SAA 05 053. A Murderer Flees to Šubria (ABL 0251)[via saao/saa05]

o 1o 1

a-na LUGAL be--ia

(1) To the king, my lord: your servant Aššur-dur-paniya. Good health to the king, my lord!

o 22

ARAD-ka m-šurBÀDIGI-ia

o 33

lu-ú šul-mu a-na LUGAL be--ia

o 44

.GAL—50-ia šú-u ša .gur-ra-a.a

(4) A commander-of-fifty of mine, of the Gurrean (troops) from Meturna, killed the mayor of Meturna. From the moment the expedition came, he did not show up to do work with his fellows but, afraid of his deed, took with him 15 Gurreans and went away to Urarṭu.

o 55

a-na .ḫa-za-ni ša i-du-ka

o 66

TAv mar KASKAL il-li-kan-a-ni la il-li-ka

o 77

dul₆-lu TAv ŠEŠ-MEŠ-šú la e-pu-

o 88

TAv pa-an ip-ta-làḫ 15 .gur-ra-a.a

o 99

ina qa-a-ti-šú i-ṣab-bat a-na KUR.URI-a i-la-ka

o 1010

it-tal-ku-u-ni iq-ṭí-bu-u-ni ana-ku mDINGIRda-la-a

(10) (When) they came and reported it to me, I sent Il-dalâ to Šubria, saying: "Go and bring down your servants." He went, but did he bring down his servants?

o 1111

a-na KUR.šu-bur-a a-sa-pa-ra mu-ku a-lik

o 1212

.ARAD-MEŠ-ni-ka še-ri-da it-tal-ka

o 1313

.ARAD-MEŠ-ni-šú ú-se-ri-da-a ana*-ku* ú-sa-ḫi-ir

(13) I sent my messenger back to Il-dalâ, telling him: "This commander-of-fifty and his men! I have hurt the whole mountain (area) and all the passes because of him! Go in pursuit after him!"

o 1414

.Ašip-ri-ia ina GABA mDINGIRda-la-a a-sa-pa-ra

o 1515

mu-ku .GAL—50 ḫa-ni-u TAv .ERIM-MEŠ-šú

o 1616

mu-ku KUR-ú ù -rab-a-ni gab-bu

o 1717

ina UGU-ḫi-šú ú-[ta]-ḫi-iṣ-ṣi

o 1818

mu-ku at-ta ri-di-pi i*da*--šú a-lik

o 1919

ir-ti-di-bi a-na KUR.šu-bur-a it-<ta>-la-ka

(19) Pursuing him, he went to Šubria. The commander-of-fifty and his soldiers ente[r]ed Marhuha, a [fo]rt of the Šubrian (king). Il-dalâ saw him and ma[de a sw]orn agreement with him: "Come and [b]ring me the seal of the go[vernor] and [you] shall be fr[ee]."

o 2020

.GAL—50 TAv .ERIM-MEŠ-šú

o 2121

ina URU.mar-ḫu-ḫa URU.bir*-te

o 2222

ša KUR.šu-bur-a.a e-tar-bu

o 2323

mDINGIRda-la-a e-ta-am-mar-šú

o 2424

ta*-mit- i-si-šú i-sa-ak*-[na]

b.e. 25b.e. 25

ma-a a-lik NA₄.KIŠIB ša .[EN.NAM]

b.e. 2626

iṣ*-ṣa al-la-ka lu re-[qa-ka]

b.e. 2727

.GAL—50-ia TAv 01 me .[ERIM-MEŠ]

(27) My commander-of-fifty and 100 Marhuhaean [ho]plites went after Il-dalâ and attacked him on the road. The servants of the king, my lord, were on their guard; none of them got killed, and they wounded the commander-of-fifty. They turned back and entered Marhuha.

r 1r 1

ša GIŠ.a-ri-te URU.mar-ḫu-ḫa-a.a

r 22

ida-at mDINGIRda-la-a it-tal-ku-u-ni

r 33

ina KASKAL i-zu-ku-pu .ARAD-MEŠ-ni ša LUGAL EN-a

r 44

et-ku la-áš-šú mi-mi-ni ina ŠÀ-bi-šú-nu

r 55

la i-du-ku .GAL—50 ú-ta-ḫi-iṣ-ṣu

r 66

is-su-ḫur ina URU.mar-ḫu-ḫa e-tar-bu

r 77

an-ni-nu ša ú-ma-a ri-id-pu ada*-at .GAL—50

(r 7) We, who organized the present pursuit of the commander-of-fifty they did not arrest him and hand him over but took the man away! Once again, they are (only) bringing forth and handing over old subjects of the king, my lord, who have been living there.

r 88

ni--ku-<nu>-u-ni la <i>-ṣi-bu- la i-di-nu

r 99

ip-tu-gu tu-ra .ARAD-MEŠ-ni ša LUGAL EN-a

r 1010

la-bi-ru-ú-te ša ina ŠÀ-bi kam-ma-su-u-ni

r 1111

ú-še-ṣu-u-ni <$x$> i-du-nu

Adapted from Giovanni B. Lanfranchi and Simo Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part II: Letters from the Northern and Northeastern Provinces (State Archives of Assyria, 5), 1990. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2009-11, as part of the AHRC-funded research project “Mechanisms of Communication in an Ancient Empire: The Correspondence between the King of Assyria and his Magnates in the 8th Century BC” (AH/F016581/1; University College London) directed by Karen Radner. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as