Ninurta-kudurri-uṣur 02

Column i
i 1i 1


(i 1) I, Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari, son of Šamaš-rēša-uṣur, ditto (governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari),

i 22


(i 2) son of Iqīša-Marduk, ditto (governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari), descendant of Adad-nādin-zēri, ditto (governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari), one of an enduring lineage,

i 33

li-pu ru-qu šá mtu-na-mis-saḫ DUMU mḫa-am-mu-ra-pu

(i 3) distant descendant of Tunamissaḫ, son of Ḫammu-rāpi, king of Babylon; the chosen one, upon whom the gods Šamaš and Marduk, Adad and Apla-Adad, happily (and) radiantly looked with their full shining faces, to whom they gave mighty power, strength, and the kingship over the land of Sūḫu, and for whose lot they bestowed (a sense of) justice

i 44

LUGAL TIN.TIR.KI am*-ri šá dUTU u dAMAR.UTU dIŠKUR u dA-dIŠKUR ḫa-diš*

i 55

nam-riš ina kal pa-ni-šú-nu nam-ru-ti ip-pal-su-in*-ni-ma

i 66

e-mu-qu gaš-ra-a-tu₄ da-na-nu ù LUGAL-ú-tu šáḫi

i 77

id-di-nu-nim-ma ù kit-ti a-na NAM-ia -ru-ku 3 ITI.MEŠ

(i 7b) Three months had hardly passed, at the beginning of my governorship, when I ascended the throne of my father, (when) two thousand Ḫatallu (tribesmen) from the Sarugu (clan) to the Luḫuāyya (clan) with archers and their military commanders gathered and came to an agreement.

i 88

ina muḫ-ḫi ṭup-pi-šú ina SAG .GAR.KUR-ú-tu-ia šá i-na GIŠ.GU.ZA

i 99

šá AD-ia ú-ši-bu 2 LIM .ḫa-ṭal-lu ul-tu .sa-ru-gu

i 1010

a-di .lu-ḫu-ú-a-a TA ÉRIN.MEŠ GIŠ.BAN ù .SAG KAL×BAD.MEŠ-šú-nu

i 1111

ip-ḫu-ru-ú-ma ṭè-e-mi a-na a-ḫa-meš -kun-ú-ma

i 1212

mšá-ma-ʾ-ga-am-ni .NIMGIR .sa-ru-gu šá ina la kit-ti bal-lu

(i 12) Šamaʾgamni, the herald of the Sarugu (clan), who is thoroughly pervaded with falsehood, was their leader. They came up to plunder the land of Laqû, but while in the steppe they deliberated, saying: “The governor of the land of Sūḫu is hostile to us. How shall we pass by (him) in order to plunder the land of Laqû?”

i 1313

a-lik pa-ni-šú-nu a-na ḫu-ub-tu a-na E₁₁-nim-ma

i 1414

ina EDIN in-dal-ku-ú-ma um-ma .GARḫi it-ti-ni

i 1515

na-kir-ma um-ma ki-ki-ma ni-it-ti-iq-ma ḫu-ub-ti

i 1616

ul-tu ni-ḫab-bat mšá-ma-ʾ-ga-am-ni .NIMGIR

(i 16b) Šamaʾgamni, the herald of the Sarugu (clan), and Yâʾe, the son of Balammu, a member of the Amatu (tribe), their military commanders, said the following to them:

i 1717

.sa-ru-gu ù mia-a-ʾ-e DUMU mba-la-am-mu .a-mat-a-a

i 1818

.SAG KAL×BAD.MEŠ-šú-nu ki-a-ma iq-bu-niš-šú-nu-tim-ma um-ma

i 1919

.GAR.KUR.MEŠ šáḫi AD.MEŠ-šú mam-ma ina lìb-bi-šú-nu a-na lìb-bi 1 LIM

(i 19) “Not one among the governors of the land of Sūḫu, his ancestors, (ever dared to) go to fight against one thousand Arameans. Now then, this one will (have to) go to fight against two thousand Arameans!

i 2020

.a-ra-mu a-na ṣal-ta ul il-lik um-ma en-na šu-ú

i 2121

a-na lìb-bi 2 LIM .a-ra*-mu a-na ṣal-ta il-la-ku um-ma ki-i

(i 21b) If he comes up against us, we will go to fight him and take the land of Sūḫu for our own.

i 2222

a-na pa-ni-ni it-la-a a-na ṣal-ta a-na lìb-bi-šú ni-lak-ma

i 2323

ùḫi a-na šá ram-ni-ni nu-tar-ru ù ki-i la it-la-a

(i 23b) However, if he does not come up (against us), we will take away booty and draw (more) men to us.

i 2424

ḫu-ub-tu nu-še-rid-ma ù ÉRIN.MEŠ a-na muḫ-ḫi-ni nu-rad-dam-ma

i 2525

ù ni-il-la-kám-ma a-na UGU É.MEŠ šáḫi

(i 25) Then we will go and attack the houses of the land of Sūḫu. We will seize his towns which are (located) in the steppe and cut down their fruit trees.”

i 2626

ni-teb--e-ma URU.MEŠ-šú šá ina EDIN ni-ṣab*-bat-ma ù GIŠ.gáp-ni-šú-nu

i 2727

ni-NÍG-kis a-na e-mu--šú-nu it-kal-ú-ma a-na

(i 27b) Trusting in their (own) forces, they proceeded on to the land of Laqû (and) seized one hundred villages of the land of Laqû. They took countless booty and turned the land of Laqû into a heap of ruins.

i 2828

i-ti-qu 1 ME É.DURU₅.MEŠ šá iṣ-bat-ú-ma ḫúb-tu

i 2929

la mi-ni iḫ-bu-tu-nim-ma a-<na> DU₆ u kar-mi

i 3030

ut-tir-ru mdIŠKUR-da-ʾa-nu .šak-nu ina lìb-bi 4

(i 30b) Adad-daʾʾānu, the governor of the land of Laqû, came before me with four chariots (and) two hundred soldiers. He kissed the ground before me and then implored me (for aid). I accepted his supplication.

i 3131

GIŠ.GIGIR.MEŠ 2 ME ÉRIN.MEŠ a-na pa-ni-ia il-li-kám-ma qaq-qa-ri

i 3232

ina pa-ni-ia -šiq-ma ù ú-sap-pa-an-ni-ma su-pe-šú am-ḫur

i 3333

ù md30-SILIM-im-an-ni .EN.NAMṣa-pu a-di e-muq [(x)]

(i 33) Moreover, Sîn-šallimanni, the provincial governor of the land of Ruṣapu, went against them (the Arameans) with all the troops of the land of Ruṣapu, but (when) he saw them, he became afraid and [did not fall upon them].

i 3434

gab-bi šáṣa-pu a-na muḫ-ḫi-šú-nu il-li-kám-ma [(x x)]

i 3535

i-mur-šú-nu-ti-ma ip-làḫ-ma a?-[na? muḫ-ḫi-šú-nu? ul? im-qut?]

i 3636

ana-ku mdMAŠ-[NÍG.DU-PAP ...]

(i 36) I, Ni[nurta-kudurrī-uṣur ...]

Lacuna (20-30 lines)
Column ii
ii 1ii 1

ri-iḫ-ṣi* UGU*-šú-nu GAR-un*-ma ina lìb-bi GIŠ.GIGIR-ia ki-ma ḫa-[mi ŠE.BAR]

(ii 1) I brought about a [cloud]-burst over them and from inside my chariot I blew them away (lit. “washed them away”) like ch[aff]. Arrows quivered like locusts over [my] forces, (but) not one person among my forces fell.

ii 22

ár-ḫi-is-su-nu-ti šil-ta-ḫu ki-ma e-re-bu UGU KARAŠ-[ia/ia₅]

ii 33

i-šub-bu a-a-um-ma ina lìb-bi KARAŠ.MEŠ-ia₅ ul im-qut

ii 44

38* ÉRIN.MEŠ šá ina lìb-bi .KARAŠ.MEŠ-ia ú-maḫ-ḫi-ṣu a-a-um-[ma]

(ii 4) (Although) they wounded thirty-eight men from among my forces, not one person among them (my forces) fell dead in the steppe. I fell upon them (the enemy) like a blazing fire and put one thousand six hundred and sixteen of their men to the sword. Moreover, I removed the arms (and) lower lips of eighty of their men and let them go free to (spread the news of my) glory.

ii 55

ina lìb-bi-šú-nu .ÚŠ-šú ina EDIN ul im-qut ki-ma dGIBIL₆

ii 66

mut-tan-pi-ḫu a-na lìb-bi-šú-nu am-qut-ma 1 LIM 6 ME 16 ÉRIN.MEŠ

ii 77

ina lìb-bi-šú-nu a-na pi-i GÍR.AN.BAR GAR-un ù šá 80 ÉRIN.MEŠ

ii 88

ina lìb-bi-šú-nu kap-pi-šú-nu sa-ap-sa-pi-šú-nu áš-ši-ma a-na

ii 99

da-li-li un-dáš-šìr*-šú-nu-ti TA muḫ-ḫi .ma-ki-ri <a-di>

(ii 9b) From the well Makiru <as far as> the well Gallabu and the well Suribu, at (these) three wells, I defeated (and) annihilated them. I broke up their numerous auxiliary troops and split up their military contingents. I captured those who tried to get away; I made their blood run like the water of a river. Eagles and vultures hovered over their corpses. I filled the mountains and wadis with their skulls like mountain-stones; birds made (their) nests in their skulls.

ii 1010

.gal-la-bu u a-di UGU .su-ri*-bu ina UGU* 3 .MEŠ

ii 1111

BAD₅.BAD₅-šú-nu áš-kun ka-mar-šú-nu SÌG-aṣ ILLAT-su*-nu ka-bit-ti

ii 1212

ap-ṭur-ma ú-par-ri-ir ki-iṣ-ri-šu-un šá È-u* ki-šit-ti

ii 1313

qa-ti UGU-šú-nu GAR-un ÚŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu ki-ma A.MEŠ ÍD

ii 1414

ú-šá-aṣ-bit ḫar-ra-nu ina .ÚŠ.MEŠ-šú-nu a-ru-ú u zi-bu

ii 1515

in-na-aṭ-ṭal gul-gul-la-ti-šú-nu ki-ma NA₄.MEŠ KUR-i KUR.MEŠ

ii 1616

u na-ḫal um-dal-lu ina GUL.GUL.MEŠ-šú-nu MUŠEN.ḪI.A qin-na iq-nun

ii 1717

3 ME 4 ÉRIN.MEŠ ina lìb-bi-šú-nu iḫ-ru-pu-ú*-ma la-pa-ni-ia ib-bal-kit

(ii 17) Three hundred and four of their men had quickly retreated before me. (Because) my horses and my men had become thirsty for water due to the fighting, I did not pursue them. Forty of these (three hundred and four) men perished due to thirst for water; (the remaining) two hundred and fifty-four men of them got away.

ii 1818

ANŠE.KUR.RA.MEŠ-ia la-pa-an ṣal-ta ù ÉRIN.MEŠ-ia₅ A.MEŠ iṣ-mu-ú

ii 1919

ul ar-du-ud-šú-nu-ti 40 ÉRIN.MEŠ ina lìb-bi-šú-nu ina ṣu-um A.MEŠ

ii 2020

in-nab-tu 2 ME 54 ÉRIN.MEŠ ina lìb-bi-šú-nu it-lu-ú 1 LIM 8 ME 46

(ii 20b) I (thus) killed one thousand eight hundred and forty-six of their men. This is a single defeat which Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari, inflicted upon the Ḫatallu (tribesmen).

ii 2121

ÉRIN.MEŠ ina lìb-bi-šú-nu ad-duk a-ga-a 1-et* di-ik-ti

ii 2222

šá mdMAŠ-NÍG.DU-PAP .GARḫi u ina lìb-bi .ḫa-ṭal-lu

ii 2323

i-du-ku mšá-ma-ʾ-ga-am-ni .NIMGIR .sa-ru-gu a-lik

(ii 23b) With regard to Šamaʾgamni, the herald of the Sarugu (clan), their leader, the dishonest servant whom the land of Sūḫu, Assyria, and my fathers rejected, I got hold (of him and) killed him, (thereby) easing my heart. I stripped off his skin like the skin of a sheep and set (it) in front of the gate of Āl-gabbāri-bānî.

ii 2424

pa-ni-šú-nu ÌR la tar-ṣu* šáḫi KUR--šur.KI u AD.MEŠ-ú-a

ii 2525

ú-šá-an-si*-<ku?>-šu ik-šu-ud ŠU.II-a-a a-duk-šú-ma i-nu-uḫ lìb-bi

ii 2626

KUŠ-šú ki-ma KUŠ UDU.NÍTA aṣ-ṣi-ma ina pa-an .GAL šá URU-gab*-ba-ri-

ii 2727

áš-kun šá mam-ma ina lìb-bi <AD.MEŠ-e-a> la GAZ ana-ku a-duk AD.MEŠ-ú-a

(ii 27b) I inflicted such a defeat as none among <my ancestors> had inflicted. My ancestors had defeated the enemy ten times, but they did not achieve as much as I. I inflicted a single defeat (of such an extent that) I surpassed my ancestors.

ii 2828

10-šú .KÚR GAZ-ma ma-lu-ú-a ul ú-šam-ṣu-ú ana-ku 1-et

ii 2929

di-ik-ti a-duk-ma a-na la AD.MEŠ-e-a ú-šá-tir₄(DIR) man-ni ár-ku-ú

(ii 29b) Anyone in the future who comes forward and says: “How [did] Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, the governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari [inflict] this defeat?” (should be told that) I did [not] inflict (this) [by my own power, (but rather) I inflicted this] defeat by the power of the gods Šamaš and Marduk, A[dad and Apla-Adad, the great gods], my lords.

ii 3030

šá E₁₁-ma i-qab-bu-ú um-ma ki-ki-i mdMAŠ-NÍG.DU-PAP

ii 3131

.GARḫi u di*-ik-ti an-ni-ti id?-[duk ul ina e-mu-qi-ia]

ii 3232

a-duk ina e-muq dUTU u dAMAR.UTU dIŠKUR [u dA-dIŠKUR DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ]

ii 3333

EN.MEŠ-e-a di-ik-ti [an-ni-tu₄ ad-duk man-ni ár-ku-ú]

(ii 33b) [Anyone in the future] who comes forward and [should ask] the elders of [his] l[and and the elders of the land of Laqû: ...]

ii 3434

šá E₁₁-ma ši-bu-ut KUR-[šú u ši-bu-tu šá]

ii 3535

x [...] x [...]

Lacuna (20–30 lines)
Column iii
iiiiii Lacuna (20–30 lines)
iii 1'1'

(Trace(s)) [...]

(iii 1') [...]

iii 2'2'

SA KIB x x [... .GARḫi u ...]

(iii 2') ... [... governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari ...]

iii 3'3'

.bu-uk-re-e a-mur-ma qaq-[qa-ri ul ba-ni ...]

(iii 3') I saw [(...) in the vicinity of] the well Bukrê, but [(its) location was not good ...]

iii 4'4'

ul* e-pu- AN.TA .bu-uk-[re-e ...]

(iii 4') had not been built. Above the well Buk[ ...]

iii 5'5'

a-mur-ma ḫu-up-pat ši-i ap-pa-ri x x [...]

(iii 5') I discovered. It consisted of depressions; a reed marsh ... [...]

iii 6'6'

ap-te-ši-ma A.MEŠ-šú ma--du 3 KASKAL.II.MEŠ šá x [...]

(iii 6') I opened it up and its water was abundant. Three routes [...]

iii 7'7'

šá a-na URU.ḫi-in-da-a-nu uḫi il-la-ku

(iii 7') which go to the land of Laqû, the city Ḫindānu, and the land of Sūḫu,

iii 8'8'

šá ina lìb-bi UD.MEŠ šá .GAR.KUR.MEŠ AD.MEŠ-ú-a šá pet-ḫal-lu ina lìb-bi

(iii 8') which in the days of the governors, my ancestors, who had left no mounted soldiers there, <...>

iii 9'9'

la ú-še*-zi-bu man-ni ár-ku-ú šá E₁₁-ma i-qab-bu-ú

(iii 9b') Anyone in the future who comes forward and says: “How is it that (any) stranger who passes by may drink (this) water?” (should be told that) he may drink from the well which we formed.

iii 10'10'

um-ma .KÚR šá it-ti-qu ina mi-nim-ma A.MEŠ i-šat-ti

iii 11'11'

ina ni-iq-bu-ú-nu i-šat-ti ina maḫ-ri-ia URU ina muḫ-ḫi

(iii 11a') No town had been built there before my time. I conceived the idea of building this town.

iii 12'12'

ul e-pu- e-pe-šú URU UR₅- ina lìb-bi-ia ib-ši-ma ul-tu

(iii 12b') While the workforce was making bricks for it, before the town had (yet) been (completely) built there, twenty Aramean marauders came (there), but one mounted officer whom I had stationed there on guard seized them.

iii 13'13'

SIG₄ .ki-na-al-ta ina UGU i-lab-bi-ni a-di la URU i-na

iii 14'14'

UGU ep-pu- 20 .gu-du-du šá .a-ra-mu DU-ku-nim-ma

iii 15'15'

1-en .U₅ šá pét-ḫal-lu šá EN.NUN ina lìb-bi ú-šá-az-zi-zu

iii 16'16'

iṣ-ṣab-ta-áš-šú-nu-ti URU ina muḫ-ḫi *-ma URU.BÀD-mdMAŠ-NÍG.DU-PAP

(iii 16b') I built a town there and named it Dūr-Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur (“Fort Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur”). I settled people in it (and) stationed mounted soldiers in it. This (town) is the open eyes of the land of Sūḫu for the sake of the security of the land of Sūḫu.

iii 17'17'

MU-šú az-kur .áš-bu- ina lìb-bi-šú ul-te-šib pét-ḫal-lu ina lìb-bi-šú ú-šá-az-ziz

iii 18'18'

áš-šú EN.NUN anaḫi IGI.II pe-ti-ti šáḫi ši-i man-ni ár-ku-ú

(iii 18b') No one in the future who comes forward should neglect this town (or) expel the inhabitants whom I settled in this town. They should (continue to) guard (this town) against the enemy for the sake of the security of the land of Sūḫu. Just as I (did), he should pay attention to this town (and) not neglect this town.

iii 19'19'

šá E₁₁*-ma na-de-e a-ḫi a-na URU UR₅- la i-raš-ši áš-bu- šá ina lìb-bi

iii 20'20'

URU UR₅- ú-še-šib a-a ú-nak-kìr*-šú-nu-ti áš-šú EN.NUN šáḫi la-pa-an

iii 21'21'

.KÚR li-iṣ-ṣu-ru ki-ma ia-a-ti-ma SAG URU UR₅- liš-ši

iii 22'22'

na-de-e a-ḫi a-na URU UR₅- la i-raš-ši ana-ku mdMAŠ-NÍG.DU-PAP

(iii 22b') I, Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari, discovered land (capable of being) cultivated on the top of a cliff and conceived the idea of building a town (there). I laid a stone foundation, reinforced (it), built a town upon (it), and named it Kār-Apla-Adad (“Quay of the God Apla-Adad”).

iii 23'23'

.GARḫi u qaq-qa-ri -re-ši ina SAG ka-pu a-mur-ma

iii 24'24'

e-pe-šú URU lìb-bi ub-la-an-ni-ma tem--en-nu NA₄.MEŠ ad-di-ma

iii 25'25'

ú-dan-nin URU ina UGU -ma URU.kar-dA-dIŠKUR MU-šú az-kur 50 x-ŠUK

(iii 25b') I [settled] there fifty ..., citizens of the land of Sūḫu, who had approached (me) Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari about settling in (this) town, saying: “Settle us in your town!” I planted orchard(s) near it. I built a temple to the god Apla-Adad and [(...)] I settled inside (it) [...] of the god Apla-Adad, who had (previously) dwelt in the city Anat.

iii 26'26'

DUMUḫi šá mdMAŠ-NÍG.DU-PAP .GARḫi u šá áš-šú a-šá-bu*

iii 27'27'

šá URU im-ḫu-ru-ma um-ma ina URU-ka šu-šib-an-na-ši ina lìb-bi-šú ul-[te-šib]

iii 28'28'

GIŠ.KIRI₆ ina ṭa-ḫi az-qup É.KUR a-na dA-dIŠKUR --ma ḫu-x [...]

iii 29'29'

šá dA-dIŠKUR a-šib ina lìb-bi ul-te-šib 1.(BÁN) NINDA.ḪI.A u KAŠ.SAG [...]

(iii 29b') I established one sūtu of bread and fine beer [...] as regular offerings for him (and) presen[ted] (them) to those privileged to enter the temple and to the mayor. I built a palace for the governor there. I constructed an embankment from the Euphrates, made it high, (and) built a ... upon (it). [...]

iii 30'30'

a-na gi-ni-šú uk-tin a-na .KU₄.É ù .ḫa-za-an-ni BA-[ìš]

iii 31'31'

É.GAL šá .GAR.KUR ina lìb-bi e-pu- ki-iṣ-ri TA pu-rat-tu₄

iii 32'32'

ak-šìr-ma ú-še-la-a e-li-ti <ina> muḫ-ḫi - da-li? [...]

Column iv
iviv Lacuna (20–30 lines)
iv 1'1'

x [...]

(iv 1') ... [...]

iv 2'2'

ana-ku mdMAŠ-NÍG.[DU-PAP .GARḫi u a-ki-tu₄ ša dIŠKUR]

(iv 2') I, Ninurta-ku[durrī-uṣur, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari: the Akītu (temple) of the gods Adad] and Mešar (Mīšarum) the great gods who dwell in the town Udada had become old and been abandoned. None am[ong] my ancestors had paid attention (to it) and (re)built (it). I completely (re)built this Akītu (temple). I had (this temple) (re)built and dedicated (it) to the gods Adad and Mešar (Mīšarum), the great gods, my lords, in order to ensure my good health (and) the well-being of my offspring, to prolong my days, to confirm my reign, (and) to defeat the land of my enemy.

iv 3'3'

u dme-šár DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.MEŠ a-šib-ú-tu URU.ú-da-da

iv 4'4'

la-ba-riš il-lik-ma muš-šu-rat a-a-um-ma ina lìb-[bi]

iv 5'5'

AD.MEŠ-e-a SAG ul -ši-ma ul - ana-ku a-ki-tu₄

iv 6'6'

UR₅- ú-šak-lil-ma a-na dIŠKUR u dme-šár DINGIR.MEŠ GAL.[MEŠ]

iv 7'7'

EN.MEŠ-e-a a-na ba-laṭ ZI.MEŠ-ía šá-lam* NUMUN-ia GÍD.DA

iv 8'8'

UD.MEŠ-ia ku-un BALA.MEŠ-e-a sa-kap KUR .KÚR-ia* -ma

iv 9'9'

BA-ìš É.GAL mé-nam-ḫé-NUMUN- .GARḫi KI-tim

(iv 9b') The palace of Enamḫe-zēra-ibni, governor of the land of Sūḫu, (which is located in) the district of the city Raʾil, which is in the middle of the Euphrates (River), had become old and I abandoned it. I built another palace above it: 64 cubits is its length (and) 12 1/2 cubits is its width. I made it 20 cubits longer (and) 4 cubits wider than the palace of Enamḫe-zēra-ibni. I built (even) another palace above it: I made it 45 cubits long (and) 9 cubits wide.

iv 10'10'

URU.ra*-ìl šá qab-lat pu-rat-ti la-ba-riš DU-ku-ma

iv 11'11'

un-dáš-šìr-šú É.GAL šá-ni-tu₄ AN.TA-šú --ma

iv 12'12'

60*-šu* 4 ina 1.KÙŠ GÍD.DA-šú 12 ina 1.KÙŠ u ma-la ú-ṭu DAGAL-su

iv 13'13'

a-na la É.GAL šá mé-nam-ḫé-NUMUN- 20 ina 1.KÙŠ ú-šá-rik-šú

iv 14'14'

4 ina 1.KÙŠ ur-tap-pis-su šá-ni-ti É.GAL AN.TA-šú -ma

iv 15'15'

45 ina 1.KÙŠ GÍD.DA-šú 9 ina 1.KÙŠ DAGAL-su .ra-ìl-a-a <>.ḪI.GAR-šú-nu

(iv 15b') With regard to the people of Raʾil (and) their rebels, they had rebelled against my father, but my father had defeated them. At the beginning of my governorship, when I ascended the throne of my father, the people of Raʾil revolted against me, but I defeated them. With regard to this matter, I did not pay (great) attention to it and did not make a relief (commemorating) it. No one in the future who comes forward should neglect the people of Raʾil!

iv 16'16'

ḪI.GAR a-na UGU AD-ia i-pu-šú-ma AD-ú-a id-duk-šú-nu-ti

iv 17'17'

ina SAG .GAR.KUR-ú-ti-ia šá ina GIŠ.GU.ZA šá AD-ia ú-ši-bu

iv 18'18'

.ra-ìl-a-a a-na UGU-ia ib-bal-kit-ma a-na-ku

iv 19'19'

a-duk-šú-nu-ti ina lìb-bi pa-ni-ia a-na UGU ul áš-kun-ma

iv 20'20'

GIŠ.ḪUR <<ul e>> ul e-ṣir-šú man-ni ár-ku-ú šá E₁₁-ma a-na

iv 21'21'

.ra-ìl-a-a na-de-e a-ḫi la i-rašáš-šú-nu-ti URU-gab-ba-ri-

(iv 21b') With regard to Āl-gabbāri-bānî, the town which Šamaš-rēša-uṣur, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari, my father, had built, I built an enclosure around it. I made the town longer and wider, and I strengthened (it). The wall of the enclosure which I built is thirteen cubits thick. I dug a moat around the town and (thereby) completely surrounded the town with water.

iv 22'22'

URU šá mdUTU-SAG-PAP .GARḫi u AD-ia i-pu-šú

iv 23'23'

ana-ku a-di-ri a-ḫu-na-ḫi -ma URU ú-šá-rik ur-tap-pi-

iv 24'24'

u ud-dan-nin 13 ina 1.KÙŠ ku-ub-bur-ri i-ga-ru šá a-di-ri

iv 25'25'

šá ana-ku e-pu-šú ḫa-ri-ṣi a-ḫu-na-ḫi šá URU aḫ-ru-uṣ-ma

iv 26'26'

A.MEŠ a-ḫu-na-ḫi šá URU ul-te-el-ma-a ana-ku mdMAŠ-NÍG.DU-PAP

(iv 26b') I, Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari: with regard to the people of Tema and Šaba, whose own country is far away, (whose) messenger(s) had never come to me, and (who) had never travelled to (meet) me, their caravan came near to the water of the well Martu and the well Ḫalatu, but passed by and then entered into the city Ḫindānu. I heard a report about them at midday, (while I was) in the town Kār-Apla-Adad and (immediately) harnessed (the horses of) my chariot. I crossed the river during the night and reached the town Azlāyyānu before midday of the next day. I waited in the town Azlāyyānu for three days and on the third day they approached. I captured one hundred of them alive. I captured their two hundred camels, together with their loads blue-purple wool, ... wool, iron, <pappar>dilû-stones, every kind of merchandise. I took abundant booty from them and brought it into the land of Sūḫu.

iv 27'27'

.GARḫi u .te-ma-ʾ-a-a .šá-ba-ʾ-a-a

iv 28'28'

šá a-šar-šú-nu ru-qu .A.KIN-šú-nu a-na muḫ-ḫi-ia ul DU-ku

iv 29'29'

ù a-na muḫ-ḫi-ia ul it-ti-qu-ú-nu a-na muḫ-ḫi* ma*-mu

iv 30'30'

.mar-tu u .ḫa-la-tum a-lak-ta-šú-nu TE u it-ti-iq-ma

iv 31'31'

u a-na URU.ḫi-in-da-a-nu ir-ru-bu-nu* ina URU.kar-dA-dIŠKUR i-na

iv 32'32'

AN.BAR₇ ši-mu-su-nu áš--e-ma ni-ri aṣ-mid ina GE₆ ÍD

iv 33'33'

e-bir-ma ina šá-ni-i u₄-me a-di la AN.BAR₇ a-na

iv 34'34'

ak-šu-ud-ma 3 u₄-mi ina ú-šib-ma ina 3-šú u₄-me

iv 35'35'

ik-šu-du-nim-ma 1 ME-šú-nu bal-ṭu-su*-nu ŠU.II ik-šu-ud 2 ME gam-ma-lu-šú-nu

iv 36'36'

a*-di GUN-šú-nu SÍK.ta-kil*-tu₄ SÍK.KASKAL* AN.BAR NA₄.<BABBAR>.DILI.MEŠ mim-ma -reš-ti .A.BI*

iv 37'37'

ik-šu-ud ŠU.II-a-a NAM.RI-su-nu ka-bit-ti áš-lu-lam*-ma

iv 38'38'

ú-še*-rib a-na -rebḫi MU.7.KÁM

(iv 38b') This report was made in the seventh year of Ninurta-kudurrī-uṣur, governor of the land of Sūḫu and the land of Mari.

iv 39'39'

mdMAŠ-NÍG.DU-PAP .GARḫi u da-ba-ba

iv 40'40'

an-na-a da-bi-ib

iv 41'41'


(iv 41') Collated.

1ni-NÍG-kis to be read as ni-nék-kis.

Based on Grant Frame, Rulers of Babylonia: From the Second Dynasty of Isin to the End of Assyrian Domination (1157-612 BC) (RIMB 2; Toronto, 1995). Digitized, lemmatized, and updated by Alexa Bartelmus, 2015-16, for the Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI), a corpus-building initiative funded by LMU Munich and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (through the establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East) and based at the Historisches Seminar - Abteilung Alte Geschichte of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as