











































  • CTN 4, 201




  • Neo-Assyrian
  • Kalhu
  • Literary
  • Ludlul 1
  • Ludlul I


  • Annus and Lenzi 2010


  [A] Ludlul 1

  [B] Ludlul 2

  [C] Ludlul 3

  [D] Ludlul 4

CTN 4, 201 [Ludlul 1][via cams/gkab]

o 1o 1

[...] EN ne₂-me-qi₂ DINGIR muš-[ta-lu₄?]

(o 1) [...] lord of wisdom, thoughtful god, [...] calming [...].

o 22

[...] mu-up-pa-šir₃ [...]

o 33

[...] EN ne₂-me-qi₂ DINGIR muš-ta-[lu₄]

(o 3) [...] lord of wisdom, thoughtful god, [...] calming (by) daytime.

o 44

[...] mu-up-pa-šir₃ ur-ri?

o 55

[... u₄]-mi me-ḫe-e na-mu-u₂ ug-gat-su

(o 5) [...] his fury is a storm, a deserted land; (yet) [...] his strength is sweet (like) a morning breeze.

o 66

[...]-i ma-nit še!-re-ti zaq-šu₂ ṭa-a-bu

o 77

[uz]-zu--šu₂ la ma-ḫar a-bu-bu ru-ub-šu

(o 7) His anger (has) no equal, his turmoil is flood; (yet) his heart is favourable, his mind is merciful.

o 88

mu-us-saḫ-ḫir ka-ra-as-su ka-bat-ta-šu₂ ta-a-a-rat

o 99

ša nak-bat qa-[ti-šu₂?] la i-na-aš₂-šu₂-u₂ ša₂-ma--i

(o 9) The weight of whose hand the heavens can not bear; (even if) his gentle palm helps the dead.

o 1010

rit-tuš rab-bat u₂-kaš-šu₂ mi-i-ta

o 1111

dAMAR.UTU ša nak-[bat?] qa-ti-šu₂ la i-na-aš₂-šu₂-u₂ ša₂-ma--i

(o 11) Marduk, the weight of whose hand the heavens can not bear; (even if) his gentle palm helps the dead.

o 1212

rab-ba-tu₄ rit-ta-šu u₂-kaš-šu₂ mi-i-ta

o 1313

i-na lib-ba-ti up-ta-at-ta-a qab-ra-a-tu₄

(o 13) In (his) rage, graves are exposed then he (also) raises the fallen one from the disaster.

o 1414

e-nu--šu₂ ina ka-ra-še-e u₂-šat-bi ma-aq-tu₂

o 1515

ik-ke-lem-mu-ma i-ne₂-es-su-u₂ dLAMMA u dALAD

(o 15) He frowns and (both) the tutelary deity and the protective deity abandon (the man); he gazes and his (personal) god returns to the one whom he pushed away.

o 1616

ip-pal-la-as-ma ana ša₂ is-ki-pu-šu₂ DINGIR-šu₂ i-saḫ-ḫur-šu₂

o 1717

ak-ṣa-at ana sur-ri en-nit-ta-šu₂ <<ina>> ta-x-tu₄

(o 17) His punishment is forthwith dangerous ...; (yet) he is merciful, and quickly becomes like a mother.

o 1818

ik-kar-riṭ-ma za-mar-ma i-tar a-lit-tuš

o 1919

id-du-ud-ma ri-ma-šu u₂-kan-ni

(o 19) He hurries to care for his beloved, and, like a cow (for its) calf, he searches out after him constantly.

o 2020

u₃ ki-i a-ra-aḫ bu-u₂-ri it-ta-na-as-ḫa-ra EGIR-šu₂

o 2121

za-aq-ta ni-ṭa-tu-šu₂ u₂-saḫ-ḫa-la zu-um-ra

(o 21) His beatings are barbed: they pierce the body; (yet) his bandages are soothing: they heal death (lit. fate).

o 2222

pa-aš₂-ḫu ṣi-in-du-šu₂ u₂-bal-la-ṭu nam-ta-ra

o 2323

i-qab-bi-ma gil₂-la-ta -raš-ši

(o 23) When he speaks, he endows (people) with sin; (yet) on his day of justice, obligations and faults are absolved.

o 2424

ina U₄ i-šar-ti-šu₂ up-ta-aṭ-ṭa-ru -il-tu₄ u an-nu

o 2525

šu-u₂-ma u₂!-tuk-ka ra!-i-ba u₂-šar-ši

(o 25) It is he who afflicts (people) with the utukku-demon of shivering; he, with his spells, (who) drives off chills and terror.

o 2626

ina te-e-šu₂ !-dap!-pa-ru šu-ru-up-pu u ḫur-ba-šu

o 2727

muš-man-ṭi ri-ḫi-[iṣ]-ti dIŠKUR mi₃-ḫi-iṣ-ti dER₃.RA

(o 27) He is the one who reduces Adad's storm and Erra's blow.

o 2828

mu-sal-lim DINGIR [?]-ta-ri šab-ba-su-u₂-ti

(o 28) He is the one who reconciles the infuriated gods (and) [...].

o 2929

be-lu₄ mim!-[ma ina lib₃]-bi DINGIR-MEŠ i-bar-ri

(o 29) He is the lord (who) oversees [...] of the gods.

o 3030

ma-na!-ma [... a-lak]-ta-šu₂ ul i-de

(o 30) There is none [...] whose behaviour he does not know.

o 3131

dAMAR.UTU mim?-ma? ina lib₃-bi DINGIR-MEŠ i-bar-ri

(o 31) Marduk oversees everything in the god's heart.

o 3232

DINGIR a-a-um-ma ul i-lam-mad ṭe₃-en-šu₂

(o 32) No other god comprehends his intention.

o 3333

a-na ki-i kab-ta-at ŠU-su lib₃-ba-šu₂ re-me-ni

(o 33) His heart is as merciful as his hand is heavy.

o 3434

a-na ki-i gaṣ-ṣu gišTUKUL-MEŠ-šu₂ ka-bat-ta-šu₂ muš-ne₂-šat

(o 34) His mind is as healing as his weapons are murderous.

o 3535

ša la lib₃-bi-šu₂ man-nu mi₃-ḫi-iṣ-ta-šu₂ li-šap-[ši]-iḫ

(o 35) (For) the one who (is) against his will, who may cool down his blow?

o 3636

e-la kab-ta-ti-šu₂ ia-u₂ li-qal-lil [...]

(o 36) Without his will, which [...] may become light?

o 3737

lu-ša₂-pi ug-gat-su ša₂ ki-ma nu-u₂!-ni ak-ku?-[lu ...]

(o 37) Let me proclaim his fury, (me) who ate [...] like a fish.

o 3838

i-nu-nam-ma za-mar ki-i u₂-bal-li-[ṭu ...]

(o 38) Quickly, he is favourable to me as he heals [...].

o 3939

lu-šal-mid-ma UN-MEŠ qit-ru-ba gi-[...]

(o 39) Let me teach the people [...] is close.

o 4040

ḫi-is-sa-as-su MUNUS.[SIG₅]tu₂ ar-na [...]

(o 40) His favourable understanding [...] the fault.

o 4141

ul-tu u₄-ma dEN [...] NU [...]

(o 41) From the days Bel [...] ... [...] and the hero Marduk [...], my (own) god rejected me; my (own) goddess became inactive [...] the protective deity of welfare [...]; my (own) tutelary deity [...].

o 4242

u₃ UR.SAG dAMAR.UTU ?-x-[...]

o 4343

id-da-an-ni DINGIR-i₁₄ [...]

o 4444

[ip-par]-ku d-ta-ri [...]

o 4545

[... d]ALAD SIG₅ [...]

o 4646

[...] la-mas-[si-ma ...]

o 4747

[...] x [...]

(o 47) [...]

o 4848

si-[im]-ti [...]

(o 48) My rank [...]

o 4949

[]-šak-na-nim-ma [...]

(o 49) [...] have been laid upon me.

o 5050

[-te]-ṣi E₂-[ia ...]

(o 50) I was expelled (from) my house [...];

o 5151

[dal]-ḫa te-re-tu-[a ...]

(o 51) My omens are obscure [...];

o 5252

[it]-ti lu₂ḪAL u x [...]

(o 52) signs of the diviner and ... [...];

o 5353

[... pi]-i su-qi₅ x-[...]

(o 53) [...] the rumour of the street ... [...].

o 5454

[at?]-til-ma ina šat mu-ši [...]

(o 54) (When) I sleep at night [...].

o 5555


(o 55) (As for) the king, flesh of the god [...] he binds his heart [...].

o 5656

[lib₃]-bu- ik-ṣu-ra? [...]

o 5757

na-an-za-zu-u tas-li-[tu ...]

(o 57) The attendants [...] denigrating talk [...]; they are gathering together [...].

o 5858

[... paḫ]-ru-ma ra-man-šu₂-nu [...]

o 5959

[... šum]-ma -ten-ma na-[piš?-ta?-šu? ...]

(o 59) If the first one (says): "His life [...]", the second says: "I will remove [...]";

o 6060

[i-qab]-bi ša₂-nu-u₂ u₂-[šat-ba? ...]

o 6161

[... ki]-ma šal-ši qip-ta-šu₂ [...]

(o 61) thus the third: "[...] his appointment";

o 6262

[er-ru]-ub bi-tuš-šu re-bu-u₂ [...]

(o 62) the fourth [...] "I will enter his house";

o 6363

[ḫa-aš₂]-šu₂ pi-i ḫa-an-še-e šu-[bal-kut]

(o 63) the fifth is inciting fifty (against me);

o 6464

[...] u₃ se-bu-u₂ i-red-du-u₂ še-du-[u?]

(o 64) [...] and the seventh will follow like his protective deity.

o 6565

[ik]-ṣu-ru-nim-ma ri-kis? se-bet il-lat-[su-un]

(o 65) They have gathered around me; their band is a knot of seven.

o 6666

[u₄-mi]- la pa-du-u₂ u₂-tuk-kiš [...]

(o 66) As merciless as a storm, similar to utukku-demons [...]

o 6767

[...] -ten ši-ir-šu₂-nu-ma pa-a i-te-[ed-di]

(o 67) [...] their flesh is one and they are (all) set with (one) mouth.

o 6868

[in]-na-ad-ru-nim-ma na-an-ḫu-zu i-[ša?-tiš?]

(o 68) They have become wild and they are burning like fire.

r 1r 1

x x nap-ra-ku u₂-šam-ga-ru UGU-[ia₅]

(r 1) They persuaded ... (and) obstacles against me.

r 22

mut-tal₂-lu? pi-ia a-pa-tiš₂ [...]

(r 2) They [...] my noble mouth as with a bridle.

r 33

šap-ta-a-a ša₂ it-taṣ-ba-ra [...]

(r 3) My lips that had prattled [...].

r 44

ša₂-pu-tu₄ rim-ma-ti ša₂-qu-[miš₂ ...]

(r 4) My sonorous roarings [...] silently.

r 55

ša-qa-a-tu₄ re-ša₂-a-a ik-[nu- ...]

(r 5) (Once) so high, my head bowed down [...].

r 66

lib₃-bi kab-ba-ra-a pi-rit-[ti ...]

(r 6) My heart, (once) so steady, [...] in terror.

r 77

ra-pa-aš₂-tu₄ i-ra-ti a-[ga-aš₂?-gu-u? ...]

(r 7) (Once) so wide, my chest [...] the youngest.

r 88

šad-di-ḫa a-ḫa-a-a ki-ta-[at-ta-mu ...]1

(r 8) My arms, (once) far-reaching, are (now) covered [...].

r 99

ša e-tel-liš at-tal-la-ku? [...]

(r 9) I, who had gone about like a lord [...].

r 1010

šar-ra-ḫa-ku-ma a-[tur ...]

(r 10) I had been splendid but I turned [...].

r 1111

a-na rap-ši ki-ma-ti [...]

(r 11) Within my large family [...].

r 1212

su-u₂-qa a-ba?-[ʾa-ma ...]

(r 12) I go along the street [...].

r 1313

er-ru-ub E₂.GAL[liš? ...]

(r 13) I enter the palace [...].

r 1414

IRI-[i₁₄? ki]-i a-a-[bi ...]

(r 14) My city [...] like my enemy.

r 1515

tu-[ša?-ma nak]-ra-[ti ...]

(r 15) As if it were hostile [...].

r 1616

a?-[na ...]

(r 16) To [...]

r 1717

a?-[na ...]

(r 17) To [...]

r 1818

[...] x? [...]

(r 18) [...] ... [...]

(5 lines missing)
r 2424

[...] ši-ri-šu₂ -[ku-na-ni ...]

(r 24) [...] place me (as) its (own) flesh [...]

r 2525

[a]-na qa-ab MUNUS.SIG₅-ia pe-ta-[as-su ...]

(r 25) For the one who speaks kindly of me, [...] will open for him; the eloquent one who slanders at me will be placed [...].

r 2626

mu-ta-mu-u₂ ṭa-pil-ti-ia₂ ša₂-kin [...]

r 2727

da-bi-ib nu-ul-la-ti-ia DINGIR re-[ṣu-šu₂ ...]

(r 27) As for the one who talks (with) maliciousness of me, the god is his helper.

r 2828

a-na ša₂ iq-bu-u₂ a-ḫu-la-pi ḫa-muṭ-[su? ...]

(r 28) The one who says: "It is enough!", his haste [...].

r 2929

ša la ka-šim-ma i-te-me ba-laṭ-su še-du-[ ...]

(r 29) (For) the one who does not help, life becomes like (that of) a protective deity.

r 3030

ul ar-ši a-lik i-di ga-me-la ul a-mur

(r 30) I have neither acquired someone at my side, nor seen a merciful one.

r 3131

a-na ṣi-in-di u bi-ir-ti u₂-za-ʾi-i-zu mim-ma-a-a

(r 31) To the riffraff, they distribute all that was mine.

r 3232

pi-i na-ri-ia u₂-man-ṭi-ṭu₃ sa-ki-ka2

(r 32) They have blocked up the mouth of my canal with silt.

r 3333

i-na qer-be₂-ti-ia₂ u₂-šes-su-u₂ da-la-la

(r 33) In my meadows, they have driven away the work song.

r 3434

ki-i IRI na-ki-ri -qa-mi-im-mu IRI-i₁₄

(r 34) Like the city of my enemy, they put silence (upon my) my city.

r 3535

par-ṣi-ia u₂-šal-qu-u₂ ša₂-nam-ma

(r 35) They let another take my office and they appointed a stranger for my rites.

r 3636

u₃ ina pil-lu-de-e-a a-ḫa-a -ziz-zu

r 3737

u₄-mu šu-ta-nu-ḫu GE₆? ger-ra-ni

(r 37) Days of depression;, nights of wailing; months of anxious silence, years of misery.

r 3838

ITI-MEŠ qi₂-ta-a-a-u₂-lu i-dir-tu₄ MU.AN.NA

r 3939

ki-ma su-um-mi ad-mu-ma gi-mir U₄-ME-ia

(r 39) All day long, I indeed moaned like a dove. Like a singer I made the lamentations loud.

r 4040

za-ma-riš qu-bi-ia u₂-ša₂-aṣ-rap

r 4141

i-na bi-tak-ki-i šub-ra-a IGI-MIN-a-a

(r 41) My eyes were always bursting into tears; my cheeks were burning with tears as if I was trampled.

r 4242

tar-šiš di-ma-ti ṣur-ru-pa u₂-suk-ka-a-a

r 4343

uṣ-ṣal-lim pa-ni-ia₂ a-di-rat lib₃-bi-ia

(r 43) Fear in my heart has turned my face black; terror and panic have turned my skin pallid.

r 4444

maš-ki-ia? u₂-tar-ri-qu pi-rit-tu₄ u ḫat-tu₄

r 4545

[...] lib₃-bi-ia ina gi-tal-lu-ti ir-tu-ba

(r 45) [...] of my heart have shaken in constant trembling.

r 4646

[...]-ma ki-ma ṣa-rap i-ša₂-ti

(r 46) [...] and like a burning fire.

r 4747

[...] x [...] muš-taḫ-mi-ṭi e-mat tes₂-li-ti

(r 47) Words of my prayer [...] ... [...] ?ever-ignited?.

r 4848

[...] x-tu₄ pu-uḫ₂-pu-uḫ₂-ḫu-u₂ su-pu-u₂-a

(r 48) [...] ... my supplication was strife.

r 4949

[...] šap-ti-ia ki-i da-i-mi aš₂-ṭa

(r 49) [...] my words were as difficult as the dark.

r 5050

[...] a-ta-mu-u₂ nap-ra-ku na-pa-lu-u₂-a

(r 50) I speak [...] (but) my conversation is an obstacle.

r 5151

tu!-ša₂-ma! i-na ur-ri -ši-ra da-me-eq-tu₄

(r 51) As if, in daytime, good fortune will come straight to me, the moon will appear (and) my sun will shine.

r 5252

ar-ḫu in-nam-ma-<ru> i-nam-me-ra dUTUši

r 5353

šat-tam-ma a-na ba-laṭ a-dan-ni e-ti-iq

(r 53) One year and the next, my appointed time has passed.

r 5454

DUB 1-KAM₂ lud-lul EN [...]

(r 54) Tablet 1, "Let me praise the lord of [...]".

1This text shows the same mistake as STT 1, 32 for the word kutattamu.

2u₂-man-di-du is another likely reading, instead of u₂-man-ṭi-ṭu₃.

Created by Amar Annus and Alan Lenzi (transliteration); Marie-Françoise Besnier (lemmatisation and translation) for the AHRC-funded GKAB Project, 2010 and released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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