SAA 10 039. Welcoming the King Back (ABL 0604+) [from astrologers][via saao/saa10]

o 1o 1

a-na LUGAL EN-[ia]

(1) To the king, [my lo]rd: your servant Bal[asî]. Good health to the [king, my lord]! May [Nabû] and Marduk [bles]s [the king], my lord!

o 22

ARAD-ka mba-la-[si-i]

o 33

lu-u DI-mu a-na [LUGAL EN-ia]

o 44

[dPA] dAMAR.UTU a-[na LUGAL] EN-ia

o 55

[lik-ru]-bu ša LUGAL be-

(5) As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: "From now on you will stay in my entourage; is there something you want to say?" there is nothing.

o 66

-pu-ra-an-ni ma-a

o 77

ina ḫa-ra-am-me ina pu-tu-u-a

o 88

ta-ti-ti-sa ma-a a-bu-

o 99

i-ba-áš-ši ina pi-i-ku-nu

o 1010

a-bu-tu la-áš-šu

o 1111


(11) May the great gods of heaven and earth give long-lasting days of life to the king, my lord! That the king remembered us and that we have not seen the king (I do not know) for how long today, that is (the sole reason) why we stand in front of the k[ing]. T[o whom] else would we be devoted?

o 1212


o 1313

a-na LUGAL EN-ia lid-di-nu

o 1414

ša LUGAL ḫa-as-sa-na-ši-ni

o 1515

ša ki ma-ṣi ina UD-me

o 1616

an-ni-i-e LUGAL

o 1717

la -mu-ru-ni

o 1818

ina UGU-ḫi šu-u

r 1r 1

ina pu-ut LUGAL

r 22

ni-ti-ti-zi TAv [man-ni]

r 33

aḫḫur e-ni-ni šá-ak*-na

r 44

a-na man-ni i-ba-áš-ši

(r 4) To whom indeed has the king done such a favour as to me whom you have appointed to the service of the crown prince, to be his master and to teach him? Could I have forgotten those kind words of the king, my lord? I look forward to seeing [the king, my lord, (soon) again].

r 55

MUN ki-i ia-ši LUGAL

r 66

e-pu- ša ina IGI DUMUMAN

r 77


r 88

um-ma-an-šú a-na-ku-ni

r 99

li-gi-in-nu a-qa-ba-šu-ni

r 1010

di-ib-bi am-mu-te SIG₅-MEŠ

r 1111

ša LUGAL EN-ia an-ti-ši-i

r 1212

[tu-ú-ra] a-na a-ma-ri

r 1313

[šá LUGAL EN-ia] ú*-pa-qa*

remainder uninscribed

Adapted from Simo Parpola, Letters from Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars (State Archives of Assyria, 10), 1993. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2016, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as