Abbreviations and Symbols

Atablets in the collections of Istanbul Arkeoloji Mtizereli
ABLR. F. Harper, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters (London and Chicago 1892-1914)
ABRTJ. A. Craig, Assyrian and Babylonian Religious Texts (Leipzig 1895)
Ab. ZarAbodah Zarah
ADDC. H. W. Johns, Assyrian Deeds and Documents (Cambridge 1898- 1923)
AfOArchiv für Orientforschung
AHw.W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch
AJSLAmerican Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures
AKAL. W. King, The Annals of the Kings of Assyria I (London 1902)
ALF. Delitzsch, Assyrische Lesestücke (3rd ed. Leipzig 1885)
Aluomen series Šumma ālu
AngimqJ. S. Cooper, The Return of Ninurta to Nippur (AnOr 52, Rome 1978)
ANETJ. B. Pritchard (ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (3rd edition, Princeton 1969)
AnOrAnalecta Orientalia
AnstAnatolian Studies
AOtablets in the collections of the Musée du Louvre
AOATAlter Orient und Altes Testament
AoFAltorientalische Forschungen
ApApocalypse of John
APNK. Tallqvist, Assyrian Personal Names (Helsinki 1914)
ARIA. K. Grayson, Assyrian Royal Inscriptions (Wiesbaden 1972-76)
ARINHF. M. Fales (ed.), Assyrian Royal Inscriptions: New Horizons in Literary, Ideological and Historical Analysis (Orientis Antiqui Collectio XVIII, Rome 1981)
ARMArchives royales de Mari
ARMTArchives royales de Mari (transliterations and translations)
ASJActa Sumerologica (Japan, Hiroshima)
AuOrAula Orientalis
BABeitrage zur Assyriologie
BaMBaghdader Mitteilungen
BBRH. Zimmern, Beiträge zur Kenntnis der babylonischen Religion I, II (Assyriologische Bibliothek 1 2, Leipzig 1896, 1901)
BBst.L. W. King, Babylonian Boundary Stones (London 1912)
BEBabylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania, Series A: Cuneiform Texts
BHLTA. K. Grayson, Babylonian Historical-Literary Texts (Toronto 1975)
BiArBiblical Archaeologist
BiOrBibliotheca Orientalis
BMtablets in the collections of the British Museum
Borger Esarh.R. Borger, Die Inschriften Asarhaddons, Königs von Assyrien (AfO Beiheft 9, Graz 1956)
Brockelmann Lex. Syr.C. Brockelmann, Lexicon Syriacum (Göttingen 1928; reprint Olms Lex. Syr. 1995)
BTfield numbers of tablets excavated at Balawat
Burkert Mystery CultsW. Burkert, Ancient Mystery Cults (Harvard 1987)
BWLW. G. Lambert, Babylonian Wisdom Literature (Oxford 1960)
CAG. van Oriel, The Cult of Aššur (Assen 1969)
CADThe Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chigago
CAHThe Cambridge Ancient History
CBStablets in the collections of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania
Collins Scepter and StarCollins Scepter J. J. Collins, The Scepter and the Star. The Messiahs of the Dead Sea and Star Scrolls and Other Ancient Literature (New York 1995)
CRRAIRencontre assyriologique internationale, comptes rendus
CTCuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum
CTAA. Herdner, Corpus des tablettes en cunéiformes alphabétiques découvertes à Ras Shamra- Ugarit de 1929 à 1939 (Paris 1963)
CTNCuneiform Texts from Nimrud
DAC. Boissier, Documents assyriens relatifs aux présages (Paris 1894-99)
Dalley MythsS. Dalley, Myths from Mesopotamia (Oxford 1989)
Dalman Aram. WbG. H. Dalman, Aramäisch-neuhebräisches Handwörterbuch zu Targum, Talmud und Midrasch (Gottingen 1938)
Desc.Descent of Ištar (CT 15 45ff)
Dirilexical series diri DIR siāku = (w)atru
DTtablets in the collections of the British Museum
Dumuzi's DreamB. Alster, Dumuzi 's Dream (Mesopotamia 1, Copenhagen 1972)
EAJ. A. Knudtzon, Die El-Amarna-Tafeln (VAB 2, Leipzig 1915)
En. el.Enūma eliš
Enc. Jud.Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem)
ErraL. Cagni, L 'epopea di Erra (Studi Semitici 34, Rome 1969)
Exeg. SoulThe Exegesis on the Soul (NHC II 1 27, 1 8ff)
Farber IštarW. Farber, Beschwörungsrituale an Ištar und Dumuzi (Wiesbaden 1977)
Frankena TakultuR. Frankena, Tākultu. De sacrale maaltijd in het assyrische ritueel (Leiden 1956)
Festschrift ReinerF. Rochberg-Halton (ed.), Language, Literature, and History: Philological and Historical Studies Presented to Erica Reiner (American Oriental Series 67, New Haven 1987)
Festschrift TadmorM. Cogan and I. Eph'al, Ah, Assyria ... Studies in Assyrian History and Ancient Near Eastern Historiography Presented to Hayim Tadmor (Jerusalem)
FUBForschungen und Berichte
Fuchs Sar.A. Fuchs, Die Inscriften Sargons II. aus Khorsabad (Göttingen 1994)
Galter AstronomieH. Galter (ed.), Die Rolle der Astronomie in den Kulturen Mesopotamiens (Graz 1993)
Gates of LightA. Weinstein (trans.), Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla, Gates of Light (Sha ' are orah) (San Francisco 1994)
Gilg.S. Parpola, The Standard Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh (SAACT 1, Helsinki 1997)
Gottfarstein BahirJ. Gottfarstein (transl.), Le Bahir (Verdier: Lagrasse 1 983)
GPAJ. N. Postgate, The Governor 's Palace Archive (CTN 2, London 1973)
Gray MythologyJ. Gray, Near Eastern Mythology (New York 1988)
Gruenwald ApocalypticI. Gruenwald, Apocalyptic and Merkavah Mysticism (Leiden 1980)
HALL. Koehler and W. Baumgartner, The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (rev. ed., Leiden and New York 1994-96)
HBAE. Weidner, Handbuch der babylonischen Astronomie I (Assyriologische Bibliothek 23, Leipzig 1 9 14)
HdOHandbuch der Orientalistik
Hglexical series HAR.gud = imrû = ballu (MSL 5-1 1)
Hhlexical series HAR.ra = hubullu (MSL 5-1 1)
Horowitz Cosmic GeographyW. Horowitz, Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography (Mesopotamian Civilizations 8, Winona Lake 1997)
HRHistory of Religions
Hruska AnzuB. Hruška, Der Mythenadler Anzu in Literatur und Vorstellung des alten Mesopotamien (Assyriologia 2, Budapest 1975)
Hunger KolophoneH. Hunger, Babylonische und assyrische Kolophone (AOAT 2, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1968)
Idel KabbalahM. Idel, Kabbalah: New Perspectives (New Haven and London 1988)
IEJIsrael Exploration Journal
IMtablets in the collection of the Iraq Museum
Inanna's DescentW. R. Sladek, Inanna 's Descent to the Netherworld (PhD diss. Baltimore, University Microfilms 1974)
Jacobsen HarpsT. Jacobsen, The Harps that once ... Sumerian Poetry in Translation (New Haven and London 1 987)
JANESJournal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University
JAOSJournal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University
JARGJahrbuch fiir Anthropologie und Religion sgeschichte
Jastrow Diet.M. Jastrow, A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature (New York 1943)
JBLJournal of Biblical Literature
JCSJournal of Cuneiform Studies
JNESJournal of Near Eastern Studies
Johnston HekateSarah I. Johnston, Hekate Soteira. A Study of Hekate 's Roles in the Chaldean Oracles and Related Literature (American Classical Studies 21, Atlanta 1990)
JSOTJournal for the Study of the Old Testament
JTSJournal of Theological Studies
Ktablets in the collections of the British Museum
KAJE. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur juridischen Inhalts (Leipzig 1927)
Kapelrud AnatA. S. Kapelrud, The Violent Goddess: Anat in the Ras Shamra Texts (Oslo 1969)
KARE. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiosen Inhalts (Leipzig 1919)
KAVO. Schroeder, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur verschiedenen Inhalts (Leipzig 1920)
KBKeilinschriftliche Bibliothek
Kelly DoctrinesJ. N. D. Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines (5th ed., London 1 977)
KSt 5M. Witzel, Perlen sumerischer Poesie in Transcription und Übersetzung (Keilinschriftliche Studien 5, Fulda 1925)
KTUM. Dietrich, 0. Loretz and J. Sanmartín, Die keilalphabetischen Texte aus Ugarit, Teil I: Transkription (AOAT 24, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1976)
Lambert Love LyricsLambert Love W. G. Lambert, "The Problem of the Love Lyrics," H. Goedicke and J. Roberts (eds.), Unity and Diversity (Baltimore 1975) 98- 135
Lambert-Millard Atra-hasis W. G. Lambert and A.R. Millard, Atra-hasis, the Babylonian Story of the Flood (Oxford 1 969)
LASS. Parpola, Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal I, II (AOAT 5/1 -2, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1 970, 1983)
LBATT. G. Pinches, A. J. Sachs and J. N. Strassmeier, Late Babylonian Astronomical Texts (Providence 1955)
LSSLeipziger Semitische Studien
LTBAL. Matouš and W. von Soden, Die lexikalischen Tafelserien der Babylonier und Assyrer in den Berliner Museen 1-11 (Berlin 1933)
Lulexical series lú = ša (MSL 1 2)
Luckenbill Senn.D. D. Luckenbill, The Annals of Sennacherib (Oriental Institute Publications 2, Chicago 1924)
MDPMémoires de la Delegation en Perse
Menzel TempelB. Menzel, Assyrische Tempel (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 10, Rome 1981)
Meyer MysteriesM. W. Meyer (ed.), The Ancient Mysteries. Sacred Texts of the Mystery Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean World (San Francisco 1987)
MSLMaterialien zum sumerischen Lexikon / Materials for the Sumerian Lexicon
Mul ApinH. Hunger and D. Pingree, MUL.APIN. An Astronomical Compendium in Cuneiform (AfO Beiheift 24, Horn 1989)
MVAGMitteilungen der Vorderasiatisch-A.gyptischen Gesellschaft
NABUNouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires
NBNK. Tallqvist, Neubabylonisches Namenbuch (Helsinki 1905)
NDfield numbers of tablets excavated at Ninuud
NHCNag Hammadi Codex or Codices
NLH. W. F. Saggs, "The Nimrud Letters," Iraq 17 (1955) 2lff. , etc.
OBOOrbis Biblicus et Orientalis
ODBThe Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
OECTOxford Editions of Cuneiform Texts
OLZOrientalistische Literaturzeitung
Oppenheim DreamsA. L. Oppenheim, The Interpretation of Dreams in the Ancient Near East (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 46/3, Philadelphia 1956)
Oppenheim GlassA. L. Oppenheim, Glass and Glassmaking in Ancient Mesopotamia (Corning, New York 1970)
Or.Orientalia (Nova Series)
OTLOld Testament Library
Payne SmithJ. Payne Smith, A Compendious Syriac Dictionary (Oxford 1903)
Perry SinG. Perry, Hymnen und Gebete an Sin (LSS 2/4, Leipzig 1907)
PKTAE. Ebeling, Parfümrezepte und kultische Texte aus Assur (Rome 1952)
PSBAProceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology
\RH. C. Rawlinson (ed.), The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia (London 1861 -84)
RARevue d' assyriologie
RBRevue biblique
Rev.Revelation of John
RHRRevue de l 'histoire des religions
RIMARoyal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Assyrian Periods
RIMBRoyal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, B abylonian Periods
RIAReallexikon der Assyriologie
RMAR. C. Thompson, The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon (London 1900)
Robinson NHLJ. M. Robinson (ed.), The Nag Hammadi Library in English (rev. ed., Leiden 1988)
Rudolph GnosisK. Rudolph, Gnosis. The Nature and History of Gnosticism (San Francisco 1987)
SAAState Archives of Assyria
SAABState Archives of Assyria Bulletin
SAACTState Archives of Assyria Cuneiform Texts
SANESources from the Ancient Near East
SBHG. A. Reisner, Sumerisch-babylonische Hymnen nach Thontafeln griechischer Zeit (Berlin 1896)
Scholem OriginsG. Scholem, Origins of the Kabbalah (Princeton 1987)
SELStudi epigrafici e linguistici
SKIZW. H. Ph. Romer, Sumerische 'Königshymnen ' der Isin-Zeit (Leiden 1965)
Sg 8F. Thureau-Dangin, Une relation de la huitième campagne de Sargon (TCL 3, Paris 1912)
Smtablets in the collections of the British Museum
SMSSyro-Mesopotamian Studies
S. of S.Song of Songs
SpTSpatbabylonische Texte aus Uruk
STCL. W. King, The Seven Tablets of Creation (London 1902)
StOrStudia Orientalia
Streck AsbM. Streck, Assurbanipal I-III (VAB 7, Leipzig 1916)
STTThe Sultantepe Tablets
SVTSupplements to Vetus Testamentum
Tallqvist GötterepithetaK. Tallqvist, Akkadische Götterepitheta (StOr 7, Helsinki 1938)
TBTalmud Bavli
TCAEJ. N. Postgate, Taxation and Conscription in the Assyrian Empire (Studia Pohl, Series Maior 3, Rome 1974)
TCLTextes cuneiformes du Louvre
TCSTexts from Cuneiform Sources
TDPR. Labat, Traité akkadien de diagnostics et pronostics médicaux (Leiden 1951)
THJ. Fiedrich et al. Die Inschriften von Tell Halaf (AfO Beiheft 6, Berlin 1940)
Thompson Esarh.R. C. Thompson, The Prisms of Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipalfound at Nineveh1927-8 (London 1931)
ThWATTheologisches Wòrterbuch zum Alten Testament
TIS . Langdon, Tammuz and Ishtar (Oxford 1914)
TIMTexts in the Iraq Museum
TRfield numbers of tablets excavated at Tell Rimah
TUATTexte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments
UBLUgaritisch-Biblische Literatur
UFU garit-Forschungen
UMtablets in the collections of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania
UVBVorlaufiger Bericht tiber die ... Ausgrabungen in Uruk-Warka •
VABVorderasiatische Bibliothek
VSVorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler der Koniglichen Museen zu Berlin
VTVetus Testamentum
Wfield numbers of tablets excavated at W arka
WAWestern Asiatic Antiquities, British Museum, London
Warner Virgin Mary M. Warner, Alone of All Her Sex. The Myth and the Cult of the Virgin Mary (London 1976, 1990)
Weidner Tn.E. Weidner, Die Inschriften Tukulti-Ninurtas I. und seiner Nachfolger (AfO Beiheft 1 2, Graz 1959)
Weinfeld DeuteronomyM. Weinfeld, Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomic School (Oxford 1972)
WODie Welt des Orients
WVDOG Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft
YORYale Oriental Series, Researches
YOSYale Oriental Series, Babylonian Texts
ZAZeitschrift fur Assyriologie
ZAWZeitschrift ftir die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
ZoharR. Margalioth (ed.), Zahar (Jerusalem 1978)

Other Abbreviations

ANEAncient near east
Aram. Aramaic, Aramean
Ass.Assyrian, Assur
Bab.Babylonian, Babylon
coll.Collated, callation
DNdivine name
f.female, feminine
GN(N)geographical names
LBLate Babylonian
MAMiddle Assyrian
NANeo- Assyrian
OBOld Babylonian
OTOld Testament
PN(N)personal name(s)
PNffemale personale name
r., rev.reverse
rabb.Rabbinical Hebrew or Aramaic
RNRoyal name
rs.Right side
s.(left) side
SBStandard Babylonian
Syr.Syrian, Syriac
WSem.West Semitic
?uncertain reading
.. .:cuneiform division marks
*graphic variants (see LAS I p. XX)
0 uninscribed space or nonexistent sign
Xbroken or undeciphered sign
()supplied word or sign
(())sign erroneously added by scribe
[...]minor break (with two missing words)
[......]major break
...untranslatable word
......untranslatable passage
see also
+joint to
//paralleled by or including parallels

Simo Parpola

Simo Parpola, 'Abbreviations and Symbols', Assyrian Prophecies, SAA 9. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1997; online contents: SAAo/SAA09 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2021 []

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SAAo/SAA09, 2014-. Since 2015, SAAo is based at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Historisches Seminar (LMU Munich, History Department) - Alexander von Humboldt Chair for Ancient History of the Near and Middle East. Content released under a CC BY-SA 3.0 [] license, 2007-20.
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