Borsippa – Bibliography

General Works

Bienkowski, P. 2000. Borsippa. In P. Bienkowski and A. Millard (eds), Dictionary of the Ancient Near East. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, p. 57.

Leick, G. 2013. Borsippa. In R. S. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. B. Champion, A. Erskine, and S. R. Huebner (eds), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Volume 3: Be-Co. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, p. 1168.


Allinger-Csollich, W. 1998. Birs Nimrud II: 'Tieftempel' - 'Hochtempel' (vergleichende Studien: Borsippa - Babylon). Baghdader Mitteilungen 29: 95–330.

Allinger-Csollich, W. 1991. Birs Nimrud I. Die Baukorper der Ziggurat von Borsippa. Baghdader Mitteilungen 22: 383–499.

Boehmer, R. M. 1980. Zur Zerstorung der Zikkurrat von Borsippa. Baghdader Mitteilungen 11: 88–89.

Jakob-Rost, L. 1986. Zur Zikkurat von Borsippa. In W. Meid and H. Trenkwalder (eds), Im Bannkreis des alten Orients. Studien zur Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte des alten Orients und seines Ausstrahlungsraumes. Karl Oberhüber zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet. Innsbruck: Institute für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck, pp. 79–82.

Jakob-Rost, L. 1989. Borsippa. Forschungen und Berichte 27: 65–88. [View on JSTOR []]

Kalder, Helga Tren (Trenkwalder, H.). 1998. Preliminary Report on the 14th Season Work in Borsippa. Sumer: Journal of Archaeology and History in the Arab Homeland 49: 97–103.

Kaniuth, K. B. 2004. Borsippa: Preliminary Report on the 18th-20th Campaigns (2001-2003). Sumer 52: 9–16.

Kaniuth, K. 2013. Spätbabylonische Glasurziegelreliefs aus Borsippa. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin 145: 53–82.

Koldewey, R. 1911. Die Tempel von Babylon und Borsippa nach den Ausgrabungen durch die Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft. WVDOG 15. Leipzig: Hinrichs.

Reade, J. 1986. Rassam's excavations at Borsippa and Kutha, 1879-82. Iraq 48: 105–116.

Trenkwalder-Piesl, H. 1981. Report about the excavations in Borsippa (second season 1981). Sumer 41: 101–105.

Trenkwalder, H. 1997–1998. Preliminary report on the 14th season work in Borsippa (autumn 1997). Sumer 49: 97–103.

Trenkwalder, H. 1999–2000. Austrian archaeological expedition to Iraq: preliminary report on the 17th campaign in Borsippa, autumn 2000. Sumer 50: 11.

Secondary Studies and Textual Studies

al-Qit, Ramadhan A. M. 1983. Two cylinder fragments from Borsippa [in Arabic]. Sumer: Journal of Archaeology and History in the Arab Homeland 39: 172–175.

Beaulieu, P.-A. 2000. Nebuchadnezzar II (2.122): Nebuchadnezzar's Restoration of E-Urimin-Ankia, the Ziggurat of Borsippa (2.122b). In W. W. Hallo (ed.), The Context of Scripture. Volume II: Monumental Inscriptions from the Biblical World. Leiden: Brill, pp. 309–310.

Brinkman, J. A. 1992. A legal text from Borsippa dated posthumously under Ashshur-nadin-shumi. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 1992, no. 3.

Cole, S. W. 1994. Marsh formation in the Borsippa region and the course of the lower Euphrates. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 53/2: 81–109.

Frame, G. 1984. The "first families" of Borsippa during the early Neo-Babylonian period. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 36: 67–80.

Frame, G., and Grayson, A. K. 1988. Marduk-zakir-šumi I and the 'exemption' of Borsippa. Annual Review of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Project 6: 15–22.

Joannès, F. 1989. Archives de Borsippa: La famille Ea-Iluta-Bani: Étude d'un lot d'archives familiales en Babylonie du VIIIe au Ve siècle av. J.C. Geneva: Librarie Droz.

Jursa, M., and Waerzeggers, C. 2009. On aspects of taxation in Achaemenid Babylonia: new evidence from Borsippa. In P. Briant and M. Chauveau (eds), Organisation des pouvoirs et contacts culturels dans les pays de l'empire achéménide. Paris: Collège de France, pp. 237–269.

Jursa, M. 2013. Epistolographic evidence for trips to Susa by Borsippean priests and for the crisis in Borsippa at the beginning of Xerxes' reign. ARTA (Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology) 2013.003 [] [open access publication].

Limet, H. 2005. L'inscription d'antiochus I à Borsippa: un commentaire. Transeuphratène: Recherches Pluridisciplinaires sur une Province de l'Empire Achéménide 29: 117–132.

Nielsen, J. P. 2015. Taking refuge at Borsippa: the archive of Lâbâši, son of Nādinu. Archiv für Orientforschung 53/1: 93–109.

Oelsner, J. 2007. Zum Zeitraum der Aktivitäten des Napsanu, Sohnes des Tattannu, aus Borsippa. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2007/4: 93, no. 76.

Simon, Z. 2016. Bemerkungen zu den Karischen Personennamen aus Borsippa. Res Antiquae 13: 273–280.

Waerzeggers, C. 2006. The Carians of Borsippa. Iraq 68: 1–22.

Waerzeggers, C. 2005. The dispersal history of the Borsippa archives. In H. D. Baker and M. Jursa (eds), Approaching the Babylonian Economy. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, pp. 343–364.

Waerzeggers, C. 2010. The Ezida Temple of Borsippa: Priesthood, Cult, Archives. Achaemenid History 15. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten.

Zadok, R. 2006. The geography of the Borsippa region. In Y. Amit, E. Ben Zvi, I. Finkelstein, and O. Lipschits (eds), Essays on Ancient Israel in its Near Eastern Context: a Tribute to Nadav Na'aman. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, pp. 389–454.

Zadok, R. 2008. The Quarters of Borsippa. In S. Bar (ed.), In the Hill-Country, and in the Shephelah, and in the Arabah (Joshua 12, 8). Studies and Researches Presented to Adam Zertal in the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Manasseh Hill-Country Survey. Jerusalem: Ariel Publishing House, pp. 75*-98*.

Zadok, R. 2009. Catalogue of Documents from Borsippa or Related to Borsippa in the British Museum I. Nisaba 21. Messina: Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità dell'Università degli Studi di Messina.

11 Dec 2021

Keira Reilly

Keira Reilly, 'Borsippa – Bibliography', BabCity: Corpus of Babylonian Texts Concerning the Urban Landscape, BabCity, 2021 []

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