SAA 21 022. I'm Sending You Two Hundred Horses (ABL 0273)[via saao/saa21]

o 1o 1

a-na mdPAGÁL-ši

(1) To Nabû-ušabši:

o 22


(2) Concerning the horses about which you wrote, even before you wrote I sent the treasurer Aššur-gimilli-tere with the army. Do whatever is opportune to do, be it to block the canal or to [subjug]ate those people.

o 33

šá taš-pur-an-ni

o 44

ki-i ud-di-na

o 55

la ta-šap-par-an-ni

o 66

m-šurŠUGUR-ra .IGI.DUB

o 77

.e-muq-qi is-si-šú

o 88

as-sap-ra -i-nu

o 99

šá a-na e-pa-še

o 1010

DÙG.GA-ú-ni ep-šá

o 1111

BE*-ma* ÍD.ḫar-ru sik-ra

o 1212

[BE]-ma UN-MEŠ am-mu-te

o 1313

[kub]-sa* u idda-at

(13) After the letter which you sent I am sending to you Bel-eṭir and Arbayu the cohort commander with 200 horses, to assist you in the work.

o 1414

[e]-gír-te šá taš-pur-an-ni

r 1r 1


r 22


r 33

.GALKA.KÉŠ 02-me

r 44

ANŠE.KUR.RA-MEŠ ina ŠU.2-šú-nu

r 55


r 66


r 77

is-si-ku-nu dul-lu

r 88


rest (2 lines) uninscribed

(rest (2 lines) uninscribed)

Adapted from Simo Parpola, The Correspondence of Ashurbanipal, Part I: Letters from Assyria, Babylonia, and Vassal States (State Archives of Assyria, 21), 2018. Adapted by Jamie Novotny and lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2018, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as