These are the names that appear in the translations of the letters, queries, and reports. Unless otherwise noted, all the people's names are of Akkadian origin.

Map of all the places mentioned in the letters, queries and reports from the reigns of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, by Karen Radner. (Note that not all place names in the Assyrian heartland and Central Babylonia can be displayed at this resolution.) View large map.
- Abdi-milki (person)
- "Servant of the king", a West-Semitic name: party in a conflict that has been brought to the attention of king Esarhaddon PGP and his crown prince TT Assurbanipal.
- Abi-ili (person)
- "My father is my god": one of king Esarhaddon's PGP personal guards.
- Abi-yaqi(a) (person)
- "The father is guarding", a West-Semitic name: a Babylonian associated with Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP , king of Babylon PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Abni (person)
- Abbreviation of a West-Semitic name containing the element "stone": official in charge of raising the sheep tax at Arpadda PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Abunaya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "father": head of a family in Babylon PGP .
- Abu-nuri (person)
- "The father is my light": member of a household associated with the royal court during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Abyss (place)
- The underground dwelling of the great god Ea PGP , and source of all springs and riverwater; called apsu in Assyrian.
- Adad (deity)
- Weather god, of storms and beneficial rains.
- Adad-ahu-iddina (person)
- "Adad PGP has given a brother": Temple official from Nineveh PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Adad-dan (person)
- " Adad PGP is strong": correspondent of Esarhaddon, representing the king's interests in the west of the empire.
- Adad-ereš (person)
- "Adad PGP has desired": Provider of horses for Esarhaddon.
- Adad-killanni (person)
- "O Adad PGP , hold me!": priest from Guzana PGP during Esarhaddon's reign, brother of the woman Zaza PGP and brother-in-law of the scribe Tarṣi PGP .
- Adad-šuma-ereš (person)
- " Adad PGP has desired a name": head of a family in Babylon PGP .
- Adad-šumu-uṣur (person)
- "O Adad PGP , protect the name!": Esarhaddon's chief exorcist TT , still active during Assurbanipal's reign, and author of more than fifty letters to these two kings, but also three astrological reports - a testament to his great learnedness and wide-ranging scholarly interests; a descendent of one of the most prominent scribal families of Assyria, he was the brother of Esarhaddon's master scholar TT Nabu-zeru-lešir PGP and the father of the exorcist TT Urad-Gula PGP , likewise a member of the royal entourage.
- Adapa (person)
- "Born of the sea"; a Sumerian PGP name. Mythical sage TT , also known as Oannes; thought to have been an immortal creature - half man, half fish - who, in the time before the Flood TT , came out of the ocean to be mankind's first teacher in all things that encompassed Mesopotamian civilisation. See Alulim PGP .
- Adda-natan (person)
- "Adda has given", an Aramaic name: Village manager from Raṣappa PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Adda-saka (person)
- "Adda has looked out at", an Aramaic name: chariot owner and one of the Elders of Guzana PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Addi (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the divine name Adda. Village manager from Tille PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Addiqritušu (person)
- Better: Addikritušu, representing the Greek name Addikritos, a variant form of Antikritos in the dialect of Cyprus PGP : one of fifteen deserters apprehended by the governor of Der PGP during Esarhaddon's reign.
- Adia (place)
- see Adian PGP .
- Adian (place)
- A town in central Assyria, possibly now Eski Kalak. View location using Google Earth []
- Adin (place)
- A town; another name for Adian? PGP
- Aduni-Ba'al (person)
- "My lord is Ba'al", a Phoenician PGP name: one of the sons of Yakinlu PGP , king of Arwad PGP .
- Adunu-Milkuti (person)
- "The Queen is the lord", a Phoenician PGP name: member of Esarhaddon's court at Nineveh PGP .
- Ahabu (person)
- Better Ah-abu, "His father's brother", an Aramaic name: Village manager from Raṣappa PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Aha-iddin (person)
- "He has given a brother", a Babylonian name: Master of temple votaries TT at Marduk PGP 's temple in Babylon PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Aha-šubši (person)
- "Call a brother into being!": Babylonian physician TT active during the reign of Esarhaddon; recommended for the king's service.
- Ahat-abiša (person)
- "Her father's sister": Prophetess TT of Arbela PGP , foretelling Esarhaddon's rise to the throne.
- Ahhešaya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "His brothers": Governor of Uruk PGP from (at least) 675-666 BC. [2] Chief administrator (" prelate TT ") of the temple of the god Nabu PGP of Borsippa PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon. [3] Astrologer TT originally from Uruk PGP ; active during the reign of Esarhaddon. [4] A eunuch TT accused of stealing from an astrologer TT .
- Ahi-yaqar (person)
- "The brother is esteemed", an Aramaic name: a Babylonian associated with the temple of the Lady of Akkad PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ahi-Yau (person)
- "The brother is Yahweh", a Hebrew name: member of the royal court of Nineveh PGP during Esarhaddon's reign.
- Ahlamu (people)
- A general term for Aramean PGP people.
- Ahšeri (person)
- Meaning unknown. King of Mannea PGP during the reigns of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal; an enemy of Assyria and ally of the Cimmerians PGP .
- Ahu-dur-enši (person)
- "The brother is a stronghold for the weak": a cohort commander TT serving crown prince TT Assurbanipal.
- Ahu-duri (person)
- "The brother is my fortress": A messenger active at the royal palace of Nineveh PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ahu-ila'i (person)
- "The brother is my god": Governor of the province of Carchemish under Assurbanipal; eponym TT of the year 649 BC.
- Ahu-li (person)
- Better: Ahu-le'i "The brother is almighty". A man from Babylonia whose son is mentioned in a letter to Esarhaddon.
- Ahunu (person)
- "Little brother": Messenger at the royal court of Nineveh PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ahu-riba (person)
- "Replace the brother!": Son of a boatman and priest's assistant.
- Ahu-šamši (person)
- "The brother is my sun": denounced to king Esarhaddon in a broken letter which leaves all circumstances unclear.
- Ahušina (person)
- "Their (fem.) brother": Chariot driver and priest's assistant.
- Ahu-ṭab (person)
- "The brother is good": man from Birati PGP , active as messenger for king Assurbanipal in Babylonia during the wars of 652-648 BC.
- Akkad (place)
- A city in northern Babylonia PGP , exact location unknown; possibly now Tell Muhammad. View location using Google Earth []
- Akkullanu (person)
- Meaning unknown. Chief administrator ("prelate TT ") of the most important Assyrian shrine, the temple of the supreme god Aššur PGP in the city of Assur PGP under Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, but also one of the most important astrologers TT of his time; author of numerous astrological reports and letters to the two kings.
- Aldebaran (heavenly body)
- A star in the constellation TT Taurus PGP ; known in Assyria as "Bull's Jaw". View Taurus using Google Sky [] | View Aldebaran using Google Sky [] | View Aldebaran in YourSky []
- Allatu (deity)
- Another name for Ereškigal PGP , the queen of the Underworld TT .
- Alluhappu (deity)
- A god of the Underworld TT .
- Alulim (person)
- "Staghorn"; a Sumerian PGP name. The first king ever who was thought to have ruled for 28,800 years in the period before the flood, advised by the sage TT Adapa PGP .
- Amanus (place)
- Mountain range to the east of Iskanderun in modern Turkey, running parallel to the northern Mediterranean coast.
- Amat-Bel-ukin (person)
- "The word of Bel PGP has established" or "He has established the word of Bel": slave of one of Esarhaddon's subjects in Babylon PGP , instrumental in the crimes committed against his master.
- Ammanappu (person)
- "Amun in the Luxor temple", an Egyptian name: Enemy of Assurbanipal.
- Ammanipite (person)
- Probably an Egyptian name: Enemy of Assurbanipal.
- Ammi-ladin (person)
- "May the paternal uncle dispense justice!", a West-Semitic name: an Arab PGP active during Esarhaddon's reign, possibly to be identified with the later king of Qedar PGP who is well attested as an enemy of Assurbanipal.
- Ammi-leti (person)
- "The paternal uncle is my strength", a West-Semitic name: an Arab PGP of the Napisu PGP tribe active during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ammini-ilu (person)
- "Why, O god?": merchant from Tema PGP trading in Babylonia and captured as a spy in Sippar PGP by the Assyrians during the war of 652-648 BC.
- Ammi-yata' (person)
- "The paternal uncle has delivered", an Aramaic name: an Arab PGP of the Mas'a PGP tribe, father of Aya-kabar PGP who is raiding caravans during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Ammu-salam (person)
- "The paternal uncle is peace"; a West-Semitic name. Royal messenger active in Babylonia during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ampihabi (place)
- A town in the Assyrian province of Arzuhina PGP , exact location uncertain. View location using Google Earth []
- Amra' (person)
- A name based on the Arab verb "to live, to worship": king of an Arab PGP tribe during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Amul (place)
- A city in the Zagros PGP mountains; possibly modern Amol in Iran. View location using Google Earth []
- Amurri (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "west, west-wind": an envoy of king Esarhaddon.
- Amurru (deity)
- A West Semitic god equated with the weather god Adad PGP .
- Amurru-upahhir (person)
- " Amurru PGP has assembled": mentioned in unclear context in a broken Babylonian letter.
- Amušu (person)
- = Amos, a name based on the West-Semitic verb "to carry": associate of Esarhaddon's mother Naqi'a PGP .
- Ana-Nabu-atkal (person)
- "In Nabu PGP I have trusted": Exorcist TT in the royal entourage, probably of Esarhaddon.
- Andarpattianu (place)
- A city in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unknown.
- Anisu (place)
- A city, east of Arbela PGP and south of Lake Urmia; possibly now Qalaat Diza in modern Iraq. View location using Google Earth []
- Annunnaki (deity)
- A collective name for the gods of the Underworld TT .
- Antares (heavenly body)
- A star at the centre of the constellation TT Scorpius PGP ; known in Assyria as Lisi. View Antares using Google Sky [] | View Antares in YourSky []
- Antasurra (heavenly body)
- "(A precious metal)", a star in the Sagittarius PGP constellation TT . View Sagittarius using Google Sky [] | View Sagittarius in YourSky []
- Antu (deity)
- The consort of Anu PGP , god of heavens.
- Anu (deity)
- The sky god, worshipped especially in Uruk PGP .
- Anunitu (heavenly body)
- A war goddess and constellation TT near the path of the moon, now treated as the north-eastern part of Pisces PGP . View Pisces using Google Sky [] | View Pisces in YourSky []
- Anzan (place)
- The mountainous part of Elam PGP and the capital of that region (modern Tepe Malyan). View location using Google Earth []
- Anzu (deity)
- [1] A a mythical monster, half lion and half eagle; [2] a star, identity unknown.
- Apak (place)
- City in central Babylonia near Babylon PGP .
- Aplaya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "heir". [1] Astrologer TT from Borsippa PGP who sends thirteen astrological reports to the kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal; after his death, his tablet collection was integrated into Assurbanipal's library. [2] Haruspex TT working in Babylonia in a team with Naṣiru PGP during Esarhaddon's reign. [3] Babylonian correspondent of the king's mother Naqi'a PGP . [4] Priest of Adad PGP of Kurbail PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon. [5] Son of Nadinu PGP , a "Father of the Chaldeans PGP "; accused of treason against Esarhaddon. [6] Temple steward of Ištar PGP of Arbela PGP . [7] Member of the Abunaya PGP family in Babylon PGP , son of Bel-bulliṭ PGP .
- Aqara (person)
- Better Aqar-Aya "Aya PGP is precious": a high-ranking Babylonian official under Esarhaddon and the superior of Šuzubu; probably identical with the governor of Babylon PGP under Assurbanipal.
- Aqar-Bel-lumur (person)
- "May I see the preciousness of Bel! PGP ": Babylonian official in Esarhaddon's service.
- Aqre'a (person)
- Better: Aqar-Aya "Aya [= Ea PGP ] is precious". [1] Haruspex TT of the royal entourage at Nineveh PGP under Esarhaddon; member of a group of haruspices headed by Marduk-šumu-uṣur PGP and Naṣiru PGP . [2] Exorcist TT , recommended for royal service despite being a refugee with brandmarks on face and wrists.
- Aquarius (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Capricorn PGP and Pisces PGP ; known in Assyrian as "Great One"; see also Gula PGP . View Aquarius using Google Sky [] | View Aquarius in YourSky []
- Aquila (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near Sagittarius PGP and Scorpius PGP ; known in Assyrian as "Eagle". View Aquila using Google Sky [] | View Aquila in YourSky []
- Arabia (place)
- In Assyrian times, the desert to the south and west of Mesopotamia.
- Aram (place)
- The area around modern Damascus PGP in Syria. View location using Google Earth []
- Aramean (people)
- The people and Semitic language from the area of Aram PGP .
- Aramiš-etel-ilani (person)
- "Aramiš is the prince of gods": son of the merchant Šumma-ilu PGP from Carchemish PGP and a recruitment officer in Esarhaddon's service.
- Araši (place)
- A region in the Zagros PGP mountains, around modern Ilam in Iran. View location using Google Earth []
- Arbayu (person)
- "The Arab": [1] Courtier of king Esarhaddon. [2] Assyrian cohort commander TT active in the war in Babylonia, 652-648 BC.
- Arbela (place)
- A major Assyrian city and provincial capital; modern Erbil. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Arbilayu (person)
- "The one from Arbela PGP ": Shepherd from Luddin-ilu PGP , responsible for procuring sacrificial animals for Aššur PGP 's temple in Assur PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Arda (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "servant": involved in the conspiracy of Sasi PGP and his followers against Esarhaddon in 670 BC.
- Arda-Mullissi (person)
- Urdu-Mullissi "Servant of the goddess Mullissu PGP ": Assyrian prince, son and murderer of Sennacherib PGP ; defeated in the ensuing succession war by his younger brother Esarhaddon, he found asylum in Urarṭu PGP , Assyria's arch-enemy to the north. See Royal family and Esarhaddon.
- Aries (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Anunitu PGP and the Pleiades PGP ; known in Assyria as "Hired Man". View Aries using Google Sky [] | View Aries in YourSky []
- Ariri (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: mentioned in unclear context in a letter to Esarhaddon concerning building works at the royal palaces in Assur PGP , Nineveh PGP and Dur-Šarruken PGP .
- Arkayitu (deity)
- A name of Ištar PGP of Uruk PGP .
- Arpadda (place)
- An Assyrian provincial capital north of Aleppo in Syria; probably now Tell Rifat. View map of Assyrian empire []
- Arrabu (person)
- "Dormouse": adversary of Nabu-balassu-iqbi PGP in Borsippa PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Arrapha (place)
- An Assyrian provincial capital just east of Assur PGP ; modern Kirkuk. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Arri (place)
- A territory in the Zagros PGP mountains; classical Choara?
- Arwad (place)
- An island city in Phoenicia; classical Aradus, off modern Tartus in Syria. View location using Google Earth []
- Arzi (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: mentioned in unclear context in a letter to Esarhaddon concerning building works at the royal palaces in Assur PGP , Nineveh PGP and Dur-Šarruken PGP .
- Arzuhina (place)
- An Assyrian provincial capital, south of the Lower Zab PGP river, between Arrapha PGP and Arbela PGP ; perhaps Gök Tepe. View map of Assyrian empire []
- Asakku (deity)
- A demon TT .
- Asalluhi (deity)
- A name for Marduk PGP as god of healing.
- Asalluhi-ahu-uṣur (person)
- "O Asalluhi PGP , protect the brother!": Priest of Bel PGP .
- Asalluhi-ereš (person)
- " Asalluhi PGP has desired": this scribe of an unknown dignitary asks king Esarhaddon together with his colleague, the major-domo TT Ṣallaya PGP , to help their master against the governor of Arrapha PGP .
- Ašaridu (person)
- "The foremost one": Two astrologers TT in the service of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal bear this name and are therefore distinguished as [1] "The elder" (the son of Damqa PGP ) and [2] "The younger"; they are not related. [3] Governor of Cutha PGP in Babylonia during the reign of Esarhaddon and Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP . [4] Citizen of Babylon PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ashkelon (place)
- A Philistine city on the eastern Mediterranean coast, now in Israel, which paid tribute to the Neo-Assyrian empire; Assyrian Isqaluna. View location using Google Earth []
- Ašnan (deity)
- A grain deity.
- Aššur (deity)
- The national god of Assyria PGP .
- Assur (place)
- An Assyrian city on the Tigris PGP , the original capital and ancestral home of the royal family and many Assyrian nobles, now Qalaat Sherqat. View location using Google Earth []
- Aššur-abu-uṣur (person)
- "O Aššur PGP , protect the father!": Associate of Aššur PGP 's temple in Assur PGP during Assurbanipal's reign.
- Aššur-bahianni (person)
- ""O Aššur PGP , search for me!", a West-Semitic name: governor of the Assyrian province of Bit-Zamani PGP under Esarhaddon.
- Aššur-balassu-iqbi (person)
- " Aššur PGP has commanded his life": administrative official in Esarhaddon's service who is reported to be responsible for cutting the customary bread allowance for deaf people in a Babylonian city.
- Assurbanipal (person)
- Aššur-bani-apli "Aššur PGP is the creator of the heir": King of Assyria (r. 668-c.630 BC). See Assurbanipal. View family tree []
- Aššur-belu-ka''in (person)
- "O Aššur PGP , establish the lord!": [1] Commander-in-chief TT of Assyria under Shalmaneser III PGP (r.858-824). [2] Royal eunuch in the service of king Sargon PGP II, mentor of the grandfather of the scribe Šumaya PGP .
- Aššur-belu-taqqin (person)
- "O Aššur PGP , safeguard the lord!" [1] Prefect delivering horses for Esarhaddon's army to Kalhu PGP . [2] Prefect in Assurbanipal's service, appointed in Nippur PGP in order to manage long-distance communications.
- Aššur-da''in-aplu (person)
- "O Aššur PGP , strengthen the heir!": Assyrian prince, son of king Shalmaneser III PGP of Assyria (r.858-824 BC).
- Aššur-da''in-šarru (person)
- "O Aššur PGP , strengthen the king!": Haruspex TT in the service of Assurbanipal, often working as a team with Dannaya PGP .
- Aššur-duru-uṣur (person)
- "O Aššur PGP , protect the fortress!": Governor of the province of Barhalzi PGP under Assurbanipal; eponym TT of the year 652 BC.
- Aššur-ereš (person)
- "Aššur PGP has desired": servant of Urad-Gula PGP and adversary of Ašaridu PGP , the governor of Cutha PGP under Esarhaddon.
- Aššur-etel-ilani-mukinni (person)
- "Aššur PGP the prince of the gods is the one who established me": the official name of Esarhaddon PGP , given to him on the occasion of his appointment as Sennacherib's PGP crown prince TT .
- Aššur-etel-šame-erṣeti-muballissu (person)
- "Aššur PGP , the prince of heaven and earth, is the one who keeps him alive": Assyrian prince; one of the youngest sons of Esarhaddon and the youngest brother of Assurbanipal, he was installed in a priestly office at the temple of the moongod Sin PGP at Harran PGP when Assurbanipal became king. See Royal family. View family tree [].
- Aššur-eṭir (person)
- "Aššur PGP has saved": This son of Ṣillaya PGP , who had been a prominent figure in the conspiracy against Esarhaddon, was forced to name collaborators once the plot was uncovered.
- Aššur-hamatu'a (person)
- "Aššur PGP is my rescue": High official of the temple of Ištar PGP of Arbela PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Aššur-hussanni (person)
- "O Aššur PGP , remember me!": Goldsmith of the temple of Aššur PGP at Assur PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Aššur-ili-muballissu (person)
- "Aššur PGP , my god, is the one who gives him life": Assyrian prince, son of Sennacherib, residing in Assur PGP .
- Aššur-mudammiq (person)
- "Aššur PGP is the one who gives fortune": High official of the temple of Aššur PGP at Assur PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Aššur-mukin-paleya (person)
- "Aššur PGP is the one who established my reign": Assyrian prince; one of the youngest sons of Esarhaddon (certainly born soon after 681 BC) and the second youngest brother of Assurbanipal. After a sickly childhood, he was installed in a priestly office at a Babylonian temple, possibly in Babylon PGP , when Assurbanipal became king. In 648 BC, his tablet collection was integrated into Assurbanipal's library. This would imply that he sided with Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP in the war against Assurbanipal and lost his possessions, and quite likely his life, as a consequence. See Royal family and Assurbanipal. View family tree [].
- Aššur-na'di (person)
- "Aššur PGP is praised": High official of the temple of Aššur PGP at Assur PGP , perhaps during the reign of Sargon II (721-705).
- Aššur-nadin-šumi (person)
- "Aššur PGP is the giver of a name": Assyrian prince, appointed by his father Sennacherib PGP as king of Babylon PGP in 699 BC and abducted with Babylonian help to Elam PGP in 694 BC; his fate there is unknown.
- Aššur-naṣir (person)
- "Aššur PGP is protector": [1] Chief eunuch TT of Esarhaddon, involved with Sasi PGP in the conspiracy against the king; executed and replaced by Ša-Nabu-šu PGP after the plot was uncovered. [2] Astrologer TT in royal service, probably of Esarhaddon.
- Aššur-natkil (person)
- "Take Aššur PGP into confidence!": Cohort commander TT of the city of Adin PGP who was said to harrass the scholar TT Rašil PGP .
- Aššur-ra'im-šarri (person)
- "Aššur PGP loves the king": Royal official in Assurbanipal's service.
- Aššur-reṣuwa (person)
- "Aššur PGP is my helper": Priest of Ninurta PGP at Kalhu PGP .
- Aššur-šallim-ahhe (person)
- "O Aššur PGP , keep the brothers safe!": Working under Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i PGP at Assurbanipal's reconstruction project of the Esaggil PGP temple in Babylon PGP .
- Aššur-šarrani (person)
- "Aššur PGP is our king": Astrologer TT at Nineveh PGP in the entourage of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal.
- Aššur-šarrani-muballissu (person)
- "Our king Aššur PGP is the one who gives him life": Assyrian prince, son of Esarhaddon. Likely to be identical with Aššur-etel-šame-erṣeti-muballissu PGP .
- Aššur-šarru-iddina (person)
- "Aššur PGP has given a king": mentioned in a broken letter in connection with the Tartaru PGP river; details unclear.
- Aššur-šarru-uṣur (person)
- "O Aššur PGP , protect the king!": Temple steward of the Aššur PGP temple at Assur PGP under Assurbanipal.
- Aššur-šezibanni (person)
- "O Aššur PGP , save me!": governor of an unknown Assyrian province under Esarhaddon.
- Aššur-šumu-iddina (person)
- "Aššur PGP has given a name": Astrologer TT under Esarhaddon and/or Assurbanipal.
- Aššur-šumu-ka''in (person)
- "O Aššur PGP , establish a name!": Military officer participating in the campaign against Egypt PGP under Esarhaddon.
- Aššur-šumu-uṣur (person)
- "O Aššur PGP , protect the name!": Involved in the campaign against Egypt PGP under Esarhaddon, possibly a military officer.
- Aššur-ušallim (person)
- "Aššur PGP has kept in good health": royal envoy to Assyria's northeastern borders under Esarhaddon, reporting to crown prince TT Assurbanipal.
- Aššur-zeru-ibni (person)
- "Aššur PGP has created the seed": influential dignitary from Guzana PGP and a companion of the sons of Esarhaddon when staying at court in Nineveh PGP .
- Aššur-zeru-iddina (person)
- "Aššur PGP has given offspring": Chief administrator ("prelate TT ") of a temple in Nineveh PGP , involved in a scandal during the reign of Sennacherib PGP .
- Assyria (place)
- The empire ruled by kings Esarhaddon PGP and Assurbanipal PGP , and their predecessors and successors. See The Assyrian empire.
- Atamar-Marduk (person)
- "I have seen Marduk PGP ": royal bodyguard serving Esarhaddon.
- Atanha-ilu (person)
- "I am exhausted, O god": gate-guard at the royal palace at Nineveh PGP .
- Auriga (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Perseus PGP and Gemini PGP ; known in Assyria as "(Shepherd's) Crook". View Auriga using Google Sky [] | View Auriga in YourSky []
- Awyanu (person)
- Name based on the West-Semitic verb "to desire": prefect who is accused of being involved in the conspiracy of Sasi PGP and his followers against Esarhaddon in 670 BC.
- Aya (deity)
- The divine consort of the sungod Šamaš PGP .
- Aya-kabar (person)
- " Aya PGP is great", a West-Semitic name: Son of Ammi-yata' PGP and an Arab PGP of the Mas'a PGP tribe, raiding caravans during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Aya-yababa (person)
- " Aya PGP has cried", a West-Semitic name: prefect of the staff-bearers TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP during Esarhaddon's rule.
- Ba'al-rakkab (deity)
- City god of Sam'al PGP .
- Babilayu (person)
- "Man from Babylon PGP ": [1] Administrative official in king Esarhaddon's service, colleague of Bel-iqiša PGP . [2] Member of the Shepherd family from Borsippa PGP and father of a woman who is close to the mayor Šarru-lu-dari PGP .
- Bab-sami (place)
- A locality in southern Babylonia PGP , location unknown.
- Babu (deity)
- Consort of the god Zababa PGP .
- Babu-gamilat (person)
- Babu PGP spares": A woman at court in the service of king Esarhaddon.
- Babu-šumu-ibni (person)
- "Babu PGP has created a name": Temple official of the Ešarra PGP temple and member of a scribal family from Assur PGP , ancestor of the exorcist TT s Kiṣir-Aššur PGP and Nabu-bessunu PGP .
- Babu-šumu-iddina (person)
- "Babu has given a name": Astrologer TT working for Assurbanipal.
- Babylon (place)
- The most important city of Babylonia PGP , near the modern city of Hilla. View location using Google Earth [].
- Babylonia (place)
- The territory to the south of the Assyrian heartland, formerly an independent polity and constantly reclaiming that independence from Assyria PGP .
- Bagusu (person)
- "Sought", a West-Semitic name: Village manager from Tille PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Balasi (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "life". Astrologer TT in the entourage of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, often working as a team with Nabu-ahhe-eriba PGP ; appointed to be the teacher of the crown prince TT Assurbanipal, he was this king's chief scholar TT . His many letters and reports illustrate not only his astrological expertise but also his wide knowledge of various rituals and divination in general.
- Balassu (person)
- "His life": [1] Exorcist TT at Nineveh PGP in the service of Esarhaddon, son of Nabu-nadin-ahi. [2] Haruspex TT working for Esarhaddon.
- Balaṭu (person)
- "Life": [1] Prelate TT of the Eanna PGP temple at Uruk PGP under Esarhaddon. [2] Farmer of Bel PGP , who is attached to the Marduk PGP temple of Babylon PGP , during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Balihitu (person)
- "Woman from the city of Balihu": Daughter of Šamaš-ibni PGP , of Bit-Ibaya PGP whose ruler Bel-eṭir PGP , an enemy of Assurbanipal, is insulted as being her slave.
- Balṭaya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "life": Esarhaddon's chief exorcist TT Marduk-šakin-šumi PGP consecrated divine statues in this man's house which would indicate an important cultic function.
- Balti-lešir (person)
- "O my lady, may he prosper!": High-ranking lady and patroness of Nabu-ahu-iddina PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Balti-nuriya (person)
- Better: Ba'alti-nuriya "My lady is my light": Military officer serving Esarhaddon.
- Bamaya (person)
- Meaning unknown. Astrologer TT in the entourage of Assurbanipal.
- Bamba (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: Deputy vizier TT of Assyria under Esarhaddon and eponym TT of the year 676 BC.
- Bananu (place and people)
- A region on the border between the Sealand PGP and Elam PGP and its inhabitants.
- Bani (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the verb "to create". [1] Haruspex TT working for Esarhaddon. [2] Deputy of Assurbanipal's chief physician TT at Nineveh PGP . [3] A candidate for an appointment as the priest of Anu PGP .
- Banitu (deity)
- A creator goddess.
- Banitu (place)
- Canal between Babylon PGP and Kiš PGP .
- Barhalza (place)
- See Barhalzi PGP .
- Barhalzi (place)
- A central Assyrian province, west of Nineveh PGP , perhaps the region between the rivers Rubar Atruš and Hosr north of the Jabal Maqlub mountains. View location using Google Earth []. View map of Assyrian empire []
- Bariku (place)
- City in the Zagros PGP mountain range, known as a salt production centre.
- Bartatua (person)
- "With far-reaching strength"; an Iranian name, called Protothyes in Greek sources. King of the Scythians PGP and an Assyrian ally, married to a daughter of Esarhaddon as part of a peace treaty.
- Bar-uri (person)
- "Son of light", a West-Semitic name: Cultic official at the temple of Ba'al-rakkab PGP of Sam'al PGP , a eunuch TT ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Basalu (person)
- "Stoker", an Aramaean name: Goldsmith of the Aššur PGP temple in Assur PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Baya (person)
- Prophetess TT from Arbela PGP , communicating the words of Ištar PGP of Arbela PGP , Bel PGP and Nabu PGP to Essarhaddon.
- Bazu (place)
- City in northern Babylonia, on the Euphrates near Babylon PGP ; exact location unknown.
- Bel (deity)
- "Lord", a name of Marduk PGP .
- Bel-aha-iddin (person)
- "Bel PGP has given a brother": Son of Nadin-ahi PGP , brother of Bel-bulliṭ PGP , Nabu-na'id PGP , Nergal-eṭir PGP and the woman Šarra PGP ; from Babylon PGP .
- Bel-ahhe-eriba (person)
- "Bel PGP has replaced the brothers": Babylonian astrologer TT , son of La-baši-ilu PGP , working for Esarhaddon.
- Bel-ahhe-Marduk (person)
- "Marduk PGP is the lord of the brothers": A Babylonian, adversary of Bel-iddin PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Bel-ahu-uṣur (person)
- "O Bel PGP , protect the brother!": [1] Man from Harran PGP and accomplice of Sasi PGP in the conspiracy against Esarhaddon. [2] Son-in-law of Bel-iqiša PGP .
- Bel-apla-iddin (person)
- "Bel PGP has given an heir": A Babylonian; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Bel-bulliṭ (person)
- "O Bel PGP , keep alive!": [1] Member of the Abunaya PGP family in Babylon PGP , father of Aplaya PGP . [2] Son of Nadin-ahi PGP , brother of Bel-aha-iddin PGP , Nabu-na'id PGP , Nergal-eṭir PGP and the woman Šarra PGP ; from Babylon PGP . [3] Man from Dilbat PGP , witness of Zerutiya PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Bel-epuš (person)
- "Bel PGP has made": [1] Babylonian haruspex TT in the service of Esarhaddon. [2] Man from Dilbat PGP , witness of Zerutiya PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Bel-eriba (person)
- "Bel PGP has replaced": Servant of the crown prince TT Assurbanipal who experienced an oracular TT seizure when escorting the statue of the god Marduk PGP back to the temple in Babylon PGP in 669 BC. This bad omen caused the termination of the journey and the statue was only returned to Babylon a year later, in 668.
- Belet-balaṭi (deity)
- "Lady of Life", a name of Damkina PGP .
- Belet-ili (deity)
- "Lady of the gods", the goddess of creation.
- Bel-eṭir (person)
- "Bel PGP has saved": [1] Babylonian governor under Esarhaddon, quite possibly identical with the governor of the unidentified province of HAR PGP . [2] Astrologer in Babylon PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon, together with his colleague Šamaš-zeru-iqiša PGP accused of withholding information from the king. [3] Ruler of the Bit-Ibaya PGP and enemy of Assurbanipal.
- Belet-šame (deity)
- "Lady of Heaven", a name of Ištar PGP .
- Belet-ṣeri (deity)
- "Lady of the Steppe", an Underworld TT deity.
- Bel-Harran (deity)
- "Lord of Harran PGP ", a name of the moongod Sin PGP .
- Bel-Harran-ahu-uṣur (person)
- "O Bel-Harran PGP , protect the brother!": Father of the cohort commander Tabalayu PGP .
- Bel-Harran-šadu'a (person)
- "The Lord of Harran PGP is my mountain": Governor of Sidon PGP under Assurbanipal; eponym TT of the year 650 BC.
- Bel-ibni (person)
- "Bel PGP has created": [1] Associate of the Aššur PGP temple in Assur PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal. [2] A Babylonian mentioned in a letter of Nabu-zera-ukin PGP to king Sin-šarru-iškun of Assyria (627-612 BC), dating to 627 BC.
- Bel-iddina (person)
- "Bel PGP has given": [1] High functionary of Sin PGP 's temple at Harran PGP . [2] Citizen of Borsippa PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon. [3] Supporter of Esarhaddon in Babylon PGP , serving under the royal prefect Lubulliṭ PGP . [3] A Babylonian, servant of Urad-Gula PGP and adversary of Ašaridu PGP , the governor of Cutha PGP under Esarhaddon. [3] A Babylonian, adversary of Bel-ahhe-Marduk PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon. [4] Grandfather of Šula PGP , the governor of Dilbat PGP under Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP .
- Bel-ipuš (person)
- See Bel-epuš PGP .
- Bel-iqiša (person)
- "Bel PGP has granted": [1] Haruspex TT in the service of Esarhaddon. [2] Leader of the Gambulu PGP tribe during the reigns of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, son of Bunanu PGP . [3] Administrative official in the service of Esarhaddon, colleague of Babilayu PGP .
- Bel-ittadin (person)
- "Bel PGP has given": Information officer of Nabu-ušallim PGP of Bit-Dakkuri PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Bel-kina (person)
- Abbreviated name containing the divine element Bel PGP and the word "true": A Babylonian (reading not certain).
- Bel-le'i (person)
- "Bel PGP is almighty": [1] Babylonian exorcist TT who, however, reported exclusively on astrological matters to Esarhaddon; a member of the prominent Egibi PGP family from Babylon PGP . [2] Babylonian temple official recommended to Assurbanipal for work at Assur PGP .
- Bel-matati (deity)
- "Lord of the Lands", a name of Marduk PGP .
- Bel-naṣir (person)
- "Bel PGP is protector": [1] Babylonian astrologer TT in Esarhaddon's entourage. A member of a prominent scholarly family with a close association with the Assyrian royal house, this man was the brother of Sennacherib PGP 's chief scholar TT Bel-upahhir PGP and the uncle of the royal astrologer Ṭab-ṣilli-Marduk PGP , who liked to stress the relationship with Bel-naṣir in his own reports to the king. [2] Exorcist TT at Nineveh PGP , a possible candidate to replace the sick Remuttu PGP in Esarhaddon's service. [3] Official at Assur PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Bel-remanni (person)
- "O Bel PGP , have mercy on me!": [1] This Babylonian scholar TT and his father Kudurru PGP were recommended to Esarhaddon for royal service. [2] [2] Father of the priest Dadi PGP of the Bet-Kidmuri PGP .
- Bel-šadu'a (person)
- "Bel PGP is my mountain": Governor of Sidon PGP under Assurbanipal, on occasion designated also as the governor of Tyre PGP despite the fact that this city remained independent.
- Bel-šallim (person)
- "O Bel PGP , keep safe!": Chief of trade TT in Esarhaddon's service.
- Bel-ṣarbi (deity)
- "Lord of the Euphrates PGP Poplar", the main deity of the Babylonian city of Bazu PGP ; a name of Nergal PGP .
- Bel-šarru-uṣur (person)
- "O Bel PGP , protect the king!": [1] Member of Esarhaddon's court at Nineveh PGP . [2] Perhaps a priest of the Ekur PGP temple.
- Bel-šuma-iškun (person)
- "Bel PGP has provided the name": [1] Citizen of Dilbat PGP , a loyal subject of Sennacherib PGP and Esarhaddon, as his grandson [...]-šarra-ibni reminds the new king Sin-šarru-iškun when petitioning him. [2] Babylonian lamenter TT who, however, reported exclusively on astrological matters to Esarhaddon.
- Belšunu (person)
- "Their lord": [1] Governor of the province of Hindanu PGP under Assurbanipal; eponym TT of the year 648 BC. [2] Member of the Bit-Dakuri PGP tribe; reign of Assurbanipal. [3] The clan of Belšunu, here apparently used as a family name, is said to conspire against Assurbanipal in a letter of the governor of Nippur PGP .
- Bel-tarbaṣi (deity)
- "Lord of the Cattle-Pen", a guardian statue in the Ešarra PGP , the temple of Aššur PGP in Assur PGP .
- Beltia (deity)
- "My lady", a name of Zarpanitu PGP .
- Bel-upahhir (person)
- "Bel PGP has assembled": Babylonian astrologer TT and Sennacherib PGP 's chief scholar TT , still active in Esarhaddon's reign; his son Ṭab-ṣilli-Marduk PGP and his brother Bel-naṣir PGP were also members of Esarhaddon's entourage.
- Bel-upaq (person)
- "I wait for Bel PGP ": Son of Kuna PGP , a man from Borsippa PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Bel-ušabši (person)
- "Bel PGP has brought into being": A Babylonian.
- Bel-ušallim (person)
- "Bel PGP has kept safe": [1] Haruspex TT in the service of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, often working as a team with Šumaya PGP . [2] Horse groom of Esarhaddon's delegate at Babylon PGP .
- Bel-usati (person)
- "Bel PGP is (my)">help": [1] Brother of the governor of Nippur PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Cowherd in royal service at Babylon PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Bel-ušezib (person)
- "Bel PGP has saved": Astrologer TT of Babylonian origin in the service of Sennacherib PGP and Esarhaddon; an early supporter of Esarhaddon during the succession war against Arda-Mullissi PGP , he was very influential and the only Babylonian in Esarhaddon's inner circle of scholars TT at Nineveh PGP .
- Bel-zeru-ibni (person)
- "Bel PGP has created offspring": Would-be murderer of Mardi PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ber (deity)
- A Syrian weather god, equated with Adad PGP and Amurru PGP .
- Bet-Dugani (place)
- "House of Daguna PGP ", a part of the Ešarra PGP , the temple of Aššur PGP in Assur PGP , housing the temple's kitchen quarters.
- Bet-kari (place)
- A name for the Assyrian provinces in the Zagros PGP mountains.
- Bet-Kidmuri (place)
- The temple of Ištar PGP in Kalhu PGP . View location using Google Earth [].
- Bibbu (deity)
- An Underworld TT deity, sometimes equated with Saturn PGP or thought of as a wandering star.
- Bibiya (person)
- "Baby": [1] Babylonian featuring in Assyrian propaganda texts against Bel-eṭir PGP , ruler of the Bit-Ibaya PGP , an enemy of Assurbanipal. [2] Prefect of one of Assurbanipal's Itu'ean PGP military contingents.
- Binuni (person)
- "My little son", a West-Semitic name: Priest of Ea-šarru PGP at Assur PGP .
- Birati (place)
- City on the Euphrates PGP in the border zone between Assyria and Babylonia.
- Bir-il (person)
- "Son of god", an Aramaic name: Member of the royal court of Nineveh during Esarhaddon's reign.
- Birtum (place)
- A northern Assyrian province. View map of Assyrian empire []
- Bit-Adini (place)
- Aramean PGP kingdom with the capital Til-Barsip PGP , situated in Northern Syria to the east of the Euphrates PGP ; conquered and integrated into Assyria under Shalmaneser III PGP (r.858-824) as the province of the Commander-in-chief TT .
- Bit-Amukani (people)
- A Chaldaean PGP tribe who occupied the area north of Uruk PGP in Babylonia PGP .
- Bit-Bunakki (place)
- Babylonian city on the border to Elam PGP .
- Bit-Dakuri (people)
- A Chaldaean PGP tribe who occupied the area south of Borsippa PGP in Babylonia PGP .
- Bit-Hamban (place)
- A region and Assyrian province in western Iran, situated where the Diyala PGP river leaves the Zagros PGP mountains.
- Bit-hussanni (place)
- Agricultural settlement in Babylonia, situated along the Pitu PGP canal between Cutha PGP and Kiš PGP .
- Bit-Ibaya (people)
- A tribe in Babylonia PGP , location unknown.
- Bit-Imbi (place)
- City in Araši PGP .
- Bit-nayalani (place)
- An Assyrian province of unknown location, attested only in the 7th century BC.
- Bit-Šula (place)
- Settlement in the border region between the Sealand PGP and Elam PGP .
- Bit-Ṭabti (place)
- "Salt Desert", in Iran; now called the Dašt-e Kavir.
- Bit-Unqi (place)
- See Unqu PGP .
- Bit-Unqian (place)
- See Unqu PGP .
- Bit-Yakin (people)
- A Chaldaean PGP tribe who occupied the area north of Ur PGP in Babylonia PGP .
- Bit-Yari (place)
- A settlement in southern Mesopotamia.
- Bit-Zamani (place)
- Assyrian province in the upper Tigris PGP region, more commonly referred to as Amidi after its capital of the same name; modern Diyarbakir, classical Amida. Bit-Zamani is the name of the kingdom out of which the province was created in 856 BC. View location using Google Earth [].
- Borsippa (place)
- A Babylonian city southwest of Babylon PGP ; now Birs Nimrud. View location using Google Earth []
- Bow (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT now considered part of Canis Minor, near Cancer PGP and Gemini PGP ; see also Sirius PGP . View Canis Minor using Google Sky [] | View Canis Minor in YourSky []
- Breast of Scorpius (heavenly body)
- Part of the Scorpius PGP constellation TT . View Scorpius in YourSky []
- Bridle (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT now considered part of Boötes. View Boötes using Google Sky [] | View Boötes in YourSky []
- Budi-ilu (person)
- "In the hand of god", a Phoenician PGP name: Scribe TT .
- Bulluṭu (person)
- "Kept alive": [1] Citizen of Uruk PGP , son of Hummuru PGP , who testifies against the governor Hinnumu PGP during the reign of Sennacherib PGP . [2] Astrologer TT in the service of Esarhaddon.
- Bunanu (person)
- Better: Bunnannu "Likeness": Father of Bel-iqiša PGP , the leader of the Gambulu PGP tribe.
- Bun-šaddadu (person)
- "Son of the strong one" or "Son of the strength", an Arabic name: Father of Ita-il PGP and priest of Šamaš PGP , an Arab PGP ; reign of Assurbanipal.
- Burna-Buriaš (person)
- "Protege of the god Buriaš"; a Kassite PGP name. Ancient king of Babylon PGP , the 19th king of the Kassite Dynasty (r. 1359-1333). In the 7th century BC, the popular saying "The time of checking the books is the shepherds' ordeal" was attributed to this ruler.
- Bur-Sila (person)
- "Son of Sila", an Aramaic name: "Third Man" TT in the crown prince's troops, of Elamite PGP origin and one of fifteen deserters apprehended by the governor of Der PGP during Esarhaddon's reign.
- Calah/Kalhu (place)
- A royal city of Assyria, between Assur PGP and Nineveh PGP on the Tigris PGP river; Biblical Calah, modern Nimrud. View location using Google Earth [].
- Cancer (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Gemini PGP and Leo PGP ; known in Assyria as "Crab". View Cancer using Google Sky [] | View Cancer in YourSky []
- Capricorn (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Sagittarius PGP and Aquarius PGP ; known in Assyria as "Goat-Fish". View Capricorn using Google Sky [] | View Capricorn in YourSky []
- Carchemish (place)
- A major city and provincial capital, situated on the Euphrates PGP . View location using Google Earth []
- Centaurus (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near Scorpius PGP and Libra PGP ; known in Assyria as "Mouse-like". View Centaurus using Google Sky [] | View Centaurus in YourSky []
- Chaldaea (place)
- The south of Babylonia PGP ; the areas occupied by the tribes of Bit-Amukani PGP , Bit-Dakuri PGP , and Bit-Yakin PGP .
- Chariot (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT , now considered the northern part of the Taurus PGP constellation TT . View Taurus using Google Sky [] | View Taurus in YourSky []
- Cilicia (place)
- The area around the south east coast of modern Turkey, bordered by the Taurus PGP and Amanus PGP mountains; Assyrian Que PGP .
- Cimmerians (people)
- Horse nomads, who migrated into Anatolia and northern Iran from the Caucasus region.
- Commagene (place)
- Capital of the Province of the Left Turtanu; Assyrian Kummuhi, modern Samsat (now flooded by the Ataturk Dam) in Turkey. View map of Assyrian empire []
- Crown of Anu (heavenly body)
- A V-shaped cluster of stars at the centre of the Taurus PGP constellation TT , now known as the Hyades. View Taurus using Google Sky [] | View Taurus in YourSky []
- Cush/Kush (place)
- Nubia, a kingdom to the south of Egypt PGP in modern Sudan.
- Cutha/Kutha (place)
- A city in northern Babylonia PGP , now Tell Ibrahim. View location using Google Earth [].
- Cyaxares (person)
- See Uaksatar PGP .
- Cyprus (place)
- Island in the northeastern Mediterranean, split into several kingdoms whose rulers were Assyrian vassals. View location using Google Earth []
- Dabibu (person)
- "The one who pleads my case": Father of Kiribtu PGP , head of an influential family in Babylon PGP allied with Bel-eṭir PGP of Bit-Ibaya PGP .
- Dada (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the West-Semitic element "darling". [1] Exorcist TT in the service of Sennacherib PGP to whom the astrologer TT Bel-ušezib PGP reported in 680 BC, during the succession war after Sennacherib PGP 's murder, the omens predicting Esarhaddon's kingship. [2] Cook of the Assyrian crown prince TT . [3] Royal official in Babylonia.
- Dadi (person)
- "My darling": [1] High official at the temple of Aššur PGP at Assur PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Priest of Ištar PGP 's Bet-Kidmuri PGP temple in Kalhu PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal, son of Bel PGP -remanni.
- Daguna (deity)
- A grain god from the eastern Mediterranean, also known as Dagon or Dagan.
- Damascus (place)
- A major city and provincial capital, situated on the Euphrates PGP . View location using Google Earth []
- Damkina (deity)
- The spouse of the great god Ea PGP , worshipped especially at Kalhu PGP .
- Damqa (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "good". [1] Servant of the queen mother TT Naqi'a PGP , supervising the weaving activities of the women of the royal court of Nineveh PGP , active under Esarhaddon. [2] The father of the astrologer TT Ašaridu PGP "the Elder".
- Damqi (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "good": Son of the chief temple administrator ("prelate TT ") of the city of Akkad PGP in Babylonia; appointed (and, as required by the ritual, killed) as the substitute king during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Damqu (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "good": Father of Zakir PGP , head of an influential family in Babylon PGP allied with Bel-eṭir PGP of Bit-Ibaya PGP .
- Damunu (people)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia.
- Dana (place)
- An Assyrian city of unknown location.
- Dani (person)
- Better: Danni; abbreviation of a name containing the element "strong". Scribe at the royal court of Nineveh PGP in whose house a ritual for his sick son is performed.
- Daniya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "strong": A Babylonian; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Dannaya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "strong". [1] A letter reporting on the events at Assur PGP following the murder of king Sennacherib PGP details the movements of this man. [2] Haruspex TT in the service of Assurbanipal, often working as a team with Aššur-da''in-šarru PGP ; he was a eunuch TT .
- Dara-ahuya (place)
- Mountain town near Arbela PGP , of unknown location.
- Dari-šarru (person)
- "The king is everlasting": [1] Military official with a posting at the border to Urarṭu PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Haruspex TT working for Assurbanipal.
- Dayyan-Adad (person)
- "Adad PGP is judge": Accused by Akkullanu PGP of withholding sheep offerings for Aššur's PGP temple Ešarra PGP early during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Deleter (heavenly body)
- A star in the constellation TT now called Andromeda. View Andromeda using Google Sky [] | View Andromeda in YourSky []
- Der (place)
- A city in northeastern Babylonia PGP , now Tell Aqar. View location using Google Earth []
- Didi (person)
- "My darling", a Phoenician PGP name: Architect working on Assurbanipal's restoration project of Esaggil PGP in Babylon PGP .
- Dilbat (place)
- A Babylonian city, south of Babylon PGP , now Deilam. View location using Google Earth []
- Dimkurkurra (place)
- Sumerian "Bond of the lands", a name of Babylon PGP .
- Diquqina (place)
- A country? Identity and location unknown.
- Diyala (place)
- A tributary of the Tigris PGP river, whose source is near modern Hamadan in Iran and which flows southwestward, joining the Tigris below Baghdad.
- Dugul-pan-ili (person)
- "Look upon the face of the god!": Scribe working for Assurbanipal's library.
- Dume-il (place)
- Settlement on the Euphrates PGP in Babylonia.
- Dummuqa (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "to make good": A Babylonian correspondent of Esarhaddon.
- Dummuqu (place)
- Settlement in the border region between the Sealand PGP and Elam PGP .
- Dunga (deity)
- Patron god of musicians.
- Dunnaša-amur (person)
- "I have seen her strength": Prophetess TT from Arbela PGP , communicating the words of Ištar PGP of Arbela and Mullissu PGP to Assurbanipal.
- Dunni-Šamaš (place)
- : City in Araši PGP on the border to Elam PGP .
- Dur-Illil (place)
- An Assyrian stronghold on the Assyrian border with Mannea PGP , location unknown.
- Dur-Kurigalzu (place)
- A Babylonian city, founded by the Kassites PGP ; now Aqar Quf, on the northeastern outskirts of modern Baghdad. View location using Google Earth []
- Durna (place)
- An esoteric name for Nineveh PGP .
- Dur-Samedi (place)
- Town in central Assyria, of unknown location.
- Dur-Šarruken (place)
- Founded and built by Sargon PGP II of Assyria in the late 8th century, this city served as his main residence. While losing this function to Nineveh PGP under Sennacherib PGP , Dur-Šarruken remained a provincial capital. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Dur-Šarrukku (place)
- A northeastern Babylonian city and Assyrian provincial capital; location uncertain. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Dusanni (person)
- Meaning unknown. Ruler of Saparda PGP in Western Iran, an enemy of Assyria.
- Dutu (people)
- Tribe in the border region between the Sealand PGP and Elam PGP .
- E'engurra (place)
- Shrine of Ea PGP in the Esaggil PGP , Marduk PGP 's temple at Babylon PGP .
- Ea (deity)
- The god of wisdom, magic, and incantations.
- Ea-mušallim (person)
- "Ea PGP is the one who preserves": Astrologer TT in the service of the king Marduk-nadin-ahhe PGP of Babylon PGP , of the Second Dynasty of Isin (r. 1099-1082 BC).
- Eanna (place)
- Temple of the goddess Ištar PGP in Uruk PGP .
- Ea-nuhši-uṣur (person)
- "O Ea PGP , protect my abundance!": Member of a scribal family from Cutha PGP , father of Mutaqqin-Aššur PGP , son of Šamaš-šumu-iddina PGP , grandson of Nabu-kabti-ahhešu PGP .
- Ea-šarru (deity)
- God of wisdom and judgement.
- Ebir-nari (place)
- "The place at the other side of the river", referring to the regions west of the Euphrates PGP , i.e. western Syria.
- Edurhenunna (place)
- Temple of Adad PGP in Kurbail PGP .
- Egašankalamma (place)
- Temple of Ištar PGP in Arbela PGP .
- Egibi (person)
- An abbreviated Sumerian PGP name: The ancestor of an important family from Babylon PGP ; his name was used as a surname by his descendants.
- Egypt (place)
- In the early 7th century, Cush PGP and Assyria PGP fought for control over a politically fragmented Egypt. The invasions under Esarhaddon PGP and Assurbanipal PGP established Assyrian control over Egypt. Psametikh I, the first pharaoh of the 26th dynasty, started his career as an Assyrian vassal.
- Ehiligar (place)
- Part of Esaggil PGP , Marduk PGP 's temple in Babylon PGP , dedicated to his consort Zarpanitu PGP .
- Ehursaggalkurkurra (place)
- Holy-of-holies in Ešarra PGP , the Aššur PGP temple at Assur PGP .
- Ekallati (place)
- Assyrian town on the Tigris PGP river, near Assur PGP , perhaps Tulul Haikal. View location using Google Earth []
- Ekallitu (person)
- "Woman of the palace": An Assyrian lady; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ekur (place)
- "Mountain house", the temple of Illil PGP (Enlil PGP ) in Nippur PGP .
- Elam (place)
- Kingdom in southwestern Iran, centred on the city of Susa, often in conflict with Assyria. View location of Susa using Google Earth []
- Ellipi (place)
- Kingdom in the Zagros PGP mountains of western Iran, north of Elam PGP and northeast of Der PGP .
- Emašmaš (place)
- The temple of Ištar PGP in Nineveh PGP .
- Emuq-Bel-išpura (person)
- "He has sent me the strength of Bel PGP ": Loyal Babylonian servant of Esarhaddon and crown prince TT Assurbanipal.
- Enbilulu (deity)
- A name of Marduk PGP .
- Engišgalanna (heavenly body)
- A name for Jupiter PGP .
- Enlil (deity)
- Head of the Sumerian PGP pantheon, and one of the most important gods still in Neo-Assyrian times; called Illil PGP in Assyrian dialect.
- Enmešarra (deity)
- [1] An Underworld TT god; [2] a part of the Perseus PGP constellation TT . View Perseus using Google Sky [] | View Perseus in YourSky []
- Epadu (place)
- Settlement in the border region between the Sealand PGP and Elam PGP .
- Eparna (person)
- Meaning unknown. Ruler of Patušarri in Iran, deported to Assyria by Esarhaddon.
- Eragal (deity)
- A name of the god Nergal PGP , king of the Underworld TT .
- Ereškigal (deity)
- Queen of the Underworld TT , sister of Ištar PGP .
- Erešu (person)
- "Desired": Ruler of the city of Soloi on Cyprus PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon and possibly also Assurbanipal; because of the fragmentary state of the letter, it is not certain whether the reference in SAA 10: 162 [] refers to this man (or any personal name).
- Eriba-Adad (person)
- "Adad PGP has replaced": Associate of Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP during the war 652-648 BC.
- Eriba-Issar (person)
- See Tariba-Issar (person).
- Eriba-Marduk (person)
- "Marduk PGP has replaced": King of the Sealand PGP and, from 770-761 BC, of Babylon PGP ; ancestor of Marduk-apla-iddin PGP and Nabu-zer-kitti-lišir PGP .
- Eridu (place)
- Ancient city of southern Babylonia PGP ; now Abu Shahrein. View location using Google Earth []
- Erišu (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "he has desired": [1] Co-conspirator of Sasi PGP against Esarhaddon, father of Nabu-eṭir PGP .
- Erra (deity)
- God of famine and pestilence.
- Erragal (deity)
- A name of Nergal PGP .
- Esabad (place)
- Temple of Gula PGP in Babylon PGP .
- Esaggil (place)
- "House that lifts its head", the main shrine of Marduk PGP in Babylon PGP . View location using Google Earth []
- Esarhaddon (person)
- Aššur-ahhe-iddina "Aššur PGP has given brothers": King of Assyria (r. 680-669 BC). See Esarhaddon. View family tree [].
- Ešarra (place)
- "House of the Universe", the temple of the supreme god Aššur PGP in the city of Assur PGP . View location using Google Earth []
- Ešnunna (place)
- City to the northeast of modern Baghdad; now Tell Asmar. View location using Google Earth []
- Ešuburanna (place)
- Chapel of Daguna PGP -Illil PGP in Ešarra PGP , the Aššur PGP temple at Assur PGP .
- Eṭiru (person)
- "Saviour": A prominent public figure in Babylonia and the Sealand PGP , a "temple enterer" of Marduk PGP 's temple in Babylon PGP ; grandfather of Marduk-zeru-ibni PGP .
- Euphrates (place)
- Major river running through the western part of Mesopotamia, some 2,800 km long, which rises in the Taurus PGP mountains and in Assyrian times flowed directly into the Persian Gulf.
- Ezida (place)
- "True house", the temple of Nabu PGP in Kalhu PGP . View location using Google Earth []
- Gabbaru (person)
- "Strongman"; a West-Semitic name. Babylonian official, quite possibly the governor of Dur-Sin-ahhe-eriba under Assurbanipal; eponym TT of the year 667 BC.
- Gabbe (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "all": Village manager from Barhalzi PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Gadise (place)
- Assyrian town of unknown location.
- Gahal (person)
- Name of a prominent Babylonian family.
- Gahul-Tutu (person)
- Better: Gahul-Marduk PGP ; exact meaning unknown. The ancestor of a Babylonian family; his name was used as a surname by his descendants, among them the astrologer TT Nergal-eṭir PGP .
- Gallulu (person)
- "The boss-eyed one": Guard of Ninurta PGP 's temple at Kalhu PGP .
- Gambulu (people)
- An Aramean PGP tribe who occupied the area to the east of Nippur PGP in Babylonia PGP .
- Gamusanu (place)
- City in Mannea PGP .
- Gemini (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Auriga PGP and Cancer PGP ; known in Assyria as "Great Twins". View Gemini using Google Sky [] | View Gemini in YourSky []
- Gilgameš (deity)
- Legendary hero who befriended the wild man Enkidu and killed Humbaba PGP , guardian of the mythical Cedar Forest; king of Uruk PGP .
- Gilimma (heavenly body)
- A star, identity unknown.
- Gilu (person)
- Meaning unknown. Ancestor of a Babylonian astrologer TT ; compare Egibi PGP and Gahul-Tutu PGP .
- Gimillu (person)
- "Favour": Disgraced subject of Esarhaddon.
- Girittu (person)
- Abbreviation of a Canaanite name containing the word "client": Shepherd from Luddin-ilu PGP , responsible for procuring sacrificial animals for Aššur PGP 's temple in Assur PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Girru (deity)
- A god of fire.
- Goat (heavenly body)
- Vega, the brightest star in the constellation TT now called Lyra, near Aquila PGP and Pegasus PGP , associated with Gula PGP , goddess of healing. View Vega using Google Sky [] | View Lyra in YourSky []
- Gula (deity and heavenly body)
- Sumerian "Great One", goddess of healing, identified with the Goat PGP star (Lyra).
- Gurru (place)
- Originally an Aramean PGP tribe; mercenaries in the Assyrian army.
- Gurumu (people)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia.
- Gutians (place)
- An archaic term for the tribes of the Zagros PGP mountains.
- Guzana (place)
- A provincial capital of western Assyria; Biblical Gozan, classical Giziana, now Tell Halaf on the Syrian-Turkish border. View map of Assyrian empire []
- Hada'il (place)
- City in Assyria, of unknown location.
- Hahhuru (person)
- "Raven" or "crow": Son of Šellebu PGP , a Babylonian involved in a conflict with Bel-iddin PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Haimbia (person)
- An Elamite name of unknown meaning: Enemy of Assurbanipal.
- Halahhu (place)
- An Assyrian district northwest of Nineveh PGP .
- Halman (place)
- City in eastern Babylonia, modern Sar-i-pol-Zohab. View location using Google Earth []
- Halule (place)
- City on the Tigris PGP in the border region between Assyria and Babylonia.
- Halzi-atbari (place)
- An Assyrian province on the east bank of the Khabur PGP river in modern Syria. View map of Assyrian empire []
- Ham (people)
- Tribe in Elam PGP .
- Hamat (place)
- A Syrian city under Assyrian control; Biblical Hamath, modern Hama in Syria. View location using Google Earth [].
- Hambi (person)
- Meaning unknown: A high-ranking individual active at Assur PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Hamede (place)
- City near Naṣibina PGP .
- Hamma (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the West-Semitic term "paternal uncle": Woman from Assur PGP .
- Hammurapi (person)
- "The paternal uncle is the healer"; an Amorite name. Ancient king of Babylon PGP (r. 1792-1750 BC); Assurbanipal had his scholars TT in Babylonia look for texts from the time of this famous ancient ruler, and before, to add to his library.
- Hamnanu (person)
- "Merciful", an Aramaic name: Associates with the conspiracy led by Sasi PGP against Esarhaddon.
- Hamunayu (person)
- Name based on the Phoenician divine name Ammon: Client of Naqi'a PGP , king Esarhaddon's mother.
- Hanbi (deity)
- A demon TT , father of Pazuzu PGP .
- Hanbi (person)
- See Hambi (person).
- Handiya (person)
- Abbreviation of an Aramaic name containing the element "to rejoice": Military officer active in Babylonia; reign of Assurbanipal.
- HAR (place)
- A city in Babylonia PGP , reading and location unknown.
- Harhar (place)
- A city and district in the Zagros PGP mountains, near modern Kermanshah, also called Kar-Šarrukin; possibly modern Malayer. View location using Google Earth []
- Harihumba (place)
- A town in central Assyria, location unknown.
- Harran (place)
- A provincial capital of western Assyria; classical Carrhae, modern Harran. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Harraniya (place)
- A city in northeastern Assyria; perhaps modern Raniya in northern Iraq. View location using Google Earth []
- Hašdaya (person)
- Abbreviation of an Akkadian or West-Semitic name containing the element "wedding": A Babylonian; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Hatti (place)
- An archaic name for northern Syria and Anatolia.
- Haya (person)
- West-Semitic name based on the verb "to be, to become": One of a group of weavers accusing Se'-rahi PGP of illegally selling their property; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Haza-il (person)
- "God has seen", a West-Semitic name: King of the Arabs PGP during the reigns of Sennacherib PGP and Esarhaddon.
- Hindanu (place)
- An Assyrian provincial capital on the middle Euphrates PGP , near the modern Iraqi border with Syria. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Hinnumu (person)
- Meaning unknown: Governor of Uruk PGP during the reign of Sennacherib PGP and Esarhaddon.
- Huban-nikaš (person)
- Elamite name containing the divine name Humban PGP : Son of king Urtaku PGP of Elam PGP ; king of Elam 653-652 BC.
- Hubuškia (place)
- A city and region south of Lake Urmia; possibly modern Hane in northwestern Iran. View location using Google Earth []
- Huddaya (person)
- Meaning unknown: Official acting on behalf of Esarhaddon.
- Hulalitu (person)
- "(Precious) like a gem stone": Woman ofthe Bit-Ibaya PGP , during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Humbaba (deity)
- Divine guardian of the Cedar Forest, challenged by Gilgameš PGP and Enkidu.
- Humban (deity)
- The supreme god of Elam PGP .
- Humbappi (person)
- Elamite name: Associate of Humbariš PGP .
- Humbariš (person)
- An Elamite name: Political leader in the east, probably the city lord of Nahšimarti with whom Esarhaddon had conducted a treaty (SAA 2 6 []).
- Humbe (person)
- Meaning unknown. Ruler of Bit-Zualzaš in Western Iran, active during the reign of Sargon PGP II and quite possibly also later; a son of his is attested during the time of Esarhaddon.
- Humhum (deity)
- See Humhummu (deity).
- Humhummu (deity)
- City god of Dur-Šarrukku PGP , a vegetation god.
- Hummuru (person)
- "Cripple": Citizen of the city of Uruk PGP during the reign of Sennacherib.
- Hursagkalama (place)
- Part of the city of Kiš in northern Babylonia PGP ; modern Tell Ingharra. View location using Google Earth []
- Iba (person)
- Eponymous ancestor of the Bit-Ibaya PGP clan.
- Ibašši-ilu (person)
- "God exists": Correspondent of king Esarhaddon.
- Ibna (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "he has created": Son of Nur-Sin PGP , head of an influential family in Babylon PGP allied with Bel-eṭir PGP of Bit-Ibaya PGP .
- Iddin-Ea (person)
- "Ea PGP has given": Priest of Ninurta PGP at Kalhu PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Idri-aha'u (person)
- "My help is my brother": Cohort-commander active in Babylonia during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Igigi (deity)
- A collective name for the gods of heaven.
- Ihiru (person)
- West-Semitic name based on the verb "to awaken": Leader of the Gambulu PGP tribe during Esarhaddon's reign.
- Ikkalu (person)
- see Yakinlu PGP .
- Ikkaru (person)
- "Farmer": Physician TT at the royal court of Esarhaddon, possibly Urad-Nanaya PGP 's predecessor as the royal chief physician TT .
- Ikkilu (person)
- see Yakinlu PGP .
- Il-kabar (person)
- "God is might", a West-Semitic name: Member of the Qedar PGP tribe; reign of Assurbanipal.
- Illat (deity)
- A minor deity.
- Illil (deity)
- The Assyrian name for Enlil PGP , head of the Sumerian PGP pantheon and one of the most important gods still in Neo-Assyrian times.
- Illil-bani (person)
- " Enlil PGP is creator": Governor of Nippur PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal, 664-661 BC.
- Illil-zeru-ibni (person)
- "Illil has created offspring": A Babylonian.
- Il-ma'adi (person)
- "God is my refuge", an Aramaic name: Assyrian from Ṣimirra PGP who works as a spy for king Yakinlu PGP of Arwad PGP during Esarhaddon's reign.
- Ilu-iṣbatanni (person)
- "The god has seized me": Haruspex TT working for Assurbanipal.
- Ilumma-le'i (person)
- "God indeed is almighty": Goldsmith from Assur PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ilu-pi-uṣur (person)
- "O God, protect my word!": Probably a royal official; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ilu-šezibanni (person)
- "O god, save me!": Major-domo TT of prince Aššur-ili-muballissu PGP .
- Ilussa (person)
- "Her divinity": Slave woman and mother of two sons; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ilu-taklak (person)
- "In god I trust": Military official under Esarhaddon.
- Imba (person)
- Abbreviated name. Member of the Gallabu family in the employ of the governor of Babylon PGP .
- Imma (person)
- West-Semitic name based on the element "mother": Member of the Pahharu PGP family of Babylon PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ina-qibi-Bel (person)
- "Through the word of Bel PGP ": Temple enterer of Marduk PGP 's temple at Babylon, brother of Nadin-ahi PGP , during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ina-ṣil-Bel (person)
- "In the shadow of Bel PGP ": A Babylonian; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ina-teši-eṭir (person)
- "He has saved from confusion": Governor of Uruk PGP under Esarhaddon.
- Indaru (place)
- A Cimmerian PGP tribe.
- Indubanna (heavenly body)
- Sumerian PGP for "Boundary of Heaven", a star in the constellation TT Sagittarius PGP . View Sagittarius using Google Sky [] | View Sagittarius in YourSky []
- Inner City (place)
- A name for the city of Assur PGP .
- Inurta (deity)
- The Assyrian name for Ninurta PGP , god of victory.
- Inurta-ahu-uṣur (person)
- "O Ninurta PGP , protect the brother!": Chief tailor, a high-ranking courtier of Esarhaddon.
- Iqbi-Aššur (person)
- " Aššur PGP has said": Scribe at Kar-Salmanu-ašared PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Iqbi-damiq (deity)
- A minor god.
- Iqiša (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the verb "to grant": Involved in Assurbanipal's wars against Elam PGP , details unknown
- Iqišaya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "he has given": A Babylonian official responsible for the distribution of bread; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ir'anni (person)
- "He has shepherded me": Babylonian family name.
- Irnina (deity)
- "Victoria", a name of Ištar PGP .
- Isana (place)
- A provincial capital of central Assyria PGP , on the western bank of the Tigris PGP river; exact location unknown. View map of Assyrian empire []
- Išdu-ukin (person)
- "He established the foundations": King of Babylon PGP and successor of Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP ; attested only in a literary text of Assurbanipal.
- Išhara (deity)
- A goddess, sometimes associated with extispicy TT and with the planet TT Venus PGP .
- Iškallu (person)
- Meaning unknown. King of Tabal PGP , an enemy of Assyria and a contemporary of Esarhaddon.
- Issar (deity)
- The Assyrian name for Ištar PGP , goddess of war, love and beauty.
- Issar-beli-da''ini (person)
- "O Ištar PGP , strengthen my lord!": Prophetess TT and a royal votary TT of Esarhaddon.
- Issar-la-tašiyaṭ (person)
- "Do not neglect Ištar PGP !": Prophet TT from Arbela PGP , communicating the words of Ištar PGP of Arbela PGP to Esarhaddon.
- Issar-na'di (person)
- "Ištar PGP is praised": Mayor of Assur PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Issar-nadin-apli (person)
- "Ištar PGP is the giver of an heir": [1] Scribe involved with the conspirator Sasi PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Astrologer TT and head of the astrologers' collegium at the temple of Ištar PGP of Arbela PGP , working for Assurbanipal.
- Issar-šumu-ereš (person)
- "Ištar PGP has desired a name": Assurbanipal's chief scribe; an important figure in the inner circle of both Esarhaddon and especially Assurbanipal, he was the member of a prominent Assyrian scribal family. His father was the chief scribe Nabu-zeru-lešir PGP (his predecessor in this office) and his uncle the chief exorcist TT Adad-šumu-uṣur PGP . His core field was astrology but this frequent correspondent of the king also reported on a broad range of religious and administrative matters, showing his expertise in all forms of divination when he advised on the significance of ominous occurrences from earthquakes to the behaviour of mongooses.
- Issete (place)
- Perhaps to be read Anate. City of unknown location in Assyria.
- Ištar (deity)
- Goddess of war, love and beauty, also called Issar PGP in Assyrian dialect and worshipped in many Assyrian cities.
- Ištaran (deity)
- Main god of the city of Der PGP .
- Ištiaru (place)
- A city in modern Turkey, location unknown.
- Išum (deity)
- "Fire", a god identified with Nergal PGP .
- Ita-il (person)
- "Yita' is god", an Arabic name: An Arab PGP , son of Bun-šaddadu PGP the priest of Šamaš PGP , reign of Assurbanipal.
- Itti-Marduk-balaṭu (person)
- "With Marduk PGP is life": Chief administrator ("prelate TT ") of the temple Eanna in Uruk PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Itti-Šamaš-balaṭu (person)
- "With Šamaš PGP is life": Esarhaddon's representative on the Phoenician PGP coast.
- Itu'u (place)
- [1] A town on the middle Euphrates PGP , modern Hit; [2] also members of an Aramean PGP tribe serving as mercenaries in the Assyrian army. View location using Google Earth []
- Iyaze (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: The source for the information on the Cimmerians PGP in a report of crown prince Assurbanipal's envoy Rahiṣ-Dadi PGP .
- Jupiter (heavenly body)
- Planet TT known as "the heroic one" and "the white star", often identified with the moon, the Babylonian god Marduk PGP , and with Babylonia PGP (Land of Akkad PGP ) more generally. Its periodicity was not known accurately in the Neo-Assyrian period. View in YourSky []
- Kabti (person)
- Abbreviation of a name with the element "honoured". [1] Scribe in the service of prince Aššur-da''in-aplu PGP . [2] Scribe of the palace superintendent of the royal palace at Assur PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Kabtiya (person)
- Abbreviated name based on the word "honored": Babylonian official who has sworn allegiance to Assurbanipal.
- Kakka (deity)
- Divine messenger of Aššur PGP .
- Kalbu (person)
- "Dog"; "Dogsbody" = "Servant":[1] Prominent scholar TT in the entourage of Sennacherib PGP , quite possibly the chief scribe of that king; son of Nabu-eṭir PGP . [2] A Babylonian, active during the war between Assurbanipal and Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP (652-648 BC).
- Kalhu (place)
- See Calah/Kalhu PGP .
- Kamanate (place)
- An Assyrian town on the Tigris PGP river, location unknown.
- Kanda (person)
- "Pitcher, jar"; a West-Semitic name. Ruler in Anatolia; contemporary of Esarhaddon.
- Kanunayu (person)
- "Born in Kanunu TT [i.e. the 10th month]": Deputy of the palace scribe during the reign of Esarhaddon, in charge of organizing building works at the royal palaces in Assur PGP , Nineveh PGP and Dur-Šarruken PGP with Mannu-ki-Libbali PGP .
- Karehi (person)
- Meaning unknown. Grandfather of one Risiti-Baal PGP who is mentioned in one of Esarhaddon's extispcy queries regarding Cyprus PGP .
- Karibtu (place)
- An Assyrian stronghold in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unknown.
- Karkar (deity)
- A name of Tammuz PGP .
- Kar-kašši (place)
- A territory in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unknown.
- Kar-Mullissi (place)
- A city in central Assyria, east of Nineveh PGP ; modern Keramlais. View location using Google Earth []
- Kar-Nergal (place)
- City in Babylonia PGP , near Cutha PGP .
- Kar-Salmanu-ašared (place)
- "Shalmaneser PGP 's harbour": Assyrian name of Til-Barsip PGP , after its conqueror Shalmaneser III (r.858-824 BC).
- Kar-Shalmaneser (place)
- See Kar-Salmanu-ašared (place).
- Karzitali (place)
- A city-state in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unknown.
- Kasappa (place)
- An Assyrian town south of Kalhu PGP , now Tell Kashaf. View location using Google Earth []
- Kasasu (place)
- A city in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unknown.
- Kaṣiru (person)
- "The one who strengthens": Haruspex TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP , working for Esarhaddon.
- Kassites (people)
- [1] People who ruled Babylonia PGP in the second half of the second millennium BC, and who founded Dur-Kurigalzu PGP ; [2] in the first millennium BC a population group in the Zagros PGP mountains.
- Kaštaritu (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the Iranian element "kingship". Ruler of Karkašši in Western Iran, an enemy of Assyria and contemporary of Esarhaddon.
- Keni (person)
- "My true one": Scribe of the crown prince TT Assurbanipal and so renowned for his good handwriting that Esarhaddon's chief exorcist TT Marduk-šakin-šumi PGP praised the king's writing skills by predicting Keni's envy.
- Khabur (place)
- Tributary of the Euphrates PGP river, whose source is in southeast Turkey and which flows southward, joining the Euphrates downstream of Deir ez-Zor in modern Syria.
- Khorsabad (place)
- See Dur-Šaruken PGP .
- Kidmuri (place)
- See Bet-Kidmuri PGP .
- Kidney (heavenly body)
- A star or constellation TT in or near the Puppis constellation TT , possibly Canopus. View Canopus using Google Sky [] | View Puppis using Google Sky [] | View Puppis in YourSky []
- Kilizi (place)
- A provincial capital of central Assyria, between Kalhu PGP and Arbela PGP ; now Qasr Shamamok. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Kilman (place)
- A city in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unknown.
- Kina (person)
- Abbreviated name based on the word "true": Military commander in the service of Esarhaddon.
- Kiribtu (person)
- "Blessing": Son of Dabibu PGP , head of an influential family in Babylon PGP allied with Bel-eṭir PGP of Bit-Ibaya PGP .
- Kiš (place)
- Babylonian city, modern Tell Ingharra. View location using Google Earth []
- Kišessim (place)
- An Assyrian provincial capital in the Zagros PGP mountains, renamed Kar-Nergal PGP ; perhaps modern Nagafabad. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Kiṣir-Aššur (person)
- "Host of Aššur PGP ": Exorcist TT working at Aššur's PGP temple Ešarra PGP in Assur PGP and member of a prominent Assyrian scribal family; his private house containing his family's impressive library has been excavated in Assur. He assisted in procuring texts for Assurbanipal's library by copying the lexical list Ura = hubullu.
- Kiṣir-Nabu (person)
- "Host of Nabu PGP ": Exorcist TT of the temple of Aššur PGP at Assur PGP under Assurbanipal, son of the exorcist TT Šamaš-ibni.
- Kitrušu (person)
- "His aid": Babylonian temple official in the service of Esarhaddon.
- Kitu (person)
- Meaning unknown. A foreign ruler, an enemy of Assyria and a contemporary of Esarhaddon.
- Kubaba (person)
- Better: Ku-Baba "Baba is pure"; a Sumerian PGP name. A legendary queen of Kiṣ in Babylonia; the birth of an anomaly with both male and female genitals is the omen of "Kubaba who ruled the land".
- Kudana (place)
- City in the Zagros PGP mountains.
- Kudurru (person)
- "Son": [1] This Babylonian scholar TT , said to be experienced in astrology and divination, and his son Bel-remanni PGP were recommended to Esarhaddon for royal service; both are accepted into the king's entourage. [2] Babylonian exorcist from Borsippa PGP , son of Nabu-damiq-ilani PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon. [3] Third Man TT in the crown prince's troops, of Elamite origin, subordinate of Mannaipite PGP and one of fifteen deserters apprehended by the governor of Der PGP during Esarhaddon's reign. [4] Son of Nabu-naṣir PGP , a Babylonian whose services are recommended to Esarhaddon. [5] Son of Šamaš-ibni PGP , a petitioner of Esarhaddon. [6] Governor of Uruk PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal. [7] Member and possibly leader of the Bit-Amukani PGP tribe; reign of Assurbanipal. [8] Member of the Bit-Ibaya PGP tribe; reign of Assurbanipal.
- Kukkuba (place)
- A territory in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unknown.
- Kulimmeri (place)
- A northern Assyrian provincial capital, formerly in Šubria PGP ; Byzantine Chlomaron, probably now Gre Migro in modern Turkey. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Kullania (place)
- An Assyrian provincial capital near the eastern Mediterranean coast; Biblical Calneh, now Tell Tayinat on the Orontes river in modern Syria. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Kulu'u (person)
- "(Emasculated)"> devotee": Artisan at Kalhu PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Kummayu (person)
- "The one from Kumme": Assyrian crown prince TT , perhaps Assurbanipal.
- Kummuhu (place)
- See Commagene PGP .
- Kuna (person)
- Abbreviated name based on the word "firm, established": Father of Bel-upaq PGP , a man from Borsippa PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Kunaya (person)
- Abbreviated name based on the word "firm, established": Babylonian scribe in the service of Esarhaddon, working closely with Kudurru.
- Kunuš-kadru (place)
- "Bow down, proud one!": Processional street of Babylon PGP .
- Kurbail (place)
- A provincial capital in central Assyria, close to Kalhu PGP but whose exact location is unknown. View map of Assyrian empire []
- Kurigalzu (person)
- Meaning unknown; a Kassite PGP name. [1] Name of two ancient kings of Babylon PGP , of the Kassite PGP dynasty, invoked by Bel-eriba PGP when he experienced an oracular TT seizure in 669 BC on the way to return the statue of Marduk PGP to Babylon. [2] Son of a governor of Cutha PGP , perhaps to be idenyified with Ašaridu PGP . [3] Correspondent of Marduku PGP , active in Borsippa PGP .
- Kush (place)
- See Cush/Kush PGP .
- Kutha (place)
- See Cush/Kush PGP .
- Kuti (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: Scribe from Guzana PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Kuzurrak (person)
- Meaning unknown. Possibly an Anatolian ruler; a contemporary of Esarhaddon.
- Kuzzurrak (place)
- A tribe inhabiting an unknown locality in modern Turkey; = Kuzurrak PGP ?
- La-baši (person)
- "May I not come to shame!": [1] Son of Zeru-ukin PGP , a man from Uruk PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Exorcist TT who is recommended for royal service to Esarhaddon. [3] Customs director of the Assyrian empire under Assurbanipal; eponym TT of the year 657 BC.
- La-baši-ilu (person)
- "May I not come to shame, o god!": Father of the Babylonian astrologer TT Bel-ahhe-eriba PGP .
- Labbanat (place)
- A town in Babylonia PGP , near modern Baghdad, exact location unknown.
- La-dagil-ili (person)
- "The one who does not see the god": Prophet TT from Arbela PGP , communicating the words of Ištar PGP to Esarhaddon.
- Lady (deity)
- A designation of Ištar PGP and other goddesses.
- Lady of Akkad (deity)
- The goddess Ištar PGP , as worshipped in the Babylonian city of Akkad PGP .
- Lady of Arbela (deity)
- The goddess Ištar PGP , as worshipped in the Assyrian city of Arbela PGP .
- Lady of Babylon (deity)
- A designation of Zarpanitu PGP .
- Lady of Cults (deity)
- Probably a name of the goddess Ištar PGP .
- Lady of Der (deity)
- A name of Ištar PGP .
- Lady of Kidmuri (deity)
- The goddess Ištar PGP , as worshipped in the Assyrian city of Kalhu PGP , in the temple Bet-Kidmuri PGP .
- Lady of Life (deity)
- A name of the goddess Damkina PGP , spouse of the great god Ea PGP .
- Lady of Nineveh (deity)
- The goddess Ištar PGP , as worshipped in the Assyrian city of Nineveh PGP .
- Lady of the Palace (deity)
- Divine consort of the god Uraš.
- Lady of Uruk (deity)
- A name of Ištar PGP .
- Lahiru (place)
- An Assyrian provincial capital between the Lower Zab PGP and Diyala rivers; perhaps now Eski Kifri. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Land of Akkad (place)
- A literary name for Babylonia PGP , after its ancient capital, Akkad PGP .
- Land of the Chief Cupbearer (place)
- An Assyrian province in the mountain ranges northeast of Nineveh PGP . View map of Assyrian empire []
- La-qepu (person)
- "The unbelievable one": Assyrian official in the service of Esarhaddon.
- Larak (place)
- City in Babylonia PGP ; perhaps Tell al-Hayyad? View location using Google Earth [].
- Larsa (place)
- A city in southern Babylonia PGP ; now Sinkara. View location using Google Earth []
- Laṣ (deity)
- The divine consort of the Underworld TT Nergal PGP .
- Latarak (deity)
- An Underworld TT demon TT , protective against witchcraft TT .
- Lebanon (place)
- A mountain range near the east coast of the Mediterranean, famous for its cedar forests.
- Leo (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Cancer PGP and Virgo PGP ; known in Assyria as "Lion". View Leo using Google Sky [] | View Leo in YourSky []
- Libbali-šarrat (person)
- "The Inner City PGP is queen": Wife of crown prince Assurbanipal and, after his accession to the throne in 668 BC, the queen of Assyria.
- Libra (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Virgo PGP and Scorpius PGP ; known in Assyria as "Scales". View Libra using Google Sky [] | View Libra in YourSky []
- Lisikutu (deity)
- Divine fire.
- Lord Crown/Lord of the Crown (heavenly body)
- A name of the moongod Sin PGP as the new moon.
- Lower Zab (place)
- Tributary of the Tigris PGP river, whose source is in northwest Iran and which flows southwestwards, joining the Tigris about 30 km south of Assur PGP .
- Lubulliṭ (person)
- "May I cause to live!": Royal prefect in the service of Esarhaddon and superior of Bel-iddin PGP .
- Luddin-ilu (place)
- A town in central Assyria.
- Lugalbanda (deity)
- Deified ruler of Uruk PGP , father of Gilgameš PGP , originally worshipped in Uruk and later moved to Marduk PGP 's temple in Babylon PGP .
- Lugalkursarri (person)
- An ancient Sumerian PGP king, whom Bel-ušezib PGP quoted in a letter to the king, but who was not independently attested as a genuine historical figure.
- Lugalmarada (deity)
- The city god of Marad, in Babylonia PGP .
- Lugalsula (deity)
- Divine porter of the Underworld TT .
- Luli (place)
- City of unknown location.
- Lu-šakin (person)
- "May he be placed!": If the broken passage indeed refers to a personal name, an individual mentioned by Mardi PGP in support of his petition to Esarhaddon.
- Madanu (deity)
- : Divine judge.
- Malaku (place)
- : City in Elam PGP .
- Malilatu (place)
- City in central Babylonia near Babylon PGP .
- Mamitiaršu (person)
- Meaning unknown. Median PGP ruler in western Iran, a contemporary of Esarhaddon.
- Mamitu (deity)
- "Oath", an Underworld TT deity.
- Manlaharbanu (deity)
- A minor god.
- Manna/Mannea (place)
- A kingdom south of Lake Urmia, Biblical Minni.
- Mannaipite (person)
- An Elamite name: Superior officer of the Elamite PGP deserter Kudurru PGP in the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Mannu-ki-[...] (person)
- "Who is like [...]?": Assyrian military official active in Anatolia under Esarhaddon.
- Mannu-ki-Arba'il (person)
- "Who is like (Ištar PGP of) Arbela PGP ?": Stone carver at Kalhu PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon
- Mannu-ki-Harran (person)
- "Who is like (the Lord of) Harran PGP ?": Astrologer TT working for Assurbanipal.
- Mannu-ki-Issar-le'i (person)
- "Who is powerful like Ištar PGP ?": Working with Aššur-šallim-ahhe PGP at Assurbanipal's reconstruction project of the Esaggil PGP temple in Babylon PGP .
- Mannu-ki-Libbali (person)
- "Who is like the Inner City? PGP ": Administrative official in the service of Esarhaddon's palace scribe and, together with the latter's deputy Kanunayu PGP , in charge of organizing building works at the royal palaces at Assur PGP , Nineveh PGP and Dur-Šarruken PGP .
- Manṣuati (place)
- Capital city of an Assyrian province of the same name, situated in Northern Syria at modern Masyaf, 45 km southwest of Hama PGP . View location using Google Earth []
- Manziniri (deity)
- : Elamite PGP god.
- Marad (place)
- City in Babylonia PGP ; modern Wanna-wa-Sadum. View location using Google Earth []
- Marat-Eridu (deity)
- "Daughter of Eridu", goddess originally worshipped at Eridu PGP and later moved to Marduk PGP 's temple in Babylon PGP .
- Marat-Sin (deity)
- "Daughter of the moon god", goddess originally worshipped at Eridu PGP and Nemed-Lagudu PGP and later moved to Marduk PGP 's temple in Babylon PGP .
- Mar-biti (deity)
- Babylonian god with a sanctuary at Borsippa PGP .
- Mar-biti-ibni (person)
- "Mar-biti PGP has created": Man from Der PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Marda-[...] (person)
- Eunuch TT and associate of Humbe PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Mardi (person)
- "My successor": Subordinate of the governor of Barhalza PGP and correspondent of king Esarhaddon.
- Mardia (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "successor": Court clerk of Esarhaddon's chief eunuch TT , probably Aššur-naṣir PGP .
- Marduk (deity)
- The supreme god of Babylon PGP , where he was worshipped at the temple Esaggil PGP ; father of the god Nabu PGP and consort of the goddess Zarpanitu PGP .
- Marduk (person)
- See Marduku PGP .
- Marduk(u) (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the divine name Marduk PGP : Official appointed by Assurbanipal in Borsippa PGP and correspondent of the king, loyal to Assyria during the war with Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP (652-648 BC).
- Marduka (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the divine name Marduk PGP : His son is mentioned in a broken letter written by Esarhaddon.
- Marduk-apla-iddin (person)
- "Marduk PGP has given an heir"; Merodach-baladan of the Bible. King of the Sealand PGP and twice proclaimed king of Babylon PGP (r. 721-710 BC and again in 703); an arch-enemy of Assyria and a contemporary of Tiglath-pileser III, Sargon PGP II and Sennacherib PGP .
- Marduk-apla-uṣur (person)
- "O Marduk PGP , protect the heir!": King of Babylon PGP (c. 780 BC).
- Marduk-eriba (person)
- "Marduk PGP has replaced": Administrative official during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Marduk-nadin-ahhe (person)
- "Marduk PGP is the giver of brothers": King of Babylon PGP , of the Second Dynasty of Isin (r. 1099-1082 BC).
- Marduk-naṣir (person)
- "Marduk PGP is the protector": Babylonian informant of king Esarhaddon.
- Marduk-remanni (person)
- "O Marduk PGP , have mercy on me!": Assyrian official in the service of Esarhaddon.
- Marduk-šakin-šumi (person)
- "Marduk PGP is the establisher of the name": Exorcist TT of the entourage of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal and author of more than forty letters and reports to these kings; Assurbanipal's chief exorcist TT and in this function successor of Adad-šumu-uṣur PGP , with whom he worked closely in the earlier stage of his career.
- Marduk-šallim-ahhe (person)
- "O Marduk PGP , keep the brothers safe!": Cultic functionary of Aššur PGP 's temple Ešarra PGP in Assur PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Marduk-šapik-zeri (person)
- "Marduk PGP is the outpourer of seed": King of Babylon PGP , of the Second Dynasty of Isin (r. 1081-1069 BC).
- Marduk-šarru-uṣur (person)
- "O Marduk PGP , protect the king!": Trusted royal courtier of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, involved in the latter's wars against Elam PGP .
- Marduk-šimanni (person)
- "O Marduk PGP , hear me!": Adversary of the (unknown) author of a denunciation addressed to Esarhaddon, possibly a man from Guzana PGP .
- Marduk-šumu-ibni (person)
- "Marduk PGP has created a name": Haruspex TT working for Esarhaddon.
- Marduk-šumu-uṣur (person)
- "O Marduk PGP , protect the name!": [1] Haruspex TT in the service of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal and author of numerous reports and letters to these two kings; at least under Assurbanipal chief haruspex. [2] Astrologer TT working for either Esarhaddon or Assurbanipal.
- Marduk-zeru-ibni (person)
- "Marduk has created a seed": Grandson of Eṭiru PGP and, like he, a "temple enterer" of Marduk PGP 's temple in Babylon PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Mar-Issar (person)
- "Son of Ištar PGP ": Esarhaddon's chief representative in Babylonia.
- Mar-larim (person)
- "May the son be exalted!": [1] Village manager from Barhalzi PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Commander-in-chief TT and governor of Kummuhi (Commagene PGP ) under Assurbanipal; eponym of the year 668 BC.
- Mars (heavenly body)
- Planet TT known as "the red TT one" and "the enemy", often identified with plague and with the Underworld TT deity Nergal PGP . When bright it portended evil; when faint it portended prosperity and health. View in YourSky []
- Mas'a (people)
- An Arab PGP tribe.
- Mazamua (place)
- An Assyrian province and its capital city, modern Suleimaniya. View location using Google Earth []
- Media (place)
- A region in the Zagros PGP mountains of western Iran.
- Melid (place)
- A city, classical Melitene, now Arslantepe near modern Malatya in Turkey. View location using Google Earth []
- Mercury (heavenly body)
- Planet TT which appears in either morning or evening, known as "the jumping one" or "the wild sheep"; often identified with the gods Ninurta PGP or Nabu PGP , and with the Assyrian crown prince TT . Its periodicity was not well understood in Neo-Assyrian times. View in YourSky []
- Meslamtaea (deity)
- A name of Nergal PGP .
- Mesu (place)
- Region in the Zagros PGP mountain range, famous for its horses.
- Milki-nuri (person)
- "The king is my light", a West-Semitic name: Eunuch TT of the household of the queen; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Milki-ramu (person)
- "The king is exalted", a West-Semitic name: Assurbanipal's chief tailor (a honorary title) and an army commander in the wars against Elam PGP .
- Milqia (place)
- Site in the close vicinity of Arbela PGP , housing the Palace of the Steppe PGP , the New Year TT festival house of Ištar PGP of Arbela.
- Minda (place)
- City in Iran.
- Mita (person)
- Meaning unknown. Anatolian ruler and contemporary of Esarhaddon; possibly a descendant of Mita, king of Muški (the Phrygian king Midas of the Greek sources), a contemporary of Sargon PGP II.
- Muati (deity)
- A name of Nabu PGP .
- Mugallu (person)
- Meaning unknown. King of Melid PGP and Tabal PGP in Anatolia, an enemy of Assyria and a contemporary of Esarhaddon.
- Muhhi-ili-šapkaku (person)
- "I was poured out by means of God": Slave woman and mother of a daughter; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Muhra (deity)
- An Underworld TT god.
- Mukin-zeri (person)
- "The one who established the offspring": Leader of the Chaldaean PGP tribe of Bit-Amukani PGP , king of Babylon PGP 731-729 BC.
- Mullissu (deity)
- The divine consort of the supreme god Aššur PGP .
- Mullissu-abu-uṣri (person)
- "O Mullissu PGP , protect (fem.) the father!": Prophetess TT during the reign of Esarhaddon, dispatched in royal service to Babylon PGP .
- Mullissu-kabtat (person)
- "Mullissu is honoured": Prophetess TT communicating the words of Mullissu PGP to crown prince TT Assurbanipal.
- Mummu (deity)
- Cosmic consciousness.
- Munnabitu (person)
- "Fugitive": Babylonian astrologer TT in the service of Esarhaddon and/or Assurbanipal.
- Mušezib-Marduk (person)
- "Marduk PGP is the saviour": Babylonian official in the service of Assurbanipal.
- Muṣurayu (person)
- "The Egyptian": Member of the royal court of Esarhaddon.
- Mutakkil-Adad (person)
- "The one who inspires trust in Adad PGP ": Together with Nabu-tukulti PGP and Nabu-šumu-lešir PGP author of a petition to Esarhaddon.
- Mutakkil-Aššur (person)
- "The one who inspires trust is Aššur": Deputy priest of Aššur PGP 's temple at Assur PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Mutaqqin-Aššur (person)
- "The one who keeps in order is Aššur" PGP : Member of a scribal family from Cutha PGP , son of Ea-nuhši-uṣur PGP , grandson of Šamaš-šumu-iddina PGP , great-grandson of Nabu-kabti-ahhešu PGP .
- Muttabal (place)
- A city in Babylonia PGP according to literary sources; location unknown.
- Mutu (person)
- Meaning unknown. Possibly a Median PGP ruler; a contemporary of Esarhaddon.
- Na'id-ilu (person)
- "God is exalted": Royal eunuch TT of Esarhaddon.
- Na'id-Marduk (person)
- "Marduk PGP is praised": Governor of the Sealand PGP under Esarhaddon; a son of Marduk-apla-iddin PGP II, king of the Sealand PGP and, on occasion, Babylon PGP ; brother of Nabu-zer-kitti-lišir PGP whom he succeeded as governor of the Sealand PGP after the latter's flight to Elam PGP .
- Na'id-Šihu (person)
- "Praised is Šihu": Military commander in an Assyrian historical epic.
- Na'iri (place)
- An archaic term for mountain lands, used for various regions in Anatolia and the Zagros PGP mountain range.
- Nabatea (people)
- An Arab tribe, in Assyrian times active in northeastern Arabia PGP .
- Nabayatean (people)
- See Nabatea PGP .
- Nabu'a (person)
- "My Nabu PGP ": Astrologer TT working at Assur PGP in the service of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal.
- Nabu (deity)
- God of wisdom and patron of scribes, son of the great Babylonian deity Marduk PGP .
- Nabu-abu-da''in (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , strengthen the father!": [1] Cook from Nineveh PGP . [2] A misreading of the name Ana-Nabu-atkal PGP .
- Nabu-aha-ereš (person)
- "Nabu PGP has desired a brother": [1] Four men, including Ṣuhru PGP and Ṭabiya PGP , attempt to warn him about the conspiracy of Arda-Mullissi PGP against his father Sennacherib PGP . [2] Mentioned in broken context in a report probably written by Bel-ušezib PGP .
- Nabu-aha-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , protect the brother!": Father of [...]-Aššur who is antagonizing the governor of Nippur PGP ; reign of Assurbanipal.
- Nabu-ahhe-bulliṭ (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , keep the brothers alive!": [1] Babylonian connected to a temple theft at the Esaggil PGP in Babylon PGP . [2] Son of Ubaru PGP from Babylon PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-ahhe-ereš (person)
- "Nabu PGP has desired brothers": Citizen of Babylon PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-ahhe-eriba (person)
- "Nabu PGP has replaced the brothers": Astrologer TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP in the service of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal and author of numerous letters and reports to these kings, often together with Balasi PGP .
- Nabu-ahhe-iddina (person)
- "Nabu PGP has given brothers": [1] Babylonian astrologer TT from Dilbat PGP , working for Esarhaddon. [2] Royal bodyguard in Esarhaddon's service.
- Nabu-ahhe-šallim (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , keep the brothers safe!": [1] Scholar TT working for either Esarhaddon or Assurbanipal, known from only one letter. [2] City official at Assur PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Nabu-ahhe-šullim (person)
- See Nabu-ahhe-šallim PGP .
- Nabu-ahhe-uballiṭ (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , keep the brothers alive!": Haruspex TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP in Esarhaddon's employ.
- Nabu-ahu-iddina (person)
- "Nabu PGP has given a brother": Client of the lady Balti-lešir PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-apla-iddina (person)
- "Nabu PGP has given me an heir": Falsely accused by Aššur-eṭir PGP of killing his servants, he was later rehabilitated.
- Nabu-ašared (person)
- "Nabu PGP is foremost": [1] Temple official at Aššur PGP 's temple at Assur PGP . [2] Babylonian connected to a temple theft at the Esaggil PGP in Babylon PGP .
- Nabu-balassu-iqbi (person)
- "Nabu PGP has commanded his life": [1] Priest of Ninurta PGP 's temple at Kalhu PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal. [2] Man from Borsippa PGP who, during Assurbanipal's reign, lost his possessions due to the machinations of his adversaryArrabu PGP and a lack of support from the mayor Šarru-lu-dari PGP .
- Nabu-balliṭ (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , keep alive!": Involved in the distribution of the inheritance of Nabu-ahu-iddina PGP , probably a debtor of his late father.
- Nabu-bani-ahhe (person)
- "Nabu PGP is the creator of brothers": One of Esarhaddon's officials in Babylonia.
- Nabu-bel-šumate (person)
- "Nabu PGP is the lord of names": [1] Governor of the Sealand PGP under Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP , king of Babylon PGP , and his ally against Assurbanipal in the war of 652-648 BC; grandson of Marduk-apla-iddin PGP II, king of the Sealand and, on occasion, Babylon; son of either Nabu-zer-kitti-lišir PGP or his brother Na'id-Marduk PGP , Nabu-bel-šumate's predecessors as governor of the Sealand. After he sided with Šamaš-šumu-ukin Assurbanipal considered him one of his arch enemies and relentlessly pressured Elam PGP , where Nabu-bel-šumate had found temporary refuge, for his extradition. After the trapped Nabu-bel-šumate commited assisted suicide (by commanding his groom to kill him), the king of Elam, Umman-aldaš, had his corpse packed in salt and sent to Assurbanipal, who mutilated the body in a public spectacle. [1] Governor of Borsippa PGP from (at least) 662-652 BC.
- Nabu-belu-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , protect the Lord PGP !": Governor of the province of Dur-Šarruken PGP under Esarhaddon; eponym TT of the year 672 BC.
- Nabu-bessunu (person)
- "Nabu PGP is their lord": Exorcist TT and high priest of the Aššur PGP temple, member of a scribal family from Assur PGP , father of the exorcist TT Kiṣir-Aššur PGP and son of Babu PGP -šumu-ibni.
- Nabu-da''inanni (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , strengthen me!": Correspondent of king Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-damiq (person)
- "Nabu PGP is good": Father of Nabu-eriba PGP , a Babylonian.
- Nabu-damiq-ilani (person)
- "Nabu PGP is the most gracious one among the gods": Father of the exorcist Kudurru PGP , from Borsippa PGP .
- Nabu-dini-amur (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , examine my case!": Correspondent of crown prince TT Assurbanipal.
- Nabu-duru-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , protect the fortress!": Mentioned in a fragmentary letter concerned with the royal tombs.
- Nabu-epuš (person)
- "Nabu PGP has made": Lamenter TT and priest of Ea PGP accused of theft in the temple of Ištar PGP of Arbela PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Nabu-eriba (person)
- "Nabu PGP has replaced": [1] Horse groom of Esarhaddon's delegate at Babylon PGP . [2] Babylonian astrologer TT working for Esarhaddon and/or Assurbanipal. [3] lamentation priest TT of Ninurta PGP 's temple in Kalhu PGP . [4] Son of Nabu-damiq PGP , a Babylonian.
- Nabu-eṭir (person)
- "Nabu PGP has saved": [1] Father of Kalbu PGP , the chief scribe during the reign of Sennacherib PGP . [2] [2] Governor of the Northern Sealand PGP under Esarhaddon. [3] Official at Aššur PGP 's temple in Assur PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon. [4] Son of Erišu PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon. [5] Messenger sent by a son to his father, with a letter destined for the king; details unknown.
- Nabu-eṭir-napšati (person)
- "Nabu PGP is the one who saves lives": Son of an anonymous Babylonian astrologer TT who worked for Esarhaddon and/or Assurbanipal and who hoped to see his son, too, enter royal service.
- Nabu-gamil (person)
- "Nabu PGP is merciful": Exorcist TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP in Esarhaddon's service.
- Nabu-hussanni (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , remember me!": Prophet TT from Assur PGP , communicating the words of the goddesses [Mullissu PGP and Ištar PGP of Arbela PGP ] to Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-iddina (person)
- "Nabu PGP has given": High temple official at Cutha PGP .
- Nabu-ila'i (person)
- "Nabu PGP is my god": Correspondent of Puṭiširi PGP .
- Nabu-ina-teši-eṭir (person)
- "Nabu PGP has saved from confusion": Mentioned in broken context in a letter of the exorcist TT Urad-Gula PGP to king Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-iqbi (person)
- "Nabu PGP has said": Babylonian astrologer TT from Cutha PGP , working for Assurbanipal and the author of numerous letters and reports to this king.
- Nabu-iqiša (person)
- "Nabu PGP has granted": Babylonian astrologer TT from Borsippa PGP in the service of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-kabti-ahhešu (person)
- "Nabu PGP is the most honoured among his brothers": [1] Member of a scribal family from Cutha PGP , ancestor of Šamaš-šumu-iddina PGP , Ea-nuhši-uṣur PGP and Mutaqqin-Aššur PGP . [2] Subject of a denunciation to Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-killanni (person)
- O Nabu PGP , hold me!": Chief cupbearer TT under Esarhaddon and/or Assurbanipal.
- Nabu-kudurri-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , protect my heir!": [1] Nabu-kudurri-uṣur I (usually referred to as Nebuchadnezzar), ancient king of Babylon PGP (r. 1125-1104 BC), of the Second Dynasty of Isin; immortalised in a omen series called "When Nebuchadnezzar smashed Elam PGP ". [2] Babylonian lamenter TT recommended for royal service to Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-le'i (person)
- "Nabu PGP is almighty": Royal bodyguard entrusted with transporting jewellery of king Esarhaddon's mother Naqi'a PGP .
- Nabu-le'uti (person)
- "Nabu PGP is my power": Exorcist TT at Nineveh PGP , a possible candidate to replace the sick Remuttu PGP in Esarhaddon's service; also the father of an exorcist TT in training.
- Nabu-mar-šarri-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , protect the crown prince!": Mentioned in a fragmentary letter concerning Qana PGP , king of Tilmun PGP , and -Na'id-Marduk PGP , governor of the Sealand PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-mušeṣi (person)
- "Nabu PGP is the one who releases": [1] Temple scribe from Nineveh PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Astrologer TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP , working for Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal and author of numerous letters and reports to both kings. [3] Son of Nabu-reši-išši PGP , member of Ištar PGP 's temple at Arbela PGP .
- Nabu-mušezib (person)
- "Nabu PGP is the saviour": Possibly a military officer as mentioned in a broken section in a letter to Esarhaddon concerning the promotion of military personnel.
- Nabu-na'id (person)
- "Nabu PGP is exalted": [1] Political leader in Babylonia during the reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Son of Nadin-ahi PGP , brother of Bel-aha-iddin PGP , Bel-bulliṭ PGP , Nergal-eṭir PGP and the woman Šarra PGP ; from Babylon PGP .
- Nabu-nadin-apli (person)
- "Nabu PGP is the giver of an heir": [1] Temple guard at Ištar PGP 's temple in Arbela PGP , during the reign of Assurbanipal. [2] Priest's assistant.
- Nabu-nadin-šumi (person)
- "Nabu PGP is the giver of the name": [1] Exorcist TT at the royal court in the service of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal. [2] Brother of Nergal-šarrani PGP , possibly identical with [1]. [3] Correspondent of the king's daughter, Šeru'a-eṭirat PGP , from Babylon; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-naṣir (person)
- "Nabu PGP is protector": [1] Exorcist TT at the royal court in the service of Esarhaddon. [2] Chief administrator ("prelate TT ") of the temple Eanna in Uruk PGP during the early reign of Esarhaddon; predecessor of Itti-Marduk-balaṭu PGP . [3] Father of Kudurru PGP , a Babylonian whose services are recommended to Esarhaddon. [4] Staff-bearer TT and informant of crown prince TT Assurbanipal.
- Nabu-qati-ṣabat (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , take care of!": [1] Treasurer of Guzana PGP during the reign of Sennacherib PGP . [2] Mentioned in unclear context in a letter by Illil-bani PGP , Aššur-belu-taqqin PGP and the people of Nippur PGP in a letter to Assurbanipal.
- Nabu-ra'im-nišešu (person)
- "Nabu PGP loves his people": Military officer reporting to king Esarhaddon on Elam PGP and its border regions with Babylonia, a close colleague of Salamanu PGP .
- Nabu-rehtu-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , protect the remaining one!": Correspondent of Esarhaddon who warns the king about the conspiracy led by Sasi PGP in three detailed letters.
- Nabu-remanni (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , have mercy on me!": Member of Esarhaddon's court at Nineveh.
- Nabu-reši-išši (person)
- "Nabu PGP has lifted my head": Father of Nabu-mušeṣi PGP , member of Ištar PGP 's temple at Arbela PGP .
- Nabu-riba-ahu (person)
- see Nabu-tartiba-uṣur PGP .
- Nabu-šabši (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , bring into being!": Haruspex TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP in the service of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-sagib (person)
- "Nabu PGP is exalted": [1] "Third Man" TT of a chariot team in Easrhaddon's service. [2] Goldsmith of the queen's household at the royal court of Nineveh PGP , son of Parruṭu PGP , active in the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-šallim (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , keep safe!": Haruspex TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP in the service of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-šallim-ahhe (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , keep the brothers safe!": Temple official from Nineveh PGP .
- Nabu-šallimšunu (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , keep them safe!": High official at Nineveh PGP .
- Nabu-šarhu-ubaša (person)
- "Nabu PGP puts the proud one to shame": Member of the royal court, as is his wife; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-šarra-ibni (person)
- "Nabu PGP has created the king": Prefect who conquered the city of Zanaki PGP .
- Nabu-šarrani (person)
- "Nabu PGP is our king": Official responsible for the delivery of building materials for the construction of Assurbanipal's palace at Tarbiṣu PGP .
- Nabu-šarru-ka''in (person)
- Better: Nabu-šarru-ukin "Nabu PGP has established the king firmly": Mentioned in the context of various appointments reported on by Bel-ušezib PGP to Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-šarru-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , protect the king!": [1] Correspondent of Esarhaddon, reporting on his dealings with Balasi PGP and Aplaya PGP . [2] Military strategist TT of Esarhaddon. [3] Chief eunuch TT of Assurbanipal; eponym TT of a year in the latter half of Assurbanipal's reign. [4] Tracker under the command of Aššur-hamatu'a PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Nabu-šezib (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , save!": Blamed by Bel-iqiša PGP for problems with some shepherds; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-šuma-ereš (person)
- "Nabu PGP has desired a name": Governor of Nippur PGP during the reigns of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal; first loyal to Assyria, he rebelled against Assurbanipal and allied himself with Urtaku PGP , king of Elam PGP .
- Nabu-šuma-ibni (person)
- "Nabu PGP has created the name": Political leader in Babylonia during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-šuma-iddin (person)
- "Nabu PGP has given a name": [1] "Mayor" of Nabu's temple Ezida PGP in Kalhu PGP under Esarhaddon; also known as Nadinu PGP . [2] Astrologer TT from Nineveh PGP and the head of a collegium of ten astrologers ("commander-of-ten TT ") working for Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-šuma-iškun (person)
- "Nabu PGP has provided a name": [1] Co-conspirator of Sennacherib PGP 's son and eventual murderer Arda-Mullissi PGP . [2] Administrative official in Esarhaddon's service, correspondent of the king. [3] Babylonian astrologer TT in Esarhaddon's service. [4] A potential enemy of Assyria who may have been in league with Esarhaddon's arch-enemy Kaštaritu PGP .
- Nabu-šumu-ka''in (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , establish the name!": Scribe from Assur PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-šumu-lešir (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , let the name prosper!": [1] Exorcist TT and nephew of the exorcist TT Zakir PGP , both in the service of Esarhaddon. [2] Together with Nabu-tukulti PGP and Mutakkil-Adad PGP author of a petition to Esarhaddon. [3] Assyrian official stationed at Birati PGP and correspondent of Assurbanipal.
- Nabu-tabni-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , you have created [a son, now] protect [him]!": A scholar TT in the service of Esarhaddon, probably an exorcist TT like his colleague Nabu-riba-ahu PGP .
- Nabu-taklak (person)
- "In Nabu PGP I trust": Haruspex TT active during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-tartiba-ahu (person)
- see Nabu-tartiba-uṣur PGP .
- Nabu-tartiba-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , you have replaced, now protect!": Exorcist TT suggested to Esarhaddon as a replacement for the sick Remuttu PGP ; a colleague of Nabu-tabni-uṣur PGP .
- Nabu-tukulti (person)
- "Nabu PGP is my trust": Together with Nabu-šumu-lešir PGP and Mutakkil-Adad PGP author of a petition to Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-uhašu (person)
- Obscure Akkadian name with the divine element Nabu: High-ranking Babylonian; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nabu-ušabši (person)
- "Nabu has brought into being": Babylonian haruspex TT working for Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP , king of Babylon PGP .
- Nabu-uṣalli (person)
- "I prayed to Nabu PGP ": Servant of the Babylonian Ṣillaya PGP who plotted against Esarhaddon's rule.
- Nabu-ušallim (person)
- "Nabu PGP has kept in good health": [1] Son of Marduk-apla-iddin PGP II; brother and rival of na'id-Marduk PGP , Esarhaddon's governor of the Sealand PGP . [3] Ruler of Bit-Dakuri PGP , appointed by Esarhaddon. [4] Haruspex TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP in Esarhaddon's service.
- Nabu-ušezib (person)
- "Nabu has saved": Prominent member of the Puqudu PGP tribe; reign of Assurbanipal.
- Nabu-zera-iddin (person)
- See Nabu-zeru-iddina PGP .
- Nabu-zera-ukin (person)
- "Nabu has established the seed": Author of a letter to king Sin-šarru-iškun of Assyria (627-612 BC), relating how Babylon PGP sided with the king in the war of 627.
- Nabu-zer-kitti-lišir (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , let the seed of truth prosper!": [1] Governor of the Sealand PGP under Esarhaddon; a son of Marduk-apla-iddin PGP II, king of the Sealand and, on occasion, Babylon PGP and brother of Na'id-Marduk PGP , who succeeded him as governor of the Sealand after he rebelled against Assyria and had to escape to Elam PGP where he met his death. [2] Overseer of the craftsmen working with white frit and a correspondent of Esarhaddon. [3] Temple functionary from Nineveh PGP , possibly identical to [2].
- Nabu-zeru-ibni (person)
- "Nabu PGP has created offspring": [1] A member of the Babylonian Bit-Ibaya PGP tribe, executed in the reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Temple official from Assur PGP during Assurbanipal's reign.
- Nabu-zeru-iddina (person)
- "Nabu PGP has given offspring": [1] Correspondent of king Esarhaddon, probably from Harran PGP as he invokes the gods Sin PGP , Nikkal PGP and Nusku PGP in his greeting. [2] Involved in the distribution of the inheritance of Nabu-ahu-iddina PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon. [3] Lamenter TT in Assurbanipal's service, with the official title "lamenter TT of Sin PGP and the king"; a member of a famous family of Assyrian lamenters. [4] Man from Borsippa PGP , accused by Marduku PGP of various offenses including masquerading as a haruspex TT ; reign of Assurbanipal.
- Nabu-zeru-lešir (person)
- "O Nabu PGP , let the offspring prosper!": Esarhaddon's chief scribe and member of a prominent Assyrian scribal family. His brother was the chief exorcist TT Adad-šumu-uṣur PGP and his son the astrologer TT Issar-šumu-ereš PGP who succeeded him in the office of chief scribe.
- Nabu-zeru-uṣur (person)
- "O Nabu, protect the seed!": Scribe of the palace supervisor of Nineveh PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nadin-ahhe (person)
- "Giver of brothers": Babylonian exorcist TT in Esarhaddon's service, working under the chief exorcist TT Marduk-šakin-šumi PGP .
- Nadin-ahi (person)
- See also Nadin-ahhe PGP . "Giver of a brother": [1] Temple enterer of Marduk PGP 's temple at Babylon PGP , brother of Ina-qibi-Bel PGP , during the reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Father of Bel-aha-iddin PGP , Bel-bulliṭ PGP , Nabu-na'id PGP , Nergal-eṭir PGP and the woman Šarra PGP ; from Babylon PGP .
- Nadin-apli (person)
- "Giver of the heir": Priest of Šamaš PGP 's temple in Assur PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon and/or Assurbanipal; father of Zari PGP .
- Nadin-Aššur (person)
- Better: Iddin-Aššur "Aššur has given": Official of Aššur PGP 's temple at Assur PGP .
- Nadin-Ea (person)
- see Iddin-Ea PGP .
- Nadinu (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "to give": [1] Haruspex TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP in Esarhaddon's service. [2] Nickname of Nabu-šuma-iddin PGP of Nabu's temple Ezida PGP in Kalhu PGP . [3] Father of a temple-enterer TT of the temple of Nabu PGP in Borsippa PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon. [4] Father of Aplaya PGP , a "Father of the Chaldeans PGP " accused of treason against Esarhaddon.
- Nahal (place)
- Region on the border between the Sealand PGP and Elam PGP .
- Namtar (deity)
- "Fate", an Underworld TT god.
- Namtartu (deity)
- An Underworld TT goddess, consort of Namtar PGP .
- Nanaya (deity)
- A name of Issar/Ištar PGP in her aspect as goddess of love.
- Nanaya-uṣalli (person)
- "I prayed to Nanaya PGP ": Father of Ahhešaya PGP , the governor of Uruk PGP from (at least) 675-666 BC.
- Nani (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: Correspondent of crown prince TT Assurbanipal from Kalhu PGP .
- Napisu (people)
- An Arab PGP tribe.
- Naprušu (deity)
- Assyrian version of the name of the Elamite god Napiriša.
- Naqi'a (person)
- "The pure one"; a West-Semitic name; also called Zakutu, which is the same name in Akkadian. Wife of Sennacherib PGP , mother of Esarhaddon PGP and grandmother of, among others, Assurbanipal PGP . See Royal family. View family tree [].
- Naram-Sin (person)
- "Beloved of Sin PGP ": Correspondent of king Esarhaddon.
- Nartu (place)
- A territory in the Zagros PGP mountains, around the city of Harhar PGP .
- Nasi'-bar (person)
- "The prince is pure", a Hebrew name: Village manager mentioned in a denunciation to Esarhaddon.
- Naṣibina (place)
- Assyrian province and its capital of the same name, situated in the Khabur PGP triangle; classical Nisibis, modern Nusaibin. View location using Google Earth []
- Naṣiru (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "to protect": Haruspex TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP in the service of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal and a close collaborator of the chief haruspex Marduk-šumu-uṣur PGP .
- Nasqat (person)
- Woman of the Bit-Ibaya PGP , during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Natannu (person)
- "He has given", a West-Semitic name: Leader of the Puqudu PGP tribe during the reign of Assurbanipal, an enemy of Assyria.
- Natnu (person)
- "He has given", a West-Semitic name: King of the Nabayateans PGP during the reigns of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal; allied with Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP of Babylon PGP against his brother Assurbanipal during the wars between 652-648 BC.
- Nazia (person)
- Meaning unknown, probably Elamite. Eunuch TT involved in Assurbanipal's war against Elam PGP .
- Necho (person)
- "The one to whom belongs a Ka"; an Egyptian PGP name. Ruler of Sais in the Nile Delta, installed by Esarhaddon and later Assurbanipal as pharaoh of Egypt PGP ; father and predecessor of Psammetikh I, the founder of Egypt's 26th dynasty.
- Nedu (deity)
- Divine porter of the Underworld TT .
- Nemed-Lagudu (place)
- City in southern Babylonia, exact location unknown.
- Nemetti-šarri (place)
- City in Babylonia.
- Nenea (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: Exorcist TT In Babylon; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nergal (deity)
- God of destructive force and animal instincts; lord of the Underworld TT ; often identified with the planet TT Mars PGP .
- Nergal-ašared (person)
- "Nergal PGP is foremost": An enemy of Esarhaddon who conspired against the king in Mannea PGP .
- Nergal-belu-uṣur (person)
- "O Nergal PGP , protect the lord!": Chief cook from Assur PGP .
- Nergal-epuš (person)
- "Nergal PGP has made": Probably a courtier; mentioned in connection with arrangements made for a woman of the palace in a letter of prince Šamaš-metu-uballiṭ PGP to king Esarhaddon.
- Nergal-eṭir (person)
- "Nergal PGP has saved": [1] Babylonian astrologer TT of the Gahul-Marduk PGP family, working for Esarhaddon. [2] Son of Nadin-ahi PGP , brother of Bel-aha-iddin PGP , Bel-bulliṭ PGP , Nabu-na'id PGP and the woman Šarra PGP ; from Babylon PGP .
- Nergal-ibni (person)
- "Nergal PGP has created": Babylonian official loyal to Assurbanipal during the war with Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP (652-648 BC).
- Nergal-naṣir (person)
- "Nergal PGP is the protector": Babylonian correspondent of king Esarhaddon.
- Nergal-šallim (person)
- "O Nergal PGP , keep safe!": Servant of the crown prince TT Assurbanipal who was accompanying the statue of Marduk PGP to Babylon PGP when his colleague Bel-eriba PGP fell into an ecstatic TT trance, which caused the abortion of their mission.
- Nergal-šarrani (person)
- "Nergal PGP is our king": [1] Priest of Nabu PGP 's temple at Kalhu PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Brother of Nabu-nadin-šumi PGP .
- Nergal-šarru-uṣur (person)
- "O Nergal PGP , protect the king!": [1] Royal bodyguard of Esarhaddon, active in Babylonia. [2] Haruspex TT in the service of Assurbanipal. [3] "Third man TT " of a chariot team.
- Nergal-šumu-iddina (person)
- "Nergal PGP has given a name": Astrologer TT in Assurbanipal's employ.
- Neri-Yau (person)
- "Yahwe is my light", a Hebrew name: Chief of accounts of Šamaš-emuranni PGP , the governor of Guzana PGP under Esarhaddon.
- New Palace (place)
- The palace known to archaeologists as Sennacherib's PGP South-West Palace in Nineveh PGP was sometimes called the New Palace because it replaced a smaller one on the same site. View location using Google Earth []
- Nikkal (deity)
- The divine consort of the moongod Sin PGP .
- Nikkal-iddina (person)
- "Nikkal PGP has given": Governor of Ur PGP ; a member of Ur's most prominent family, he was the father of Sin-balassu-iqbi PGP , Sin-šarru-uṣur PGP , and Sin-tabni-uṣur PGP who all succeeded him as governors of Ur.
- Niku (person)
- See Necho PGP .
- Nimrud (place)
- See Calah/Kalhu PGP .
- Nineveh (place)
- The main residence of the Assyrian kings of the 7th century and an Assyrian provincial capital, on the banks of the river Tigris opposite the modern-day city of Mosul in northern Iraq. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Ningišzida-bel-mati (person)
- "Ningišzida is the lord of the land": Babylonian lamenter TT recommended for royal service to Esarhaddon.
- Ningišzida-iqbi (person)
- "Ningišzida has spoken": A Babylonian apprentice lamenter TT recommended for royal service to Esarhaddon.
- Ninkilim (deity)
- A goddess, literally "Mongoose TT ".
- Ninšiku (deity)
- "Prince", a name of Ea PGP .
- Ninuayu (person)
- "The one from Nineveh PGP ": Chief haruspex TT of Assurbanipal.
- Ninurta (deity)
- God of victory, called Inurta PGP in Assyrian dialect.
- Ninurta-aha-iddin (person)
- "Ninurta PGP has given a brother": [1] Exorcist TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP in Esarhaddon's service. [2] Military official in Assurbanipal's service, stationed in Nippur PGP .
- Nippur (place)
- A city of central Babylonia PGP , near modern Nuffar. View location using Google Earth []
- Niq'a (person)
- See Naqi'a PGP .
- Nissaba (deity)
- Grain goddess.
- Nudimmud (deity)
- A name of Ea PGP .
- Nummurayu (person)
- "Ra is lord of truth", an Egyptian name: Ally of the traitor Ṣillaya PGP , an enemy of Assurbanipal.
- Nurea (person)
- See Nuriya PGP .
- Nuri (person)
- Abbreviated name based on the element "light": Accused by Bel-naṣir PGP in a letter to Esarhaddon.
- Nuriya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "light": Cohort commander active in Babylonia; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Nur-Sin (person)
- "Light of Sin PGP ": Father of Ibna PGP who heads an influential family in Babylon PGP .
- Nurzanu (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "throat": Father of Rašil PGP , a Babylonian astrologer TT in Esarhaddon's service.
- Nusku/Nušku (deity)
- God of light and hope, son of the moongod Sin PGP , and worshipped especially at Harran PGP .
- Obsidian (heavenly body)
- "Volcanic glass", a star in the Scorpius PGP constellation TT . View Scorpius in YourSky []
- Opis (place)
- City in northern Babylonia PGP ; modern Tell at-Mujailat. View location using Google Earth []
- Orion (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Taurus PGP and Perseus PGP , identified with the god Tammuz PGP ; known in Assyria as "True Shepherd of Anu PGP ". View Orion using Google Sky [] | View Orion in YourSky []
- Pa'e (person)
- Elamite name of unknown meaning: [1] Esarhaddon's delegate in Araši PGP . [2] King of Elam PGP , appointed by Assurbanipal in 646 after the Assyrian invasion of Elam.
- Pahharu (person)
- "Potter": A prominent family in Babylon PGP .
- Palace of the Steppe (place)
- New Year TT festival house of Ištar PGP of Arbela PGP in nearby Milqia PGP .
- Palil (deity)
- A war god, equated with Nergal PGP .
- Palṭi-Yau (person)
- "My deliverance is Yahwe", a Hebrew name: Deputy of Šamaš-emuranni PGP , the governor of Guzana PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Pan-Nabu-lamur (person)
- "May I see the face of Nabu PGP !": Member of Esarhaddon's court at Nineveh.
- Panther (heavenly body)
- A star now considered part of the constellation TT Cygnus. View Cygnus using Google Sky [] | View Cygnus in YourSky []
- Paramurtu (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning, possibly corresponding to Phraortes, the Greek rendering of an Iranian name: Mentioned in broken context in a letter to Esarhaddon, this man seems to be identified as the son of Uaksatar PGP , the Median PGP city-lord of Nartu PGP .
- Parisat-pale (deity)
- A goddess, worshipped in Ištar PGP 's temple in Nineveh.
- Parruṭu (person)
- A West-Semitic name based on the verb "to break off, to divide": Father of the goldsmith Nabu-sagib PGP .
- Parsamaš (place)
- See Parsumaš PGP .
- Parsua (place)
- Assyrian province in the Zagros PGP range, in the region of modern Sanandağ, with the capital Nikkur.
- Parsumaš (place)
- A territory in the southern Zagros PGP mountains, southeast of Elam PGP .
- Pazuzu (deity)
- A demon TT .
- Pegasus (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near Pisces PGP and Aquarius PGP ; the left half was known in Assyria as "Field". View Pegasus using Google Sky [] | View Pegasus in YourSky []
- Perseus (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Orion PGP and Auriga PGP ; known in Assyria as "Old Man". View Perseus using Google Sky [] | View Perseus in YourSky []
- Philistia (place)
- A region on the eastern Mediterranean coast, just north of the modern Gaza Strip.
- Phoenicia (place)
- A group of city-states along the north of the east Mediterranean coast, including Arwad PGP , Sidon PGP , Ṣimirra PGP and Tyre PGP .
- Phraortes (person)
- See Paramurtu PGP .
- Phrygia (place)
- A kingdom in the centre of modern Turkey; Assyrian Muški.
- Pirhu (person)
- "Offspring": Functionary of Marduk PGP 's temple Esaggil PGP in Babylon PGP .
- Pisces (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Aquarius PGP and Swallow PGP ; known in Assyria as "Tails". View Pisces using Google Sky [] | View Pisces in YourSky []
- Pitu (place)
- Canal in Babylonia PGP , linking Cutha PGP and Kiš PGP .
- Pleiades (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Aries PGP and Taurus PGP ; known in Assyria simply as "The Stars". View the Pleiades using Google Sky [] | View the Pleiades in YourSky []
- Plough (heavenly body)
- A star near Pisces PGP and Aries PGP , now considered part of the Andromeda constellation TT . View Andromeda using Google Sky [] | View Andromeda in YourSky []
- Pulu (person)
- "Corner-stone": Lamentation priest TT of the Nabu PGP temple of Kalhu PGP under Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal.
- Puqudu (people)
- An Aramean PGP tribe, who occupied an area of Babylonia PGP east of the Bit-Amukani PGP and north of the Bit-Yakin PGP ; Biblical Pekod.
- Puṭiširi (person)
- "The one whom Osiris has given", an Egyptian name: Correspondent of Nabu-ila'i PGP .
- Qana (person)
- "Creature", a West-Semitic name: King of Tilmun PGP , a contemporary of Esarhaddon.
- Qannasusi (person)
- Meaning unknown: Grandfather of beautiful girl spotted in the temple of Kalhu PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Qarne (place)
- Capital of an Assyrian province of the same name, modern Sheikh Sa'd (biblical Qarnayim; classical Carneas). View location using Google Earth []
- Qedar (people)
- An Arab tribe.
- Qilti (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the word "gift": Denounced to king Esarhaddon in a broken letter which leaves all circumstances unclear.
- Qingu (deity)
- Consort of the goddess Tiamat PGP and leader of her armies.
- Qisaya (person)
- Abbreviated name: Singer at Assur PGP ; early reign of Esarhaddon.
- Que (place)
- An Assyrian provincial capital on the southeastern coast of modern Turkey; Biblical Coa, possibly modern Adana. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Queen of Nineveh (deity)
- A name of Ištar PGP of Nineveh.
- Quhna (place)
- A fortress near Melid PGP , location unknown.
- Qurdi (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the word "heroism": Chariot driver at Guzana PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Qurdi-Issar (person)
- "Heroism of Ištar PGP ": Military officer active in the border zone between Elam PGP and Babylonia; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Qurdi-Nergal (person)
- "Heroism of Nergal PGP ": Stonecutter at Aššur PGP 's temple Ešarra PGP in Assur PGP , accused by the priest Akkullanu PGP of commissioning the theft of a gold vessel from the temple.
- Rahiqu (people)
- Aramean PGP tribe in Babylonia PGP .
- Rahiṣ-Dadi (person)
- "The one who trusts in Dadi PGP ": Royal envoy on Assyria's eastern border, investigating the movements of the Cimmerians PGP and reporting to crown prince Assurbanipal.
- Ramadani (place)
- A city in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unknown.
- Rama-il (person)
- "Exalted is god", a West-Semitic name: A man from Arrapha PGP and a charioteer in the troops of the governor (of Arrapha?), one of fifteen deserters apprehended by the governor of Der PGP during Esarhaddon's reign.
- Raṣappa (place)
- A western province of the Assyrian empire between Assur PGP and the Euphrates PGP river; not identical with Roman Resafa in Syria. View map of Assyrian empire []
- Raši-il (person)
- "He has a [protective] god": There were two Babylonian scholars TT working in Babylon PGP in the service of Esarhaddon, both advising the king on astrological matters, [1] one calling himself Raši-il "the Elder, servant of the king" and [2] Raš-iil, son of Nurzanu PGP . [3] Third Man TT of a chariot team; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Rašil (person)
- See Raši-il PGP .
- Raven (heavenly body)
- The constellation TT Corvus, near Virgo PGP . View Corvus using Google Sky [] | View Corvus in YourSky []
- Re'indu (person)
- "Beloved": Woman attached to the household of the governor of Nippur PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Rear Palace (place)
- A palace in Nineveh PGP , exact identity and location unknown.
- Regulus (heavenly body)
- A star in the constellation TT Leo PGP ; known in Assyria as "King". View Regulus using Google Sky [] | View Leo using Google Sky [] | View Leo in YourSky []
- Remanni-Adad (person)
- "O Adad PGP , have mercy on me!": Conspirator of Sasi PGP against Esarhaddon.
- Remanni-ilu (person)
- "O God, have mercy on me!": Recruitment officer active in Babylonia in Assurbanipal's service, murdered during the war against Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP (652-648 BC) by Zababa-eriba PGP who assumes his identity.
- Remutti-Allati (person)
- "Gift of Allatu PGP ": Prophetess TT from Dara-ahuya PGP , communicating the words of Ištar PGP of Arbela PGP to Esarhaddon.
- Remuttu (person)
- Better: Remutu "Gift": [1] Astrologer TT in the service of Esarhaddon. [2] Exorcist TT working for the crown prince TT Assurbanipal, whose illnesses necessitated the search for a replacement.
- Review Palace (place)
- A royal arsenal, armoury, and military stable in Nineveh PGP , to the south of the main palace complex, substantially rebuilt by Sennacherib PGP and Esarhaddon PGP ; on the mound now called Nebi Yunus. View location using Google Earth []
- Ridayu (people)
- A people, exact identity unknown.
- Rimutu (person)
- See Remuttu PGP .
- Riši-il (person)
- See Raši-il PGP .
- Risiti-Baal (person)
- "My beginning is Baal": Grandson of one Karehi PGP who is mentioned in one of Esarhaddon's extispicy TT queries regarding Cyprus PGP .
- Ru'ua (place)
- An Aramean PGP tribe, who occupied the area to the north of Nippur PGP in Babylonia PGP .
- Rukibtu (person)
- West-Semitic name based on the feminine participle of "to ride": King of Ashkelon PGP and a contemporary of Sennacherib PGP of Assyria. A descendant of his was named in a fragmentary passage in one of Esarhaddon's extispicy TT queries, which may well refer to Rukibtu's son Šarru-lu-dari PGP whom Sennacherib had installed as king of Ashkelon in 701 BC.
- Rusa (person)
- Meaning unknown: Rusa II, king of Urarṭu PGP ; also known as Yaya PGP : an enemy of Assyria and a contemporary of Esarhaddon.
- Sa'ilu (person)
- West-Semitic name based on the verb "to ask": Village manager during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Sagabbu (person)
- "He has prevailed": Governor of the province of Harran PGP under Assurbanipal; eponym TT of the year 651 BC.
- Saggil-ramat (person)
- "She is beloved in the Esaggil PGP temple": Wife of Abi-ili PGP , a personal guard of king Esarhaddon.
- Sagittarius (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Scorpius PGP and Capricorn PGP ; known in Assyria as "Ancestor" (?). View Sagittarius using Google Sky [] | View in YourSky []
- Sakkukutu (deity)
- Divine wailing woman.
- Salamanu (person)
- A West-Semitic name based on the verb "to be well": Military officer reporting to king Esarhaddon on Elam PGP and its border regions with Babylonia, a close colleague of Nabu-ra'im-nišešu PGP .
- Salamme (place)
- A town in central Assyria, of unknown location.
- Sam'al (place)
- A city of western Assyria, formerly the capital of an independent empire; now Zincirli in modern Turkey. View location using Google Earth []
- Samaria (place)
- Capital of the province of the same name, formerly the southern part of the kingdom of Israel. View location using Google Earth []
- Samsi-natan (person)
- "The sun[-god] has given", a West-Semitic name: Member of the royal court of Nineveh PGP during Esarhaddon's reign.
- Sandu (place)
- A city near Kilman PGP in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unknown.
- Sangu-Issar (person)
- "Priest of Ištar PGP ": Official at Kalhu PGP .
- Saparda (place)
- A territory in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unknown.
- Saraya (person)
- A West-Semitic name: Female subordinate of Esarhaddon's palace scribe.
- Sargon (person)
- Assyrian Šarru-kenu "The king is firmly established": Sargon II, king of Assyria (r. 721-705 BC), who ascended to the throne in suspicious circumstances after the death of his brother, Shalmaneser V PGP , and died in battle in Anatolia. See Royal family. View family tree [].
- Sarrabanu (place)
- City in Southern Babylonia; exact location unknown.
- Sarranu (deities)
- Divine beings.
- Sasi (person)
- Meaning unknown: [1] According to a prophecy of the moongod Sin PGP of Harran PGP , the man who would be king of Assyria instead of Esarhaddon; key figure in a conspiracy against Esarhaddon. See Esarhaddon. [2] Overseer of scholars TT in the service of Esarhaddon. [3] A Babylonian mayor during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Sasiqani (place)
- An Assyrian town near Kalhu PGP , possibly now Salamiya. View location using Google Earth []
- Sasiya (person)
- Name of unknown origin and meaning: [1] Governor of an unknown province under Esarhaddon. [2] Mayor of a Babylonian city and associate of the governor Bel-eṭir PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Saturn (heavenly body)
- Planet TT known as "the steady one" and "the night sun", often identified with the sun, the god Inurta PGP /Ninurta PGP , and with the Assyrian king. View in YourSky []
- Saya (person)
- Meaning unknown: Haruspex TT from Nineveh PGP in Esarhaddon's service.
- Scorpius (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Libra PGP and Sagittarius PGP ; known in Assyria as "Scorpion". View Scorpius using Google Sky [] | View in YourSky []
- Scythians (people)
- Horse nomads, who migrated into northern Iran from the Caucasus region; in the 7th century BC they controlled the regions south of Lake Urmia.
- Se' (deity)
- The West-Semitic name of the moon god Sin PGP .
- Se'-abi (person)
- "Se' PGP is my father", a West-Semitic name: When Esarhaddon announces his impending arrival in Harran PGP this man is involved in the necessary preparations for the royal visit.
- Se'-rahi (person)
- "Se' PGP is benevolent", a West-Semitic name: Accused by Haya PGP and others of illegally selling their property; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Se'-rapa (person)
- "Se' PGP has healed", a West-Semitic name: Governor of Barhalzi PGP under Esarhaddon.
- Sealand (place)
- The marshlands of southern Babylonia PGP ; also a political unit.
- Sennacherib (person)
- Sin-ahhe-eriba "Sin PGP has replaced the brothers": King of Assyria PGP (r. 704-681 BC); murdered by his son Arda-Mullissi PGP . See Royal family and Esarhaddon. View family tree [].
- Shalmaneser III (person)
- Assyrian Salmanu-ašared, "Salmanu is the foremost": King of Assyria (r.858-824 BC).
- Shalmaneser V (person)
- Assyrian Salmanu-ašared, "Salmanu is the foremost": King of Assyria (r.726-722 BC); brother of Sargon II PGP .
- Si'imme (place)
- Capital of an Assyrian province of the same name, situated in the mountain lands east of the Tigris PGP and north of central Assyria, exact location unknown.
- Si-abu (person)
- See Se'-abi PGP .
- Sibitti (deity)
- "Seven", a group of seven gods equated with the Pleiades PGP .
- Sidon (place)
- An Assyrian provincial capital on the eastern Mediterranean coast; Assyrian Ṣidunu, now Saida in modern Lebanon. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Sikriš (place)
- A city-state in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unknown.
- Sili (person)
- Better: Sa'ilu, a name derived from the West-Semitic verb "to ask": A member of the Babylonian Gambulu PGP tribe, executed during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Sin (deity)
- The moongod; the moon.
- Sin-aha-šubši (person)
- "O Sin PGP , bring the brother into being!": Babylonian exorcist TT recommended for royal service to Esarhaddon.
- Sin-balassu-iqbi (person)
- "Sin PGP has commanded his life": Governor of Ur PGP under Assurbanipal, son of Nikkal-iddina PGP , likewise governor of Ur.
- Sin-ereš (person)
- "Sin PGP has desired": When a calf looking like a lion was born, this man, instead of reporting this anomalous birth TT to king Esarhaddon, ate the animal and later killed two men in order to cover up the incident.
- Sin-eriba (person)
- "Sin PGP has replaced": Associate of Nadin-ahhe PGP .
- Sin-na'di (person)
- "Sin PGP is praised": Chief goldsmith and mayor of Assur during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Sin-nadin-apli (person)
- "Sin PGP is the giver of an heir": Assyrian prince; an older son of Esarhaddon PGP . At one time considered a possible candidate for the crown of Assyria, his subsequent fate is unknown. See Royal family. View family tree [].
- Sinnu (place)
- Town in Assyria, of uncertain location.
- Sin-per'u-ukin (person)
- "Sin PGP has firmly established the offspring": Assyrian prince; son of Esarhaddon; known only from his father's correspondence with the exorcist TT Adad-šumu-uṣur PGP . See Royal family.
- Sinqiša-amur (person)
- "I have seen her distress": Prophetess TT of Arbela, communicating the words of Ištar PGP of Arbela PGP to Esarhaddon.
- Sin-šarra-ibni (person)
- "Sin PGP has created the king": Haruspex TT in the service of Assurbanipal at Nineveh PGP .
- Sin-šarru-uṣur (person)
- "O Sin PGP , protect the king!": Governor of Ur PGP ; a member of Ur's most prominent family. He was the son of Nikkal-iddina PGP , who had also been governor of Ur, and the brother of Sin-balassu-iqbi who had held the governorship of Ur before him and of Sin-tabni-uṣur PGP who succeeded him as governor of Ur. The latter replaced Sin-šarru-uṣur whose loyalty to Assyria was doubted by Assurbanipal at the beginning of open conflict between the king of Assyria and his brother Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP in 652 BC.
- Sin-tabni-uṣur (person)
- "O Sin PGP , you have created (a son, now) protect (him)!": Governor of Ur PGP during the war between Assurbanipal PGP and Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP for control of Babylonia. He was loyal to Assurbanipal and was therefore appointed governor in c.652 BC instead of his brother Sin-šarru-uṣur PGP . A member of Ur's most prominent family, he was the son of Nikkal-iddina PGP , who had also been governor of Ur, and the brother of Sin-balassu-iqbi and Sin-šarru-uṣur who had each held the governorship of Ur before him.
- Sippar (place)
- A northern Babylonian city, now Abu Habba. View location using Google Earth []
- Siriš (place)
- A city and territory in Mannea PGP , location unknown.
- Sirius (heavenly body)
- A star of the "Arrow" constellation TT , now considered part of Canis Major; see also Bow PGP . View Canis Major using Google Sky [] | View Sirius using Google Sky [] | View Sirius in YourSky []
- Subarean (place)
- A literary name for Assyrian.
- Subartu (place)
- A literary name for Assyria PGP .
- Subru (place)
- Also Šubria PGP . Anatolian kingdom bordering Assyria and Urarṭu PGP , situated in the region of the head waters of the Tigris PGP .
- Succession Palace (place)
- The palace known to archaeologists as Assurbanipal's PGP North Palace in Nineveh PGP was named the Succession Palace but there may also have been others, for instance in the crown prince TT 's official residence Tarbiṣu PGP . View location using Google Earth []
- Sudanina (place)
- A city of unknown location in the border zone between Elam PGP and Babylonia.
- Sukinu (person)
- "Abiding"; a West-Semitic name: Haruspex TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP working for Esarhaddon.
- Sukki-Aya (person)
- "Shrine of Ea PGP ": Village manager during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Sulaya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "way": Scholar from Babylon PGP forced to work in the Review Palace PGP of Nineveh PGP at Esarhaddon's command; a former colleague of Urad-Nabu PGP and the astrologers Bel-eṭir PGP and Šamaš-zeru-iqiša PGP .
- Sumer (place)
- An ancient name for the south of Babylonia PGP .
- Sumerian (place)
- [1] An inhabitant of Sumer PGP ; [2] the language of Sumer PGP .
- Sumuti (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: Scribe active during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Surmarrati (place)
- An Assyrian city on the Tigris PGP river, modern Samarra. View location using Google Earth []
- Sutu (people)
- A nomadic people of the Syrian region.
- Swallow (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, now treated as the south-western part of Pisces PGP . View Pisces using Google Sky [] | View Pisces in YourSky []
- Ṣadditu (person)
- "Mountain woman": Assyrian princess; daughter of Sennacherib PGP and sister of Esarhaddon PGP . See Royal family.
- Ṣalam-šarri-iqbi (person)
- "The image of the king has commanded": Mentioned in a fragmentary letter; details unclear.
- Ṣallaya (person)
- See Ṣillaya PGP .
- Ṣillaya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "protection": [1] Co-conspirator of Sennacherib's son and eventual murderer Arda-Mullissi PGP . [2] High-ranking Assyrian official in Babylonia who liaised with the governor of Nippur PGP during the reign of "my grandfather", i.e. either Tiglath-pileser III, Sargon II or Esarhaddon depending on the identity of the royal author of the letter in question. [3] Babylonian who plotted and actively agitated against Esarhaddon's rule; father of Aššur-eṭir PGP . [4] This major-domo TT of an unknown dignitary asks king Esarhaddon together with his colleague, the scribe Asalluhi-ereš PGP , to help their master against the governor of Arrapha PGP .
- Ṣil-šarri (person)
- "Shade [i.e. protection] of the king": Denounced to king Esarhaddon in a broken letter which leaves all circumstances unclear.
- Ṣimirra (place)
- City on the Phoenician PGP coast which became an Assyrian provincial centre after its conquest in 738 BC; modern Tell Kazel View location using Google Earth [].
- Ṣiṣṣirtu (place)
- A fortress of Harhar PGP in the Zagros PGP mountains, on the border of Ellipi PGP : location unknown.
- Ṣubara (place)
- A city on the border of Saparda PGP in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unknown.
- Ṣuhru (person)
- "Youth": [1] One of four men trying to warn Nabu-aha-ereš PGP about the conspiracy against Sennacherib PGP . [2] Young girl to enter palace service during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Šabuqu (place)
- A people or place; identity unknown.
- Šaddinnu (person)
- "Colourful": A prominent public figure in Babylon PGP ; reign of Assurbanipal.
- Šadirtu (place)
- Settlement on the Euphrates PGP in Babylonia PGP .
- Šahuppa (place)
- A provincial capital in northern Assyria, west of the Tigris PGP river and just south of the Taurus mountain range. View map of Assyrian empire []
- Šakin-šumi (person)
- "Establisher of the name": Messenger of Ṣillaya PGP .
- Šakkan (deity)
- God of cattle.
- Šala (deity)
- The divine consort of the weather god Adad PGP .
- Šama' (person)
- "Hear!"; a West-Semitic name: A man from Nineveh PGP ; a slave woman from his household played a key role in a ritual performed by the exorcist TT Nabu-šumu-lešir PGP .
- Šamaš (deity)
- The sungod; god of justice; the sun.
- Šamaš-abu-uṣur (person)
- "O Šamaš PGP , protect the father!": Shepherd from Luddin-ilu PGP , responsible for procuring sacrificial animals for the Aššur PGP temple in Assur PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Šamaš-emuranni (person)
- "Šamaš PGP has chosen me": Governor of Guzana PGP under Esarhaddon.
- Šamaš-ibni (person)
- "Šamaš has created": [1] [1] Father of Kudurru PGP , a petitioner of Esarhaddon. [2] Ruler of Bit-Dakuri PGP , an enemy of Assyria and contemporary of Assurbanipal.
- Šamaš-le'i (person)
- "Šamaš PGP is almighty": Associated with the king of Babylon PGP , i.e. Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP , in a letter to Assurbanipal.
- Šamaš-metu-uballiṭ (person)
- "Šamaš PGP has called the dead (back)">to life": Assyrian prince, son of Esarhaddon and brother of Assurbanipal.
- Šamaš-napišti (person)
- "Šamaš is my life": Mentioned in a fragmentary passage in one of Esarhaddon's extispicy TT queries, in connection with a planned expedition of the customs director.
- Šamaš-naṣir (place)
- A provincial capital of southern Assyria, in the Diyala PGP river valley; exact location unknown. View map of Assyrian empire []
- Šamaš-ṣabatanni (person)
- "O Šamaš, hold me!": Eunuch TT and haruspex TT in Esarhaddon's service.
- Šamaš-šumu-iddina (person)
- "Šamaš PGP has given a name": Member of a scribal family from Cutha PGP , son of Nabu-kabti-ahhešu PGP and ancestor of Ea-nuhši-uṣur PGP and Mutaqqin-Aššur PGP .
- Šamaš-šumu-lešir (person)
- "O Šamaš PGP , let the name prosper!": Royal official dispatched by Assurbanipal to the province of the Chief Cupbearer TT .
- Šamaš-šumu-ukin (person)
- "Šamaš has firmly established the name": Assyrian prince, later king of Babylon PGP (r. 668-648 BC); son of Esarhaddon and brother of Assurbanipal, who in 652 contested his rule over Babylonia and, after a bloody war, finally wrestled power from him in 648. Thought to have died by suicide when Babylon was taken by Assyrian troops. See Royal family, Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal. View family tree [].
- Šamaš-zeru-iqiša (person)
- "Šamaš PGP has granted offspring": Astrologer TT in Babylon PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon and colleague of Bel-eṭir PGP ; both are accused of withholding information from the king.
- Ša-Nabu-šu (person)
- "He belongs to Nabu PGP ": Chief eunuch TT under Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal and in this function successor of Aššur-naṣir PGP and predecessor of Nabu-šarru-uṣur PGP ; eponym TT of the year 658 BC.
- Šapazzu (place)
- see Bazu PGP .
- Ša-pi-Bel (place)
- City in Babylonia PGP under the control of the Gambulu PGP tribe.
- Šapiku (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "to pour out": Astrologer TT at Borsippa PGP in Assurbanipal's service.
- Šargaz (heavenly body)
- A star in the Scorpius PGP constellation TT , named after one of the god Ninurta PGP 's divine maces. View Scorpius using Google Sky [] | View Scorpius in YourSky []
- Šaridu (person)
- See Ašaridu PGP .
- Šarra (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: Daughter of Nadin-ahi PGP , sister of Bel-aha-iddin PGP , Bel-bulliṭ PGP , Nabu-na'id PGP and Nergal-eṭir PGP ; from Babylon PGP .
- Šarrabu (place)
- A place or tribe in Babylonia PGP ; exact identity and location unknown.
- Šarragitu (place)
- Fortified city in Babylonia PGP under the control of the Bit-Yakin PGP tribe.
- Šarrahitu (deity)
- A minor goddess.
- Šarrat Kidmuri (deity)
- "Queen of Kidmuri": the goddess Ištar PGP , as worshipped in her temple Bet-Kidmuri PGP in Kalhu PGP .
- Šarrat-nakkanti (deity)
- "Queen of the treasury", a goddess worshipped in Adad PGP 's temple in Kurbail PGP .
- Šarrat-nipha (deity)
- "Queen of the dawn", a name of Ištar PGP .
- Šarrat-samma-ila'i (person)
- "Queen-of-heaven is my god": Haruspex TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP in Esarhaddon's service.
- Šarrat-samme (deity)
- "Queen of heaven", a name of Ištar PGP .
- Šarru-duri (person)
- "The king is my fortress": Eunuch TT ; sent by Urad-Gula PGP to Assurbanipal as a messenger.
- Šarru-hussanni (person)
- "O king, remember me!": Royal bodyguard, active in Akkad PGP in Esarhaddon's service.
- Šarru-iqbi (place)
- An Assyrian fortress on the Assyrian border with Mannea PGP , location unknown.
- Šarru-kenu (person)
- "The king is firmly established": [1] Sargon PGP II, king of Assyria (r. 721-705 BC). [2] A candidate for an important office under Assurbanipal.
- Šarru-lu-dari (person)
- "May the king be everlasting!": [1] Ruler of Pelusium in the Nile Delta; a contemporary of Esarhaddon. [2] Chariot-driver in the reign of Esarhaddon. [3] Village manager from Tille PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon. [4] Mayor of Borsippa PGP , appointed after the end of the war in Babylonia in 648 BC.
- Šarru-nuri (person)
- "The king is my light": A haruspex TT working for Assurbanipal; the restoration of the beginning of the name is uncertain.
- Šar-uarri (person)
- "Sar is help", an Anatolian name: Petitioner of king Assurbanipal, from Luli PGP .
- Šarur (heavenly body)
- A star in the Scorpius PGP constellation TT , named after one of the god Ninurta PGP 's divine maces. View Scorpius using Google Sky [] | View Scorpius in YourSky []
- Šatru (deity)
- A name of the goddess Ištar PGP as worshipped in the Assyrian city of Arbela PGP .
- Šellebu (person)
- "Fox": Father of Hahhuru PGP , from Babylon PGP .
- Šep-Aššur-aṣbat (person)
- "I have grasped the feet of Aššur": Royal goldsmith working temporarily at Aššur PGP 's temple in Assur PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Šeru'a (deity)
- "Morning star", the divine daughter of Aššur PGP .
- Šeru'a-eṭirat (person)
- "The goddess Šeru'a PGP has saved": Assyrian princess; eldest daughter of Esarhaddon. See Royal family.. View family tree [].
- Šiddikišarra (deity)
- A name of Nabu PGP .
- Šimalu'a (deity)
- A minor goddess equated with Nanaya PGP .
- Šiyu (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: Official in Assyrian service active in Babylonia; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Šubria (place)
- A kingdom near the source of the Tigris PGP in modern Turkey; integrated into Assyria PGP in 673 BC in the form of two provinces, Upumu PGP and Kulimmeri PGP . View map of Assyrian empire []
- Šula (person)
- Abbreviated name based on the word "street": Governor of Dilbat PGP under Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP , grandson of Bel-iddina PGP .
- Šulak (deity)
- An Underworld TT god.
- Šullumu (person)
- "Saved": A Babylonian; details unknown.
- Šulmu-ahhe (person)
- "The well-being of the brothers": Man from Babylon PGP , somehow involved in the conspiracy of Arda-Mullissi PGP against Sennacherib PGP .
- Šulmu-beli-lušme (person)
- "May I hear of the well-being of the lord!": Correspondent of crown prince TT Assurbanipal.
- Šulmu-mati (person)
- "The well-being of the country": Royal official involved in the construction of Assurbanipal's palace at Tarbiṣu PGP .
- Šuma-iddin (person)
- "He has given a name": [1] Prelate TT of the Esaggil PGP temple at Babylon PGP and contemporary of governor Ubaru PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Astrologer TT in Esarhaddon's service. [3] Commandant of Marad PGP in Assurbanipal's service, active also in Nippur PGP . [4] Prelate TT of Der PGP in the year 627 BC.
- Šumaya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "name": [1] Haruspex TT in the service of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, often working as a team with Bel-ušallim PGP . [2] Astrologer TT "of the new group", procuring astronomical texts for Assurbanipal in Ur PGP . [3] Exorcist TT and son of Nabu-zeru-lešir PGP , Esarhaddon's chief scribe; a possible candidate as a replacement for the sick exorcist TT Remuttu PGP . [4] Scribe who following the death of his father petitions crown prince Assurbanipal to give him a position at Kalhu PGP so that he may succeed his father and grandfather in royal service. Probably identical with [3]. [5] Official dispatched by the king (Assurbanipal?) to Zanaki PGP after the city's conquest in order to appease the inhabitants.
- Šumma-ilu (person)
- "If the god": Merchant from Carchemish PGP in Esarhaddon's service and father of the recruitment officer Aramiš-etel-ilani PGP .
- Šumma-šarru (person)
- "If the king": Chariot fighter in the service of Esarhaddon.
- Šuzubu (person)
- An abbreviation of a name containing the element "saved": [1] Brother of Tabnea PGP , from Babylon PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Abbreviated name of Nergal-ušezib, king of Babylon (694-693 BC), a descendent of the Gahal PGP family from Babylon PGP .
- Tabal (place)
- A region to the north of Que PGP in modern Turkey; an Assyrian province from the late 8th century; Biblical Tubal. View map of Assyrian empire []
- Tabalayu (person)
- "Man from Tabal PGP ": Cohort commander TT in Esarhaddon's service, son of Bel-Harran-ahu-uṣur PGP .
- Tabnea (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the verb "you have created": Brother of Šuzubu PGP , from Babylon PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Tabni (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the verb "to create": [1] Haruspex TT at the royal court of Nineveh PGP in Esarhaddon's service. [2] Petitioner of the Palace Scribe on behalf of Abni PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Talmusa (place)
- A provincial capital of north central Assyria PGP , possibly modern Gir-e Pan. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Tambaya (deity)
- God worshipped in Assur PGP .
- Tamdanu (person)
- Meaning unknown: Archer who reported the anomalous birth TT of a piglet with eight legs and two tails, an auspicious TT omen which the Babylonian astrologer TT Nergal-eṭir PGP passed on to Esarhaddon.
- Tammaritu (person)
- Meaning unknown: King of Elam PGP (c.652-649 BC); successor of Umman-nikaš; an enemy of Assyria and a contemporary of Assurbanipal.
- Tammuz (deity)
- [1] A vegetation god, consort of the goddess Ištar PGP ; [2] the constellation TT Orion PGP .
- Tamnuna (place)
- An Assyrian provincial capital, northwest of Nineveh PGP ; perhaps now Tell Gikan. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Tamru (person)
- see Tammaritu PGP .
- Taqiša (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the verb "to grant": Priest of Aššur PGP 's temple in Assur PGP during the reign of Assurbanipal.
- Tarbiṣu (place)
- An Assyrian city and in the 7th century BC the residence of the crown prince TT ; modern Sharif Khan, 5 km northwest of Nineveh PGP . View location using Google Earth []
- Tarditu-Aššur (person)
- "Addition of Aššur PGP ": Prefect of one of Assurbanipal's Itu'ean PGP military contingents.
- Tardiya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the verb "to add": A Babylonian associated with the chief eunuch, probably Sin-šumu-lešir, the mentor of Assurbanipal's successor Aššur-etel-ilani.
- Targibatu (place)
- City in the border region between the Sealand PGP and Elam PGP .
- Tariba-Issar (person)
- "Ištar PGP has replaced": Denounced to king Esarhaddon in a broken letter which leaves all circumstances unclear.
- Tarninu (place)
- City in Central Assyria; exact location unknown.
- Tarqu (person)
- (Taharqa): King of Kush PGP (Nubia) and one of the pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty of Egypt PGP ; rival of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal for the control of Egypt.
- Tarṣi (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "correct, proper": Scribe in the service of the governor of Guzana PGP , husband of Zaza PGP and father of a son in the employ of the dignitary Aššur-zeru-ibni PGP ; brother-in-law of the priest Adad-killanni PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Tartaru (place)
- Seasonal watercourse parallel to and west of the Tigris PGP , modern Wadi Tharthar View location using Google Earth []
- Tašmetu (deity)
- The divine consort of Nabu PGP , god of wisdom.
- Tašmetu-ereš (person)
- "Tašmetu PGP has desired": Prophet TT from Arbela PGP , communicating the words of Ištar PGP of Arbela.
- Tatti (person)
- Meaning unknown: Mentioned in a fragmentary passage in one of Esarhaddon's extispicy TT queries concerned with a campaign into Inner Iran, Tatti seems to have been a local Iranian ruler; quite possibly, however, he was not a contemporary of Esarhaddon but an ancient leader immortalised by his people who called their state Bit-Tatti "House of Tatti", after him.
- Taurus (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between the Pleiades PGP and Orion PGP ; known in Assyria as "Bull of Heaven". View Taurus using Google Sky [] | View Taurus in YourSky []
- Taurus (place)
- A major mountain range in southeastern Turkey.
- Tema (place)
- Oasis town in the north of the Arabian Peninsula, modern Tayma.
View location using Google Earth []
- Teumman (person)
- Assyrian rendering of an Elamite name containing the divine name Humban. King of Elam PGP and enemy of Assurbanipal.
- Tiamat (deity)
- The primordial sea, defeated by Marduk PGP who constructs the world from her body.
- Tiglath-pileser III (person)
- Assyrian Tukulti-apil-Ešarra, "My trust is the heir of Ešarra PGP [i.e. the god Ninurta PGP ]": king of Assyria (r.744-727 BC), father of kings Shalmaneser V PGP and Sargon II PGP .
- Tigris (place)
- [1] The major river that runs through eastern Mesopotamia, on which the major cities of Assyria PGP were situated. It is some 1800 km long, rising in the eastern Taurus PGP mountains and flowing south, where it emptied directly into the Persian Gulf in Assyrian times. [2] A constellation TT named after the river; identification unclear.
- Tikki (place)
- Mountain fortress of unknown location.
- Til-Barsip (place)
- Capital city of Bit-Adini PGP and later of the province of the Commander-in-chief TT . View location using Google Earth []
- Tille (place)
- An Assyrian provincial capital in the Khabur PGP river valley, modern Syria; possibly now Tell Rumailan. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Tilmun (place)
- Region in the Persian Gulf, including the islands of Bahrain and Failaka. View location using Google Earth []
- Tiranu (person)
- "Mercy": Cohort commander active in Babylonia; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Trans-Euphrates (place)
- A name for upper Syria, to the west of the Euphrates PGP river.
- Triplets (heavenly body)
- Alpha Herculis, a multiple star in the constellation TT now called Hercules.
- Tuayadi (place)
- A territory in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unknown.
- Tuni (person)
- Meaning unknown: King of Ellipi PGP in western Iran; a contemporary and vassal of Esarhaddon.
- Tuti (person)
- "My berry": Scribe from Guzana PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Tutu (deity)
- A name of Marduk PGP .
- Tyre (place)
- A city and island on the eastern Mediterranean coast; Assyrian Ṣurru, modern Ṣur in Lebanon. View location using Google Earth []
- Ṭabi (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "good": Judge in the city of Babylon PGP ; put under house arrest after leading protests against Esarhaddon's representative in Babylon, the commander Ubaru PGP .
- Ṭabiya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "good": [1] One of four men trying to warn Nabu-aha-ereš PGP about the conspiracy against Sennacherib PGP . [2] Astrologer TT in Esarhaddon's service.
- Ṭab-šar-[...] (person)
- "The protection of [...] is good": A eunuch TT accused of stealing from an astrologer TT .
- Ṭab-šar-Sin (person)
- "The protection of Sin PGP is good": [1] Village manager during the reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Functionary of Aššur PGP 's temple Ešarra PGP in Assur PGP , accused of corruption by the priest Akkullanu PGP .
- Ṭab-ṣilli-Marduk (person)
- "The protection of Marduk PGP is good": Astrologer TT in Esarhaddon's and later Assurbanipal's service; member of a prominent family of Babylonian astrologers TT . His father was Bel-upahhir PGP , Sennacherib PGP 's chief scholar TT , and his uncle Bel-naṣir PGP , an astrologer TT in Esarhaddon's entourage.
- Ṭab-ṣil-šarri (person)
- "The protection of the king is good": Overseer of the palace of the crown prince TT , i.e. Assurbanipal; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ṭudi (person)
- "My path": Author of a letter to king Esarhaddon, reporting on some Babylonians.
- Ṭurušpa (place)
- Capital of Urarṭu PGP , modern Van Kelesi. View location using Google Earth []
- Uaksatar (person)
- An Iranian name, corresponding to Old Persian Uvakhšatara and Greek Cyaxares: Median PGP city-lord of Nartu PGP .
- Ubaru (person)
- "Guest": Commandant of Babylon PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ubru-ahhe (person)
- "Guest of the brothers": Associate of the Aššur PGP temple in Assur PGP during Assurbanipal's reign.
- Ubru-Harrani (person)
- "Guest of Harran PGP ": Mentioned in a tiny fragment of an astrological report.
- Ubru-Nabu (person)
- "Guest of Nabu PGP ": Scribe of the New Palace PGP in Kalhu PGP during Esarhaddon's reign.
- Udpani (place)
- A city in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unknown.
- Umban-kidinni (person)
- Rendering of the Elamite name Humban-kitin: High-ranking Elamite PGP who is collaborating with the Assyrian officials Salamanu PGP and Nabu-ra'im-nišešu PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Umite (person)
- Possibly an unusual rendering of the Arabic name Uwaite: An Arab PGP leader active during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Umman-abba (person)
- An Elamite name containing the divine element Humban PGP : Colleague and correspondent of Aplaya PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Ummanaldasi (person)
- Assyrian rendering of an Elamite name containing the divine name Humban. King of Elam PGP and enemy of Assurbanipal.
- Umman-manda (place)
- "Horde of Chaos", a literary name for barbarian invaders from the mountains; used for example for the Cimmerians PGP .
- Unqu (place)
- The traditional name of the Assyrian province Kullania PGP .
- Upumu (place)
- A northern Assyrian provincial capital, formerly a city in Šubria PGP ; Byzantine Aphumon, modern Fum. View map of Assyrian empire [] | View location using Google Earth []
- Ur (place)
- A city in southern Babylonia PGP , now Tell Muqayyar. View location using Google Earth []
- Urad-ahhešu (person)
- "Servant of his brothers": Supervisor of Assurbanipal's reconstruction project of Esaggil PGP at Babylon PGP .
- Urad-Dagana (person)
- See Urad-Daguna PGP .
- Urad-Daguna (person)
- "Servant of Daguna PGP ": Exorcist TT at Nineveh PGP working for Esarhaddon.
- Urad-Ea (person)
- "Servant of Ea PGP ": Lamenter TT in the service of Esarhaddon, with the official title "lamenter TT of Sin PGP and the king"; a member of a famous family of Assyrian lamenters and father of Nabu-zeru-iddina PGP , who succeeded him as "lamenter TT of Sin PGP and the king". Communicated three astrological reports, presumably from Harran PGP , to Esarhaddon.
- Urad-Gula (person)
- "Servant of Gula PGP ": Exorcist TT in the service of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal; a member of a prominent Assyrian scribal family, he was the son of Esarhaddon's chief exorcist TT Adad-šumu-uṣur PGP and the nephew of Esarhaddon's master scholar TT Nabu-zeru-lešir PGP .
- Urad-Issar (person)
- "Servant of Ištar PGP ": High-ranking official associated with Milki-nuri PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Urad-Marduk (person)
- "Servant of Marduk PGP ": Official at Kalhu PGP .
- Urad-Nabu (person)
- "Servant of Nabu PGP ": [1] Priest from Kalhu PGP under Esarhaddon. [2] Scholar from Babylon PGP and former colleague of Sulaya PGP and the astrologers Bel-eṭir PGP and Šamaš-zeru-iqiša PGP .
- Urad-Nanaya (person)
- "Servant of Nanaya PGP ": Physician TT in the service of Esarhaddon.
- Urarṭu (place)
- A kingdom to the north of Assyria between Lake Van, Lake Sevan and Lake Urmia, with capital Tušpa (or Turushpa), modern Van; Biblical Ararat, Armenia. View location using Google Earth []
- Uraš (deity)
- The city-god of Dilbat PGP in Babylonia PGP , equated with Ninurta PGP .
- Urdu (person)
- "Servant": Perhaps a priest's helper; mentioned in broken context.
- Urkittu (deity)
- "The Urukean", a name of Ištar PGP of Uruk PGP .
- Urkittu-reminni (person)
- "O Urukean PGP (goddess), have mercy on me (fem.)!": Beautiful daughter of a royal bodyguard, spotted in the temple of Kalhu PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Urkittu-šarrat (person)
- "The Urukean PGP (goddess) is queen": Prophetess TT from Kalhu PGP , communicating the words of Ištar PGP of Arbela PGP and Mullissu PGP to Esarhaddon.
- Ursa (person)
- See Rusa PGP .
- Urtaku (person)
- Meaning unknown: King of Elam PGP (r. 675-c.664 BC); a contemporary of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal. After he concluded a peace treaty with Esarhaddon in 674 BC, secured by a mutual oath and the exchange of royal hostages, the relations between Assyria and Elam were friendly; this changed after Babylonia became independent under Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP 's rule and ultimately led to open war with Assurbanipal in 664 BC. See Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal PGP .
- Uruk (place)
- A city in southern Babylonia PGP , legendary home of the hero Gilgameš PGP ; Biblical Erech, now Warka. View location using Google Earth []
- Ušiši (place)
- A city in the Zagros PGP mountains, location unkown.
- Uṣur-amassa (deity)
- A minor deity worshipped in the city of Uruk PGP .
- Vega (heavenly body)
- The brightest star in the Lyra constellation TT ; in Assyrian "Lady of Life PGP ", a name of the goddess Damkina PGP ; see also Goat PGP . View Vega using Google Sky [] | View Lyra in YourSky []
- Venus (heavenly body)
- Planet TT which appears in either morning or evening, known as "the brightest one". Often equated with the goddess Issar PGP /Ištar PGP /Išhara PGP although considered to change sex depending its position in the sky. Harbinger of rain and fertility, except in conjunction with other planets TT , when it portended war and bad luck for the king. Its 8-year periodicity was well known in the Neo-Assyrian period. View in YourSky []
- Virgo (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT near the path of the moon, between Leo PGP and Libra PGP ; known in Assyria as "Furrow". View Virgo using Google Sky [] | View in YourSky []
- Western Goddess (deity)
- A designation of Ištar PGP .
- Westland/West (place)
- Assyrian Amurru PGP ; an archaic name for Syria.
- Wolf (heavenly body)
- A star in the Plough PGP (Andromeda) constellation TT . View Andromeda using Google Sky [] | View Andromeda in YourSky []
- Worm (heavenly body)
- A star or constellation TT , perhaps Hydra? View Hydra in YourSky []
- Ya'iru (person)
- A West-Semitic name, possibly based on the verb "to enlighten": A leader of the Gambulu PGP tribe, considered to be in charge of several among the fifteen deserters apprehended by the governor of Der PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Yabru (deity)
- An Elamite god.
- Yadi (person)
- "Known"; a West-Semitic name. Sheikh TT of Yakimanu PGP during the reign of Esarhaddon.
- Yakimanu (people)
- A Mannean PGP tribe.
- Yakin (person)
- Meaning unknown. Members of the Bit-Yakin PGP ("House of Yakin") tribe in Babylonia were often called "son of Yakin", referring back to the tribe's ancestral founder.
- Yakinlu (person)
- "May Lu establish!"; a West-Semitic name. King of the Phoenician PGP city of Arwad PGP , a contemporary of Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal. He became Assurbanipal's vassal after the conquest of Egypt PGP in 664 BC.
- Yaṣar (person)
- West-Semitic name based on the verb "to form, to fashion": Dignitary who, with his family, seeks to evade king Esarhaddon by going into hiding in Babylonia PGP .
- Yašubu (place)
- A region of northern Babylonia PGP to the north of Der PGP .
- Yašuh (place)
- A town in Bit-Hamban PGP on the Diyala PGP river, location unknown.
- Yata'-ilu (person)
- "God has saved", an Arabic name: Either this man or a son or associate of his dispatches a messenger from Bazu PGP to Birati PGP with a report for king Assurbanipal.
- Yaya (person)
- Meaning unknown; an Urartian PGP name: An alternative name of Rusa PGP II, king of Urarṭu PGP .
- Yoke (heavenly body)
- A constellation TT now considered part of Boötes, near Virgo. View Boötes using Google Sky [] | View Boötes in YourSky []
- Zaba (place)
- The Upper Zab and the Lower Zab PGP are the two principal tributaries of the river Tigris PGP .
- Zababa (deity)
- The city god of Kiš PGP , equated with Ninurta PGP .
- Zababa-eriba (person)
- "Zababa PGP has replaced": Military officer active in the war between Assurbanipal and Šamaš-šumu-ukin PGP in Babylonia (652-648 BC); first in the service of Šamaš-šumu-ukin, after his desertion on the side of Assurbanipal, apparently after assuming the identity of the murdered recruitment officer Remanni-ilu PGP .
- Zabadu (person)
- A West Semitic name based on the verb "to give": Official at Akkad PGP , involved with the reorganization of the cult of the Lady of Akkad PGP under Esarhaddon.
- Zabidu (person)
- A West Semitic name based on the verb "to give": Father of a son; details unknown.
- Zabinu (person)
- A West Semitic name based on the verb "to buy": Messenger of king Esarhaddon.
- Zagros (place)
- A major mountain range running some 1,500 km from northeastern Iraq to the Persian Gulf; home to many tribes and kingdoms in Assyrian times.
- Zakir (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "to mention": [1] Exorcist TT and uncle of the exorcist TT Nabu-šumu-lešir PGP , both in the service of Esarhaddon. [2] Astrologer TT reporting regularly to Esarhaddon. [3] Son of Damqu PGP , head of an influential family in Babylon allied with Bel-eṭir PGP of Bit-Ibaya PGP .
- Zanaki (place)
- City in Babylonia PGP with links to the Gambulu PGP and the Damunu PGP tribes.
- Zaqiqu (deity)
- The god of dreams.
- Zari (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "offspring": Son of Nadin-apli PGP , priest of Šamaš's PGP temple in Assur PGP under Esarhaddon and/or Assurbanipal.
- Zarpanitu (deity)
- The divine consort of Marduk PGP , supreme god of Babylon PGP .
- Zaza (person)
- A name of unknown origin and meaning: Wife of the scribe Tarṣi PGP from Guzana PGP , sister of the priest Adad-killanni PGP , mother of a son in the employ of the dignitary Aššur-zeru-ibni PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Zazaki (person)
- See Zazakku (person).
- Zazakku (person)
- "Registrar": His sons are among the victims of the chaos erupting at Assur PGP following the murder of Sennacherib PGP .
- Zer-Issar (person)
- "Seed of Ištar PGP ": Chief of public works, a member of Esarhaddon's court.
- Zeriya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "seed": Father of a son; details unknown.
- Zer-kitti-lišir (person)
- See Nabu-zer-kitti-lišir PGP .
- Zeru-iddina (person)
- "He has given offspring": Mentioned in one of Esarhaddon's extispicy TT queries regarding Cyprus PGP .
- Zeru-ken (person)
- See Zeru-kinu PGP .
- Zeru-kinu (person)
- "The seed is firmly established": [1] Mentioned in a denunciation to Esarhaddon, apparently as a member of the chariotry. [2] Ally of the traitor Ṣillaya PGP , an enemy of Assurbanipal.
- Zeruti (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "seed": [1] Royal bodyguard of Esarhaddon. [2] High temple official at Der PGP .
- Zerutiya (person)
- Abbreviation of a name containing the element "seed": Man from Babylon PGP , an opponent of Ṣillaya PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon.
- Zeru-ukin (person)
- "He has firmly established the offspring": [1] Father of La-baši PGP from Uruk PGP ; reign of Esarhaddon. [2] Uncle of a patient treated by the exorcist TT Ana-Nabu-atkal PGP .
- Zikku (place)
- A town in central Assyria PGP , possibly modern Yaramga. View location using Google Earth []
- Zineni (person)
- An Elamite name: High-ranking Elamite who rallies support in the Sealand PGP for Nabu-ušallim PGP against his brother Na'id-Marduk PGP , Esarhaddon's governor there.
- Zizi (person)
- Meaning unknown: Haruspex TT in the service of Assurbanipal, working as a team with Dannaya PGP .
Content last modified: 21 Jan 2025.