SAA 08 410. Full Moon on 14th Day (RMA 151A) [lunar][via saao/saa08]

obeginning broken away

(Beginning destroyed)

o 1'1'


(1) [reliable speech]; the land will become happy; the g[ods will remember] Akkad favorably; the king will reach complete dominion; the cattle of Akkad [will lie in the steppe] undisturbed.

o 2'2'

KURURI.KI ana .SIG₅ i-[ḫa-sa-su]

o 3'3'

LUGAL ga-me-ru- DU-[ak]

o 4'4'

bu-lim KURURI.KI par-ga-niš ina [EDIN -iṣ]

o 5'5'

1 30 ina IGI.LAL-šú SI SI i-[dir]

(5) If at the moon's appearance one horn m[eets] the other: the flood will come.

o 6'6'

A.KAL DU-[kám]

o 7'7'

ina maḫ-ri-i a-na LUGAL be--ia

(7) Earlier, I wrote to the king my lord as follows: "On the 14th day one god will be seen with the other."

o 8'8'

al-tap-ra um-ma UD 14-KAM

o 9'9'


r 1r 1

1 30 20 KUR-ma KI-šú [it-ten-tu ina] KUR

(r 1) If the moon reaches the sun and [follows it closely]: there will be truth in the land; [the son] will speak [the truth with his father. On the 14th day one god] is seen [with the other].

r 22

kit-ti GÁL [DUMU KI AD-šú kit]-ti

r 33

i-ta-mu [UD 14-KÁM DINGIR KI DINGIR] IGI-[ma]

r 44

1 30 ina IGI.LAL-šú SI-[MEŠ-šú tur-ru-ka]

(r 4) If the moon's ho[rns] at its appearance [are very dark]: disbanding of the fortified outposts, retiring of the g[uards; there will be] recon[cili]ation and peace in the land.

r 55

DU₈ bi-ra-a-ti a-rad EN.[NUN-MEŠ]

r 66

taš-[mu]-ú u SILIM-mu ina KUR [GÁL]

r 77

1 30 [u 20] šu-ta-tu-ú LUGAL [KUR uz-nu DAGAL-áš]

(r 7) If the mo[on and sun ar]e in opposition: the king of [the land will widen his understanding].

rest broken away


e. 1e. 1

[šá m]ra-siDINGIR

(e. 1) [From] Rašil.

Adapted from Hermann Hunger, Astrological Reports to Assyrian Kings (State Archives of Assyria, 8), 1992. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2016-17, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as