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SAA 16 059

  • CDLI P313533
  • Collection no.: BM —
  • Accession no.: K 13737 + 1882-05-22, 0108
  • Primary publication(s): ABL 1217+


  • Provenience: Kuyunjik (Nineveh) (Pleiades ID: 874621)
  • Archive: 099 - Miscellaneous

Object Details

  • Object type: tablet
  • Material: clay
  • Script: Neo-Assyrian

Text Details

  • Language: Akkadian (Neo-Assyrian)
  • Genre: Administrative Letter
  • Sender: Nabu-rehtu-uṣur
  • Recipient: the king


  • Period: Neo-Assyrian
  • Reign: Esarhaddon (680–669 BC)
  • Dated: no
  • Proposed Date: (671-670)

SAA 16 059. The Conspiracy of Sasi (ABL 1217+)[via saao/saa16]

o 1o 1

a-na LUGAL [EN]-ia

(1) To the king, m[y lord]: your servant Nabû-rehtu-uṣur. May Bel and Be[let, Nabû and Tašme]tu, Ištar of Nineveh (and) Ištar of Arbela give you long days and ever[lasting years]!

o 22

ARAD-ka mdPAre-eḫ-PAB dEN dGAŠAN [dPA dtaš-me]-tum

o 33

d15 šá URU.NINA d15 šá URU.arba-ìl UD-MEŠ GÍD-[MEŠ MU.AN.NA-MEŠ da]-ra-ti

o 44

li-di-nu-nik-ka šá ina ŠÀ ṭa-ab-ti šá AD*-[ka ina ŠÀ a-de-e šá AD]-ka

(4) Nikkal [has revealed] those who sinned against [your] father's goodness, and your [father's] and your own treaty. Destroy their [peopl]e, name and seed from your palace! [May] she cast [......]! [May] the accomplices of Sasî [die quickly]!

o 55

ù ina ŠÀ a-de-e-ka iḫ-ṭu-u-ni dNIN*.GAL [x x x x UN]-MEŠ-šú-nu

o 66

MU-šú-nu NUMUN-šú-nu TAv ŠÀ É.GAL-ka ḫal-li-* a-na [x x x x x lu]

o 77

tak-ru-ur UN-MEŠ ša TA msa-si-i ú-du-u-[ni ár-ḫiš li-mu-tu x x x]

o 88

a-ni-nu LUGAL be-li da-ba-bu šá dNIN.GAL ú-[da x x x x x x]

(8) Hear me, O king my lord! I k[now] the words of Nikkal. Let [the people] die! [Rescue] your life and the life of your family! Let [the goddesses ...] be your father and your mother, and let them li[ft up ......]! Do not destroy your life, [do not let] the kingship [slip] from your hands!

o 99

li-mu-tu ZI-MEŠ-ka ZI-MEŠ šá qin-ni-ka [še-zib x x x x x x]

o 1010

AD-u*-ka* AMA-ka lu šu-nu li-im-tu-[ḫu x x x x x x x x]

o 1111

ZI-MEŠ-ka la tu-ḫal-la-qa LUGAL-u-tu TA ŠU.2-ka [la tu-še-li]

o 1212

a-ni-nu LUGAL be-li [ina] ŠÀ da-ba-bi dNIN.[GAL an-ni-e]

(12) Hear me, O king my lord! Do not disre[gard these] words of Ni[kkal! Let ......] and [......]

o 1313

la ta-ši-[aṭ x x x]-ú-nim-ma [x x x x x x x x]

o 1414

e-gír-tu [x x x x x]+x x+[x x x x x x x x x x]

(14) a letter [......]

o 1515

ina [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

(15) in [......]

uncertain number of lines broken away; K 13737:


o 1'1'

[x] x+[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

o 2'2'

ma-a a-[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

o 3'3'

la ú-ba-la [x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

(3') is not bringing [......]

o 4'4'

ina IGI-šú iz-za-zu is-[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

(4') are staying in his presence [......]

o 5'5'

pi-i-šú-nu šá-ki-in [x x x x x x x x x x x x]

(5') are making common cause [with ......]

o 6'6'

ka-a.a-ma-nu ina UGU msa-si-[i x x x x x x x x x x]

(6') [They are] constantly [......] to Sas[î ......]:

o 7'7'

ma-a ina IGI LUGAL dam--iq ma-[a x x x x x x x x x]

(7') "Present (yourself) in good light with the king! Let [...] do [......] with Nabû-belu-[......]

o 8'8'

le-pu-šú TAv mdPAEN[x x x x x x x x x x x x]

o 9'9'

TA mSUḪUŠdPA .[x x x x x x x x x x x x]

(9') with Ubru-Nabû [......]

o 10'10'

TA .GAL-MEŠ ša [x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

(10') with the magnates o[f/who ......]

o 11'11'

[x x x]+x+[x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

rest of K 13737 broken away


rbeginning broken away

r 1'1'

issu-ri i-ba-áš-[ši x x x x x x x x x x x x x x]

(r 1) "Perhaps ther[e is ......]; let them ask [...].

r 2'2'

liš-ú-lu ma-a GÉME šá mENPABPAB ina* qa-ni šá URU.KASKAL.2 ina UGU [x x x x]

(r 2) "A slave-girl of Bel-ahu-uṣur [...] upon [...] in a suburb of Harran; since Sivan (III) she is enraptured and speaks nice words about him: 'It is the word of Nusku: The kingship is for Sasî. I will destroy the name and seed of Sennacherib!'"

r 3'3'

ma-a TAv ŠÀ ITI.SIG₄ sa-ar-ḫa-at ma-a da-ba-bu SIG₅ ina UGU-ḫi

r 4'4'

ta-da-bu-bu ma-a a-bat dPA.TÚG ši-i ma-a LUGAL-u-tu a-na msa-si-i

r 5'5'

ma-a MU NUMUN šá md30—PAB-MEŠSU ú-ḫal-la-qa .GALmu-gi-ka?

(r 5) Let your squadron commander question the household of Bel-ahu-uṣur under the gate of the Nabû temple; let the ša-šēpi guards who brought the slave-girl into the house of Sasî bring her here, and let the king perform a(n extispicy) ritual on her (account). Let them bring Bel-ahu-uṣur from Harran and [...] Nusku. May the name and seed of Sasî, Bel-ahu-uṣur and their accomplices perish, and may Bel and Nabû establish the name and seed of the king, my lord, until far-off [days]!

r 6'6'

ina šap-la .GAL šá ÉdPA É mENPABPAB liš-al .še-e-pi* [šá]

r 7'7'

GÉME ina É msa-si-i ú-bi-lu-ni lu-bi-lu-ni-ši dul-lu LUGAL?

r 8'8'

ina UGU-ḫi-šá le-pu-šú mENPABPAB TAv URU.KASKAL lu-bi-lu-ni dPA.TÚG [x x x]

r 9'9'

MU NUMUN šá msa-si-i šá mENPABPAB šá UN-MEŠ šá is-si-šú-nu ú-du-[u-ni]

r 10'10'

li-iḫ-li-iq MU NUMUN šá LUGAL EN-ia dEN dPA a-na ṣa*-at [UD-ME lu]-kin-nu

r 11'11'

TAv mar-da-a lid-bu-bu ma-a UD 27-KÁM ina nu-bat-ti ma-a a-na [msa]-si-i

(r 11) Let them speak with Ardâ as follows: "On the 27th, at night, [when] the scribe Issar-nadin-apli at this particular moment went to [Sa] the city overseer, [did ......] with the prefect Awyanu? [Did] the scribe Issar-nadin-apli [...] this [with Nabû-eṭir? What [did] Sasî [......] concerning it on the 28th? Did Sasî speak with you and the [...] on the following day? Why have you [not reported] what you sa[w and heard]?"

r 12'12'

.šáUGUURU m15—SUMA .A.BA ma-a si-mu-nu ḫa-[an-ni-u -et]

r 13'13'

il-li-ku-u-ni TAv ma-ú-ia-a-ni .šak-ni [x x x x x x]

r.e. 14'r.e. 14'

ma-a m15—SUMA .A.BA ma-a mdPAKAR-ir an-ni*-[ x x x x x x]

r.e. 15'15'

ma-a UD 28-KÁM ma-a msa-si-i -i-nu ina UGU-ḫi x x x [x x x x x x]

r.e. 16'16'

ma? a*-na!? 02-e UD-me msa-si-i is-si-ka TA .[x x x x x x x x]

r.e. 17'17'

id-bu-bu ma-a a-[ta]-a -i-nu šá ta-mu-[ru-ni x x x x x x x]

r.e. 18'18'

.GALmu-gi x+[x x x x x x x x x] ERIM-MEŠ [x x x x x x x]

(r 18) [Let] the squadron commander [...] men/troops [... arrest] the scrib[e] Issar-[nadin-apli ......].

r.e. 1919

      m15—[SUMA o] ?.A*.BA [x x x x x]

e. 1e. 1

[x x x x x x UN-MEŠ] ša* is-si-šú-nu TAv msa-si-i ú-du-u-ni

(e. 1) [The people w]ho conspire with them and with Sasî [should die]!

e. 22

[li-mu- x x x DUMU]-MEŠ-ka ŠEŠAD-MEŠ-ka EN.NUN-ka li-ṣu-ru

(e. 2) [...] let your [son]s and uncles guard you.

e. 33

[x x x]-ka lu-pa-aḫ-ḫi-ir [x x x x at-ta] tu-qu-nu ina É.GAL-ka ši-bi

(e. 3) Let [me] gather [yo]ur [...... As for you], stay in safety in your palace. [... Let the people di]e before [they get ahead (of you)]! Rescue your life!

e. 44

[x x] a-du É [la i-ḫa-ru-pu-ni UN-MEŠ li-mu]- ZI-MEŠ-ka še-zib

Adapted from Mikko Luukko and Greta Van Buylaere, The Political Correspondence of Esarhaddon (State Archives of Assyria, 16), 2002. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2012, as part of the AHRC-funded research project “Mechanisms of Communication in an Ancient Empire: The Correspondence between the King of Assyria and his Magnates in the 8th Century BC” (AH/F016581/1; University College London) directed by Karen Radner. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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