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Version of 2025-02-06:02H:46M:1738809963s

Luhuŋa [HIRED MAN] (CN)

2 instances

Base forms:id₂lu₂-ḫuŋ-ŋa₂; mullu₂-ḫuŋ-ŋa₂.

Normalized forms:Luhuŋa (id₂lu₂-ḫuŋ-ŋa₂, mullu₂-ḫuŋ-ŋa₂).

Morphological forms: ~ .

1. 1 (WN) (1x/50%)

2. The Hired Man (1x/50%)


Lukura [STRANGER] (CN)

3 instances

Base forms:mullu₂-kur₂-ra.

Written forms:mullu₂-kur₂-ra.

Normalized forms:Lukura (mullu₂-kur₂-ra).

Morphological forms: ~ .

1. 1 Stranger (3x/100%)


Lulim [STAG] (CN)

1 instance

Base forms:mullu-lim.

Written forms:mullu-lim.

Normalized forms:Lulim (mullu-lim).

Morphological forms: ~ .

1. The Stag (1x/100%)