Lexical Texts in the Hilprecht Collection: Highlights

HS 1822: Old Babylonian copy of the Early Dynastic list of Vessels and Garments with glosses. Photograph by Jay Crisostomo. Copyright © Frau Professor Hilprecht Collection, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena.

The Frau Hilprecht Collection includes some 200 cuneiform lexical texts of different periods and different genres. Among the highlights are an Old Babylonian (ca. 1800 BCE) copy of the Early Dynastic list of Vessels and Garments (HS 1822) and a first millennium grammatical text (HS 1610).

The great majority of the Jena lexical texts dates to the Old Babylonian period, providing some extraordinary examples of the school texts of the period. The Jena exemplars often stand out because of their excellent state of preservation.

27 Dec 2019

Niek Veldhuis

Niek Veldhuis, 'Lexical Texts in the Hilprecht Collection: Highlights', Digital Corpus of Cuneiform Lexical Texts: Jena, The DCCLT Project, 2019 [http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/dcclt/jena/Highlights/]

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