Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur 04
Obverse | ||
Column i | ||
ii | Lacuna | |
i 1'1' | [...] (Traces) | (i 1') [I, Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari, the chosen one, whom] |
i 2'2' | [...] x NA x [x] dUTU u dAMAR.[UTU] | (i 2b') the gods Šamaš and Mar[duk ... elevated over migh]ty [kings] and over [(...)] governors, |
i 3'3' | [... dan?]-⸢nu?⸣-ti ù? x-li <LÚ>.GAR.KUR.⸢MEŠ⸣ | |
i 4'4' | [... a-ma]-⸢at?⸣ dA-dIŠKUR u dTAR.DI.NI | (i 4') [... the comma]nd of the gods Apla-Adad and TAR.DI.NI |
i 5'5' | ||
i 6'6' | [...] x ṭè-e-me iš-kun-an-ni-ma a-na-ku a-ḫi | (i 6') [...] he instructed me. I [was not negli]gent, but (rather) [trus]ted the command(s) of the god Apla-Adad, the great lord, my divine lord. I therefore mobilized 105 chariots, 220 experienced mounted soldiers, good, choice horses, 3,000 foot soldiers, and the palace guard. I harnessed (the horses of) my chariot and went out on campaign to do battle with them. |
i 7'7' | ||
i 8'8' | [at]-⸢kal⸣-ma ina lìb-bi 1 ME 5 GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ 2 ME 20 pét-ḫal-lu | |
i 9'9' | ⸢te?⸣-li-tu ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ na-as-qu-tu₄ ba-nu-ti | |
i 10'10' | ||
i 11'11' | ni-ri aṣ-mid-ma KASKAL.II šá-áš-mu u ⸢MÈ⸣ al-lik-šú-nu-ti-⸢ma⸣ | |
i 12'12' | (i 12') I waited at the well Ṣumūa, which (is located) between the well Makiru and the well Gallabu, for one (whole) day in the month Duʾūzu. Opposite the well Ṣumūa were four pens which did not hold (any) sheep. I knew, however, that the well Ṣumūa | |
i 13'13' | ||
i 14'14' | ||
i 15'15' | ||
Column ii | ||
iiii | Lacuna | |
ii 1'1' | x [...] | (ii 1') (No translation possible) |
ii 2'2' | UD [...] | |
ii 3'3' | áš-⸢kun⸣ [...] | |
ii 4'4' | x x [...] | |
ii 5'5' | a-na-⸢ku⸣ [...] | |
ii 6'6' | ú-x x [...] | |
ii 7'7' | ||
ii 8'8' | x x x [...] | |
ii 9'9' | x x x [...] | (ii 9') [I inflicted this defeat by the power of the gods Šamaš and Marduk, Adad and Apla-Adad], the great gods, [my] lord[s. Anyone in the future who comes forward and should ask the elders of his land and the elders] of the land of Laqû: [“Is it true] that Ninurta-<kudu>rrī-uṣur, [governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari], |
ii 10'10' | DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ EN.[MEŠ-e-a ...] | |
ii 11'11' | x x [x] x [... ši-bu-tu] | |
ii 12'12' | ||
ii 13'13' | ||
Column iii | ||
iii 1iii 1 | i?-[na a-mat d]A?-dIŠKUR EN ⸢GAL?⸣-[ú? EN-šú (...)] | (iii 1) infl[icted] this de[feat] a[t the command of the god] Apla-Adad, the g[reat] lord, [his lord?” (...) (should be told that) this was the handiwork] of the god [Apla]-Adad, my divine lord [... he loves me and set my] h[ands to] this task. |
iii 22 | ||
iii 33 | šá ⸢d?⸣[A-d]IŠKUR DINGIR EN-ia x [... i-ra-man-ni-ma?] | |
iii 44 | (iii 4b) [Anyone in the future] who comes forward [should] like m[e pay attention to the command(s) of the gods]. | |
iii 55 | šá E₁₁-ma ki-ma ⸢ia?⸣-[ti-ma a-na a-mat DINGIR.MEŠ li-qu-ul-ma?] | |
iii 66 | LÚ.KAL GAL LÚ.KÚR*-šú x [... ul? ib-ba-áš-ši? a-ga-a?] | (iii 6) (Then) ... his enemy [... will not exist. This is] the experience and [(...) the god Apla-Adad, my lord, and the gods (...)] |
iii 77 | a-ma-ru ù x [(...) dA-dIŠKUR? EN-ia? u? DINGIR.MEŠ? (...)] | |
iii 88 | DUMU.MEŠ ID ⸢DI⸣ [... LÚ.KÚR-a ina šu-pal GÌR.II-ia] | (iii 8) sons ... [...] they allowed (me) to trample [my enemy under my feet. No one in the future who comes forward should say]: “H[ow did Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur inflict this defeat?” By] the gods Adad and [Apla-Adad ...]. |
iii 99 | ||
iii 1010 | um-ma ⸢ki⸣-[i-ki-i mdMAŠ-NÍG.DU-PAP di-ik-tu₄ an-ni-tu₄ id-duk a-na?] | |
iii 1111 | dIŠKUR u [dA-dIŠKUR ...] | |
iii 1212 | man-ni ár-⸢ku?⸣-[ú šá E₁₁-ma ši-bu-ut KUR-šú ù ši-bu-tu šáé-e liš-al-ma um-ma] | (iii 12) Anyone in the fut[ure who comes forward and should ask the elders of his land and the elders of the land of Laqû: |
iii 1313 | kit*-⸢tu₄?⸣-[ú? ...] | (iii 13) “Is it] true [that ...] |
iii 1414 | x [...] | |
Lacuna | ||
Column iv | ||
iv 1iv 1 | [... i]-⸢na?⸣ URU šu-a-tu₄ ú-še-ši-bu | (iv 1) [No one in the future who comes forward should neglect this town (or) expel the inhabitants whom] I settled in this town. [They should (continue to) gu]ard (this town) [against the enemy] for the sake of the security of the land of Sūḫu. Just as I (did), [he should pay attention to this town (and) not ne]glect this town. |
iv 22 | ||
iv 33 | ||
iv 44 | ||
iv 55 | (iv 5b) [Tabnēa, the governor of the land of Sūḫu, went up [to Ass]yria with [his tribute for an audience], but [he killed him in Assyria. Then] the inhabitants of the city Anat [rev]olted [against the land of Sūḫu. They jo]ined hands [with the Assyrian] and [broug]ht the Assyrian up [to the city Anat]. The Assyrian took the city Anat [neither by force nor by ba]ttle; [(rather) the men — the citizens of the city themselves — gave (it) t]o the Assyrian. [Afterwards, the Ass]yrian exiled them and [scattered th]em [over (all) the lands. He turned] the houses [...] ... | |
iv 66 | ||
iv 77 | ||
iv 88 | ||
iv 99 | ||
iv 1010 | ||
iv 1111 | ||
iv 1212 | [ÉRIN.MEŠ DUMU.MEŠ URU ra-man-šú-nu a]-⸢na⸣ LÚ.aš-šur.KI-a-a | |
iv 1313 | [it-tan-nu ár-ka-a-ni LÚ.aš]-⸢šur⸣.KI-a-a ú-šag-li-šu-nu-ti-⸢ma⸣ | |
iv 1414 | ||
iv 1515 | [...] x x | |
Lacuna |
Based on Grant Frame, Rulers of Babylonia: From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC) (RIMB 2; Toronto, 1995). Digitized, lemmatized, and updated by Alexa Bartelmus, 2015-16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as