
  • Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur 08


  • Q006218
  • possibly IM 124881 or IM 124194
  • Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur 08



  • Neo-Babylonian
  • Written ca. early 8th century
  • Sur Jureh
  • Royal Inscription
  • Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur

Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur 08

o 1'1'

[...] x

(o 1') [...] ... [(Because) my horses and my men had become th]irsty [for water due to the fighting, I did not pursue them. Forty of (these three hundred and four) men perished] due to thirst for water; [(the remaining) two hundred and fifty-four men of] them got away. [I (thus) killed one thousand eight hundred and forty-six of their men. This is a single def]eat which Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, [governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari], inflicted [upon] the Ḫatallu (tribesmen). [With regard to Šamaʾgamni, the herald of the] Sarugu (clan), their leader, [the dishonest servant whom the land of Sūḫu], Assyria, and my fathers [rejected], I [got hold (of him and)] killed him, (thereby) easing my heart. [I stripped off his skin like the skin of a sheep] and [set (it)] in front of the gate of Āl-gabbāri-bānî. I inflicted [such] a defeat [as] none [among] my [ancestors] had inflicted. [My ancestors had defeated the enemy ten times, but] they did not achieve as much as I. [I inflicted a single defeat (of such an extent that) I surpassed] my ancestors.

o 2'2'

[...] x x x

o 3'3'

[... iṣ]-mu-ú

o 4'4'

[... lib-bi-šú]-nu? ina ṣu*-um* me-e

o 5'5'

[... lìb]-bi-šú-nu it-lu-ú

o 6'6'

[... di]-ik-ti šá mdMAŠ-NÍG.DU-PAP

o 7'7'

[...] .ḫa-ṭal-la i-du-ku

o 8'8'

[... ].sa-ru-gu a-lik pa-ni-šú-nu

o 9'9'

[... KUR]--šur.KI ù AD.MEŠ-e-a

o 10'10'

[... ŠU.II-a]-a a-duk-šú-ma i-nu-uḫ lìb-bi

o 11'11'

[... aṣ-ṣi]-ma ina pa-an .GAL šá URU-gab-ba-ri-

o 12'12'

[... AD.MEŠ-e]-a la i-du-ku ana-ku ad-duk

o 13'13'

[...] ma*-lu-ú-a ul ú-šam-ṣu*-ú

o 14'14'

[... a]-na la AD.MEŠ-e-a

o 15'15'

[...] i-qab-bu-ú um-ma

(o 15'b) [Anyone in the future who comes forward and] says: [How did Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, the governor of the land of] Sūḫu and the land of Mari, [inflict this] defeat?” (should be told that) [I did not inflict (this) by my own power, (but rather) I inflicted this] defeat [by the power of the gods Šamaš] and Marduk, Adad [and Apla-Adad, the great gods], my [lords. Anyone in the future who comes forward and should ask] the elders of his land [and the elders of the land of Laqû:] “Is it true [that Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, the governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari] inflicted [this defeat at] the command of the god Apla-Adad, [the great god, his lord?”] (should be told that) this [was the handiwork of the god Apla-Adad, my divine lord]. He ordered my [...; ...]. He delivered my enemy into my [hands].

o 16'16'

[...] su-ḫi u di-ik-ti

o 17'17'

[...] u dAMAR.UTU dIŠKUR

o 18'18'

[... EN.MEŠ-e]-a? di-ik-ti

o 19'19'

[...] ši-bu-ut KUR-šú

o 20'20'

[...] kit*-tu-ú

r 1r 1

[...] a-mat dA-dIŠKUR

r 22

[... i]-du-ku a-ga-a

r 33

[...]-RI-ka-a ú-ma-ʾ-ir

r 44

[...] x .KÚR-a a-na [qa-ti]-ia im-ni man-ni

(r 4b) Anyone [in the future who comes forward should li]ke me [pay attention] to the command(s) of the gods. (Then) [... his enemy ...] will not exist. This is the experience [and ...] the god Apla-Adad, my lord, and the gods [...] they allowed (me) to trample my enemy under my feet. No [one in the future who comes forward] should say: “How [did Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur] inflict [this defeat]?” By the gods Adad and Apla-Adad [...] I. I shall show him the gods Adad and Apla-Adad. [... at the command of the god Apla]-Adad, the <great> god, my lord, I went and [defeated] these soldiers.

r 55

[... ki]-ma* ia-a-ti-ma a-na a-mat DINGIR.MEŠ

r 66

[...] ul ib-ba-áš-ši a-ga-a a-ma-ru

r 77

[...] dA-dIŠKUR EN-ia ù DINGIR.MEŠ

r 88

[...] .KÚR-a ina šu-pal GÌR.II-ia ú-šak-bi-su

r 99

[...] la i-qab-bi um-ma ki-i-ki-i

r 1010

[...] id-duk a-na dIŠKUR u dA-dIŠKUR

r 1111

[...] x ana-ku dIŠKUR ù dA-dIŠKUR ú-kal-lam-šú

r 1212

[... dA-d]IŠKUR DINGIR <GAL?> EN-ia₅ al-lik-ma ÉRIN.MEŠ an-nu-tu

r 1313

[... m]dMAŠ-NÍG.DU-PAP .GARḫi u

(r 13b) [I], Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari: [the Akītu (temple) of the gods Adad and] Mīšarum the great gods who dwell [in the town Udada], my [lords] had became old and [been abandoned. None amo]ng my ancestors had paid attention (to it) and [(re)built (it). I com]pletely (re)built [this Akītu (temple)]. I had (this temple) (re)built and dedicated (it) to the gods Adad [and Mīšarum, the great gods], my [lord]s, in order to ensure my good [health (and) the well-being of my offspring, to prolong] my days, to confirm [my reign], (and) [to defeat the land of my enemy].

r 1414

[... d]mi-šar-rum DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ a-ši-bu-ut

r 1515

[... EN.MEŠ]-e-a la-ba-riš il-lik-ma

r 1616

[... ina lìb]-bi AD.MEŠ-e-a SAG-su ul -ši-ma

r 1717

[... ú]-šak-lil-ma a-na dIŠKUR

r 1818

[... EN].MEŠ-e-a a-na ba-laṭ

r 1919

[...] UD.MEŠ-ia ku-un

r 2020

[...] ú-še-piš-ma BA-ìš

r 2121

[...] u KI-tim

(r 21) [The palace of Enamḫe-zēra-ibni, governor of the land of Sūḫu] and the land of Mari, (which is located in) the district [of the city Raʾil, ...] ...

r 2222

[...] x x x x x x


Based on Grant Frame, Rulers of Babylonia: From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC) (RIMB 2; Toronto, 1995). Digitized, lemmatized, and updated by Alexa Bartelmus, 2015-16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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