The texts in this corpus are assigned to known Neo- and Late Babylonian archives wherever possible. For this purpose we follow Michael Jursa's 2005 book Neo-Babylonian Legal and Administrative Documents. Typology, Contents and Archives. The designations used here include the name of the site from which the archive derives, followed by the number assigned to it by Jursa, plus a name that readily identifies the archive (often a personal name, family name, or temple name); for example, "Babylon (Nappāhu)". Since most of the relevant tablets came to light in the 19th century, by far the majority of these "archives" have been reconstructed by scholars based on the tablets' contents and other criteria, such as their acquisition history; very few tablet groups from this period have been found in situ through regular excavation.
The tablets included here were often — but by no means always — written at the site from which the archive derives; the place of writing is indicated in column 4 of the corpus pager, following the tablet designation, description, and date. Although the focus of this corpus is on tablets that contain information about the urban landscape, in cases where a significant group contains a small number of other tablets, such as the Kutha texts (Jursa 2003) and the Mušēzib-Marduk archive (Frame 2013), we include those also for the sake of completeness.
Babylon (Egibi) – see Jursa 2005: 65–66.
Babylon (Nappāhu) – see Baker 2004.
Kutha 7.3.1 (Bēl-ikṣur) – see Jursa 2003; 2005: 97.
Kutha 7.3.2 (Re'indu/Nergal-ušēzib) – see Jursa 2003; 2005: 98.
Kutha 7.3.3 (Šangû-Ištar-Bābili) – see Jursa 2003; 2005: 98.
Kutha, unassigned – see Jursa 2003.
Sippar (early Ebabbar) – see Jursa 2005: 117–118.
Sippar (later Ebabbar) – see Jursa 2005: 118–120.
Uruk (Mušēzib-Marduk) – see Frame 2013.
Baker, H. D. 2004. The Archive of the Nappāḫu Family. AfO Beiheft 30. Vienna: Institut für Orientalistik der Universität Wien.[Buy the book []]
Frame, G. 2013. The Archive of Mušēzib-Marduk, Son of Kiribtu and Descendant of Sîn-Nāṣir. A Landowner and Property Developer at Uruk in the Seventh Century BC. Babylonische Archive 5. Dresden: ISLET Verlag. [Buy the book []]
Jursa, M. 2003. Spätachämenidische Texte aus Kutha. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale 97: 47–140. [Consult the article []]
Jursa, M. 2005. Neo-Babylonian Legal and Administrative Documents. Typology, Contents and Archives. Guides to the Mesopotamian Textual Record 1. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag. [Buy the book []]
Zawadzki, S. 2018. The Rental of Houses in the Neo-Babylonian Period (VI–V Centuries BC). Warsaw: Agade.[Buy the book []]
Zawadzki, S. 2020. Erratum to S. Zawadzki, The Rental of Houses in the Neo-Babylonian Period. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 2020(1), no. 34. [Consult the article []]
Heather D. Baker
Heather D. Baker, 'Archives', BabCity: Corpus of Babylonian Texts Concerning the Urban Landscape, BabCity, 2021 []