There are a number of texts that specify rituals or assign responsibilities for various cultic activities[[22]] that often parallel or overlap the royal decrees. In fact, Menzel has included most of the temple decrees together with these texts under the broad heading of "Kultische Texte," and this categorization is in many ways justified. Bits of ritual or instructions for various cultic activities are to be found in some decrees (e.g, no. 68), while others assign responsibility for collecting and distributing offerings to various officials (e.g., nos. 68, 76, 77) or for performing certain duties to certain groups (e.g., nos. 48, 86) and it is difficult to separate these from similar texts such as SVAT VII (= Menzel Tempel n22 T24-26) which assigns specific duties and responsibilities to members of the temple staff.
22 See in general, Menzel Tempel, T8-145. and van Driel. pp. 51-72.
Laura Kataja & Robert Whiting
Laura Kataja & Robert Whiting, 'Ritual and Cultic Texts', Grants, Decres and Gifts of the Neo-Assyrian Period, SAA 12. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1995; online contents: SAAo/SAA12 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2020 []