SAA 08 104. Eclipse of the Sun in the Morning (RMA 277R) [eclipses][via saao/saa08]
Obverse | ||
o 1o 1 | 1 UD 28-KÁM 02 1/2 KASKAL.⸢GÍD⸣ [UD-mu x x x x x] | (1) On the 28th day, at 2 1/2 'double-hou[rs' of the day ......] |
o 22 | ina IM.MAR.TU.KI [x x x x x x x] | (2) in the west [......] |
o 33 | is-se-niš e-te-⸢ri⸣-[im x x x x x] | (3) it also cover[ed ......] |
o 44 | (4) 2 fingers towards [.....] | |
o 55 | is-sa-kan IM.KUR.⸢RA⸣ [x x x x x x x] | (5) it made [an eclipse], the east wind [......] |
o 66 | (6) the north wind ble[w. This is its interpretation]: | |
o 77 | (7) If the day [becomes covered] with clouds on the north side: [famine for the king of Elam]. | |
o 88 | (8) If the day be[comes covered] with clouds on the south side: [famine for the king of Akkad]. | |
o 99 | (9) If the day is dark and r[ides] the north wind: [devouring by Nergal; herds will diminish]. | |
o 1010 | 1 ina ITI.BARAG UD 28-KÁM ⸢AN⸣.[MI GAR LUGAL KUR BI GIG-ma TI-uṭ] | (10) If [there is an eclip]se in Nisan (I) on the 28th day: [the king of that land will fall ill but recover]; in his stead, a daughter of the king, [an entu-priestess, will die]; in that land, variant: in [that] ye[ar, there will be an attack of the enemy, and] the land will panic [......]. |
o 1111 | ||
Bottom | ||
b.e. 12b.e. 12 | ||
b.e. 1313 | KUR ir-ru-⸢ur⸣-[ma x x x x x x] | |
Reverse | ||
r 1r 1 | ||
r 22 | (r 2) If an eclipse [of the sun takes place] in Nisan (I) [......] for the king, well-being [......]. | |
r 33 | ||
r 44 | 1 TA UD 01-KÁM EN UD 30-KÁM [AN.MI GAR AŠ.TE ina KUR KÚR-ir] | (r 4) If [there is an eclipse] from the 1st day to the 30th day: [the throne in the land will change]. |
r 55 | (r 5) If [there is] an eclipse in Nisan (I) on the 28th day: fall of Elam [......] the king of Elam [......]. | |
r 66 | ŠUB-ti NIM.MA.[KI x x x x x x] | |
r 77 | LUGAL NIM.MA.⸢KI⸣ [x x x x x x x] | |
r 88 | (r 8) Either on the 28t[h o]r on the 29th day [......]. | |
(blank) | ||
r 99 | (r 9) From [Akkullanu]. |
Adapted from Hermann Hunger, Astrological Reports to Assyrian Kings (State Archives of Assyria, 8), 1992. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2016-17, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as