AAA | Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology |
AAT | J. A. Craig, Astrological-astronomical Texts (Leipzig 1899) |
ABK | H. Hunger, Babylonische und assyrische Kolophone (AOAT 2, Neukirchen- Vluyn 1968) |
ABL | R. F. Harper, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters (London and Chicago 1892-1914) |
ADD | C. H. W. Johns, Assyrian Deeds and Documents (Cambridge 1898-1923) |
AfO | Archiv für Orientforschung |
AfO Beiheft 6 | see TH |
AGS | J. A. Knudtzon, Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott (Leipzig 1893) |
AKA | E. A. W. Budge and L. W. King, The Annals of the Kings of Assyria (London 1902) |
ALA | O. Pedersén, Archives and Libraries in the City of Assur I-II (Uppsala 1985-86) |
AnSt | Anatolian Studies |
AOAT | Alter Orient und Altes Testament |
ARAB | D. D. Luckenbill, Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia I-II (Chicago 1926-27) |
ArEp | F. M. Fales, Aramaic Epigraphs on Clay Tablets of the Neo-Assyrian Period (Rome 1986) |
ARU | J. Kohler and A. Ungnad, Assyrische Rechtsurkunden (Leipzig 1913) |
AS | Assyriological Studies |
AS 5 | A. C. Piepkorn, Historical Prism Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal (AS 5, Chicago 1933) |
Assur | Assur, Monographic Journals of the Near East |
Aynard, Le Prisme | J.-M. Aynard, Le Prisme du Louvre AO 19.939 (Paris 1957) |
Balawat Gates | A. Billerbeck and F. Delitzsch, Beiträge zur Assyriologie 6,1 (1908) 133-44 |
BaM | Baghdader Mitteilungen |
BBR | H. Zimmern, Beiträge zur Kenntnis der babylonischen Religion I (Leipzig 1896), II (Leipzig 1901) |
BiOr | Bibliotheca Orientalis |
Böhl, Chrestomathy | F. M. T. Böhl, Akkadian Chrestomathy (Leiden 1947) |
CAD | The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (Chicago 1956-) |
Carchemish II | C. L. Woolley, Carchemish, Part II. The Town Defences (London 1921) |
CAH | Cambridge Ancient History |
Cat. Supp. | L. W. King, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection, Supplement (London 1914) |
CCEN | F. M. Fales, Censimenti e catasti di epoca neo-assira (Rome 1973) |
CIS | Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum |
CT | Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum |
CTDS | S. Parpola, Cuneiform Texts from Dur Sharrukin (unpublished) |
CTN | Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud |
CTNMC | Th. Jacobsen, Cuneiform Texts in the National Museum, Copenhagen (Leiden 1939) |
Deller, Volterra FS | Studi in Onore di Edoardo Volterra VI (Milan 1971) 639-653 |
Dietrich, AOAT 7 | Die Aramäer Südbabyloniens in der Sargonidenzeit (AOAT 7, Neukirchen- Vluyn 1970) |
van Driel, Cult | G. van Driel, The Cult of Aššur (Assen 1969) |
EAK | W. Schramm, Einleitung in die assyrischen Königsinschriften II (Leiden 1973) |
EPHE | J.-M. Durand, Documents cuniformes de la IVe Section de l'École pratique des Hautes Études. Tome I. Catalogue et copies cunéiformes (Hautes Études Orientales 18, Geneva — Paris 1982) |
FuB | Forschungen und Berichte |
Garelli FS | D. Charpin and F. Joannès (eds.), Marchands, diplomates et empereurs: Études sur la civilisation mésopotamienne offerts à Paul Garelli (Éditions Recherche sur Jes Civilisations, Paris 1991) |
Genge, Stelen | H. Genge, Stelen neuassyrischen Könige (Thesis, Freiburg im Breisgau 1965) |
Gezer | R. A. S. Macalister, The Excavations of Gezer I (London 1912) 23-29 |
GPA | J. N. Postgate, The Governor's Palace Archive (CTN 2, London 1973) |
Hilprecht FS | Hilprecht Anniversary Volume (Leipzig 1909) |
ICC | A. H. Layard, Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Character from Assyrian Monuments (London 1851) |
IWA | Th. Bauer, Das lnschriftenwerk Assurbanipals (Leipzig 1933) |
JAOS | Journal of the American Oriental Society |
JCS | Journal of Cuneiform Studies |
JNES | Journal of Near Eastern Studies |
JSS | Journal of Semitic Studies |
KAH I | L. Messerschmidt, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen Inhalts I (WVDOG 16, Leipzig 1911) |
KAH II | O. Schroeder, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen Inhalts II (WVDOG 37, Leipzig 1922) |
KAJ | E. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur juridischen Inhalts (WVDOG 50, Leipzig 1927) |
KAR | E. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts I (WVDOG 28, Leipzig 1919), II (WVDOG 34, Leipzig 1923) |
KAV | O. Schroeder, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur verschiedenen lnhalts (WVDOG 35, Leipzig 1920) |
King, Cat. | see Cat. Supp. |
LAS | S. Parpola, Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal I (AOAT 5/1, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1970) |
LKA | E. Ebeling and F. Köcher, Literarische Keilschrifttexte aus Assur (Berlin 1953) |
LTBA | L. Matouš, Die lexicalischen Tafelserien der Babylonier und Assyrer in den Berliner Museen I (Berlin 1933) |
MARI | Mari, Annales de Recherches Interdisciplinaires |
MDOG | Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft |
Menzel, AT | B. Menzel, Assyrische Tempel (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 10, Rome 1981) |
MVAG | Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatisch-Ägyptischen Gesellschaft |
NABU | Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires |
NALK | T. Kwasman, Neo-Assyrian Legal Documents in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 14, Rome 1988) |
NARGD | J. N. Postgate, Neo-Assyrian Royal Grants and Decrees (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 1, Rome 1969) |
NTT | D. J. Wiseman and J. A. Black, The Nabû Temple Texts (CTN 4, London forthcoming) |
NWL | J. V. Kinnier Wilson, The Nimrud Wine Lists (CTN 1, London 1972) |
OLZ | Orientalistische Literaturzeitung |
Or. | Orientalia, Nova Series |
OrSu | Orientalia Suecana |
PEA | R. Campbell Thompson, The Prisms of Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal found at Nineveh (London 1931) |
PRT | E. Klauber, Politisch-Religiöse Texte aus der Sargonidenzeit (Leipzig 1913) |
PSBA | Proceedings of the Society for Biblical Archaeology |
III R | H. C. Rawlinson and G. Smith, The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia III (London 1870) |
RA | Revue d'Assyriologie |
RCAE | L. Waterman, Royal Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire I-IV (Ann Arbor 1930-36) |
RIMS | Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia Supplements |
RIMS 1 | V. Donbaz and A. K. Grayson, Royal Inscriptions on Clay Cones from Ashur now in Istanbul (RIMS 1, Toronto 1984) |
RIMAP | Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Assyrian Periods |
RIMAP 2 | A. K. Grayson, Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC I (1114-859 BC) (RIMAP 2, Toronto 1991) |
RIA | Reallexikon der Assyriologie |
RMA | R. Campbell Thompson, The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon I-II (London 1900) |
RT | Recueil de Travaux |
SAA | State Archives of Assyria |
SAAB | State Archives of Assyria Bulletin |
Sendschirli V | H. Ehelolf in W. Andrae and F. von Luschan, Die Kleinfunde von Sendschirli (Berlin 1943) 136-37, Taf. 73 |
Smith, Canon | G. Smith, The Assyrian Eponym Canon (London 1875) |
St. | W. Andrae, Die Stelenreihen in Assur (WVDOG 24, Leipzig 1913) |
Streck, Asb | M. Streck, Assurbanipal und die letzten assyrischen Könige I-III (Vorderasiatische Bibliothek 7, Leipzig 1916) |
STT | O. R. Gurney and J. J. Finkelstein, The Sultantepe Tablets I (London 1957); O. R. Gurney and P. Hulin, The Sultantepe Tablets II (London 1964) |
Tax. | J. N. Postgate, Taxation and Conscription in the Assyrian Empire (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 3, Rome 1974) |
TCL | Textes cunéiformes du Louvre |
TFS | S. M. Dalley and J. N. Postgate, The Tablets from Fort Shalmaneser (CTN 3, London 1984) |
TH | J. Friedrich, G. R. Meyer, A. Ungnad, E. F. Weidner, Die Inschriften von Tell Halaf (AfO Beiheft 6, Berlin 1940) |
XXV Or. Cong. | Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth International Congress of Orientalists, Moscow, 1960 I (Moscow 1962) |
Unger, IAMN | E. Unger, Sargon II. von Assyrien der Sohn Tiglatpileser's III. (Istanbul Asanatika Müzlerineşriyati 9, Istanbul 1933) |
VS | Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmäler der Königlichen Museen zu Berlin |
WdO | Die Welt des Orients |
Winnett FS | J. W. Wevers and D. B. Redford (eds.), Studies on the Ancient Palestinian World presented to Professor F. V. Winnett (Toronto 1972) |
WVDOG | Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft |
ZA | Zeitschrift für Assyriologie |
ZK | Zeitschrift für Keilschriftforschung |
A | The Oriental Institute, Chicago; also texts from Assur in the Archaeological Museum, Istanbul |
AO | Musée du Louvre, Paris |
Amherst | text in the collection Lord Amherst of Hackney; now dispersed |
Ash | The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford |
Assur | texts excavated by the Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft at Assur; some courtesy Liane Jakob-Rost and K. Deller or O. Pedersén |
'Assur' | texts excavated at Assur by the Department of Antiquities of Iraq, courtesy A. Y. Ahmed and D. J. Wiseman |
Bi | texts excavated at Tell Billa by the Baghdad School of the American Schools of Oriental Research and the University of Pennsylvania |
BM | The British Museum, London |
BT | texts excavated at Balawat by the British School of Archaeology in Iraq; some by courtesy of the late B. H. Parker (Lady Mallowan) and J. N. Postgate |
Bu | texts acquired by E. A. W. Budge for the British Museum |
C | Borowski Collection, Lands of the Bible Museum, Jerusalem, courtesy W. G. Lambert |
DK | texts excavated by the Department of Antiquities of Iraq at Dur Kurigalzu, courtesy J. A. Brinkman |
DS | texts excavated at Khorsabad by the Oriental Institute, Chicago, courtesy S. Parpola and J. A. Brinkman |
DT | 'Daily Telegraph' Collection from Nineveh, The British Museum |
Göteborg Univ. | Klassiska Institutionen collection, courtesy C. B. F. Walker |
IM | Iraq Museum, Baghdad |
K | texts from Kouyunjik (Nineveh) in the British Museum |
Kh | texts from Khorsabad |
Ki | texts from L. W. King's excavations at Nineveh, now in the British Museum |
LB | de Liagre Böhl Collection, Leiden |
MAH | Musée d' Art et d'Histoire, Geneva |
NIII | text found at Khorsabad now in the Musée du Louvre, Paris |
ND | texts excavated at Nimrud by the British School of Archaeology in Iraq; some courtesy J. N. Postgate; tablets found by the Department of Antiquities of Iraq at Nimrud bear the same signature |
O | Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire (Cinquantenaire), Brussels; some courtesy E. Lipiński |
P | tablet formerly in the collection of F. E. Peiser, now in the Böhl Collection |
Rassam | texts formerly in the collection of H. Rassam, now in the British Museum |
Rm | texts acquired by H. Rassam for the British Museum |
S | tablets excavated at Sinjirli by the Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft |
Sm | tablets acquired by G. Smith for the British Museum |
SU | tablets excavated at Sultantepe by the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara |
Th | texts from R. Campbell Thompson's excavations at Nineveh, now in the British Museum |
TR | texts excavated at Tell al-Rimah by the British School of Archaeology in Iraq |
UM | The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia |
VA, VAT | texts in the Vorderasiatische Abteilung, Staatliche Museen, Berlin; some courtesy K. Deller |
VA Ass | texts from Assur in the Vorderasiatische Abteilung, Staatliche Museen, Berlin |
82-5-22,121 | etc. are collection numbers (year, month, day of accession, item no.) of tablets in the Department of Western Asiatic Antiquities of the British Museum |
Ad | Aššur-dān | |
Adn | Adad-nērārī | |
Asb | Aššur-bāni-apli | Aššurbanipal |
Asn | Aššur-naṣir-apli | Aššurnaṣirpal |
Ašn | Aššur-nērārī | |
Esar | Aššur-aḫu-iddina | Esarhaddon |
Senn | Sîn-aḫḫē-erība | Sennacherib |
Sg | Šarru-kēn | Sargon |
Shalm, Š | Šulmānu-ašarēd | Shalmaneser |
Ssi | Sîn-šarru-iškun | |
Š-A | Šamšī-Adad | |
Tn | Tukultī-Ninurta | |
T-P | Tukultī-apil-Ešarra | Tiglath-pileser |
e. | edge |
exp. | expedition |
GN | geographical name |
ms | manuscript |
nergal₃ | IGI.DU |
nergal₄ | MAŠ.MAŠ |
nergal₅ | ŠEŠ.GAL |
obv. | obverse |
PC | post-canonical |
PN | personal name |
r., rev. | reverse |
s. | (left) side |
un. | unnumbered |
+ | join |
(+) | indirect join |
Except as noted above, index numbers of transcribed signs follow the conventions of R. Borger, Assyrisch-babylonische Zeichenliste (AOAT 33, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1978).
For the abbreviations used for the post-canonicial and extra-canonical eponyms, see p. 128.
Alan Millard
Alan Millard, 'Abbreviations', The Eponyms of the Assyrian Empire 910-612 BC, SAAS 2. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1994; online contents: SAAo/SAAS2 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2020 []