SAA 19 170. Raising Food and Fodder from Desert Towns (CTN 5 p. 173; SAA 01 172)

o 1o 1

a-na [LUGAL EN-ía]

(1) To [the king, my lord: yo]ur servant [Bel-duri].

o 22


o 33

LUGAL be- [ṭè-mu is-sa-kan]

(3) The king, my lord, [gave orders]: "[All] gover[nors] may raise food and fodder from [Šamaš]-a[hu-idd]ina with you, and Adad-issiya (and) Bel-lešir are to support Abi-lešir!"

o 44

ma-a v.EN.NAM-[MEŠ gab-bu]

o 55


o 66

i-si-ku-nu li-in--ḫu

o 77

ma-a m10—KI-ia mENGIŠ

o 88

a-na mADGIŠ lu-šá-ki-lu

o 99

la-a i-ma-gúr la-a i-šá-mi

(9) They have not agreed to this though, but are disobedient, saying: "Why should our villages in the desert belong to all the governors? The villages are ... within each other!"

o 1010

a-ta-a in-nu-te ma-a URU-MEŠ-ni

o 1111

ina mad-bar ša v.EN.NAM-ME gab-bi-šú-nu

o 1212

URU-MEŠ ina ŠÀ a-ḫi-ši pa?-nu-gu

o 1313

LUGAL be- liš-pu-ra URU-ME-šú-nu

(13) The king, my lord, should sent word that they are to write down their desert villages. Ever since the king my lord has levied pack animals from Hamath, I have been on my own, and he (= Abi-lešir) and they (= Adad-issiya and Bel-lešir) have been [on their own]. Tomorrow the king [my lord] will surely kill me, saying: "You are but a bunch of do-nothings!"

o 1414

ša mad-bar liš-ṭu-ru

o 1515

TAv É ANŠE.a-ṣa-pu LUGAL be-

o 1616

TAv KUR.ḫa-ma-te is-<su>-ḫu-u-ni

b.e. 17b.e. 17

a-na-ku a-na-ku-[ma]

b.e. 1818

šu-ú šú-nu-ú-ma [šú-nu]

b.e. 1919

iši-a-ri LUGAL [be-]

r 1r 1

i-du-ka?-a-ni ma-a

r 22

la e-pi-šú-te at--nu

r 33

an-ni-ú NINDA-MEŠ ki-su-

(r 3) The following is (my) bread and fodder per calendar month: 105 homers of fodder, 123 homers of bread, total 228 homers, Šamaš-ahu-iddina; 75 homers of fodder, 15 homers of bread, total 90 homers, Abi-lešir; 600 (homers of bread) of 2,000 full-time (lit. ‘free') (soldiers of the king) of Commagene. In all 918 homers a month, this household.

r 44

ša 01 ITI 01 me 05* ANŠE ki-su-

r 55

01 me 23 ANŠE NINDA-MEŠ PAB 02 me 28 ANŠE

r 66

mdUTUPAB 75 ANŠE ki-su-

r 77


r 88

06 me ša 02 lim

r 99

ša KUR.ku-mu-ḫa-a.a

r 1010

PAB 09 me 18 ANŠE ša 01 ITI

r 1111

É an-ni-ú LUGAL be- ú-da

(r 11) The king my lord knows (the situation) of the road stations: we take care of three stretches while they take care of two stretches each. Now, the king my lord should know that they are reb[ell]ing (against this arrangement, while) we [...].

r 1212

ina ŠÀ-bi mar-di-a-te 03 mar-di-

r 1313

an-ni-nu ni-ma-ta-ḫa šú-nu

r 1414

šu-na-a.a i-ma--ḫu

r 1515

ú-ma-a LUGAL be- lu ú-da

r.e. 16r.e. 16

[šú]-nu i-bal-ku-[tu]

r.e. 1717

an-ni-nu [x x x x x]

Adapted from Mikko Luukko, The Correspondence of Tiglath-Pileser III and Sargon II from Calah/Nimrud (State Archives of Assyria, 19), 2012. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2012, as part of the AHRC-funded research project “Mechanisms of Communication in an Ancient Empire: The Correspondence between the King of Assyria and his Magnates in the 8th Century BC” (AH/F016581/1; University College London) directed by Karen Radner. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as