Abbreviations and Symbols

Bibliographical Abbreviations

ABBE. Behrens Assyrisch-babylonische Briefe kultischen Inhalts (Leipziger semitistische Studien 2/II, Leipzig 1906)
ABLR. F. Harper, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters (London and Chicago 1892-1914)
AChCh. Virolleaud, L 'astrologie chaldéenne (Paris 1907-1912)
ADDC. H. W. Johns, Assyrian Deeds and Documents (Cambridge 1898-1923)
AGSJ. A. Knudtzon, Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott (Leipzig 1893)
AHw.W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch (Wiesbaden 1957-81)
ALF. Delitzsch, Assyrische Lesestücken (Assyriologische Bibliothek 16, Leipzig 1912)
AfOArchiv für Orientforschung
ASAssyriological Studies
BaM BhBaghdader Mitteilungen, Beihefte
BBEAB. Landsberger, Brief des Bischofs von Esagila an König Asarhaddon (Amsterdam 1965)
BBRH. Zimmern, Beitrage zur Kenntnis der babylonischen Religion I (Leipzig 1896), II (Leipzig 1901)
BMtablets in the collections of the British Museum
Butablets in the collections of the British Museum
BWLW. G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature (Oxford 1960)
CADThe Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
CBStablets in the collections of the University Museum, Philadelphia
CRRAIRencontre assyriologique internationale, comptes rendus
CTCuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum
Dalman Aram. Wb.G. H. Dalman, Aramäisch-neuhebräisches Wörterbuch zu Targum, Talmud und Midrasch (Hildesheim 1967)
DTtablets in the collections of the British Museum
ErraL. Cagni, L'Epopea di Erra (Studi Semitici 34, Rome 1969)
Festschrift MoranT. Abusch, J. Huehnergard and Piotr Steinkeller (eds.), Lingering Over Words. Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Literature in Honor of William L. Moran (Atlanta 1990)
Festschrift ReinerF. Rochberg-Halton (ed.), Language, Literature, and History: Philological and Historical Studies Presented to Erica Reiner (American Oriental Series 67, New Haven 1987)
Fs. ChristianK. Schubert (ed.), Vorderasiatische Studien, Festschrift Prof. Dr. Viktor Christian, gewidmet von Kollegen und Schülern zum 70. Geburtstag (Wien 1956)
Gilg.R.C. Thompson, The Epic of Gilgamish (Oxford 1930)
HAVHilprecht Anniversary Volume (Leipzig 1909)
JAOSJournal of the American Oriental Society
Jastrow Dict.M. Jastrow, Dictionary of the Targumim, ... (Brooklyn 1903)
JCSJournal of Cuneiform Studies
JNESJournal of Near Eastern Studies
Ktablets in the collections of the British Museum
KARE. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts (Leipzig 1919)
Kitablets in the collections of the British Museum
LASS. Parpola, Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal I, II (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 5/1-2, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1970, 1983)
LAS II AS. Parpola, Letters ..., Part II A: Introduction and Appendixes (Ph.D. diss., University of Helsinki, 1971)
Lehmann ŠšmkC. F. Lehmann(-Haupt) Šamaššumukîn, König von Babylonien 668-648 v. Chr. (Assyriologische Bibliothek 8, Leipzig 1892)
LSSLeipziger semitistische Studien
MAOGMitteilungen der Altorientalischen Gesellschaft
MUL.APINH. Hunger and D. Pingree, MUL.APIN. An Astronomical Compendium in Cuneiform (AfO Beiheft 24, Horn 1989)
MSLMaterialien zum sumerischen Lexikon; Materials for the Sumerian Lexicon
N.A.B.U.Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires
NDfield numbers of tablets excavated at Nimrud
OLZOrientalistische Literaturzeitung
Or.Orientalia, Nova Series
Payne-SmithJ. Payne Smith (ed.), A Compendious Syriac Dictionary (Oxford 1903)
PBSUniversity of Pennsylvania, the Museum, Publications of the Babylonian Section
PSBAProceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology
RARevue d' Assyriologie
RCAEL. Waterman, Royal Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire I-IV (Ann Arbor 1930-1936)
Rmtablets in the collections of the British Museum
RMAR. C. Thompson, The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon I-II (London 1900)
Smith Keilschrifttexte AssurbanipalsS. A. Smith, Die Keilschrifttexte Assurbanipals I-II (Leipzig 1887), III (Leipzig 1889)
SAAState Archives of Assyria
SAABState Archives of Assyria Bulletin
SANESources from the Ancient Near East (Malibu)
Smtablets in the collections of the British Museum
Streck AsbM. Streck, Assurbanipal l-III (Vorderasiatische Bibliothek 7, Leipzig 1916)
Tallqvist GötterepithetaK. Tallqvist, Akkadische Götterepitheta (Studia Orientalia 7, Helsinki 1938)
UVBVorläufiger Bericht über die ... Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka (Berlin)
VABVorderasiatische Bibliothek (Leipzig)
VTED. J. Wiseman, The Vassal Treaties of Esarhaddon (London 1958)
ZAZeitschrift für Assyriologie

W and Y in the critical apparatus (followed by page number) refer to collations in RCAE and S. Ylvisaker, Zur babylonischen und assyrischen Grammatik (LSS 5/6, Leipzig 1912) respectively.

Other Abbreviations and Symbols

OBOld Babylonian
SBStandard Babylonian
DNdivine name
PNpersonal name
r., rev.reverse
rs.right side
s.(left) side
coll.collated, collation
?uncertain reading
: :. ::cuneiform division marks
|vertical word-divider
*graphic variants (see LAS I p. XX)
0uninscribed space or nonexistent sign
xbroken or undeciphered sign
( )supplied word or sign
(( ))sign erroneously added by scribe
[[ ]]erasure
[...]minor break (one or two missing words)
[......]major break
...untranslatable word
......untranslatable passage
see also
+joined to

Simo Parpola

Simo Parpola, 'Abbreviations and Symbols', Letters from Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars, SAA 10. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1993; online contents: SAAo/SAA10 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2021 []

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SAAo/SAA10, 2014-. Since 2015, SAAo is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-20.
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