Of the 121 datable Reports, 115 were written in the years -679 to -665. There is a single Report from the 8th century (no. 501 from -708); one can be dated to -663, three to -656, and one possibly to -648. The distribution is therefore analogous to that of the letters in the LAS corpus; the highest number of Reports occurs in the same year as the highest number of letters. For the years -674 to -671, there seem to be relatively more Reports than letters. The Reports include texts from Babylonia, which may account for the slightly different distribution. In any case the proportion of datable Reports (about one fifth of the corpus) is too small to allow reliable conclusions.
TABLE I. Senders of Omen Reports
Assyrian Senders | Number of Reports |
Adad-šumu-uṣur | 4 |
Akkullanu | 13 |
Aššur-naṣir | 1 |
Aššur-šarrani | 2 |
Aššur-šumu-iddina | 1 |
Balasî | 20 |
Bamaya | 7 |
Bulluṭu | 13 |
Issar-šumu-ereš | 38 |
Nabûʾa | 17 |
Nabû-ahhe-eriba | 41 |
Nabû-mušeṣi | 17 |
Šumaya | 6 |
Urad-Ea | 3 |
Babylonian Senders | Number of Reports |
Ahhešâ | 5 |
Aplaya | 13 |
Ašaredu the older | 13 |
Ašaredu the younger | 20 |
Bel-ahhe-eriba | 2 |
Bel-leʾi | 6 |
Bel-naṣir | 7 |
Bel-šuma-iškun | 3 |
Bel-upahhir | 1 |
Bel-ušallim | 1 |
Bel-ušezib | 1 |
Marduk-šuma-uṣur | 1 |
Munnabitu | 7 |
Nabû-ahhe-iddin | 7 |
Nabû-iqbi | 21 |
Nabû-iqiša | 12 |
Nabû-šuma-iškun | 11 |
Nabû-eriba | 1 |
Nadinu | 3 |
Nergal-eṭir | 44 |
Rašil the older | 22 |
Rašil son of Nurzanu | 6 |
Rašil | 7 |
Rimutu | 2 |
Šapiku | 7 |
Šumaya | 2 |
Šuma-iddin | 1 |
Ṭabiya | 8 |
Ṭab-ṣilli-Marduk | 4 |
Zakir | 16[[35]] |
35 The numbers above are based only on the reports edited in this book. A Iisting cornprising letters and reports can be found in LAS Appendix M 4; a few recently found reports have to be added there.
Hermann Hunger
Hermann Hunger, 'Distribution in Time', Astrological Reports to Assyrian Kings, SAA 8. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1992; online contents: SAAo/SAA08 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2025 [http://oracc.org/saao/saa08/TheSenders/DistributioninTime/]