The Crown Prince's Establishment

Central Persons

From the central people in the documents of the present volume, the officials belonging to the establishment of the crown prince (mār šarri)[[8]] emerge as the most significant. As can be seen from Table I, the officials of the crown prince form the most important single group and comprise 17% of all the documents in which the central person is known.

Best known are the cohort commanders of the crown prince whose documents were most probably found in Room C of the North Palace, i.e. of the Succession Palace (bēt rēdûti). Two tablets, K 309A (no. 29) of Kiṣir-Aššur and K 329 (no. 39) of Kakkullanu, can in fact be identified as having been found in Room C.[[9]]

The foremost individual dossier is that of Kakkullanu, cohort commander of the crown prince, whose 25 documents date to the years 630*-617*. Only the dossiers of two royal charioteers, Sennacherib's charioteer Šumma-ilani (23 documents) and that of Assurbanipal' s charioteer Remanni-Adad (55 documents), can match or exceed this number.[[10]]

8 For the rendering "crown prince" for mār šarri, see Parpola's discussion in SAA 6, XXVII-XXXIV.

9 See J. E. Reade, "Archaeology and the Kuyunjik Archives" in K. R. Veenhof. Cuneiform Archives and Libraries (Uitgaven van het Nederlands historisch-archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul 57, Leiden 1986), 221. For the Succession Palace as an administrative centre or the crown prince, see S. Parpola. "The royal archives of Nineveh" in Veenhof, op.cit, 233.

10 The documents of Šumma-ilani date to the years 709-680 and they are published as SAA 6 34-56; the ones of Remanni-Adad, SAA 6 296-350, date to the years 671-660.

Raija Mattila

Raija Mattila, 'The Crown Prince's Establishment', Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part II: Assurbanipal Through Sin-šarru-iškun, SAA 14. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 2002; online contents: SAAo/SAA14 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2021 ['sEstablishment/]

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SAAo/SAA14, 2014-. Since 2015, SAAo is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-20.
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