ABL | R. F. Harper, Assyrian and Babylonian Letters (London and Chicago 1892-1914) |
ABRT | J . A . Craig, Assyrian and Babylonian Religious Texts (Leipzig 1895) |
AfO | Archiv für Orientforschung |
AHw | W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch |
AJSL | American Journal of Semitic Languages |
AMT | R. C. Thompson, Assyrian Medical Texts (London 1923) |
AnSt | Anatolian Studies |
AOAT | Alter Orient und Altes Testament |
AoF | Altorientalische Forschungen |
ARINH | F.M. Fales (ed.), Assyrian Royal Inscriptions: New Horizons in Literary, Ideological and Historical Analysis (Orientis Antiqui Collectio XVIII, Rome 1981) |
AS | Assyriological Studies |
ATAT | H. Gressmann, Altorientalische Texte zum Alten Testament (Berlin and Leipzig 1926) |
BA | Beiträge zur Assyriologie |
Bauer Asb | Th. Bauer, Das Inschriftenwerk Assurbanipals (Leipzig 1933) |
BM | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
Bu | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
CAD | Chicago Assyrian Dictionary |
CRRAI | Rencontre assyriologique internationale, comptes rendus |
CT | Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum |
CTN | Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud |
DT | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
EAK | W. Schramm, Einleitung in die assyrischen Königsinschriften II (Leiden 1973) |
Ebeling TuL | E. Ebeling, Tod und Leben nach den Vorstellungen der Babylonier (Berlin and Leipzig 1931) |
En el. | Enuma Eliš |
Geers | copies of Kuyunjik tablets by F.W. Geers |
GPA | J .N. Postgate, The Governor's Palace Archive (CTN 2, London 1973) |
JAOS | Journal of the American Oriental Soceity |
JCS | Journal of Cuneiform Studies |
JKF | Jahrbuch für Kleinasiatische Forschung |
JNES | Journal of Near Eastern Studies |
JRAS | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society |
K | tablets in the Kuyunjik collection of the British Museum |
KAH | 0. Schroeder, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen Inhalts, Zweites Heft (Leipzig 1922) |
KAR | E. Ebeling, Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiösen Inhalts (Leipzig 1919) |
KB | Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek |
Langdon Creation | S. Langdon, The Babylonian Epic of Creation (Oxford 1923) |
LAS | S. Parpola, Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal I, II (Alter Orient und Altes Testament 5/1-2, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1970, 1983) |
LKA | E. Ebeling and F. Köcher, Literarische Keilschrifttexte aus Assur (Berlin 1953) |
MAOG | Mitteilungen der Altorientalischen Gesellschaft |
MDOG | Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft |
Menzel Tempel | B. Menzel, Assyrische Tempel (Studia Pohl: series maior 10/I-II, Rome 1981) |
MEW | A. Livingstone, Mystical and Mythological Explanatory Works of Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars (Oxford 1986) |
MVAG | Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatisch-Ägyptischen Gesellschaft |
NE | P. Haupt, Das babylonische Nimrodepos (Assyriologische Bibliothek 3, Leipzig 1891) |
OECT | Oxford Editions of Cuneiform Texts |
Or. | Orientalia, Nova Series |
Piepkorn Asb | A. C. Piepkorn, Historical Prism Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal (Assyriological Studies 5, Chicago 1933) |
RA | Revue d'assyriologie |
RlA | Reallexikon der Assyriologie |
Rm | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
SAA | State Archives of Assyria |
SAAB | State Archives of Assyria Bulletin |
SAHG | A. Falkenstein and W. von Soden, Sumerische und akkadische Hymnen und Gebete (Zürich-Stuttgart 1953) |
Seux Epithètes | M.-J. Seux, Epithètes royales akkadiennes et sumériennes (Paris 1967) |
Sm | tablets in the collections of the British Museum |
Streck Asb | M. Streck, Assurbanipal I-III (Vorderasiatische Bibliothek 7, Leipzig 1916) |
STT | The Sultantepe Tablets |
TBWW | Th. Pinches, Texts in the Babylonian wedge-writing, ... Part I: Texts in the Assyrian language only, from the Royal Library at Nineveh (London 188 ) |
TIM | Texts in the Iraq Museum |
TRAB | F. Martin, Textes religieux assyriens et babyloniens, première série (Paris 1903) |
VAT | tablets in the collections of the Staatliche Museen, Berlin |
ZA | Zeitschrift für Assyriologie |
ZDMG | Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft |
Zimmern Neujahrfest | H. Zimmern, Zum babylonischen Neujahrsfest, Berichte über die Verhandlungen der Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, philologisch-historische Klasse 58/3 (= I, Leipzig 1906); 70/5 (= II, Leipzig 1918) |
adv. | adverb |
Aram. | Aramaic, Aramean |
Babyl. | Babylonian |
LB | Late Babylonian |
MA | Middle Assyrian |
MB | Middle Babylonian |
NA | Neo-Assyrian |
NB | Neo-Babylonian |
OA | Old Assyrian |
Oakk | Old Akkadian |
OB | Old Babylonian |
SB | Standard Babylonian |
e. | edge |
obv. | obverse |
r., rev. | reverse |
s. | (left) side |
coll. | collated, collation |
frg. | fragment |
MS | manuscript |
unpub. | unpublished |
var. | variant |
! | collation |
!! | emendation |
? | uncertain reading |
: :. :: | cuneiform division marks |
* | graphic variants (see LAS I p. XX) |
0 | uninscribed space o r nonexistent sign |
x | broken or undeciphered sign |
( ) | supplied word or sign |
(( )) | sign erroneously added by scribe |
[[ ]] | erasure |
[...] | minor break (one or two missing words) |
[......] | major break |
... | untranslatable word |
...... | untranslatable passage |
→ | see also |
/ | (in score transliteration) line boundary |
+ | joined to, (in score transliteration) continuing line |
Alasdair Livingstone
Alasdair Livingstone, 'Abbreviations and Symbols', Court Poetry and Literary Miscellanea, SAA 3. Original publication: Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1989; online contents: SAAo/SAA03 Project, a sub-project of MOCCI, 2020 [http://oracc.org/saao/saa03/SAA3AbbreviationsandSymbols/]