SAA 05 032. Soldiers Captured by the Šubrians (ABL 0138)[via saao/saa05]

o 1o 1

a-na LUGAL EN-ia

(1) To the king, my lord: your servant Ša-Aššur-dubbu. The best of health to the king, my lord!

o 22

ARAD-ka mšá-šurdu-bu

o 33

lu DI-mu a-na LUGAL

o 44

EN-ia adan-niš

o 55

DI-mu a-na

(5) The forts and the land of the king, my lord, are well.

o 66

a-na KUR ša LUGAL EN-ia

o 77

02 v.SAG-MEŠ-ia 06 v.ERIM-MEŠ

(7) I sent two eunuchs of mine with six soldiers and a seal(ed order) for the deserters in Penzâ; they went off with two cohort commanders and had the men brought down.

o 88

i-si-šú-nu NA₄.KIŠIB ina ŠU.2-šú-nu

o 99

ina UGU ZÁḪ-MEŠ ša ina

o 1010

a-sa-bar-šú-nu 02 v.GALki-ṣir-MEŠ

o 1111

i-si-šú-nu i-ta-at-ku

o 1212

v.ERIM-MEŠ ú-se-ri-du-ni

o 1313

NINDA-MEŠ ina ŠÀ-bi e-tak-lu

(13) They had dinner there; the brother of the Šubrian (king) too dined with them there.

o 1414

ŠEŠ-šú ša KUR.šub-ri-a.a

o 1515

i-si-šú-nu-ma [NINDA]-MEŠ* ina ŠÀ-bi

o 1616

e-tak-la qa-an*-ni a-ḫa-

(16) They set out together and were on their way home, when the Šubrians attacked them from an ambush and captured my two eunuchs and the six soldiers. Both of my cohort commanders escaped.

o 1717


o 1818


b.e. 19b.e. 19


b.e. 2020

šu-ub- ina pa-na--šú-[nu]

b.e. 2121


r 1r 1

02 v.SAG-MEŠ-ia

r 22

TA 06 v.ERIM-MEŠ i-ta-ṣu

r 33


r 44

ki-la-li ú-se-zi-bu

r 55

a-sa-bar-áš-šú nu-ku v.ERIM-MEŠ

(r 5) I wrote him: "Release the soldiers!" but he said: "I will inquire (into the matter); [i]f they are in my country, I shall give them back."

r 66

ra-am-me ma-a a-šá-ʾa-al

r 77

šúm-mu ina KUR-ia : šu-nu a-da-an

r 88

a-na-ku qa-ta-a.a ina kib-sa-ti

(r 8) I [se]t out on their trail personally, but they had (already) taken the soldiers up to his fort.

r 99

at-ta-lak : v.ERIM-MEŠ

r 1010

ina URU.bir-ti-šú ú-se-li-u

r 1111

v.ta-zi-ru v.i--ʾu-u

(r 11) The king, my lord, should send word that the prefects of the royal Taziru and Itu'u (troops) holding (fields) here should come and stand guard with me, until those beams are brought out.

r 1212

ša LUGAL EN-ía ša a-na-ka

r 1313

ú-ka-lu*-ni v.GAR-nu-MEŠ-šú-nu

r 1414

LUGAL be- liš-pu-ra

r 1515

lil-<li>-ku-ni i-si-ia a-na

r 1616

ma-ṣar-ti li-zi-zu*

r 1717

a-di GIŠ.ÙR-MEŠ an-nu-te

r 1818

ú-še-ṣu-u-ni LUGAL be-

(r 18) The king, my lord, knows that my men are [wo]rking [in] Dur-Šarruken and I have only cavalrymen at my disposal.

r.e. 19r.e. 19

ú-da v.ERIM-MEŠ-ia

r.e. 2020


r.e. 2121

dul*-lu e-pu-šú

e. 1e. 1

v.šápet-ḫal-la-ti šu-nu ina IGI-ia

e. 22


Adapted from Giovanni B. Lanfranchi and Simo Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part II: Letters from the Northern and Northeastern Provinces (State Archives of Assyria, 5), 1990. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2009-11, as part of the AHRC-funded research project “Mechanisms of Communication in an Ancient Empire: The Correspondence between the King of Assyria and his Magnates in the 8th Century BC” (AH/F016581/1; University College London) directed by Karen Radner. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as