Bibliography of Lexical Texts

Lexical Lists and the Mesopotamian School: Selective Bibliography

Publications marked by an asterisk (*) are intended for a larger non-specialized public.

1. Introductions to the Lexical Tradition

1.1 General

Cavigneaux, Antoine 1983; Lexikalische Listen. Reallexikon der Assyriologie VI: 609-41.

Civil, Miguel, 1976; Lexicography. In Stephen J. Lieberman, ed. Sumerological Studies in Honor of Thorkild Jacobsen on his Seventieth Birthday June 7, 1974. Assyriological Studies 20 []. Pp. 123-57. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

*Civil, Miguel, 1995 Ancient Mesopotamian Lexicography. In Jack M. Sasson, ed. Civilizations of the Ancient Near East. Pp. 2305-14. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.

Civil, Miguel, 2009; The Mesopotamian Lexical Lists: Authors and Commentators. Pp. 63-69 in Reconstruyendo el Pasado Remoto. Estudios sobre el Próximo Oriente Antiguo en homenaje a Jorge R. Silva Castillo. Reconstructing a Distant Past. Ancient Near Eastern Essays in Tribute to Jorge R. Silva Castillo, eds. Diego A Barreyra Fracaroli and Gregorio Del Olmo Lete. Aula orientalis Supplementa 25. Barcelona: Editorial AUSA.

Veldhuis, Niek, 2014 History of the Cuneiform Lexical Tradition. Guides to the Mesopotamian Textual Record 6. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag

1.2. Specific Periods

1.2.1 Archaic

*Englund, Robert K. 1998; Texts from the Late Uruk period. In Pascal Attinger and Markus Wäfler, eds. Mesopotamien. Späturuk-Zeit und Frühdynastische Zeit. Annäherungen 1. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 160/1. Pp. 15-233. Fribourg: Universitätsverlag.

Veldhuis, Niek C. 2006; How did they Learn Cuneiform? 'Tribute/Word List C' as an Elementary Exercise. in Piotr Michalowski and Niek Veldhuis, eds. Approaches to Sumerian Literature. Studies in Homour of Stip (H.L.J. Vanstiphout). Cuneiform Monographs 35. Pp. 181-200. Leiden: Brill/STYX.

1.2.2 Early Dynastic

Civil, Miguel 1987; The Early History of HAR-ra: The Ebla Link. In Luigi Cagni, ed. Ebla 1975-1985. Dieci anni di studi linguistici e filologici. Atti del convegno internazionale (Napoli 9-11 ottobre 1985). Istituto Universitare Orientale. Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici. Series Minor 27. Pp. 131-58. Naples: Istituto Universitario Orientale.

1.2.3 Old Babylonian

Veldhuis, Niek C. 1997; Elementary Education at Nippur. The Lists of Trees and Wooden Objects. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Groningen. Online: EEN []

*Wilson, Mark 2008; Education in the Earliest Schools. Cuneiform Manuscripts in the Cotsen Collection. Los Angeles: Cotsen Occasional Press.

1.2.4 Middle Babylonian

Gantzert, Merijn 2008; Emar Lexical Texts. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Leiden. Download []

Scheucher, Tobias Simon; The transmissional and functional context of the lexical lists from Ḫattuša and from the contemporaneous traditions in Late-Bronze-Age Syria. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Leiden. Download []

Van Soldt, Wilfred H. 1995; Babylonian Lexical, Religious and Literary Texts and Scribal Education at Ugarit and its Implications for the Alphabetic Literary Texts. In Manfried Dietrich and Oswald Loretz, eds. Ugarit. Ein ostmediterranes Kulturzentrum im Alten Orient. Ergebnisse und Perspektiven der Forschung. Band I. Ugarit und seine altorientalische Umwelt. Pp. 171-212. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag.

Veldhuis, Niek C. 2000; Kassite Exercises: Literary and Lexical Extracts. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 52: 67-94. JSTOR [] (subscription required).

1.2.5 Neo-Babylonian

Gesche, Petra D. 2001; Schulunterricht in Babylonien im ersten Jahrtausend v. Chr. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 275. Ugarit-Verlag: Münster.

2. Schools and Intellectual History

George, Andrew R. 2005; In Search of the É.DUB.BA.A: the Ancient Mesopotamian School in Literature and Reality. Pp. 127-37 in "An Experienced Scribe Who Neglects Nothing." Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honor of Jacob Klein, eds. Yitschak Sefati, Pinhas Artzi, Chaim Cohen, Barry L. Eichler and Victor A. Hurowitz. Bethesda, MD: CDL.

Gesche, Petra D. 2001; Schulunterricht in Babylonien im ersten Jahrtausend v. Chr. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 275. Ugarit-Verlag: Münster.

Robson, Eleanor 2001; The Tablet House: a Scribal School in Old Babylonian Nippur. Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archéologie Orientale 95: 39-66. Download [] (subscription required).

Sjöberg, Åke W. 1976; The Old Babylonian Eduba. In Stephen J. Lieberman, ed. Sumerological Studies in Honor of Thorkild Jacobsen on his Seventieth Birthday June 7, 1974. Assyriological Studies 20 []. Pp. 159-79. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Tanret, Michel 2002; Per aspera ad astra. L'apprentissage du cunéiforme à Sippar-Amnanum pendant la période paléobabylonienne tardive. Mesopotamian History and Environment. Series III Texts I/2. Ghent: University of Ghent.

*Tinney, Steve 1998; Texts, Tablets, and Teaching. Scribal Education in Nippur and Ur. Expedition. The Magazine of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology 40 2: 40-50. Download []

*Veldhuis, Niek C. 1996; The Cuneiform Tablet as an Educational Tool. NELL 2: 11-26.

Veldhuis, Niek C. 1997; Elementary Education at Nippur. The Lists of Trees and Wooden Objects. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Groningen. Online: EEN []

Volk, Konrad 2000; Edubba'a und Edubba'a-Literatur: Rätsel und Lösungen. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 90: 1-30. Download [] (subscription required).

Von Soden, Wolfram 1936; Leistung und Grenze sumerischer und babylonischer Wissenschaft. Die Welt als Geschichte 2: 411-64 and 509-57. Reprint, with B. Landsberger, Die Eigenbegrifflichkeit der babylonischen Welt in: Sonderausgabe Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt (1965).

*Waetzoldt, H. 1986; Keilschrift und Schulen in Mesopotamien und Ebla. in: L. Kriss-Rettenbeck and M. Liedtke (eds.): Erziehungs- und Unterrichtsmethoden im historischen Wandel. Schriftenreihe zum Bayerischen Schulmuseum Ichenhausen, Zweigmuseum des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums, Bd.4. Bad Heilbrunn, pp.36-50.

*Waetzoldt, H. 1988; Die Entwicklung der Naturwissenschaften und des naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts in Mesopotamien. in: J.G. Prinz von Hohenzollern and M. Liedtke (eds.): Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht und Wissenskumulation. Geschichtliche Entwicklung und gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen. Schriftenreihe zum Bayerischen Schulmuseum Ichenhausen, Zweigmuseum des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums, Bd.7. Bad Heilbrunn, pp.31-49.

*Waetzoldt, H. 1989; Der Schreiber als Lehrer in Mesopotamien. in: J.G. Prinz von Hohenzollern and M. Liedtke (eds.): Schreiber, Magister, Lehrer. Zur Geschichte und Funktion eines Berufsstandes. Schriftenreihe zum Bayerischen Schulmuseum Ichenhausen, Zweigmuseum des Bayerischen Nationalmuseums, Bd.8. Bad Heilbrunn, pp.33-50.

3. Major Text Publications

Al-Fouadi, Abdul-Hadi 1979; Lenticular Exercise School Texts. Texts in the Iraq Museum 10/1. Baghdad: The State Organization of Antiquities.

Arnaud, Daniel 1986; Recherches au pays d'Aštata. Emar VI. Textes Sumériens et Accadiens. Paris: Éditions Recherche sur les Civilizations. (4 volumes).

Chiera, Edward 1929; Sumerian Lexical Texts from the Temple School of Nippur. Oriental Institute Publications 11 []. Chicago: Oriental Institute.

Civil, Miguel 1996; HAR-ra = hubullu: Tablet X dug = karpatu. Pp. 129-59 in Walther Sallaberger, Der babylonische Töpfer und seine Gefässe nach Urkunden altsumerischer bis altbabylonischer Zeit sowie lexikalischen und literarischen Zeugnisse. Mesopotamian History and Environment. Memoirs. Ghent: University of Ghent.

Civil, Miguel 2008; The Early Dynastic Practical Vocabulary A (Archaic HAR-ra A). ARES 4. With copies by Alfonso Archi. Roma: Missione Archeologica in Siria

Civil, Miguel 2010; The Lexical Texts in the Schøyen Collection. Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology 12. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press.

Englund, R.K., and H.J. Nissen 1993; Die lexikalischen Listen der archaischen Texte aus Uruk. Archaische Texte aus Uruk 3. Berlin: Gebr. Mann.

Landsberger, Benno, Miguel Civil, and others 1937- ;Materials for the Sumerian Lexicon. Rome: Pontificum Institutum Biblicum. (17 volumes). MSL 1-6 and 8/1-2 [] online.

Matouš, Lubor and Wolfram von Soden 1933; Die Lexikalischen Tafelserien der Babylonier und Assyrer in den Berliner Museen. Berlin: Staatliche Museen. (2 volumes).

Pettinato, Giovanni 1981; Testi lessicali monolingui della biblioteca L. 2769. Materiali Epigrafici di Ebla 3. Napoli: Istituto universitario orientale di Napoli.

Pettinato, Giovanni 1982; Testi lessicali bilingui della biblioteca L. 2769. Materiali Epigrafici di Ebla 4. Napoli: Istituto universitario orientale di Napoli.

Wilson, Mark 2008; Education in the Earliest Schools. Cuneiform Manuscripts in the Cotsen Collection. Los Angeles: Cotsen Occasional Press.

27 Dec 2019

Niek Veldhuis

Niek Veldhuis, 'Bibliography of Lexical Texts', Digital Corpus of Cuneiform Lexical Texts, The DCCLT Project, 2019 []

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