In the canonical order of parts of the liver, the 'well-being' (logogram SILIM) is usually located between the umbilical fissure and the gall bladder; more accurately, between the umbilical fissure and the cystic duct (maṣrah marti).[[137]] Its proximity to the gall bladder is reflected in several protases, e.g.
The 'well-being' is one of the markings which appear in the liver models as creases on its surface, and like them it was said to be present, under normal conditions, on the liver. It is one of the parts of the liver known as pān takālti and the sixth tablet of this series (TCL 6 3, cf. KAR 423 ii 48–68) is devoted to it. What this part of the liver means in anatomical terms is as yet unknown.[[138]]
A 'well-being' can occur elsewhere on the exta of the sheep in general, e.g. in the throat of the sheep.[[139]] A 'well-being' of the 'increment' (šulum ṣibti, see nos. 279:6 and 287:7) is attested already in extispicy reports from Mari.[[140]] Like šulmu itself, it is listed among the parts of the pān takālti in KAR 423 iii 2.
The 'well-being' should not be confused with "the path to the right of the gall bladder" in spite of T CL 6 3 r.18.[[141]] This feature of the liver is listed as a distinct part of the pān takālti in KAR 423 ii 69ff and is also attested elsewhere in the omen literature.
137 Cf, Starr Rituals 32:49, "let a šulmu of granting (of a prayer) descend from the cystic duct to the umbilical fissure."
138 For an etymology, see Goetze YOS 10, p. 7 n. 46.
139 See Starr Rituals 31:24; 33:80.
140 E.g., JCS 21 231 N:4'. Note also the MB report JCS 37 149:29, "the 'well-being' of the 'increment' slips to the right," and ibid. 42, "the 'well-being' of the 'increment' slips, is atrophied, crushed and covered."
141 Cited in Jeyes, op. cit. p. 223; cf. Denner WZKM 41 (1934) 219f.
Ivan Starr
Ivan Starr, 'The 'Well-Being' (šulmu)', Queries to the Sungod: Divination and Politics in Sargonid Assyria, SAA 4. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1990; online contents: SAAo/SAA04 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2025 ['Well-Being'/]