SAA 04 149. Should Esarhaddon Appoint Sin-nadin-apli as Crown Prince? (AGS 107) [appointment][via saao/saa04]

o 1o 1

dUTU EN GAL-ú šá a-šal-lu-ka an-nam GI.NA a-pal-an-ni

(1) Šamaš, great lord, give me a firm positive answer to what I am asking you!

o 22

mAN.ŠÁRŠEŠSUM-na LUGAL KUR-šur.KI li-iṣ-rim lik-pid-ma md30—SUM-naDUMU. DUMU-šú

(2) Should Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, strive and plan? Should he enter his son, Sin-nadin-apli, whose name is written in this papyrus and placed before your great divinity, into the Succession Palace?

o 33

šá MU-šú i-na ni-a-ri an-na-a šaṭ-ru-ma i-na IGI DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti GAR-un

o 44

a-na Ére-du-tu lu-še-rib UGU DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti ŠE.GA-i

(4) Is it pleasing to your great divinity? Is it acceptable to your great divinity? Does your great divinity know it?

o 55

pa-an DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti ma-ḫi-i-ri

o 66

DINGIR-ut-ka GAL-ti <<ti>> ZU-e

o 77

TU-bi šá md30—SUM-naA DUMU-šú šá mAN.ŠÁRŠEŠSUM-na LUGAL KUR-šur.KI šá MU-šú i-na ni-a-ra

(7) Is the entering of Sin-nadin-apli, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, whose name is written in this papyrus, into the Succession Palace, decreed and confirmed in a favorable case, by the command of your great divinity, Šamaš, great lord? Will he who can see, see it? Will he who can hear, hear it?

o 88

an-na-a šaṭ-ru a-na Ére-du-tu i-na SILIM-tim ina KA DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti

o 99

dUTU EN GAL-ú qa-bi-i ku-un-i

o 1010

IGI-ri IGI-mar še-mu-ú ŠE.GA-e

o 1111

e-zib šá di-in UD NE-i GIM DÙG-ab GIM ḫa-ṭu-ú

(11) Disregard the (formulation) of today's case, be it good, be it faulty.

o 1212


(12) Disregard that a clean or an unclean person has touched the sacrificial sheep, or blocked the way of the sacrificial sheep.

o 1313

e-zib šá lu-ʾu-ú lu-ʾu-ú-ti KI MÁŠ DIB-MEŠ-ma ú-le-ʾu-ú

(13) Disregard that an unclean man or woman has come near the place of the extispicy and made it unclean.

r 1r 1

e-zib šá i-na KI NE-i lu-ʾi-i MÁŠ MÁŠ-ú

(r 1) Disregard that an unclean person has performed extispicy in this place.

r 22

e-zib šá UDU.NÍTA DINGIR-ti-ka šá a-na MÁŠ MAŠ-ú LAL-ú ḫa-ṭu-ú

(r 2) Disregard that the ram (offered) to your divinity for the performance of the extispicy is deficient or faulty.

r 33

e-zib šá TAG-it SAG.KI UDU.NÍTA TÚG gi--e-šú ár-šat lab-šú mim-ma lu-ʾu-ú

(r 3) Disregard that he who touches the forehead of the sheep is dressed in his ordinary soiled garments, has eaten, drunk, or anointed himself with anything unclean, (or) has altered or changed the proceedings.

r 44

NAG-ú ŠÉŠ-šú ku-un ŠU.2 BAL-ú -pe-lum

r 55

e-zib šá a-na-ku DUMU.ḪAL ARAD-ka mim-ma lu-ʾu-ú NAG-ú ŠÉŠ-šú

(r 5) Disregard that I, the haruspex your servant, have eaten, drunk, or anointed myself with anything unclean, or have jumbled the oracular query in my mouth.
Let them be taken out and put aside!

r 66

úlu ta-mit i-na KA-ia up-tar-ri-du

r 77

lu-ú ZI-MEŠ lu-ú BAR-MEŠ a-šal-ka dUTU EN GAL-ú

(r 7) I ask you, Šamaš, great lord, whether Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, should enter his son, whose name is written in this papyrus, into the Succession Palace.

r 88

ki-i md-šurŠEŠSUM-na LUGAL KUR-šur.KI DUMU-šú ša MU-šú

r 99

i-na ni-a-ra an-na-a šaṭ-ru a-na Ére-du-ú-tu ú-še-ri-bu-ú-ma

r 1010

UGU DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti ŠE.GA pa-ni DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti maḫ-ru

(r 10) Is it pleasing to your great divinity? Is it acceptable to your great divinity?

r 1111

i-na ŠÀ UDU.NÍTA an-ni-i GUB-za-am-ma an-na GI.NA GIŠ.ḪUR-MEŠ SILIM-MEŠ

(r 11) Be present in this ram, place (in it) a firm positive answer, favorable designs, favorable, propitious omens by the oracular command of your great divinity, and may I see (them).

r 1212

UZU-MEŠ ta-mit SIG₅-MEŠ SILIM-MEŠ šá SILIM-tim šá KA DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti

r 1313

šuk-nam-ma lu-mur

r 1414

UGU DINGIR-ti-ka GAL-ti dUTU EN GÁL-ú lil-lik-ma KIN li-tap-pal

(r 14) May (this query) go to your great divinity, O Šamaš, great lord, and may an oracle be given as an answer.

r 1515

[BE x]+x SILIM GAR-MEŠ 150 ṣa-mid SAG EDIN 150 ŠU.SI DU₈ MÁŠ SILIM-im KI.TA-tum DU-ik

(r 15) [... and] the 'well-being' are present. The left of the gall bladder is attached. The left surface of the 'finger' is split. The 'increment' is normal. The lower part is elevated.

r 1616

[BE KI.MIN] u ŠU.SIMUR MURUB₄ SUḪUŠ- KÉŠ GIŠ. ba-la GIŠ.sik-kan-na TU₁₅ -qa-la-pa-šim-ma

(r 16) [Ditto] and the base of the middle 'finger' of the lung is 'bound,' a storm will cause a ship without a rudder to drift, but [Šamaš] and Marduk will always see it into a safe mooring. It is favorable in both a favorable and unfavorable case.

r 1717

[dUTU] u dAMAR.UTU ina ma-kal-le-e GI.NA -te-ni-ú-šú ina SILIM-tim u NU SILIM-tim SILIM-át

r 1818


(r 18) The breast-bone is thick. The coils of the colon are 14 in number. The heart of the r[a]m is normal.

Adapted from Ivan Starr, Queries to the Sungod: Divination and Politics in Sargonid Assyria (State Archives of Assyria, 4), 1990. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2018, as part of the research programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Chair in the Ancient History of the Near and Middle East at LMU Munich (Karen Radner, Humboldt Professorship 2015). The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as