The Lexical Texts from Alalakh

R03-1001 + R03-1139; Thematic list (Ura) from Alalakh: list of birds. Photograph © Archeological Museum, Antakya, Hatay.

Excavations at Alalakh discovered four lexical texts, all belonging to the thematic series Ura: a list of hides, leather objects and metal objects; a list of vessels and ovens; a list of stones and plants; and a list of birds. Each of these lists is in Sumerian only.

The lexical texts from Alalakh, which date to the period of Hittite control (around 1,300 BCE), are very closely related to those from nearby Ugarit and Emar.

27 Dec 2019

Further reading

Niek Veldhuis

Niek Veldhuis, 'The Lexical Texts from Alalakh', Digital Corpus of Cuneiform Lexical Texts, The DCCLT Project, 2019 []

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