SAA 10 260. The Day of the City God (ABL 0020) [from exorcists][via saao/saa10]

o 1o 1

a-na LUGAL be--ia

(1) To the king, my lord: your servant Marduk-šakin-šumi. Good health to the king, my lord! May Nabû and Marduk bless the king, my lord!

o 22


o 33

lu-u DI-mu a-na LUGAL EN-ía

o 44

dPA u dAMAR.UTU a-na LUGAL EN-ía

o 55

lik-ru-bu ina UGU dul-li

(5) Concerning the ritual about which I just wrote to the king, my lord, "They should go out and perform it tomorrow"

o 66

ša is-su ḫa-ra-am-me

o 77

a-na LUGAL EN-ía áš-pur-an-ni

o 88

mu-uk a-na ši-a-ri

o 99

lu-ṣu-ni le-pu-šú

o 1010

TAv ŠÀ-bi-ia e-te-li

(10) it had slipped my mind that tomorrow is the day of the city god. I was too hasty there; it is not good to g[o out] and perform it. We shall get together and perform it only on the 7th day.

o 1111

ki-i ši-a-ri

o 1212


r 1r 1

[šu]-tu-u-ni [o]

r 22

[o* ina] ŠÀ-bi al-tu-sum

r 33

la DÙG.GA a-na ú-[ṣe-e]

r 44

a-na e-pa-[a-še]

r 55

a-na UD 07-KÁM-im-ma

r 66

ni-kar-ri-ik -ep-pa-áš

rest blank

Adapted from Simo Parpola, Letters from Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars (State Archives of Assyria, 10), 1993. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2016, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as