Map showing the distribution of the stone inscriptions of Minua.
Minua Synchronism: none |
Urartian Sources |
1. Stone inscriptions of Minua (A 05) |
CTU A 05-01: object: rock inscription; Transcaucasian campaign; conquest of the lands of Etiuhi and Erikua with its capital Luhiu; provenience: Tsolakert |
CTU A 05-02: object: stone block; Transcaucasian campaign; conquest of the lands of Etiuhi and Erikua with its capital Luhiuni; reference to the construction (including the laying of the foundations) of a "Gate of the god Haldi"; provenience: Körzüt |
CTU A 05-03: object: rock inscription; Transcaucasian campaign; e.g. conquest of the lands of Daiuehi with its capital Šašiluni; provenience: Yazılıtaş |
CTU A 05-04: object: stele; conquest of the city of Šašiluni; erection of a stele; provenience: Zivin |
CTU A 05-05: object: rock inscription; 2nd western campaign – Euphratus-Murat region; erection of a stele; construction of a chapel (iarani) for the god Haldiin the city Šebeteria; provenience: Murad Su |
CTU A 05-06: object: stele; erection of a stele; conquering of the lands Alaue and Urme (Western area of Lake Van); provenience: Trmerd |
CTU A 05-07: object: stele; conquering of the lands Qulmeri (region southwest of Lake Van) and Urme (Western area of Lake Van); provenience: Muş |
CTU A 05-08: object: stele; installation of Titia as governor (LÚ.EN.NAM) of the Elaziğ region (Southeastern Turkey); provenience: Palın |
CTU A 05-09: object: stone block; Southern campaign – upper course of River Tigris; annalistic text; provenience: Van |
CTU A 05-10: object: rock inscription; 2nd Mannean campaign western / southwestern area of Lake Urmia); construction of a fortress in the city of Mešta and installing a garrison; provenience: Taš Tepe |
CTU A 05-11: object: stone block; 1st Mannean campaign (western / southwestern area of Lake Urmia); conquest of several lands and cities; construction of a fortress in the city of Quṭume and agricultural infrastructure (planting of fields of grain and vineyards); provenience: Aznavurtepe |
CTU A 05-12: object: rock inscription; construction of a canal named "Canal of Minua"; provenience: Kadembas |
CTU A 05-13: object: rock inscription; construction of a canal named "Canal of Minua"; provenience: Kadembas |
CTU A 05-14: object: stone block; construction of a canal named "Canal of Minua"; provenience: Edremit |
CTU A 05-15A-B: object: rock inscriptions; construction of a canal named "Canal of Minua"; provenience: Edremit (A)/Karepants (B) |
CTU A 05-16: object: stele; construction of a canal named "Canal of Minua"; provenience: Muradiye |
CTU A 05-17: object: stele; construction of a canal for the city Alia; construction of a city (Alia?); provenience: Salamanağa |
CTU A 05-18: object: stele; content unclear; provenience: Ererin |
CTU A 05-19: object: stele; content unclear; provenience: Karahan |
CTU A 05-20: object: rock; construction of a canal named "Canal of Minua"; provenience: Ada |
CTU A 05-21: object: stele; construction of a canal named "Canal of Minua"; provenience: Chotanlu |
CTU A 05-22: object: stele; construction of a canal [possibly the "Canal of Minua"]; provenience: Marmos |
CTU A 05-23: object: stele; construction of canals / irrigation systems for the cities Aiduini and Uišini; probably also the city Minuahinadi; provenience: Ahtamar |
CTU A 05-24: object: stele; erection of a stele; construction of a canal and foundation of the city Minuahinili; provenience: Karahan |
CTU A 05-25: object: stele; erection of a stele; construction of a fortress in the city Minuahinili; provenience: Patnos |
CTU A 05-26: object: stone block; construction of a fortress in the city Minuahinili; provenience: Başbulak |
CTU A 05-27: object: stone block; populating the land of the city Luhuini; construction of a "Gate of Haldi" and a fortress there; provenience: Tsolakert |
CTU A 05-28: object: stele; construction of a "Gate of Haldi" and a ṭiribišuzi for the god Ura in the city Arṣuniuini as well as a fortress, a city and the agricultural infrastructure, i.e. an orchard, a vineyard and a burganani; provenience: Karahan |
CTU A 05-29: object: stele; construction of a fortress, a burganani, a "Gate of Haldi", an orchard and a vineyard in a city [name not preserved]; provenience: Karahan |
CTU A 05-30: object: stele; construction of a "Gate of Haldi" in the city Arṣuniuini as well as a fortress, a city and the agricultural infrastructure, i.e. an orchard, a vineyard and a burganani; provenience: Karahan |
CTU A 05-31: object: stele; construction of a "Gate of Haldi" in the city Arṣuniuini as well as a fortress, a city and the agricultural infrastructure, i.e. an orchard, a vineyard and a burganani; provenience: unknown |
CTU A 05-32: object: stele; erection of a stele; construction of a city [location]; provenience: Yedikilise |
CTU A 05-33: object: stele; erection of a stele; construction of a "Fortress of Haldi", planting of an orchard and a vineyard "Vineyard of Minua"; establishing of harvest rituals; provenience: Güsak |
CTU 05-34: object: cylindrical stone; construction of a fortress and a city; especially a ṭulurini as a part of the fortress; provenience: Kevenli |
CTU 05-35: object: stone block; construction of a fortress; provenience: Körzüt |
CTU 05-36: object: stone block; construction of fortress "City of the god Haldi"; provenience: Güsak (Köşk) |
CTU 05-37: object: stone block; construction of a fortress and a "Gate of Haldi" in the city of Aludiri; provenience: Aznavurtepe |
CTU A 05-38: object: stone block; construction of a fortress; provenience: Aznavurtepe (Patnos) |
CTU A 05-39: object: stone block; construction of a fortress; provenience: Aznavurtepe (Patnos) |
CTU A 05-40A: object: stone block; construction of a fortress; provenience: Pirabat |
CTU A 05-41A: object: stone block; construction of a fortress; provenience: Delibaba |
CTU A 05-42: object: stone block; construction of a fortress and a tower temple (susi) for the god Haldi; provenience: Yukarı Anzaf |
CTU A 05-43: object: stone block; construction of a fortress and a tower temple (susi) for the god Haldi; provenience: Yukarı Anzaf |
CTU A 05-44: object: stone block; construction of a tower temple (susi) for the god Haldiand a "Gate of Haldi" in the city Arṣuniunu; provenience: Kevenli |
CTU A 05-45: object: stone block; construction of a "Gate of Haldi"; provenience: Kevenli |
CTU A 05-46A: object: stone block; construction of a "Gate of Haldi"; provenience: Kevenli |
CTU A 05-47: object: stone block; construction of a tower temple (susi) for the god Haldi, a "Gate of Haldi" and a fortress; provenience: Sarmaç |
CTU A 05-48: object: stone block; construction of a "Gate of Haldi"; provenience: Sarmaç |
CTU A 05-49: object: stone block; eliminated, same text as CTU A 05-50; provenience: Norküh |
CTU A 05-50: object: stone block (of a temple); construction of a "Gate of Haldi" in the city Mušuni-X; provenience: Ahtamar (Akdamar) |
CTU A 05-51: object: stone block; construction of a tower temple (susi) for the god Haldiand a fortress; provenience: Malazgirt |
CTU A 05-52: object: stone block; construction of a tower temple (susi) for the god Haldiand a fortress named "City of the god Haldi"; provenience: Başkale |
CTU A 05-53A: object: cylindrical stone; construction of a building; provenience: Van |
CTU A 05-54: object: cylindrical stone; construction of a building; provenience: unknown |
CTU A 05-55A: object: cylindrical stone; construction of a building; provenience: Eskipağ |
CTU A 05-56: object: stone block; construction of a building; provenience: Körzüt |
CTU A 05-57: object: slab; construction of a building provenience: Hormuzd Rassam |
CTU A 05-58: object: rock niche; construction of a fountain; provenience: Van Kalesi |
CTU A 05-59: object: rock niche; construction of a fountain; provenience: Ezhdaha Bulaqi |
CTU A 05-60: object: stone block; construction of a barzudibiduni-building named "barzudibiduni-building of Minua"; provenience: Sarmaç |
CTU A 05-61: object: slab; construction of a barzudibiduni-building named " barzudibiduni-building of Minua" and a fortress; join with A 05-97; provenience: unknown |
CTU A 05-62: object: slab; construction of a barzudibiduni-building named "barzudibiduni-building of Minua" and a fortress; mention of a fountain; provenience: Anzaf |
CTU A 05-63: object: stone block: construction of a barzudibiduni-building named "barzudibiduni-building of Minua" provenience: Yedikilise |
CTU A 05-64: object: cylindrical stone; construction of a barzudibiduni-building named "barzudibiduni-building of Minua"; possibly mention of another building "for the god Haldi"; provenience: Değirmenköy |
CTU A 05-65A: object: cylindrical stone; construction of a ašihuši-building; provenience: unknown |
CTU A 05-66: object: rock niche; filling of a granary (ʾari); provenience: Van Kalesi |
CTU A 05-67: object: stone block; construction cistern and a fortress; provenience: Bostankaya |
CTU A 05-68: object: wall inscription; alteration / construction of a stable; provenience: Van |
CTU A 05-69: object: stone block; alteration / construction of a stable; provenience: Van |
CTU A 05-70: object: column base; inscription (a curse formular); provenience: Kamişvan |
CTU A 05-71: object: stele; erection of a stele for the god Haldi; provenience: Korşun |
CTU A 05-72: object: stele; erection of a stele for the god Haldi; provenience: Van |
CTU A 05-73: object: stone block; erection of a stele for the god Haldi; provenience: unknown |
CTU A 05-74: object: stele; erection of a stele for the god Haldi; provenience: Karahan |
CTU A 05-75: object: stele; erection of a stele for the god Haldi; provenience: Karahan |
CTU A 05-76: object: stele; inscription (a curse formular); provenience: Karahan |
CTU A 05-77: object: stele; erection of a stele for the god Haldi; provenience: Yalçınkaya/Kızılkaya |
CTU A 05-78: object: stone block; construction of a "iriduduni-building of Minua"; provenience: Düzceli |
CTU A 05-79: object: stele; erection of a stele for the god Huṭuini; provenience: mosque of Korşun near Van |
CTU A 05-80: object: stele; erection of a stele for the god Šiuini; provenience: Karahan |
CTU A 05-81: object: stele; erection of a stele for the god Teišeba; provenience: Yedikilise |
CTU A 05-82: object: stele; erection of a stele for the god Elipuri; provenience: Salmanağa |
CTU A 05-83: object: stele; erection of a stele for the god Haldiand the god Quera Minua; provenience: Astvadzashin |
CTU A 05-84: object: stele; erection of a stele for the god Šebitu; provenience: Keçikiran |
CTU A 05-85: object: stele; erection of a stele; provenience: Van |
CTU A 05-86: object: stele; inscription (a curse formula); provenience: Karagündüz |
CTU A 05-87: object: stone fragments?/stele?; content unclear; provenience: Kevenli/Sihke |
CTU A 05-88: object: stone fragment; content unclear; provenience: Kevenli |
CTU A 05-89: object: stone fragment; content unclear; provenience: Kevenli |
CTU A 05-90: object: stone fragment; establishing an offering ritual; provenience: unknown |
CTU A 05-91: object: stele; erection of a stele; "horse's jump-story"; provenience: Sihke |
CTU A 05-92: object: cylindrical stone (column base); content unclear; provenience: Aliler |
CTU A 05-93: object: stone block; content unclear; provenience: unknown |
CTU A 05-94: object: stele; no military endeavours / building projects mentioned; provenience: Anzaf |
CTU A 05-95: object: stele; content unclear; provenience: Karahan |
CTU A 05-96: object: stele; content unclear (only part of titulatory preserved); provenience: Malazgirt |
CTU A 05-97: object: stone slab; join with A 05-61; provenience: Siyah Cheshmeh |
CTU A 05-98A: object: stone blocks; content unclear; provenience: Van Kalesi |
CTU A 05-99: object: stone, unclear; content unclear; provenience: Van |
CTU A 05-100: object: column base; construction of a fortress; provenience: Yukarı Anzaf |
CTU A 05-101: object: stone slab; construction of a fortress; provenience: unknown |
CTU A 05-102: object: stone block; curse formula; provenience: unknown |
2. Stone inscription of Minua's wife Tariria (A 05A) |
CTU A 05A-01: object: rock inscription; inscription stating the ownership of a vineyard of Tariria – bride to Minua – named "Creation/Foundation of Tariria"; provenience: "down in the canal of Minua in the vicinity of Katepants" (CTU III, pl. 193 A 5A-1) |
3. Inscriptions on metal objects (B 05) |
CTU B 05-1: a bronze objekt; Assyrian / Uratian inscription; provenience: Kamir Blur |
CTU B 05-06: a bronze arrow head; Urartian inscription; provenience: Yakari Anzaf |
CTU B 05-2: bronze pectoral; Urartian inscription; provenience: Kamir Blur |
CTU B 05-07: a bronze tag; Urartian inscription; provenience: Yakari Anzaf |
CTU B 05-03: a bronze horse bridle; Assyrian inscription; provenience: Kamir Blur |
CTU B 05-08: a bronze helmet; Urartian inscription; provenience: Burmageçit / Tunceli |
CTU B 05-04: a bronze pad; Assyrian inscriptian; provenience: Kamir Blur |
CTU B 05-09: a bronze candelabra; Urartian inscription; votive offering to Haldi; provenience: Aznavurtepe/Patnos |
CTU B 05-05A+A1-C: bronze cups; Urartian inscription; provenience: Karmir Blur |
CTU B 05-10: a bronze tag; Urartian inscription; construction of a granary; provenience: unknown; antique market |
Tab. – Written Sources of Minua
Birgit Christiansen
Birgit Christiansen, 'Inscriptions', Electronic Corpus of Urartian Texts (eCUT) Project, The eCUT Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2019 []