Only one temple grant of Esarhaddon has survived (no. 24) and that originates from Huzirina. The text is quite fragmentary, but sufficient is preserved to show that it is a grant of fields and orchards (or vineyards) to provide regular offerings for a goddess (quite possibly Ištar of Huzirina; cf. no. 91). Unlike the grants of Sennacherib, this text does not have the royal seal, nor does it contain a list of personnel nor a witness list. It does, however, have a historical narrative and might have mentioned an oracular query. It is also, by comparison with other temple grants, an extremely brief text and on an unusually shaped tablet. It lacks a superscription giving the king's titles and genealogy as is normal in grants and decrees. Although the area where the date would have been is broken away, there does not seem to be sufficient space to have accommodated a full date as is customary in grant texts. This text marks the last of the attributed temple grants presented in this section. There is, however, a temple grant by an unidentified king, also from Huzirina, given in section 3 (no. 48) and a fragmentary votive donation by either Esarhaddon or Assurbanipal to Ištar of Arbela (no. 89) which may have mentioned land and personnel and which, had it been more complete, might easily have fallen into this category instead.
Laura Kataja & Robert Whiting
Laura Kataja & Robert Whiting, 'Esarhaddon', Grants, Decres and Gifts of the Neo-Assyrian Period, SAA 12. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1995; online contents: SAAo/SAA12 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2020 []