Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur 03

Column i
i 1'1'

[ṭè-e-mi a]-na a-ḫa-meš -kun-ú-ma [mšá-ma-ʾ-ga-am-ni]

(i 1') they came to [an agreement. Šamaʾgamni, the herald of the] Sarugu (clan), who is th[oroughly pervaded with] falsehood, was their [lead]er. [They came] up to plunder the land of Laq[û], but while in the steppe deliberated, saying: “The governor of the land of Sūḫu is hostile to us. How shall we pass by (him) in order to plunder the land of Laqû?”

i 2'2'

[.NIMGIR ].sa-ru-gu šá ina la kit-ti bal-[lu]

i 3'3'

[a-lik pa]-ni-šú-nu a-na ḫu-ub-ti a-na*-[e]

i 4'4'

E₁₁-nim-ma ina EDIN in-dal-ku-ma um-ma .GARḫi

i 5'5'

it-ti-ni na-kir-ma um-ma ki-ki-ma ni-it-ti-iq-[(ma)]

i 6'6'

ḫu-ub-tu ul-tu ni-ḫab-[(x)]-bat

i 7'7'

mšá-ma-ʾ-ga-am-ni .NIMGIR .sa-ru-gu* ù

(i 7') Šamaʾgamni, the herald of the Sarugu (clan), and Yâʾe, the son of Balammu (Baliʾammu), a member of the Amatu (tribe), their military [command]ers, said the following to them: “Not one among the [governor]s [of the land of] Sūḫu, his ancestors, (ever dared to) go to fight against one thousand [Ar]ameans. Now then, [this one will (have to) g]o to fight against two thousand Arameans! If he comes up against us, we will go to [fight] him and we will take the land of Sūḫu for our [ow]n. However, if he does not come up (against us), we will take away [booty] and [draw] (more) men to us. Then we will go and [at]tack the houses [(of the land of Sūḫu)]. We will seize his towns which are (located) in the steppe and cut down their fruit trees.”

i 8'8'

mia-a-a-e DUMU mba-li-am-mu .a-mat-a-a [].SAG KAL×BAD.MEŠ-šú-nu

i 9'9'

ki-a-am iq-bu-niš-šú-nu-tim-ma um-ma .GAR.[KUR].MEŠ

i 10'10'

[šá KUR].su-ḫi AD.MEŠ-šú mam-ma ina lìb-bi-šú-nu a-na lìb-bi 1 LIM

i 11'11'

[.a]-ra-me a-na ṣal-ti ul il-lik um-ma en-na

i 12'12'

[šu-ú] a-na lìb-bi 2 LIM .a-ra-me a-na ṣal-ta

i 13'13'

[il]-la-ku um-ma ki-i a-na pa-ni-ni it-la-a a-na

i 14'14'

[ṣal-ta] a?-na lìb-bi-šú ni-il-lak-ma ùḫi a-na

i 15'15'

[šá ram]-ni-ni nu-tar-ru ù ki-i la it-la-a

i 16'16'

[ḫu-ub]-ti nu-še-rid-ma ù ÉRIN.MEŠ a-na muḫ-ḫi-ni

i 17'17'

[nu-rad]-dam-ma ù ni-il-lak-am-ma a-na muḫ-ḫi É.MEŠ

i 18'18'

[(x) ni]-te-eb*--e-ma URU.MEŠ-šú šá ina EDIN ni-ṣab-bat-ma

i 19'19'

[ù GIŠ].gáp-ni-šú-nu ni-NÍG-kis a-na .e-mu--šú-nu1

(i 19'b) [Trusting] in their (own) troops, they proceeded on to the land of Laqû. They [se]ized one hundred vill[age]s [of the land of Laqû], took count[less] booty, and turned [the land of Laqû into] a heap of ruins.

i 20'20'

[it-kal-ú-ma] ana i-<ti>-qu 1 ME É.[DURU₅].MEŠ

i 21'21'

[šá iṣ]-bat-ú-ma ḫu-ub-ti la [mi]-ni iḫ-bu-tu-nim-ma

i 22'22'

[ ana] DU₆ ù kar-mi ut-[tir]-ru mdIŠKUR-da-ʾa-nu

(i 22'b) Adad-daʾʾānu, [the governor of the land of Laqû, came before me] with four chariots (and) two hundred soldiers. [He kissed] the ground before me [and then implored] me (for aid). I accepted his supplication.

i 23'23'

[.GAR i]-na? lìb-bi 4 GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ 2 ME ÉRIN.MEŠ

i 24'24'

[ana pa-ni-ia il-li-kám]-ma* qaq-qa-ri ina pa-ni-ia

i 25'25'

[-šiq-ma ù ú-sap-pa]-an?-ni?-ma? su-pe-šú am-ḫur

i 26'26'

[ù md30-SILIM-im-an-ni .EN.NAMṣa]-pu a-di

(i 26') [Moreover, Sîn-šallimanni, the provincial governor of the land of Ruṣa]pu, [went against] them (the Arameans) with [all the troops of the land of Ruṣapu, but ...]

i 27'27'

[e-muq gab-bi šáṣa-pu ana muḫ-ḫi]-šú-nu

i 28'28'

[il-li-kám-ma ...] x-ti

Column ii
iiii Lacuna
ii 1'1'

x [... UGU? ? ...]

(ii 1') [...]

ii 2'2'

e-ziz-ma [(...) a-gu-ug-ma ki-ma UR.MAḪ dan-ni (...)]

(ii 2') I became furious [with the...] and [(...) I became angry. Like a mighty lion (...) I roared] against the chief [...]. I brought [about a cloud-burst] over them [and from (inside) my chariot] I blew [them] away (lit. “washed [them] away”) [like cha]ff.

ii 3'3'

UGU .GAL [... áš-gu-ug-ma IM.DIRI ri-iḫ-ṣi]

ii 4'4'

UGU-šú-nu áš-kun-[ma (ina lìb-bi) GIŠ.GIGIR-ia ki-ma ḫa-mi]

ii 5'5'

ŠE.BAR ár-ḫi-is-su-[nu-ti šil-ta-ḫu ki-ma e-re-bu]

(ii 5b') Arrows quivered like locusts] over [my] forces, (but) not [one person among] my forces [fell]. (Although) they wounded [thirty-eight men from among my forces], not one [person among them (my forces)] fell [dead in the steppe]. I fell [up]on them (the enemy) like [a blazing fire and put one thousand six hundred and sixteen of their men] to the sword. [Moreover, I removed] the arms (and) lower [lips of eighty of their men and] let them go free [to (spread the news of my) glory.

ii 6'6'

UGU .KARAŠ.MEŠ-[ia i-šub-bu a-a-um-ma ina lìb-bi]

ii 7'7'

.KARAŠ.MEŠ-ia ul [im-qut 38 ÉRIN.MEŠ šá ina lìb-bi .KARAŠ.MEŠ-ia]

ii 8'8'

ú-maḫ-ḫi-ṣu a-[a-um-ma ina lìb-bi-šú-nu .ÚŠ-šú ina EDIN]

ii 9'9'

ul im-qut ki-ma [dGIBIL₆ mut-tan-pi-ḫu a-na]

ii 10'10'

lìb-bi-šú-nu an-qu-ut-[ma 1 LIM 6 ME 16 ÉRIN.MEŠ ina lìb-bi-šú-nu]

ii 11'11'

a-na pi-i GÍR.AN.BAR [GAR-un ù šá 80 ÉRIN.MEŠ ina lìb-bi-šú-nu]

ii 12'12'

kap-pi-šú-nu sa-ap-sa-[pi-šú-nu áš-ši-ma a-na da-li-li]

ii 13'13'

un-dáš-šìr-šú-nu-ti ul-[tu muḫ-ḫi .ma-ki-ri]

(ii 13b') From the well Makiru] as far as the well Gallabu and [the well Suribu], at (these) three wells, [I] defeat[ed (and) annih]ilated [them. I broke up] their num[erous] auxiliary troops [and split up] their military contingents. [I captured] those who tried to get away; [I made] their blood [run] like the water of a river. Eagles and [vultures hovered] over their corpses. I filled [the mountains] and wadis with their skulls like [mountain-stones]; birds made (their) nests in [their skulls. Three hundred and four of their men] had quickly [retreated before me. (Because) my] horses [...]

ii 14'14'

a-di .gal-la-bu ù [a-di UGU .su-ri-bu]

ii 15'15'

i-na muḫ-ḫi 3 .MEŠ BAD₅.BAD₅-[šú-nu áš-kun ka-mar-šú-nu]

ii 16'16'

SÌG-aṣ ILLAT-su-nu ka-bit-[ti ap-ṭur-ma ú-par-ri-ir]

ii 17'17'

ki-iṣ-ri-šu-un šá È-[u ki-šit-ti qa-ti UGU-šú-nu GAR-un]

ii 18'18'

ÚŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu ki-ma A.MEŠ ÍD [ú-šá-aṣ-bit ḫar-ra-nu]

ii 19'19'

ina .ÚŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu a-ru-ú ù [zi-bu in-na-aṭ-ṭal]

ii 20'20'

gul-gul-la-ti-šú-nu ki-ma [NA₄.MEŠ KUR-i KUR.MEŠ]

ii 21'21'

ù na-ḫal um-dal-lu ina [GUL.GUL.MEŠ-šú-nu]

ii 22'22'

MUŠEN.ḪI.A qin-ni iq-nun [3 ME 4 ÉRIN.MEŠ ina lìb-bi-šú-nu]

ii 23'23'

iḫ-ru-pu-ú-ma la-[pa-ni-ia ib-bal-kit]

ii 24'24'

ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ-[ia ...]

Column iii
iiiiii Lacuna
iii 1'1'

x x x x [... a-na dIŠKUR ù]

(iii 1') [(...) I had (this temple) (re)built and dedicated (it) to the gods Adad and] Mešar (Mīšarum), the [great] gods, [my lords, in order to ensure my good] health (and) the well-be[ing of my offspring, to prolong my days, to confirm] my reign, (and) to def[eat the land of my enemy].

iii 2'2'

dme-šár DINGIR.MEŠ [GAL.MEŠ EN.MEŠ-e-a a-na ba-laṭ]

iii 3'3'

ZI.MEŠ-ia šá-lam? [NUMUN-ia GÍD.DA UD.MEŠ-ia ku-un]

iii 4'4'

BALA.MEŠ-e-a sa-[kap KUR .KÚR-ia -ma BA-ìš]

iii 5'5'

É.GAL mé-nam-[ḫé-NUMUN- .GARḫi]

(iii 5') The palace of Enam[ḫe-zēra-ibni, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari], (which is located in) the district of the city Raʾi[l, which is in the middle of the Euphrates River], had be[come] old [and I abandoned it]. I built [another palace] above it: 6[4 cubits is its length (and) 12] 1/2 [cubits is its] w[idth]. I made it [20 cubits longer (and) 4 cubits] wider [than the palace] of Enamḫe-[zēra-ibni]. I built (even) ano[ther palace above it on top of] an embankment: [45 cubits is its length (and) 9 cubits] is its width. Mo[reover, I did not pay (great) attention to this matter and] did not make a relief (commemorating) [it].

iii 6'6'

KI-tim URU.ra-ìl? [šá qab-lat pu-rat-ti]

iii 7'7'

la-ba-riš il-li?-[ku-ma un-dáš-šìr-šú É.GAL šá-ni-tu₄]

iii 8'8'

AN.TA-šú --ma 60*-šu* [4 ina 1.KÙŠ GÍD.DA-šú 12 ina 1.KÙŠ u]

iii 9'9'

ma-la ú-ṭu ru-[pu-us-su a-na la É.GAL]

iii 10'10'

šá mé-nam-ḫé-[NUMUN- 20 ina 1.KÙŠ ú-šá-rik-šú 4 ina 1.KÙŠ]

iii 11'11'

ur-tap-pis-su šá-ni?-[tu₄ É.GAL AN.TA-šú ina UGU]

iii 12'12'

ki-iṣ-ri --[ma 45 ina 1.KÙŠ GÍD.DA-šú 9 ina 1.KÙŠ]

iii 13'13'

ru-pu-us-su ù? [pa-nu-ú-a a-na muḫ-ḫi ul áš-kun-ma]

iii 14'14'

GIŠ.ḪUR ul e-ṣir*-[ši .ra-ìl-a-a .ḪI.GAR.MEŠ?-šú-nu]

(iii 14'b) [With regard to the people of Raʾil (and) their rebels, they had] rebel[led] against [my] fat[her, but my father] had defeated them. With re[gard to this matter], I did not pay [(great) attention to it] and [did] not [make] a relief (commemorating) [it]. At the beginning of my governorship], when [I ascended] the throne of my father, [the people of Raʾil] re[volted] against me, [but I defeated them]. No one in the future who comes [forward] should [ne]glect [the people of Raʾil]!

iii 15'15'

ḪI.GAR a-na muḫ-ḫi AD-[ia i-pu-šú-ma AD-ú-a]

iii 16'16'

id-duk-šú-nu-ti ina lìb?-[bi pa-nu-ú-a ana muḫ-ḫi]

iii 17'17'

ul áš-kun-ma GIŠ.ḪUR ul [e-ṣir-ši i-na re- .GAR.KUR-ú-ti-ia]

iii 18'18'

šá ina GIŠ.GU.ZA šá AD-ia [ú-ši-bu .ra-ìl-a-a]

iii 19'19'

a-na muḫ-ḫi-ia ib-[bal-kit-ú-ma a-duk-šú-nu-ti]

iii 20'20'

man-ni ár-ku-ú šá E₁₁-[ma a-na .ra-ìl-a-a na-de-e]

iii 21'21'

a-ḫu la i-raššá*-áš-ši*-[šú-nu-ti ...]

(iii 21'b) [...] governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Ma[ri ... I saw (...) in the vicinity of the well Bukrê, but] (its) location was not good. [... had not been built. Above] the well Bukrê [... I discovered]. It [consisted of depressions]; a reed marsh [... I opened it up and] its water was abund[ant. Three routes ... which go to] the land of Laqû, [the city Ḫindānu, and the land of Sūḫu], which in [the days of the governors, my ancestors, who had left no mounted soldiers] there [...]

iii 22'22'

.GARḫi u[ri ... .bu-uk-re-e a-mur-ma]

iii 23'23'

qaq-qa-ri ul ba-ni [... ul e-pu- AN.TA]

iii 24'24'

.bu-uk-re-e [... a-mur-ma ḫu-up-pat]

iii 25'25'

ši-i ap-pa-ri [... ap-te-ši-ma]

iii 26'26'

A.MEŠ-šú ma--[du 3 KASKAL.II.MEŠ šá ... šá a-na]

iii 27'27'[e URU.ḫi-in-da-a-nu uḫi il-la-ku]

iii 28'28'

šá ina lìb-bi? [UD.MEŠ šá .GAR.KUR.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ú-a šá pet-ḫal-lu]

iii 29'29'

ina lìb-bi [...]

iii 30'30'

x [...]

Column iv
iviv Lacuna
iv 1'1'

[...] x KI

(iv 1') [...] ... [... the city Anat] returned (its allegiance) [to] my father. [After four years, during which the city Ana]t prospered, [when] my father [di]ed (lit. “went [to his fate]), I [ascended the throne of my father]. I (re-)established the regular offerings, [offerings, and] festivals of the god Adad [according to the word]ing (of the commands) of Ḫammu-rāpi, king of Babylon.

iv 2'2'

[...] x AD-ia₅ it-tu-ru

iv 3'3'

[ina 4 MU.AN.NA.MEŠ šá]-at i-ša-ru AD-ia

iv 4'4'

[a-na NAM.MEŠ-šú ki-i] il-li-ku a-na-ku i-na

iv 5'5'

[...] MA? [(x x x)] gi-na--e

iv 6'6'

[... i]-sin-na-a-ti [(x x)] šá dIŠKUR

iv 7'7'

[ki-i] pi-i mḫa-am-mu-ra-pi LUGAL TIN.TIR.KI

iv 8'8'

[a-na]-ku uk-tin .áš-bu-ti ina

(iv 8b') I settled people in the city Anat [on (both) the landside and] the hillside. I settled the city of Anat [as (it had been) bef]ore, on (both) the landside and the hillside. I brought out [the gods] of (both) the landside and the hillside of the city Anat [who] had gone to the town Ribaniš on account of the Assyrian and I settled them in their [dwelling(s)], (just) as (they had been) before.

iv 9'9'

[Á KUR u] Á KUR-i ú-še-šib URU

iv 10'10'

[ki-i pa-na]-a-ma Á KUR ù Á KUR-i <<ḪI>> ú-se-šib

iv 11'11'

[DINGIR.MEŠ] šá Á KUR ù Á KUR-i šá

iv 12'12'

[šá] la-pa-an .-šur.KI-a-a a-na URU.ri-ba-niš DU-ku-ú-nu

iv 13'13'

[a-na-ku] ú-še-ṣa-áš-šú-nu-ti-ma ki-i pa-na-a-ma i-na

iv 14'14'

[KI.TUŠ]-šú-nu ú-še-šib-šú-nu-ti É.GAL ina

(iv 14'b) [I built] a palace in the city Anat: 100 cubits is its length (and) 16 cubits is its width. I built a ... [palace] beside (it): 47 cubits is its length (and) [8 cubits is] its width. I built palaces of gladness and [rejoicing] and made a relief (commemorating) it. I inlaid knobbed nail(s) [with gold, ...], and lapis lazuli, and surrounded [the palace] of gladness and rejoicing (with them).

iv 15'15'

[e-pu-]-ma 1 ME ina 1.KÙŠ GÍD.DA-šú 16 ina 1.KÙŠ ru-pu-us-su

iv 16'16'

[É.GAL] pa?-ni ina ṭa-ḫi --ma 47 ina 1.KÙŠ GÍD.DA-šú

iv 17'17'

[8 ina 1.KÙŠ] ru-pu-us-su É.GAL.MEŠ ḫi-da-a-tu₄ ù

iv 18'18'

[ri-šá-a-tu₄] --ma GIŠ.ḪUR e-ṣir*-šú GIŠ.KAK kar-ra

iv 19'19'

[.GI (x)] x ù NA₄.ZA.GÌN tam-la-a ú-mál-li-ma

iv 20'20'

[...] ḫi-da-a-ti ù ri-šá-a-tu₄ al-mi

iv 21'21'

[...] KI. .GI šá ina muḫ-ḫi GIŠ.KAK kar-ra

(iv 21') [...] (is) the weight of the gold which is on the knobbed nail(s).

iv 22'22'

[...] x AN.ZA.GÀR.MEŠ ki-li-li šá NA₄.ZA.GÌN

(iv 22') [...] the towered gate with battlements of lapis lazuli [(...)]

iv 23'23'

[...] UR₅- al-me GIŠ.IG.MEŠ šá EREN --ma

(iv 23') this [...] I surrounded. I made doors of cedar and erected (them) [in the gate] of this palace. The transoms of its gates against/upon [...] I built up the terrace and in the gate of the palace [...].

iv 24'24'

[ina ] É.GAL UR₅- az-qup GIŠ.tal-li .MEŠ-šú ana UGU*

iv 25'25'

[...]-mi? tam-la-a ú-mal-li-ma ina É.GAL

iv 26'26'

[...] man-ni ár-ku-ú šá E₁₁-ma É.GAL UR₅- GIŠ.ḪUR-[šú]

(iv 26') Anyone in the future who comes forward [should not change] the des[ign] of this palace.

iv 27'27'

[... É].GAL UR₅- ina muḫ-ḫi tem--en-nu šá DIŠ x [(...)]

(iv 27b') [I] built this [pal]ace upon a foundation of [...; I made] this foundation 10 cubits [deep]. I dressed large mountain-stones, [laid a foundation], and made (it) fast. [...]

iv 28'28'

[... e?]-pu- 10 ina 1.KÙŠ tem--en-na an-na-[a]

iv 29'29'

[ú-šap-pil? x (x)] x NA₄.MEŠ KUR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ aḫ-pe-e-[ma (x x)]

iv 30'30'

[tem--en-na ad]-di-ma ú-dan-nin x [x x]


1ni-NÍG-kis to be read as ni-nék-kis.

Based on Grant Frame, Rulers of Babylonia: From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC) (RIMB 2; Toronto, 1995). Digitized, lemmatized, and updated by Alexa Bartelmus, 2015-16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as