There are four numbers in this section, but only two texts as nos. 83 and 84 are duplicates of no. 82. Although no. 83 is the more complete text, no. 82 has been presented first because it is on stone. According to Deller's analysis, the text records the appointment of Nergal-apil-kumu'a as overseer of construction at Calah by Assurnaṣirpal II, based on the assumption that the Nergal-apil-kumu'a of the text is the same as the eponym for 873.[[50]] There is a good circumstantial case for this, but it is far from conclusive. In any case, it is obviously a very important document but, thus far, poorly understood. No. 85 is another important document written on stone and deposited in the Ištar Temple in Nineveh by Adad-nerari II. It records the addition of the territory of Hindanu to the area controlled by the Governor of Raṣappa, Palil-ereš, and as an example of imperial administration by edict it is unparalleled. The stone itself is unusual in that it is decorated with incised drawings at the top of the obverse, bottom of the reverse, and along the left edge.
50 K. Deller - A. Millard. "Die Bestallungsurkunde des Nergal-āpil-kūmūja von Kalhu," BaM 24 (1993) 217-242.
Laura Kataja & Robert Whiting
Laura Kataja & Robert Whiting, 'Royal Appointments', Grants, Decres and Gifts of the Neo-Assyrian Period, SAA 12. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1995; online contents: SAAo/SAA12 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2020 []