There is at least one Nee-Assyrian eponym from the eighth century that is not found in the canon for reasons that are unknown. A text from Kalaḫ is dated to the eponymate of Paqaḫa, who has the title governor of Libbi-āli ('Inner City', another name for Assur).[[26]] As the text is dated in the first month of the year, it is possible that Paqaḫa died early in his term and was replaced by someone else whose name now appears in the canon. For the sake of completeness, two eponyms from Babylonian texts, Aqarâ[[27]] and Ubāru, have been included in the catalogue although not part of the Assyrian Eponym Canon, nor post-canonical in date. Both of these eponyms had the title governor of Babylon, although Ubāru is designated šākin ṭēmi while Aqarâ is called bēl pāḫiti. The date of Ubāru has been placed early in the reign of Esarhaddon,[[28]] while Aqarâ is apparently to be dated to the time of Šamaš-šumu-ukīn, shortly before the latter's revolt against his brother, Aššurbanipal, in 652.[[29]] Although no compelling reason can be given for the use of eponyms to date Babylonian texts, there is little doubt that it was a result of Assyrian influence after the conquest and resettlement of Babylon.
26 See above, n. 3.
27 Or Aqarāya, but not Aqar-aplu; for spellings of the name see SAA 4 (1990), Index of Names, s.v. Aqarāia (all the same person).
28 See B. Landsberger, Brief des Bischofs von Esagila an König Asarhaddon (Amsterdam 1965) 28-29. G. Frame, RA 76 (1982) 157-58 , n. 5, suggests a date around 679-678 BC.
29 Frame, loc. cit. 164-66.
Robert Whiting
Robert Whiting, 'Extra-canonical Eponyms', The Eponyms of the Assyrian Empire 910-612 BC, SAAS 2. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1994; online contents: SAAo/SAAS2 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2020 []