A 5-1
A 5-2
A 5-3
A 5-4
A 5-5
A 5-6
A 5-7
A 5-8
A 5-9
A 5-10
A 5-11
A 5-12
A 5-13
A 5-14
A 5-15
A 5-16
A 5-17
A 5-18
A 5-19
A 5-1
Rock inscription from Tsolakert/Taşburun (Iğdır), detached by dynamite from the rock and now kept at the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin.
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006899/] of A 5-1.
niche: height: 124 cm; width: 117 cm
inscription: height: 117 cm; width: 114-116 cm; line hight: approx. 4 cm.
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU A 5-1 = Nikol'skij I = Lehmann-Haupt (1928-1935): ClCH 21 (Tab. XIII, photo of the original) = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 30 = König (1955-1957): HchI 21 = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 47
A 5-2
Commemorative inscription engraved on stone blocks of the façade of different susi temples.
Exemplar A: Commemorative inscription from Körzüt/Köşk (susi-Temple), which covered the left side of façade and corridor. Partly, they are kept in the Van Museum, partly they are inserted in the walls of private houses in the aerea of Körzüt/Köşk (northeast of Lake Van)
Exemplar B: Commemorative inscription from Körzüt/Köşk (susi-Temple), which covered the right side of façade and corridor.
Exemplar C: Commemorative inscription, found under a house at Körzüt/Köşk.
ExemplarD: Commemorative inscription.
ExemplarE: Commemorative inscription on an rectangular stone, which in inscribed on two faces. In 1913, it was reused as altar in the church of Dzorovank (north-west of Muradiye/Berkri). In 1976, it was rediscovered. Then it was reused as step. Shorty thereafter (also in 1976), it was lost due to an earthquake.
ExemplarF: Fragmentarily preserved commemorative inscription on two inscribed stones from the north wall of the fortress at Van Kalesi
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006900/] of A 5-2.
Block A: height: 32-32,5 cm
Block B: height: 32,5 cm; height of the inscription: 22 cm; height of lines: 3.66 cm
Block C: height: 37,5 cm; width: 83 cm; height of the inscription: 18,6 cm; void space above the inscription: 1.4 cm
Salvini, Mirjo (1980): Un testo celebrativo di Menua, Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 22, 1980, 137-167.
Dinçol, Ali M. (1976): Die neuen urartäischen Inschriften aus Körzüt, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 26, 1976, 19-30. (Table 3-5)
Dinçol, Ali M. and Ersin Kavaklı (1978): Van bölgesinde bulunmuş yeni Urartu yazıtları / Die neuen Urartaeischen Inschriften aus der Umgebung von Van, Jahrbuch für kleinasiatische Forschungen (= Jahrbuch für Kleinasiatische Forschung Bh 1), İstanbul 1978, 27, 55-60, 63, 70f.
Salvini, Mirjo (1973): Urartäisches epigraphisches Material aus Van und Umgebung, Türk Tarih Kurumu Belleten 37, 1973, 279-285.
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU A 5-2B = (+) Lehmann-Haupt (1928-1935): ClCH 25 (Tab. XV, with four photos of the original) = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 34 = König (1955-1957): HchI 18b = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 51
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU A 5-2C = (+) Lehmann-Haupt (1928-1935): ClCH 30 (Tab. XXIII, photo of the original from Tharr. Stone inscribed on two sides at right angles, now in the Archaeological Museums of Istanbul, inv. 7759) = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 38 = König (1955-1957): HchI 20 = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 55 + Lehmann-Haupt (1928-1935): ClCH Projekt 173a = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 306a = König (1955-1957): HchI Inc. 7a [from Güsak/Köşk]1 (+) = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 488 (+). Dimensions of Lehmann-Haupt (1928-1935): ClCH 30
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU A 5-2D = (+) Lehmann-Haupt (1928-1935): ClCH 23 from Güsak/Köşk church (Tab. XXII, cast) = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 32 (photo 5, cast of Georgian Museum, Tbilisi) = König (1955-1957): HchI 19a = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 49 (+) Lehmann-Haupt (1928-1935): ClCH 24 from Güsak/Köşk church (Tab. XXII, cast) = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 33 (photo 6, cast of Georgian Museum, Tbilisi) = König (1955-1957): HchI 19b = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 50 (+).
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU A 5-2E = Lehmann-Haupt (1928-1935): ClCH 26 (and fig. 7 photos of the cast; from the church of Dzorovank2, to NO of Berkri, where it was used as an altar in 1913) = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 35 = König (1955-1957): HchI 18a = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 52 (+).
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU A 5-2F = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 466
A 5-3
Rock inscription from Yazılıtaş (south west of the road between Ağrı and Horasan; near the village of Dellal
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006901/] of A 5-3.
height: 192 cm; width: 165-170 cm; depth (base): 45 cm
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU A 5-3 = Schulz XLII = Lehmann-Haupt (1928-1935): ClCH 27 = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 36 = König (1955-1957): HchI 23 = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 53
A 5-4
Inscription on a stele, which is broken into two pieces. The stele was found at Zivin (province of Kars) and is now kept in the Georgian National Museum (Tbilisi; Nr. 96 and 97)
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006902/] of A 5-4.
Upper part: height: 43 cm; width: 62 cm; depth: 35.5 cm; size of the inscription: height: 35 cm; width: 46-56 cm; hight of the lines: 3.5-4 cm; wedge size (vertical): 2-3.2 cm; wedge size (horizontal): 4.1 cm
Lower part: height: 114 cm; width: 60 cm; depth: 35.5 cm; size of the inscription: height: 35 cm; width: 46-52 cm; line height: 3.5-4 cm; wedge size (vertical): 2-3.2 cm; wedge size (horizontal): 4.1; height of the anepigraphic part beneath the inscription: 76 cm
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU A 5-4 = UPMG 10, 11 (Table XX-XXI, photo of the original) = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 37 (photos 9 and 10, casts of the Georgian Museum, Tbilisi) = König (1955-1957): HchI 24 = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 54.
A 5-5
Rock inscription from the fortress at Palu (Murad Su).
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006903/] of A 5-5.
niche: height 3.2 m; width: 1.66 m; depth: 20 cm (top) – 35 cm (bottom)
inscription: ll. 1-21: 145 cm; void space without inscription: 71 cm; ll. 22-28: 53.5 cm
Köroğlu, Kemalettin and Ali M. Dinçol (1989): Palu yazıtı üzerine bir not, Anadolu Araştırmaları 11, 1989, 123-129.
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU A 5-5 = Lehmann-Haupt (1928-1935): ClCH 31 (Tab. XLV-XLVI, casts) = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 39 = König (1955-1957): HchI 25 = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 56
A 5-6
Four fragments of a stele from Trmerd (Tirmet, Tırmıt, Alazlı). Three fragments (b-d) are now lost, but casts are kept at the Georgian Museum (Tbilisi). The fourth fragment was found in a private garden. The gap between the fragments cannot be defined precisely, but the stele must have been of considerable height.
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006904/] of A 5-6.
Fragment A: height: 65 cm; width: 71 cm; height of lines: 3.8-3.9 cm
Fragment B: height: 105 cm; width: 73 cm; depth: 32-33 cm; height of lines: 3.9-4.1 cm.
Fragment C: height: 56 cm; width: 70 cm; depth: 37 cm; height of lines: 4 cm; retrofit hole: diameter: 22.5 cm; depth: 22 cm
Biber, Hanifi, Kenan Işık and Sabahattin Erdoğan (2012): A New Urartian Stele Fragment from Alazlı/Tirmet (Province of Muş), ARAMAZD (Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies) VII/1, 2012, 86-98 (Table XVIII-XXIII, p. 174-178).
Biber Hanifi, Kenan Işık, Sabahattin Erdoğan (2016):The Story of Tirmet Stele (Reconstruction of Tirmet Stele in the Light of New Stele Fragments), ARAMAZD (Armenian Journal of Near Eastern Studies)IX/2, 2015 (2016), 82-91 (Tables XLVII-XLVIII p. 211-212).
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU A 5-6 = Lehmann-Haupt (1928-1935): ClCH 32 A, B, C (Tab. XXIV, cast photo of 32B Vo) = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 40 A, B, C (photos 8, 11, 12, 13) = König (1955-1957): HchI 27 + König (1955-1957): HchI 28 = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 57.
A 5-7
Lower part of a stele (or a stone block) with inscription on all four faces, found in Muş and today kept in the Georgian National Museum (Tbilisi; Nr. 99).
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006905/] of A 5-7.
height: 44 cm; width: 36 cm; depth: 24.5 cm; line height: 4.5 cm; void space beneath the inscription: 8 cm
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU A 5-7 = UPMG 9 (Table XVIII-XIX) = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 41 = König (1955-1957): HchI 26 = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 58
A 5-8
The text is known from two parts of an incomplete stele. Fragment A, which is larger than fragment B, was reused in a wall of the church of Palın (Balın, Bağın). This fragment is now kept and exposed in the Elazığ Museum. The reverse has been made visible after the transport to the museum. Fragment B is still incorporated in a wall of the Bağın fortress.
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006906/] of A 5-8.
Fragment A: height: 1.40 m; width: 60 cm; depth: 30 cm
Schäfer, Hans-Peter (1973): Zur Stele Menuas aus Bağın (Balın), Istanbuler Mitteilungen 23/24, 1973/74, 33-37.
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU A 5-8 = Lehmann-Haupt (1928-1935): ClCH 33 B + A (Abb. 10; photo of 33A, stele inserted into the wall of the church of Palın, and Abb. 12, photo of the wall of the fortress of Palın/Bağın with stone inserted) = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 42 = König (1955-1957): HchI 73 = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 59 (A + B + C).
A 5-9
Stone block with an inscription on the top and front face from the double church Surb Poģos and Surb Petros (Old Van) which both have been destroyed. Today the object is kept in the Van Museum (Nr. 34.6.1). The top of the stone has a cylindrical recess which was probably used for libations. In Armenian times the stone was reused as a hačkar. The bottom face was engraved with an Armenian cross. The fact that the width of the stone was reduced to form a pedestal for the hačkar caused a loss of text. On contextual grounds it it obvious that the text was part of a more complex and longer annalistic text (Annals of Minua).
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006907/] of A 5-9.
height: 45 cm; width: 143 cm; depth: 60 cm.
upper face: width: 140 cm (original width: 165 cm); depth: 61.5 cm; line height: 3.9 cm
front face: width: 165 cm; height: 45.5 cm; line height: 3.6 cm
circular hole: diameter: 28 cm; depth: 6 cm
Lehmann-Haupt, Carl Friedrich (1910–31): Armenien einst und jetzt, Band II/2, Berlin und Leipzig 1931: 33.
Pecorella, Paulo E. and Mirjo Salvini (eds.) (1984): Tra lo Zagros e l'Urmia: Richerche storiche ed archeologiche nell'Azerbaigiano Iranico. Rome 1984, 26.
André-Salvini, Béatrice and Mirjo Salvini (1995): Ricognizioni epigrafiche urartee, Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 36, 1995, 125-139.
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU A 5-9 = Schulz XXXIX = Lehmann-Haupt (1928-1935): ClCH 19 (Tab. XI, photo of the casts) = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 28 (photo 4, cast of the Georgian Museum, Tbilisi) = König (1955-1957): HchI 16 = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 44
A 5-10
Rock inscription from Taštepe (Iranian Azerbaijan) which was detached from the rock with dynamite. It broke into two fragments which were brought to the British Museum (Nr. 123869).
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006908/] of A 5-10.
Fragment A: height: 72 cm; width: 68 cm
Fragment B: height: 32 cm; depth: 29 cm
Height of lines: 4-4.4 cm
esteem original dimensions: height: 95 cm; width: 85 cm
Salvini, Mirjo (1984): Rock Inscription of Taštepe, in: Pecorella, Paulo E. and Mirjo Salvini (eds.): Tra lo Zagros e l'Urmia: Richerche storiche ed archeologiche nell'Azerbaigiano Iranico. Rome 1984: 19-21, 26, 65-69.
Salvini (2008 and 2018): CTU A 5-10 = Lehmann-Haupt (1928-1935): ClCH 20 (col. 46 drawing with recomposition of the fragments of the BM and left in situ; Tab. XII, photos of the original fragments kept at the British Museum) = Melikišvili (1960): UKN 29 = König (1955-1957): HchI 17 = Arutjunjan (2001): KUKN 45.
A 5-11
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006909/] of A 5-11.
A 5-12
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006910/] of A 5-12.
A 5-13
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006911/] of A 5-13.
A 5-14
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006912/] of A 5-14.
A 5-15
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006913/] of A 5-15.
A 5-16
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006914/] of A 5-16.
A 5-17
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006915/] of A 5-17.
A 5-18
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006916/] of A 5-18.
A 5-19
Access the edition [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/Q006917/] of A 5-19.
Birgit Christiansen, 'Stone and Rock Inscriptions A 5-1 - A 5-19', Electronic Corpus of Urartian Texts (eCUT) Project, The eCUT Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2020 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ecut/urartianrulersandtheirinscriptions/minuasonofipuinia5andb5/inscriptions/stoneandrockinscriptionsa51a519/]