SAA 08 400. Mars Approaches Venus [planetary][via saao/saa08]

o 1o 1

[1 x x x x x] ZI-ut BURU₅-ḪI.A

(1) [If ......] attack of locusts.

o 22

[1 x x x x x] nu-ḫuš UN-MEŠ

(2) [If ......] plenty for the people.

o 33


(3) [If a planet] stands there [in E]lul (VI): rising of business, [abund]ance of grain.

o 44

[na]-pa-áš dNISABA

o 55

[MUL].ṣal-bat-a-nu ana MUL.ŠU.GI TE

(5) [If M]ars comes close to the Old Man star: there w[ill be] a revolution [in the We]st[land, and brother] will kill [broth]er; [the emblems of the lands] will be overthro[wn; a secret of the land] will go to another [land; the gods will leave] it (and) will turn away from it.

o 66

[ina KUR]MAR.TU.KI na-bal-kat-tum GÁL-[ma]

o 77

[ŠEŠ] ŠEŠ-šú GAZ-ak

r 1r 1

[ŠU.NIR KUR ]-tál-pa-[tu]

r 22

[.ŠEŠ KUR ana KUR ša]-ni--ma GIN

r 33

[DINGIR-MEŠ-šú TAG₄-MEŠ]-šú ú-saḫ-ḫa-ru-ši

r 44

[1 MUL.x x] ana ŠÀ-bi MUL.MAŠ.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL

(r 4) [If ...] into Gemini [......] ... [......] ... [......] evil for the Westland, [good for the king] my [lord].

r 55

[x x x x]+x GI

r 66

[x x x x] SI

r 77

[x x x x x] ḪUL šá KURMAR.TU.KI

r 88

[SIG₅ ša LUGAL be-]-ia

r 99

[šá mTUK-šiDINGIR ARAD šá LUGAL] maḫ-ru-u

(r 9) [From Rašil] the older, [servant of the king].

Adapted from Hermann Hunger, Astrological Reports to Assyrian Kings (State Archives of Assyria, 8), 1992. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2016-17, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as