SAA 05 035. The King of Šubria Refuses to Extradite Deserters (CT 53 160)[via saao/saa05]

o 1o 1

[a-na LUGAL EN-ia]

(1) [To the king, my lord: your servant Ša-Aššur-dubbu. The best of health to the king, my lord]!

o 22

[ARAD-ka mša-šurdu-bu]

o 33

[lu DI-mu a-na LUGAL EN-ia adan-niš]

o 44

[DI-mu a-na]

(4) [The forts and the land of the king, my lord, are well. The king, my lord, can be gl]ad.

o 55

[a-na KUR ša LUGAL EN-ia]

o 66

[ŠÀ ša LUGAL EN-ia lu DÙG].GA

o 77

[x x x x x x x x x]+x-ru

(7) [......]

o 88

[x x x x x x x v].Ašip-ri-ia

(8) [......] my messenger

o 99

[x x x x x x v.A]šip-ri-ia

(9) [......] my [mes]senger

o 1010

[x x x x x x x x x]-me

(10) [......]

o 1111

[x x] iz-za-zu [x x x x x]-e-šu

(11) [... they s]tay [...] his [...]

o 1212

[x x x]+x [x x x x x x]+x UD-me

(12) [......] day(s)

o 1313

x+[x x x x x x x i]-la-ku-u-ni

(13) [......] they come

o 1414

a-[x x x x x x x x i]-du-al

(14) [...... has been se]rving [...].

o 1515

ú-ma-a v.Ašip-ri-ia ú-sat-bi-šu

(15) Now that my messenger wanted to make him leave, they protected him with axes and [...].

o 1616


o 1717

i-na-ṣu-ru-šu a-[na KUR.šub-ri-a].a a-[sa]-al

(17) I a[sk]ed the [Šubria]n: "Why do you seize deserters [f]rom the Urarṭian (king) fleeing to Assyria, and [settle them in] the city? Why do you [protect dese]rters and not give them to us?" His reply: "I fear the gods."

o 1818

[nu]-uk a-ta-a a-na* v.ḫa-al-qu-te

o 1919

ša KUR.URI-a.a ša ina KUR-šur.[KI] ḫa-la-qu-ni-ni

o 2020

tu-ṣa-bat URU.[x x x x x x x]

o 2121

nu-uk a-ta-a [ḫal]-qu-te ta-[x x]+x

o 2222

la ta-da-na-na-a-ši ma-a TA IGI

o 2323

DINGIR-MEŠ pal-ḫa-ku v.GALda-[a.a-li]

(23) A s[cout] commander of the Urarṭian [enter]ed [the town ...] with 50 mules. They took the mules from him, put iron shackles to his arms and feet and returned him to the [Urarṭi]an.

o 2424

ša KUR.URI-a.a a-na ŠÀ [URU.x x x]+x

o 2525

50 ANŠE.GÌR.NUN.NA i-si-šu [e-tar]-ba

o 2626

ANŠE.GÌR.NUN.NA-MEŠ i-ta-aḫ-ru-šu

o 2727

a-na šá-a-šu : a-ḫi GÌR.2-MEŠ

o 2828

si-pa-ri AN.BAR i-sa-ak-nu-šu

o 2929

ú-sa-ḫi-ru a-na [KUR.URI]-a.a

o 3030

i-ta-nu-šu a-sa-par-a-[šu nu]-uk a-ta-a

(30) I wrote [him]: "Why are you not afraid of the gods, (you) abati, calf of the Urarṭ[ian]!"

o 3131

a-ba-ti mu-ru ša KUR.URI-[a.a]

o 3232

TA IGI DINGIR-MEŠ la pal-ḫa-ka

b.e. 33b.e. 33

v.ṣi-ra-a-ni ša KUR.URI-a.a

(33) Emissaries of the [Ur]arṭian keep coming and going to him.

b.e. 3434

ina UGU-ḫi-šu i-lu-ku

b.e. 3535

i-la-ku-u-ni a-ki [ina] ITI.AB

(35) When I was visiting the king my lord [in] Kanun (X), 10 soldiers, (all) cavalrymen, deserted there; [recently], 40 soldiers from [...]ri took their people with them, pulled out their grinding slabs, and went there.

r 1r 1

ina IGI LUGAL EN-ía a-li-ku-u-ni

r 22

10 v.ERIM-MEŠ šaBAD-ḪAL-a-[te] šu-nu

r 33

a-na ŠÀ-bi iḫ-tal-qu [x x]+x

r 44

40 v.ERIM-MEŠ TA ŠÀ URU?.[x]+x-ri

r 55

UN-MEŠ-šú-nu ina ŠU.2-šú-nu i-ṣab-

r 66

NA₄.a-ru-a-ti-šú-nu i-ta-as-ḫu

r 77

a-na ŠÀ-bi i-tal-ku a-se-e-me

(r 7) I heard that he had been very ill, so I asked him about those soldiers. He sent me a letter, saying: "Tebal ada I shall send you yo[ur] men."

r 88

ma-a ma-ri-ṣi adan-niš ina UGU

r 99

v.ERIM-MEŠ an-nu-u-te a-sa-al-šu

r 1010

e-gir- ina UGU-ḫi-ia i-sa-par

r 1111

ma-a te-bal a-da ma-a ERIM-MEŠ-ku-[nu]

r 1212

a-šá-par-a-ka ina UGU v.ŠÁM

(r 12) As to the bou[ght] slave concerning whom the king, my lord, wrote me, [he has now turned up] in the domain of his servant, and I am sending [the ...]s to the king, [my lord].

r 1313

ša LUGAL be- -pur-a-ni [o]

r 1414

[an-nu-rig] ina É v.ARAD-šú x+[x x]

r 1515

x+[x x x x]+x-MEŠ ina IGI

r 1616

LUGAL [EN-ía] ú-se-bi-la

Adapted from Giovanni B. Lanfranchi and Simo Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part II: Letters from the Northern and Northeastern Provinces (State Archives of Assyria, 5), 1990. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2009-11, as part of the AHRC-funded research project “Mechanisms of Communication in an Ancient Empire: The Correspondence between the King of Assyria and his Magnates in the 8th Century BC” (AH/F016581/1; University College London) directed by Karen Radner. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as