SAA 05 045. Urarṭian Offensive against Mannea and Zikirtu (ABL 0215)[via saao/saa05]

o 1o 1

a-na LUGAL EN-ía adan-niš adan-niš

(1) The very best of health to the king, my lord! Your servant Hu-Tešub.

o 22

lu-u DI-mu ARAD-ka mḫute-šub

o 33

ina UGU ṭè-e-me ša KUR.URI-a.a

(3) As to the news of the Urarṭians concerning which the king, my lord, wrote me: "[Write me] quickly whatever you have heard"

o 44

ša LUGAL EN -pur-an-ni ma-a

o 55

[mi]-i-nu ša taš-mu-u-ni ár-ḫiš

o 66

[šup-ra] ki-i x sur-rat áš-mu-u-ni

(6) (even) when I heard false ..., I wrote [to the kin]g, my lord! Now [...... on the of] Marchesvan (VIII)

o 77

[a-na] LUGAL* EN*-ía* a*-sa*-par ú-ma-a

o 88

[x x x x x x x] ITI.APIN

o 99

[x x x x x x x v].GAL-MEŠ

(9) [...... the magn]ates

rest (at least 10 lines) broken away


rbeginning broken away

r 1'1'

[x x x x x x] URU?.a-x+[x x x]

(r 1) [......the to]wn A[...]

r 2'2'

[x x x x x]-MEŠ? ša URU.ḪAL*.ṢU*

(r 2) [...... have ...]ed the [...]s of the fort.

r 3'3'

[x x x x]-ú ma-a šúm-ma o*

(r 3) "If [things have gone badly] for him, he will be sta[ying] in Mannea; [i]f things have gone well for him, he will have attacked the Zikirteans."

r 4'4'

[in-ta-ra-ṣa]-áš-šú ina iz-za-az

r 5'5'

[ma-a] šúm*-mu i-ta-at-ra-ṣa-áš-šú

r 6'6'

ina UGU KUR.zi-kir-ta-a.a

r 7'7'


r 8'8'

ki-i an-ni-e a-se-me

(r 8) This is what I have heard.

Adapted from Giovanni B. Lanfranchi and Simo Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part II: Letters from the Northern and Northeastern Provinces (State Archives of Assyria, 5), 1990. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2009-11, as part of the AHRC-funded research project “Mechanisms of Communication in an Ancient Empire: The Correspondence between the King of Assyria and his Magnates in the 8th Century BC” (AH/F016581/1; University College London) directed by Karen Radner. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as