SAA 05 227. Post Stations and Criminals (ABL 0408)[via saao/saa05]

o 1o 1

a-na LUGAL EN-ia

(1) To the king, my lord: your servant Šamaš-belu-uṣur. Good health to the king, my lord!

o 22


o 33

lu DI-mu a-na LUGAL EN-ía

o 44

ina UGU ka-li-ie ša LUGAL be-

(4) As to the express service about which the king, my lord, wrote me through Arbailayu: "Why isn't there any express service?"

o 55

ŠU.2 mURU.arba-ìl-a.a -pur-an-ni

o 66

ma a-ta-a ka-li-iu-u la-šú

o 77

ki-i TAv mSUḪUŠKASKAL v.qur-bu-te

(7) When he came to me with the royal bodyguard Ubru-Harran, I harnessed before their coming two mules in Arzuhina for the use of Ubru-Harran. He took them to Arrapha, harnessed two mules for the use of Arbailayu, and went on to Mazamua.

o 88

i-li-kan-a-ni a-na-ku ina URU.ur-zu-ḫi-na

o 99

ipa-na--šú-nu 02 ANŠE.ku-din

o 1010

ina KI.TA mSUḪUŠKASKAL ar-ta-kas

o 1111

ina URU.arrap-ḫa i-ṣa-bat 02 ANŠE.ku-din

o 1212

ina KI.TA mURU.arba-ìl-a.a ir-ta-kas

o 1313

a-na i-ta-lak

o 1414

LUGAL be- liš-al* šúm-ma la

(14) Let the king, my lord, a[sk whet]her I did not station a team of [mules] in Dur-Taliti and another one in Tagalagi! When he departed from Arzuhina, there were two mules for his use from one express-station to another, as far as Arrakdi.

o 1515

ú-ru-u ša ANŠE.[ku-din] ina URU.BÀDta-li-ti

o 1616

ú-ru-u ša ANŠE.ku-din ina URU.ta-ga-la-gi

o 1717


o 1818

TAv URU.ur-zu-ḫi-na i--ṣi

o 1919

02 ANŠE.ku-din ina KI.TA-šú ka-li-iu-u

o 2020

a-na ka-li-e a-di URU.a-ra-ak-di

o 2121

ki-i ú-ma-a i-li-kan-a-ni

(21) As he now came, (going) to where the king, my lord, had sent him, I harnessed two mules in Arzuhina for [his] use as far as Dur-Taliti (...).

o 2222

É LUGAL be- -pur-šu-u-ni

o 2323

a-na-ku ina URU.ur-zu-ḫi-na

o 2424

02 ANŠE.ku-din ina KI.TA-[šú]

b.e. 25b.e. 25

ar-ta-kas [o]

r 1r 1

a-di URU.BÀDta-li-ti

r 22

<$ḫu x x nu x ši$>

r 33

<$ḫu ma x x x x$>

r 44

LUGAL be- ú-da

(r 4) The king, my lord, knows that Arzuhina is situated at a crossroads; the stage from Arzuhina to Arrakdi is a strain for the animals. The king, my lord, should give orders that a mule-express be stationed in Dur-Atanate, so we can strengthen each other.

r 55


r 66

ina ŠÀ is-pi-lu-ur-te

r 77

ka-ri-ru-u-ni mar-di-

r 88

TAv URU.ur-zu-ḫi-na a-di

r 99

URU.a-ra-ak-di a-na ú-ma-me

r 1010

ta-da-in LUGAL be-

r 1111

aṭè-mu liš*-kun

r 1212

ka-<$šá* ka*$>-li-iu-ú

r 1313


r 1414

lu-šá-zi-zu a-ḫe-ii-ši

r 1515

nu-ti-in ina UGU v.LUL-MEŠ

(r 15) As to the criminals about whom the king, my lord, wrote me: "They have fallen upon the menservants of the chief confectioner in Babiti" I have asked and enquired, but there is nothing, and we have not heard anything.

r 1616

ša LUGAL be- -pur-an-ni

r 1717

ma-a ina UGU v.TUR-MEŠ-ni

r 1818

ša v.GAL-SUM.NINDA ina

r 1919

i--uq-tu a-sa-al

r 2020

ú-ta-ṣi-ṣi me-me-<ni> la-šú

r 2121

ù la ni--me LUGAL be-

(r 21) The king, my lord, wrote me: "If you do not catch the criminals, be sure you will have to pay"

r 2222

i-sap-ra ma-a šúm-ma v.LUL-MEŠ

r 2323

la tu-ṣa-bit ma-a lu tu-da

r 2424

ki-i at-ta tu-šal-lum-ni

r 2525ṣu-u-te

(r 25) the criminals of Arrapha (and) of the domain of the palace herald have banded together and are making raids there. I have now moved [troops] up to keep watch; if they catch them, they will bring them t[o the king, my lord].

r.e. 26r.e. 26

ša URU.arrap-ḫa

r.e. 2727


e. 1e. 1

up-ta-at-ḫu-ru ina ŠÀ i-za-qu-pu ú-ma-[a x x x]

e. 22

ú-se-li i-na-ṣur šúm-ma ú-ṣa-bit-u-ni ina IGI [LUGAL EN-ia]

(e. 2) For now [I am sending] to the king, [my] lord, the criminals of the house of the [sartinnu] who fell (into my hands) near Arzuhina.

e. 33

ú-bal-u-ni-šú-nu a-nu-rig v.LUL-MEŠ-te ša É v.[sar-tin-ni?]

e. 44

ša qa-an-ni URU.ur-zu-ḫi-na in-qut-u-ni ina IGI LUGAL EN-[ía ú-se-bi-la]

Adapted from Giovanni B. Lanfranchi and Simo Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part II: Letters from the Northern and Northeastern Provinces (State Archives of Assyria, 5), 1990. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2009-11, as part of the AHRC-funded research project “Mechanisms of Communication in an Ancient Empire: The Correspondence between the King of Assyria and his Magnates in the 8th Century BC” (AH/F016581/1; University College London) directed by Karen Radner. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as