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SAA 01 001

  • CDLI P224485
  • Collection no.: IM 064156
  • Excavation no.: ND 02759
  • Primary publication(s): NL 039


  • Provenience: Nimrud (Kalhu) (Pleiades ID: 894019)
  • Archive: 006 - Northwest Palace, Room ZT 4
  • Language: Akkadian (Neo-Assyrian)
  • Genre: Administrative Letter
  • Object type: tablet
  • Material: clay
  • Script: Neo-Assyrian


  • Period: Neo-Assyrian
  • Reign: Sargon II (721–705 BC)
  • Dated: no

Sender Information

  • Sender: the king
  • Location: Royal Court
  • Recipient: Aššur-šarru-u[ṣur]
  • View dossier

SAA 01 001. Midas Of Phrygia Seeks Detente (NL 039)[via saao/saa01]

o 1o 1

a-bat LUGAL a-na m-šur*MANPAB šul-mu ia-a-ši

(1) The king's word to Aššur-šarru-u[ṣur]: I am well, Assyria is well: you can be glad.

o 22

šul-mu a-na KUR-šur.KI ŠÀ-[ka] lu DÙG.GA-ka

o 33

ša taš-pur-an-ni ma-a v.Ašip-ri [ša] mme-ta-a

(3) As to what you wrote to me: "A messenger [of] Midas the Phrygian has come to me, bringing me 14 men of Que whom Urik had sent to Urarṭu as an embassy" this is extremely good! My gods Aššur, Šamaš, Bel and Nabû have now taken action, and without a battle [or any]thing, the Phrygian has given us his word and become our ally!

o 44

KUR.mus-ka-a.a ina UGU-ḫi-ia it-tal-ka ma-a 14 ERIM-MEŠ

o 55

KUR.qu-u-a.a ša mú-ri-ik a-na v.šap-ru-te

o 66

a-na KUR.URI ú-še-bi-lu-u-ni ma-a ina UGU-ḫi-ia na-ṣa

o 77

ta-ri-iṣ adan-niš an-nu-rig -šur dšá*-maš* EN

o 88

dAG DINGIR-MEŠ-ia e-tap-šú la ina ŠÀ qa-ra-bi* [la ina ŠÀ] me-me-ni

o 99

KUR.mus-ka-a.a pi-i-šú it-ta-an-na-na-ši

o 1010

a-na sa-al-mi-ni it-tu-ar ša taš-pur-an-ni

(10) As to what you wrote: "I shall not send my messenger to the Phrygian without the permission of the king, my lord" I am now writing to (tell) you that you should not cut off your messenger from the Phrygian's presence. Write to him in friendly terms and constantly listen to news about him, until I have more time.

o 1111

ma-a ba-lat LUGAL be--ia v.Ašip-ri-ia ina UGU

o 1212

KUR.mus-ka-a.a la a-šap-par ú-ma-a an-nu-rig

o 1313

a-sap-rak-ka v.Ašip-ri-ka TAv pa-an KUR.mus-ka-a.a

o 1414

lu la ta-bat-taq dib-bi DÙG.GA-MEŠ šup-ra-áš-šú

o 1515

ka-a.a-ma-nu mi-i-nu ša ṭè-en-šú-ni ši-mi* a-du -et a-ri-qa-an-ni

o 1616

ša taš-pur-an-ni ma-a ki-i ša šu-ú ARAD-MEŠ ša LUGAL be--ia

(16) As to what you wrote: "Should I send his subjects to him just as he sent me the subjects of the king my lord?" send them to him so that he will be favourably disposed towards us. Whether 100 men or 10, write to him like this: "I wrote to the king my lord about the men of Que whom you sent to me, and he was extremely pleased; and in return he wrote to me [as follows]: 'Do not hold back even a single one of the Phrygians at your court, but send them to Midas [immediately]!' Thus at the king my lord's behest I am (now) sending you th[ese] men."

o 1717

ú-še-bi-il-an-ni ma-a ana-ku ARAD-MEŠ-ni-šú lu-še-bi-la-áš-šú-ú

o 1818

še-bi-la-áš-šú ba-si lib-bu-šú is-si-ni ip-pa*-šar lu 01 me ARAD?-MEŠ-šú? lu 10

o 1919

ki-i an-ni? šup-ra-šú ma-a ERIM-MEŠ KUR.qu-u-a.a ša tu-še-bil-an-ni

o 2020

ma-a ina UGU* LUGAL be--ia as-sap-par ma-a LUGAL be-

o 2121

iḫ-tu-du adan-niš ma-a ú-sa-ḫi-ir [x x x x]

o 2222

ina UGU-ḫi-ia is-sap-ra ma-a KUR.mus-ka-[a.a ammar]

o 2323

ina pa-ni-ka-ni 01-en la ta-kal-la ma-a [ar-ḫiš a]-na

o 2424

mme-ta-a še-bi-il ma-a ERIM-MEŠ an-[nu-te]

o 2525

ina UGU pe-e ša LUGAL be--ia ú-se-bi-lak-ka

o 2626

ša taš-pur-an-ni ma-a v.Ašip-ri ša mur-pala-a

(26) As to what you wrote: "A messenger of Urpala'a came to me for an audience with the Phrygian messenger" let him come, and let Aššur, Šamaš, Bel and Nabû command that all these kings should wipe your sandals with their beards!

o 2727

TAv v.Ašip-ri KUR.mus-ka-a.a a-na DI-me ina UGU-ḫi-ia

o 2828

it-tal-ka lil-li-ka -šur dUTU EN u dPA

o 2929

liq-bi-u LUGAL-MEŠ-ni ḫa-an-nu-ti gab-bi-šú-nu TAv ziq-ni-šú-nu

o 3030

KUŠ.DA.E.SIR-ka lu-šak-ki-lu

o 3131

ša [taš]-pur-an-ni ma-a mki-la-ar 04 na-gi-a-ni

(31) As to what you wrote: "Kilar [has request]ed from me four districts, saying: 'Let them give them to me'" should you give [these] four districts to Kilar, would he not become your equal, and what would you yourself be ruling over as governor then? Tell him as follows: "Earlier, you were afraid of the Phrygian, but now the Phrygian has made peace with us, so what are you afraid of? Now eat your bread and drink your water under the protection of the king, my lord, and be happy. Do not worry about the Phrygian."

o 3232

[e-tar-šá]-an-ni ma-a lid-di-nu-ni ki-ma 04 na-gi-a-ni

o 3333

[an-nu-te a]-na mki-la-ar ta-at-ti-din

o 3434

la a-na mi-iḫ-ri-ka-a i-tu-ar*

o 3535

at-ta-ma ina UGU mi-i-niḫa-tu-ú- tu-up-pa-áš

o 3636

ki-i an-ni-i qi-ba-áš-šú ma-a ina ti-ma-li šal-šiUD-me

o 3737

TAv IGI KUR.mus-ka-a.a pal-ḫa-a-ka ma-a ú-ma-a

o 3838

KUR.mus-ka-a.a is-si-ni is-si-lim

r 39r 39

ma-a at-ta TAv IGI mi-i-ni pal-ḫa-a-ka

r 4040

[ma]-a ú-ma-a GIŠ.MI LUGAL be--ia NINDA-MEŠ-ka a-kul

r 4141

A-MEŠ-ka ši-ti ma-a* ŠÀ-ka lu [DÙG].GA-ka

r 4242

ma-a ni-kit-ta-ka TAv pa-an KUR.mus-ka-a.a lu la-áš-šú

r 4343

ša taš-pur-an-ni ma-a mur-pala-a ina UGU ša URU*.a--na*-a.a*

(43) As to what you wrote: "Urpala'a [may slip away] from the king, my lord, on account of the fact that the Atunnaeans and Istuandaeans came and took the cities of Bit-Paruta away from him" now that the Phrygian has made peace with us and ..., what can all the kings of Tabal do henceforth? You will press them from this side and the Phrygian from that side so that (in no time) you will snap your belt on them. Thanks to my gods Aššur, Šamaš, Bel and Nabû, this land has now been trodden under your feet! Move about as you please, do whatever you have to do, cut the long and lengthen the short until I come and give you [...] work!

r 4444 il-lik-ú-ni URU*-MEŠ-ni

r 4545

ša Émpa-ru-ta i-pu-gu-šú*-ni [x]+x x+[x x x]

r 4646

TAv* UGU* LUGAL* be--ia [x x x] di x an-nu-rig

r 4747

KUR.mus-[ka-a].a is-si-ni is-si-lim ik-ti-ii-di

r 4848

MAN-MEŠ-ni ša KUR.ta-ba-li gab-bu []-i-nu aḫḫur

r 4949

ep-pu-šu at-ta TAv na-ka KUR.mus-[ka-a].a TAv ma-ka

r 5050

tu-ma-za--šú-nu ba-si at-ta e-bi-iḫ-ka ina ŠÀ-bi-šú-nu

r 5151

ta-rak-kas an-nu-rig -šur dšá-maš EN u dPA

r 5252

DINGIR-MEŠ-ia e-tap-šú KUR ḫa-an-ni- ina KI.TA GÌR.2-ka

r 5353

ta-at-tak-ba-as ki-i ŠÀ-bi-ka du-ú-lu

r 5454

mi-i-nu ša dul*-la-ka-ni e-pu- ar-ku bu-tu-qu

r 5555

[ku]-ri*-ú le*-e*-[rik] a-du -et ana-ku al-lak-an-ni

r 5656

dul-lu x+[x x]+x x x-ú*-ni ad-da-na-kan-ni

r 5757

ina UGU mba?-[la-su?] ša [taš-pur-an-ni] dib*-bi*-šu* gab*-bu* a*-se*-me*

(57) As to Ba[lasu concerning whom you wrote], I have heard his words in full. The day you see this letter, appoint his son in his place over his men. His people should be assembled and present, and if he wants, he may take them over the mountains and settle them there, or they may also live here. As for him, let one of your 'third men' pick him up post-haste and let him come here. I will speak kindly with him and encourage him, and in due course I will send word and have his people (being kept) here returned, and he too can go and re-enter his house.

r 5858

UD-mu ša e-gír- an-ni-[ ta-am]-mar-u-ni DUMU-šú ku-mu-šú

r 5959

ina UGU ERIM-MEŠ-šú pi-qid UN-MEŠ-šú lu kan-nu-šú lu kam-mu-su

r 6060

šum-ma lib-bu-šú KUR-ú lu-šá-bal-ki-ta lu-še-šib-šú-nu

r 6161

ú-la-a ḫa-na-ka-ma lu kam-mu-su a-na šá-a-šú

r 6262

v.03.U₅-ka 01-en a-na kal-li-e li-in-tu-ḫa-áš-šú

r 6363

lil-li-ka dib-bi DÙG.GA-MEŠ is-si-šú la-ad-bu-ub

r 6464

lib-bu la-áš-kun-[šú] ba-si a-šap-pa-ra UN-MEŠ-šú

r 6565

ša ḫa-na-ka ú-sa-ḫar-ú-ni il-lak ina É-šú

r 6666

e-rab mDUMU.-ia šu- a-du UN-MEŠ-šú

(66) As for Aplaiu, let your messenger bring him and his people to me, whether (they are) citizens of Babylon, Borsippa, Kish, Nippur, Uruk, Der, or (...)

r 6767

v.AKIN-ka a-du UGU-ḫi-ia lu-bi-la-šú-nu

r 6868


r 6969

lu-u KIŠ.KI-a.a lu EN.LÍL.KI-a.a

r 7070


r 7171

lu (blank)

rest uninscribed

Adapted from Simo Parpola, The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part I: Letters from Assyria and the West (State Archives of Assyria, 1), 1987. Lemmatised by Mikko Luukko, 2009-11, as part of the AHRC-funded research project “Mechanisms of Communication in an Ancient Empire: The Correspondence between the King of Assyria and his Magnates in the 8th Century BC” (AH/F016581/1; University College London) directed by Karen Radner. The annotated edition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 3.0. Please cite this page as

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