79-7-8 etc. | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
ABL | R. F. Harper, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters (London and Chicago 1892-1914) |
AfO | Archiv füir Orientforschung |
AHw | W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch (Wiesbaden 1957-81) |
ALASPM | Abhandlungen zur Literatur Alt-Syrien-Palästinas und Mesopotamiens |
AnOr | Analecta Orientalia |
AOAT | Alter Orient und Altes Testament |
AOF | H. Winckler, Altorientalische Forschungen I-III (Leipzig 1897-1905) |
ARINH | F. M. Fales (ed.), Assyrian Royal Inscriptions: New Horizons in Literary, Ideological and Historical Analysis (Orientis Antiqui Collectio XVIII, Rome 1981) |
BBEA | B . Landsberger, Brief des Bischofs von Esagila an König Asarhaddon (Amsterdam 1965) |
BM | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
Brinkman Prelude | J. A. Brinkman, Prelude to Empire (Occasional Publications of the Babylonian Fund 7, Philadelphia 1984) |
Brinkman PKB | J . A. Brinkman, A Political History of Post-Kassite Babylonia 1158-722 B.C. (AnOr 43, Rome 1968) |
Brockelmann Lex. Syr. | C. Brockelmann, Lexicon Syriacum (Göttingen 1928; reprint Olms 1995) |
CAD | The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago |
Cat. | C. Bezold, Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection I-V (London 1889-1899) |
CT | Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum |
Dietrich Aramäer | M. Dietrich, Die Aramäer Südbabyloniens in der Sargonidenzeit (700-648) (AOAT 7, Kevalaer 1970) |
Drower | E. S. Drower and R. Macuch, A Mandaic Dictionary (Oxford 1963) |
DT | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
Frahm Sanherib | E. Frahm, Einleitung in die Sanherib-lnschriften (AfO Beih. 26, Wien 1997) |
Frame Babylonia | G . Frame, Babylonia 689-627 B.C. A Political History (Istanbul 1992) |
Fs. Dietich | O. Loretz, K. A. Metzler und H. Schaudig (Hrsg.), Ex Mesopotamia et Syria Lux: Festschriftfiir Manfried Dietrich zu seinem 65. Geburtstag (AOAT 281, Münster 2002) |
Fs. Dostal | Andre Gingrich [et al.] (eds.), Studies in Oriental culture and history: Festschrift for Walter Dostal (Frankfurt a.M. - New York 1993) |
Fs. Kienast | Gebhard J.Selz (Hrsg), Festschrift für Burkhart Kienast zu seinem 70. Geburtstage dargebracht von Freunden, Schülern und Kollegen (AOAT 274, Münster) |
Fs. Oppenheim | Studies presented to A. Leo Oppenheim: June 7, 1964 [from the workshop of the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary] (Chicago 1964) |
Fuchs Sar. | A. Fuchs, Die lnschriften Sargons II. aus Khorsabad (Göttingen 1994) |
GAG | W. von Soden, Grundriss der akkadischen Grammatik |
GVG | C. Brockelmann, Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik der semitischen Sprachen: I. Laut- und Formenlehre, II. Syntax (Berlin 1907- 13) |
Holloway, Assur King | S. W. Holloway, Assur is king! Assur is king! : religion in the exercise of power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire (Culture and history of the ancient Near East 10, Leiden 2002) |
Jastrow Dict. | M. Jastrow, Dictionary of the Targumim, ... (Brooklyn 1903) |
JCS | Journal of Cuneiform Studies |
JSS | Journal of Semitic Studies |
K | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
Ki | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
LAS | S. Parpola, Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal I, II (AOAT 5/1-2, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1970, 1983) |
Mayer Politik | Walter Mayer, Politik und Kriegskunst der Assyrer (ALASPM 9, Münster 1995) |
Menzel Tempel | B. Menzel, Assyrische Tempel (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 10, Rome 1981) |
Or. | Orientalia, Nova Series |
Payne Smith | J. Payne Smith, A Compendious Syriac Dictionary (Oxford 1903) |
PNA | K. Radner et al. (eds.), The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire (Helsinki 1998-) |
PSBA | Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology |
R | H. C. Rawlinson, The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia (London 1861-1884) |
RA | Revue d'assyriologie |
RCAE | L. Waterman, Royal Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire, III-IV (Ann Arbor 1930-1936) |
RGTC | Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiformes |
RlA | Reallexikon der Assyriologie |
Rm | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
SAA | State Archives of Assyria |
SAAS | State Archives of Assyria Studies |
SAAS 8 | A. Fuchs, Die Annalen des Jahres 711 v. Chr. (SAAS 8, Helsinki 1998) |
SKT 2 | H. Winckler, Sammlung van Keilschrifitexten II: Texte verschiedenen lnhalts (Leipzig 1893-94) |
SLA | R. H. Pfeiffer, State Letters of Assyria (New Haven, CT 1935) |
Sm | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
Sokoloff | M. Sokoloff, A Dictionary of Jewish Babylonian Aramaic of the Talmudic and Geonic periods (Dictionaries of Talmud, Midrash, and Targum 3; Raman-Gan 2002) |
TBW | T. G. Pinches, Texts in the Babylonian Wedge-Writing (London 1 882) |
Th | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
WO | Die Welt des Orients |
WO 4 | M. Dietrich, "Neue Quellen zur Geschichte Babyloniens (I-II)," WO 4 ( 1967-68), 61-103, 183-251 |
ZA | Zeitschrift für Assyriologie |
Zeitlin Style | Maurice Zeitlin, Le style administratif chez les Assyriens (Paris 1910) |
W and Y in the critical apparatus (followed by page number) refer to collations in RCAE and S. Ylvisaker, Zur hahylonischen und assyrischen Grammatik (Leipziger Semitische Studien 5/6, Leipzig 1912) respectively.
adv. | adverb |
Arab. | Arabic |
Aram. | Aramaic, Aramean |
Ass. | Assyrian, Assur |
Bab. | Babylonian, Babylon |
Bibi. | biblical |
class. | classical |
coll. | collated, collation |
e. | edge |
f. | female, feminine |
imp. | imperative |
MA | Middle Assyrian |
lw. | loan word |
m. | masculine |
mng. | meaning |
mod. | modern |
NA | Neo-Assyrian |
NB | Neo-Babylonian |
OB | Old Babylonian |
obv. | obverse |
pass. | passive |
PN | personal name |
pos. | positive |
prep. | preprition |
pret. | preterit |
pf. | perfect |
pl. | plural |
pt. | participle |
r., rev. | reverse |
rs. | right side |
s. | (left) side |
sg. | singular |
subj. | subjunctive |
WSem. | West Semitic |
! | collation |
!! | emendation |
? | uncertain reading |
: :. :: | cuneiform division marks |
* | graphic variants (see LAS I p. XX) |
0 | uninscribed space o r nonexistent sign |
x | broken or undeciphered sign |
( ) | supplied word or sign |
(( )) | sign erroneously added by scribe |
[[ ]] | erasure |
[...] | minor break (one or two missing words) |
[......] | major break |
... | untranslatable word |
...... | untranslatable passage |
→ | see also |
+ | joined to |
// | paralleled by or including parallels |
Manfried Dietrich
Manfried Dietrich, 'Abbreviations and Symbols', The Neo-Babylonian Correspondence of Sargon and Sennacherib, SAA 17. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 2003; online contents: SAAo/SAA17 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2020 [http://oracc.org/saao/saa17/saa17abbreviationsandsymbols/]