Appendix to Charlotte Diffey et al., "Cropping the Margins: New Evidence for Urban Agriculture at Mid-Third Millennium BC Tell Brak, Syria", IRAQ 85 (2023)

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Supplementary Table 1

The number of samples from the TC oval assemblage selected for crop stable isotope analysis, by crop species and room number

Room Species No. of Samples
6 Hulled barley 1
8 Hulled barley 2
8 Small barley 1
9 Hulled barley 2
9 Small barley 1
9 Emmer wheat 1
9 Small wheat 1
12 Hulled barley 5
12 Small barley 2
12 Emmer wheat 5
12 Small wheat 2
13 Hulled barley 1
16 Hulled barley 10
16 Small barley 5
17 Hulled barley 1
17 Emmer wheat 1
Total 41

Supplementary Table 2

The average δ13C values and standard deviations of standards in the carbon run

Standard Average Standard deviation
Alanine -27.21 0.07
CH6 -10.45 0.06
CH7 -32.15 0.05

Supplementary Table 3

The average δ15N values and standard deviations of standards in the nitrogen run

Standard Average Standard deviation
Alanine -1.68 0.35
Caffeine -2.9 0.07
N2 20.3 0.18

Supplementary Table 4

Summary of archaeobotanical results by room, weed/wild taxa are ordered alphabetically by plant family

Room No. 4 6 8 9 12 13 16 17 18 Ncy TCH
Taxa Plant part
Hordeum vulgare var. vulgare L. Grain 1064 302 54865 3835 18754 276 473910 9996 21 406 200
Hordeum vulgare var. vulgare L. Rachis 32 16 304 830 4 40 16
Hordeum vulgare sp. Grain 16 2366 1249 2427 41393 424 1 18 20
Triticum monococcum L. Grain 7 16 4 59 588 47 11
Triticum monococcum L. Glume base 48 172 36
Triticum dicoccum Schübl. Grain 78 354 2496 23539 1052 676 65 6
Triticum dicoccum Schübl. Glume base 16 249 1703 160
Triticum monococcum L./dicoccum Schübl. Grain 16
Triticum monococcum L./dicoccum Schübl. Glume base 212 136 384 90 52 13 182 48
Triticum aestivum L./durum Desf. Grain 1768 6681 1173 70 153 1291
Triticum aestivum L./durum Desf. Rachis 2 40 268
Triticum sp. Grain 6 17 24 4 8 7
Triticum sp. Grain 8 1135 3441 28 208 40
Culm Node 16 16 13 261 20 1 43 6
Culm top Node 8 2
Culm with straw (bottom of ear) Node 16
Lens culinaris Medik. Seed 4 32 85 136 2 16 3
Pisum sativum L. Seed 9
Lathyrus sativus L. Seed 1 12 12 4 2
Vicia ervilia L. Willd. Seed 1
Vicia sp. Seed 34 256 4
Pulse indet. Seed 8 4 37 8 4 8 18 3
Vitis vinifera L. Seed 2 1 8
Sambucus sp. Seed 2
Pistacia lentiscus L. Nut shell 32
Amygdalus sp. Nut shell frag. 8 1
Fruit/nut shell (smooth) Nut shell frag. 64 4 8
Fruit/nut indet. Nut shell frag. 16
Fruit indet. (ml) Frag. 1
Fruit flesh/bread (ml) Frag. 19.2
Fruit skin Frag. 4
Artemisia sp. Seed 2
Asteraceae Seed 16
Centaurea sp. Seed 8 48
cf. Chrysanthemum Seed 64
Boraginaceae Seed 8 22 2
Alyssum sp. Seed 16
Brassicaceae Seed 768
Brassicaceae Pod stalk 8
Sinapis cf. arvensis L. Seed 64 1936 768 2 2 8
Cephalaria cf. syriaca L. Schrad. Seed 189 32
Caryophyllaceae Seed 24 16 16 96 8
Gypsophila cf. pilosa Huds. Seed 48 32 82 184 2 402 34
Silene sp. Type 1. Seed 128 144 24
Silene sp. Type 2. Seed 4
Vaccaria pyramidata Medik. Seed 84 976 40 4 126 2
Chenopodium album L. Seed 8
Chenopodiaceae Seed 8 2 8 20
Convolvulus sp. Seed 4
Cyperaceae Seed 128 20 2 10
Aegilops cf. crassa Boiss. Grain 264 210 1374 8 9 73 7
Aegilops crassa Boiss. Glume base 382 324 10589 40 8 115 4
Aegilops cf. speltoides Tausch. Grain 11 74 8 74 1005 30 14
Aegilops speltoides Tausch. Glume base 48 228 32 338 13500 8 20
Aegilops cf. tauschii Coss. Grain 5 35 16 27 1186 46 40 4
Aegilops tauschii Coss. Glume base 24 120 24 67 9289 72 45 2
Aegilops sp. Glume base 22 16
Aegilops sp. Grain 8 40
Bromus sp. Grain 16
Eremopyrum cf. bonaepartis Spreng. Grain 48 46 32 1 16
Hordeum cf. murinum L. Grain 40 8 2
Hordeum cf. spontaneum K. Koch. Grain 48 10 176 4 1
Large grass indet. Grain 36 152 142 82 40 2 48 2
Lolium cf. rigidum Gaud. Grain 64 64 163 663 52 8 192 16
Lolium temulentum L. Grain 8
Poa cf. annua L. Grain 16 1
Poa bulbosa L. Grain 32 8
Poa sp. Grain 16 16 20 8 16 36
Taeniatherum sp. Grain 4
cf. Teucrium sp. Seed 16 2
Coronilla scorpiodes L. Seed 32 32 57 3 140 2
Small-seeded legumes Seed 72 128 48 408 384 16 112 36 692 66
Scorpirus sp. Seed 16
cf. Trigonella sp. Seed 16 204 11 16 1 340 4
cf. Muscari sp. Seed 32 14
Ornithogalum/Bellevalia/Muscari sp. Seed 16 32 8 2
Malva cf. parviflora L. Seed 32 8
Malva cf. sylvestris L. Seed 16 2 4
Malva sp. Seed 64 5 97 24 4
Papaver cf. rhoeas L. Seed 24 1 4
Papaver cf. argemone L. Seed 16
Papaver sp. Seed 104 8
Polygonaceae Seed 2 16 2
Adonis sp. Seed 8 258 1
Galium sp. Seed 149 6 4 47 2
cf. Verbascum sp. Seed 1
cf . Valerianella sp. Seed 1
Weed/wild indeterminate Pod 16
Weed/wild indeterminate Seed 64 16 166 60 16 8
Charcoal >4mm/presence (ml) Frag. 0.1 3.5 3 79.1 200 13.7 12 4.4 0.2

Supplementary Table 5

List of taxa and their respective correspondence analysis codes used in Figure 9a

Taxa CA code
Hordeum vulgare grain 2hubar
Hordeum vulgare (small) grain tinbar
Triticum monococcum grain einko
Triticum dicoccum grain emmer
Triticum aestivum/durum grain frethre
Triticum sp. grain wheind
Triticum (small) grain tinwhe
Triticum monococcum glume base eincha
Triticum dicoccum glume base emmcha
Glume wheat indet. glume base glubas
Hordeum vulgarerachis barrac
Triticum aestivum/durum rachis frthch
Culm node culm
Lens culinaris lens
Lathyrus sativus grapea
Vicia sp. vicia
Pulse indet. larpul
Caryophyllaceae caryop
Gypsophila cf. pilosa gyppil
Silene sp. Type 1. silty1
Vaccaria pyramidata vacpyr
Sinapis cf. arvensis sinarv
Cyperaceae scirp
Cephalaria cf. syriaca cepsyr
Aegilops crassa glume base aecrgb
Aegilops speltoides glume base aespgb
Aegilops tauschii glume base aetagb
Aegilops sp. glume base aeindgb
Aegilops crassa grain aechgr
Aegilops speltoides grain aespgr
Aegilops tauschii grain aetagr
Eremopyrum cf. bonaepartis erobon
Hordeum cf. spontaneum wilbar
Large grass indet. lagrin
Lolium cf. rigidum lolrig
Poa sp. poa
Coronilla scorpiodes corsco
Small-seeded legumes slegs
Trigonella sp. trigon
Malva sp. malva
Galium sp. galium

Supplementary Table 6

Results of stable isotope analysis at Tell Brak

Lab ID Room No. Crop Species %C δ13C raw δ13C (-0.11‰
charring offset)
Δ13C δ13C sd %N δ15N raw δ15N (-0.31‰
charring offset)
δ15N sd CN
TB01 16 Small barley 76.3 -21.9 -22 16 0.09 13.7 4.6 4.3 0.38 5.6
TB02 16 Small barley 65.2 -22.3 -22.4 16.4 0.09 14.3 5.4 5.1 0.38 6.4
TB03 12 Emmer wheat 53.6 -22.4 -22.6 16.6 0.09 14.5 7.0 6.7 0.38 5.5
TB04 8 Small Barley 63.6 -21.1 -21.2 15.1 0.09 16.9 9.6 9.3 0.39 5.1
TB05 12 Emmer wheat 65.1 -21.9 -22 16 0.09 12.1 7.4 7.1 0.38 6.0
TB06 16 Hulled barley 59.9 -23.2 -23.3 17.3 0.09 4.1 3.2 2.9 0.38 22.4
TB07 12 Hulled barley 56.4 -23.2 -23.3 17.4 0.09 6.3 3.2 2.9 0.38 11.8
TB08 9 Emmer wheat 65.6 -22.5 -22.6 16.6 0.09 9.3 7.9 7.6 0.38 7.1
TB09 12 Emmer wheat 69.7 -22.6 -22.8 16.8 0.09 10.1 6.9 6.6 0.38 8.5
TB10 12 Small barley 52.5 -22.2 -22.3 16.3 0.09 13.4 5.8 5.5 0.38 5.3
TB11 12 Small barley 55.6 -22.6 -22.7 16.7 0.09 16.9 4.9 4.6 0.38 5.9
TB12 9 Hulled barley 73.0 -23.7 -23.8 17.9 0.09 8.4 5.7 5.4 0.38 12.9
TB13 16 Hulled barley 62.1 -22.9 -23 17 0.09 4.7 3.2 2.9 0.38 23.9
TB14 6 Hulled barley 77.0 -23.3 -23.4 17.5 0.09 4.0 5.4 5.1 0.38 23.5
TB15 16 Hulled barley 63.8 -23.7 -23.8 17.9 0.09 3.6 2.8 2.5 0.38 25.6
TB16 9 Small wheat 52.7 -22.2 -22.3 16.3 0.09 12.0 9.4 9.1 0.39 5.4
TB17 8 Hulled barley 69.8 -23.3 -23.4 17.4 0.09 3.2 4.2 3.9 0.38 26.0
TB18 13 Hulled barley 71.7 -23.7 -23.8 17.9 0.09 3.6 4.8 4.5 0.38 20.7
TB19 8 Hulled barley 64.7 -23.1 -23.2 17.2 0.09 4.3 4.5 4.2 0.38 24.8
TB20 16 Hulled barley 70.8 -22.2 -22.3 16.3 0.09 3.7 3.1 2.8 0.38 21.0
TB21 12 Hulled barley 77.8 -23.2 -23.3 17.4 0.09 6.7 3.0 2.7 0.38 12.1
TB22 16 Small barley 57.1 -21.7 -21.8 15.8 0.09 17.2 8.8 8.5 0.39 5.1
TB23 16 Small barley 60.5 -21.0 -21.1 15.1 0.09 10.8 5.6 5.3 0.38 6.4
TB24 12 Small wheat 55.4 -22.0 -22.1 16.1 0.09 13.8 7.3 7 0.38 5.1
TB25 9 Hulled barley 61.7 -23.1 -23.2 17.3 0.09 9.8 7.5 7.2 0.38 8.1
TB26 12 Hulled barley 77.3 -23.4 -23.5 17.5 0.09 5.3 2.2 1.9 0.38 14.4
TB27 16 Small barley 56.2 -21.4 -21.5 15.5 0.09 8.9 4.0 3.7 0.38 9.2
TB28 9 Small barley 69.6 -22.2 -22.3 16.3 0.09 11.9 8.6 8.3 0.38 6.0
TB29 12 Emmer wheat 56.6 -21.9 -22 16 0.09 12.0 6.4 6.1 0.38 5.6
TB30 16 Hulled barley 75.9 -22.4 -22.6 16.6 0.09 4.6 3.4 3.1 0.38 19.0
TB31 12 Small wheat 48.1 -21.8 -21.9 15.9 0.09 23.4 7.9 7.6 0.38 3.9
TB32 16 Hulled barley 68.5 -23.1 -23.2 17.2 0.09 4.3 3.5 3.2 0.38 20.2
TB33 16 Hulled barley 68.1 -22.5 -22.6 16.6 0.09 4.8 3.1 2.8 0.38 24.9
TB34 16 Hulled barley 62.0 -22.5 -22.6 16.6 0.09 4.8 3.4 3 0.38 22.8
TB35 12 Hulled barley 70.8 -23.4 -23.6 17.6 0.09 11.9 9.5 9.2 0.39 7.4
TB36 16 Hulled barley 68.0 -23.4 -23.5 17.5 0.09 3.8 4.3 4 0.38 23.2
TB37 16 Hulled barley 59.6 -23.2 -23.3 17.3 0.09 3.1 3.1 2.8 0.38 23.5
TB38 17 Emmer wheat 64.0 -22.1 -22.2 16.2 0.09 10.6 3.0 2.7 0.38 9.2
TB39 17 Hulled barley 57.8 -22.3 -22.4 16.4 0.09 6.5 4.2 3.9 0.38 10.9
TB40 12 Emmer wheat 51.7 -23.0 -23.1 17.2 0.09 10.5 9.0 8.7 0.39 6.9
TB41 12 Hulled barley 57.9 -23.2 -23.3 17.3 0.09 10.0 4.3 4 0.38 7.5
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Copyright The British Institute for the Study of Iraq, 2023