUR ...] | (iii 27') On [numerous] campaigns against the land of the Ar[ameans, I continually plundered [...] the enemies of (the god) Aššur, who in the land ...]. |
iii 28'28' | aḫ-tab-ba-tu [...] | |
iii 29'29' | dMAŠ ù d[IGI.DU šá SANGA-ti i-ra-mu bu-ʾu-ur EDIN ú-šá-at-li-mu-nim-ma e-peš bu-ʾu-ri iq-bu-nim-ma] | (iii 29') The gods Ninurta and [Nergal, who love my priesthood, gave to me the wild beasts and commanded me to hunt]. 300 lions [... with my fierce] valor [...] 6 strong [wild] virile [bulls] with horns [... from my ... chariot] and on [my swift] feet, [in my] second regnal year, [... with my] sharp [arrows], I [... The remainder of the numerous animals] and the winged birds of the sky, [wild game that I had acquired, their names are not written with these] animals, [their numbers are not written with these numbers], |
iii 30'30' | 5 šu-ši UR.⸢MAḪ⸣.[MEŠ ... i-na me-ziz] ⸢qar⸣-du-⸢ti⸣-[ia ...] | |
iii 31'31' | 6? pu-ḫal ⸢GU₄⸣.[MEŠ dan]-⸢nu⸣-te šu-ut qar-ni x [... i-na GIŠ.GIGIR-ia? (...)] | |
iii 32'32' | ù i-na GÌR.[II-ia la-as-ma-ti i-na] ša-ni-im-ma ⸢BALA⸣-[ia ... i-na mul-mu-li-ia] | |
iii 33'33' | na-aḫ-ZU-te ú-x-[... si-te-et ú-ma-a-me ma-aʾ-di?] | |
iii 34'34' | ù MUŠEN.⸢MEŠ⸣ AN-e mut-tap-⸢ri⸣-[ša bu-ʾu-ur EDIN ep-še-et qa-ti-ia] | |
iii 35'35' | ||
Lacuna |
Based on A. Kirk Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC I (1114-859 BC) (RIMA 2), Toronto, 1991. Adapted by Jamie Novotny (2015-16) and lemmatized and updated by Nathan Morello (2016-17) for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation-funded OIMEA Project at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as http://oracc.org/riao/Q005983/.